Fireball XL5: The Incredible...

By CaptainThunderWho

956 5 2

By the 2060s, space travel had become an easy feat for man to explore the universe he lives in and understand... More

Scene 1 - Fireball XL5 Introduction
Scene 2 - This Is Space City
Scene 3 - Professor Matic
Scene 4 - Planet 62
Scene 5 - The Return Of The Subterrains
Scene 7 - Launching Fireball XL5
Scene 8 - Taking The Survivors
Scene 9 - Who Are They?
Scene 10 - Good Work
Scene 11 - Non-negotiation
Scene 12 - We Must Find More E7
Scene 13 - Diplomatic Meetings
Scene 14 - The One Place In The Universe That Will Tell Us
Scene 15 - Ending Treaties
Scene 16 - Herbaccum
Scene 17 - Using Your Weapons
Scene 18 - Reporting Back To Space City
Scene 19 - Planet 99
Scene 20 - Trapped In A World Of Robots
Scene 21 - Robert To The Rescue
Scene 22 - Handing Over The Power
Scene 23 - A World Of Infinite Mazes
Scene 24 - The Beast
Scene 25 - The Time Wheel
Scene 26 - How's Steve Getting On?
Scene 27 - Breaking The Ice
Scene 28 - Invasion From Outer Space
Scene 29 - Something Wrong
Scene 30 - Forcefield
Scene 31 - Licence Suspended
Scene 32 - Space City Facilities
Scene 33 - Unstoppable
Scene 34 - Matic Energy
Scene 35 - Hostage
Scene 36 - Fireball XL5 Pursuit
Scene 37 - Our Weapons Will Annihilate You
Scene 38 - Battle Of The Skies
Scene 39 - Fireball

Scene 6 - Sabotage In The Air

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By CaptainThunderWho

We open back at the mine's impressive exterior. This then cuts away to the first Subterrain sneaking up to the back wall of the mine's infrastructure. With a device to open up the power box, he places the steel entrance down onto the ground to begin fiddling with the delicate apparatus. One of the Savox miners catches him.

Savox Miner 2:


The Subterrain turns about, being caught red-handed. The miner holds a massive drill in his hand, prepared to use it against the intruder if necessary.

Who are you? What do you think you're up to?

Subterrain 1:

I am an engineer have been employed to adjust the control mechanism of the mining from orders of the Rimpan people.

Savox Miner 2:

What? I haven't heard anything about this. We're supposed to be the ones running the outfit. Not outside companies.

Subterrain 1:

Ask your superior. He would have received instructions from your masters. The ones who are employing me to carry out the maintenance work.

Savox Miner 2:

Ok. Sure.

The miner leaves. Once out of sight, the Subterrain begins disconnecting some of the wires and pipes, or at least loosening them.

Subterrain 1:

Ha, ha, ha, ha. Stupid imbecile. Now, with these short circuited wires and pipes, when the drilling become uncontrolled and at a critical level, combined with the instruments to return the drill to a controlled, safe level will not operate. And with the disintegrator gun further destroying the controls, the circuits will fuse up. It will obliterate the foundation in no time at all.

We see the destructive work the Subterrain has completed, loosening critical components to the interior workings of the mine. This then cuts to see the main control area again where the head miner proudly watches the work being done by his minions. The Savox Miner who saw the Subterrain returns to his boss.

Savox Miner 2:

Sir, are we supposed to have other employees working with us at the mine?

Savox Miner 1:

Huh? What are you talking about?

Savox Miner 2:

I saw a green skinned bloke taking apart a hatch who said he was gonna do some maintenance.

Savox Miner 1:

What? Don't you know it's only supposed to be us working here in this establishment?

Savox Miner 2:

Well he said he had been employed by the Rimpas and that you knew about it.

Savox Miner 1:

Oh. Had I?

Savox Miner 2:


Savox Miner 1:

We better see this wise guy out.

We see both of them leave. Once gone, no one is left to man the supervision of the main drilling site. The Subterrain pokes his head in and sees the control console in the room. Without being noticed, he fires the gun at the console. ZZZZZAAAMMM!!!! POW! BANG! KABOOM! BANG! The Savox miners see the console blowing up, squawking and snarling in fear at the flames of the fire. The Subterrain who sabotaged the controls escapes, laughing. The other Subterrain begins escaping too. The workers inside the control room begin fleeing like chickens to escape, making snorting sounds in terror. The two Savox miners head around to see the other Subterrain, who was now gone.

Alright. Where is this guy then?

Savox Miner 2:

Here he is. Or he was.

Savox Miner 1:

Oh really, punk!

Savox Miner 2:

Well, I mean boss, the panel has been opened up. That weren't me who did it. Honest, boss. I swear.

They hear the squirming and screaming of their fellow miners back the way they came.

Savox Miner 1:

What gives? What have those dumbos done now. I can't leave somewhere without you guys getting up to something cooky.

The two of them run back to the main area. We see the controls have stopped working, and the drill in the mine accelerating dangerously through the crust of the planet. The two miners return and hear the unstable rumbling of the drilling.

Savox Miner 2:

What's happening?

The controls read that the drill has gone out of control and needs to be controlled quickly. We see the other miners scurrying away from the site as the rumbling worsens and worsens, screaming and squirming as they run for their lives. The first miner tries to control the instruments but fails to do so.

Savox Miner 1:

I can't stop her! I can't stop her! She's going down! She's gonna blow!

The drill keeps breaking through the crust of the planet. DDDRRRRRRRZZZZZZZ!!!!!!

I can't hold her! I can't hold her! Run for your lives!

The two miners begin charging out and running down the hill to escape with their fellow minions. The planet will destroy itself if the drill breaks through to the core of Savox. DDDDRRRRRZZZZZZ!!!! As the unstable shaking continues, the two Subterrains run from the site too in the other direction as the Savox Miners, back in the direction their hideout was. They laugh and cackle again.

Subterrain 1:

Ha, ha, ha, ha, ha. This planet and everyone on it shall be totally obliterated. War will be inevitable! The original settlers of the planet will blame each other for this! Ha, ha, ha, ha.

Subterrain 2:

But unlike the Savoxians, we shall be aboard our vessel to begin the next stage of our plans. Ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha.

We see the rumbling mine beginning to gently sink into the ground as the camera shakes erratically. This then cuts to the Slumpa Skarva in his room as previously seen. He relaxes in it until Wrafgh quickly comes to him.


Excellency, terrible news. Our satellites detect that the drilling site that mines our Castrol E7 has had a disastrous accident.


What? Go on, Wrafgh.


It is those evil Rimpans I tell you. They have done this. The site was sabotaged! The drill has gone out of control and is sending itself into the inner core of the planet Savox. It will blow itself up very soon and take all our Novax Castrol E7 and our miners with it!

This cuts to the Rimpans on their own planet. We see Kasak's terrible reaction in the same room we saw him and Josiah in. It is Josiah who tells Kasak the terrible news. The camera begins by seeing Kasak, then zooming out to reveal him and Josiah.


What? All our Novax Castrol E7? And the miners with it?


That is what our readings are picking up, Kasak.


Those two-faced, big headed, fat-bellied, twisted, evil Slumpas! Is there nothing we can do to save the miners and stop the drill from here?


Nothing at all. Without setting ourselves onto Savox after countless ages of our peoples, we dare not make a move or our enemies will take our action as a sign of aggression.


They have already done this to us, and to themselves! I don't know what we should do. We have all been doomed to death! What can we do to save ourselves now?

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