Fireball XL5: The Incredible...

By CaptainThunderWho

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By the 2060s, space travel had become an easy feat for man to explore the universe he lives in and understand... More

Scene 1 - Fireball XL5 Introduction
Scene 2 - This Is Space City
Scene 3 - Professor Matic
Scene 4 - Planet 62
Scene 5 - The Return Of The Subterrains
Scene 6 - Sabotage In The Air
Scene 7 - Launching Fireball XL5
Scene 8 - Taking The Survivors
Scene 9 - Who Are They?
Scene 10 - Good Work
Scene 11 - Non-negotiation
Scene 12 - We Must Find More E7
Scene 13 - Diplomatic Meetings
Scene 15 - Ending Treaties
Scene 16 - Herbaccum
Scene 17 - Using Your Weapons
Scene 18 - Reporting Back To Space City
Scene 19 - Planet 99
Scene 20 - Trapped In A World Of Robots
Scene 21 - Robert To The Rescue
Scene 22 - Handing Over The Power
Scene 23 - A World Of Infinite Mazes
Scene 24 - The Beast
Scene 25 - The Time Wheel
Scene 26 - How's Steve Getting On?
Scene 27 - Breaking The Ice
Scene 28 - Invasion From Outer Space
Scene 29 - Something Wrong
Scene 30 - Forcefield
Scene 31 - Licence Suspended
Scene 32 - Space City Facilities
Scene 33 - Unstoppable
Scene 34 - Matic Energy
Scene 35 - Hostage
Scene 36 - Fireball XL5 Pursuit
Scene 37 - Our Weapons Will Annihilate You
Scene 38 - Battle Of The Skies
Scene 39 - Fireball

Scene 14 - The One Place In The Universe That Will Tell Us

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By CaptainThunderWho

We open back up to see Fireball XL5 zooming through space on its trip to Herbaccum. This then cuts inside to the spaceship where we see Steve Zodiac and Robert the Robot inside the control room. Zodiac has returned from the main lounge to return to duty, and takes up his seat again. We will cut away to Robert to see Zodiac sit down in his place.

Steve Zodiac:

Ok Robert, I'm back on duty. I just went for a bit of rest in the relaxation bay for when we will be arriving at Herbaccum. I'm guessing there's nothing to report whilst I've been away.

Robert the Robot:


We hear the Professor in the Navigation Bay, contacting the control room.

Professor Matic:

Steve, we are approaching the Subterrain radius of Planet 46. We must divert our course within precisely the next two minutes before we invade their territory.

Steve Zodiac:

Good idea, Professor. Switch course, Robert. Starboard 039 degrees.

Robert the Robot:


Fireball XL5 then veers off to the right. We see the Professor in his lab.

Professor Matic:

Funny old, Robert. You might say he's the most advanced robot ever devised. Built by of course yours truly. He, he, he, he. And his positronic brain. Maybe I should consider making him fully automated to make him a thinking, living being. Now that sure is a task I can complete.

We cut back to the control room in Fireball XL5. Venus arrives. The Professor's voice is heard on the radio.

Steve Zodiac:

You still making a fuss of Robert, Professor?

Professor Matic:

I have every right to, Steve. Robert is my own baby.

Dr. Venus:

Yes, we gathered from that Professor considering how rightfully protective you are over, Robert.

We cut to the Subterrain's base, and on their monitor, they show the vicinity of their planet. It marks the crafts that are in sight of their planet, which Fireball has avoided, but is still detected to be "near" their space as opposed to "in" it. The Subterrains are not the best pleased by this. The white mark of Fireball XL5 is shown at the very tip top of the monitor.

Subterrain 1:

An Earthman's spaceship is edging across our space. A World Space Patrol vessel. Scan that vessel.

We see the light continue to be traced from the scanners. Details of the craft are picked up on a ticker paper printed out from the main console. The second Subterrain reads it aloud.

Subterrain 2:

World Space Patrol vessel Fireball XL5. Trajectory from Earth calculates course for planet Herbaccum. World Space Patrol spacecraft has altered its course for our space to avoid us.

Subterrain 1:

Well... this proves, that they are on their way to the planet Herbaccum. To find a new form of drug for themselves. Or to form a chemical formula. A chemical formula...

Subterrain 3:

If Steve Zodiac and his friends are interested in the planet Herbaccum, then so are we. Why are they on their way to Herbaccum?

Subterrain 1:

Yes. Yes!

We cut to Fireball XL5's interior, where we see Steve and Robert piloting their ship. Dr. Venus stands behind Steve. A radio call transmits into the ship, we hear the voice of the Subterrains.

Steve Zodiac:

We better be ready in case the Subterrains find that we are trespassing over their ground. We know how hostile and aggressive they can really be like. Even if they claim to be friendly now and are doing good deeds for people.

Subterrain 1:

This is the Subterrain Space Rescue Service. You are entering a restricted corner of the galaxy. We must ask you to return to your planet immediately to ensure our security will not be compromised. Please acknowledge this transmission.

Steve Zodiac:

Subterrain Space Rescue Service, this is Fireball XL5 of the World Space Patrol from Earth. You may fully understand that we are not treading over your ground, but we are merely passing over. We do not wish to harm your organisation or Planet 46, and wish to run your organisation without interruption.

Subterrain 1:

World Space Patrol vessel, we will not repeat ourselves. You have violated into a restricted area of space. Turn yourselves back around, or we shall take action against your vessel.

Steve Zodiac:

Is that a threat I take it?

We cut to the Subterrain base.

Subterrain 1:

It is, Steve Zodiac! It is!

Then the camera returns to Fireball XL5.

Steve Zodiac:

You're being unreasonable now. Your computer programs are wrong, and maybe you didn't build them right when you set up your so-called Rescue Service. Moreover, you are supposed to be a team dedicated to helping those in the universe and maintaining harmony across all beings. Or have you returned to your callous ways again?

Subterrain 1:

Turn back, Zodiac! Or be obliterated!

Steve Zodiac:

You better think twice about what you're doing. We have full authority in black and white to come as we please. You know that. Where is your licensed proof of legitimacy?

Subterrain 1:

We shall destroy you, Steve Zodiac! And your Earth space vessel with it!

Steve Zodiac:

That's really rattled their cage. Maximum power, Robert. Let's get out of here. Hold on, Venus.

Fireball XL5 quickly veers over to its right. In the control room, the first Subterrain fills himself with rage.

Subterrain 1:

Launch, missiles. Target them for Fireball XL5.

One of the missiles from the planet's ground elevates up to point into the sky. These are the same missiles the Subterrains have previously used in stories such as the pilot episode.

Subterrain 2:

Missile homed in on Fireball XL5.

Subterrain 1:

Then, attack!

KABOOM! The missile blasts off on its ramp and zooms up into space. We see Fireball XL5 continually shooting through space before we cut to the Navigation Bay, then to the control room.

Professor Matic:

Steve, I'm picking up a missile on the Astroscope coming from Planet 46. It looks like a homing missile.

Steve Zodiac:

Right, Matt. Taking evasive action.

Fireball XL5 spins around again, and then we cut to the rocketing missile zooming through space and altering its trajectory. It then launches in the direction of the escaping Fireball XL5. The Subterrains watch the rocket's progress on their monitor.

Subterrain 2:

They cannot escape the missile! Nothing can! They will be destroyed!

The rocket then blasts faster and faster. Fireball XL5 tries dodging it to shake it off, but the rocket keeps pursuing it.

Steve Zodiac:

We can't shake it off. We can't shake it off.

Fireball XL5 keeps zooming through space, with the rocket closely followed behind.

Dr. Venus:

It's catching up on us fast, Steve.

Steve Zodiac:

It sure has.

Dr. Venus:

Why don't we use the hyperdrive to escape from it?

Steve Zodiac:

I'm not sure we will be able to get rid of it, Venus. It will still be able to follow our position.

We cut to the Subterrain monitor, showing the missile closing in. They laugh with great enjoyment.

Subterrain 1:

Ha, ha, ha, ha, ha. Our missiles cannot be halted. Impact now one minute!

The missile comes closer and closer to Fireball XL5, blasting faster and faster every second. Matt holds onto the revolving table as Fireball soars through the universe.

Steve Zodiac:

Impact now fifty seconds. Venus, now what I'm about to do might be absolutely crazy, but you just have to trust me on this.

Dr. Venus:

Ok, Steve. What are you going to do?

Steve Zodiac:

When that missile is in closer range, we are going to launch our own missiles.

Dr. Venus:

But Steve, we will be too close to the radius of the explosion.

Steve Zodiac:

We've no other way of getting rid of this thing, Venus. Stand by with the Interceptors, Robert!

The Subterrains watch eagerly at the imminent destruction of Fireball XL5.

Subterrain 1:

Thirty seconds!

The missile comes closer and closer! The interceptors are released from Fireball XL5.

Steve Zodiac:

We have to get the angle precisely on target.

The missile approaches closer again!

On my mark, Robert!

Subterrain 1:

Twenty seconds!

Fireball XL5 then spins around in the other direction.

Steve Zodiac:


The missiles are fired, as the craft, as it spins around 180 degrees, finishes a full 360 degrees turn and blasts away to escape the incoming missile! They prepare to collide with one another.

Subterrain 1:

Ten seconds!

The sets of missiles will collide with each other!

Steve Zodiac:

Let's get out of here before we really are caught in the blast!

The missiles prepare to collide! The Subterrains on their monitor see the two coming together.

Subterrain 1:


The missiles collide!

Steve Zodiac:

Watch out!

KABOOM! KABOOM! KAROAR! KAROAR! Fireball XL5 is sent hurtling forwards out of control, throwing Steve, Venus, and Robert forward into the controls. Professor Matic is sent flying from his chair and is thrown against the wall. CRUNCH! He lands on his arm, breaking it from the immense force he is thrust upon the wall, and his own body weight as a result of it. As Fireball XL5 spins away out of control, Steve is able to stabilise the craft, and they take a massive sigh of relief.

Phew. Are you ok, Venus?

Dr. Venus:

Fine thanks, Steve. Well done. We're alright.

Steve Zodiac:

Yeah. Seems as though those tedious test runs with Fireball's missiles were put to good use.

Dr. Venus:

That's right. It does pay off in the long run as we said. We should be out of their range now entirely, right?

Steve Zodiac:

Sure thing. I doubt they'll try that again. Not how far we are from Planet 46 we've ended up from. Wait till Space City here's about this. In the meantime Robert, remain present course for Herbaccum.

Robert the Robot:


Steve Zodiac:

How are you down there, Professor?

We see the Professor in the Navigation Bay against the wall wincing in pain from his broken arm.

Professor Matic:

Ugh. Ugh! Steve! Steve! My arm! I think it's broken! Ugh! Oooh! Argh! Uh!

Steve Zodiac:

Professor? Professor!

This then cuts back to the control room.

Get out to the Navigation Bay, Venus. The Professor sounds like he's in a lot of pain.

Dr. Venus:

Ok, Steve.

She then quickly leaves to help the Professor.

Steve Zodiac:

In the meantime Robert, we continue course to the one place in the universe that will tell us exactly what we want. The answer to finding more Novax Castrol E7...

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