Bounded To You (Star-Crossed)

By Al_Noodzi

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[Book 3] You have given me something that makes others envious of, they would die to have, and some live and... More

Chapter 1 - Parallel Circumstances
Chapter 2 - Reacquainted
Chapter 3 - Haunting Past
Chapter 4 - Immortality Threatened
Chapter 5 - Anamneses
Chapter 6 - Pain of Love
Chapter 7 - Unidentified Threat
Chapter 8 - Imminent
Chapter 9 - The Journey
Chapter 10 - Trapped
Chapter 11 - Unforeseen
Chapter 12 - Allay
Chapter 13 - Sliver
Chapter 14 - Destiny
Chapter 15 - Uncertainty
Chapter 16 - Uncontrollable
Chapter 17 - Confessions
Chapter 18 - Scars
Chapter 19 - Eternal Slumber
Chapter 20 - Contemplation
Chapter 21 - The Curse
Chapter 22 - Healing
Chapter 23 - Retreat
Chapter 24 - A Touch
Chapter 25 - Past Demons
Chapter 26 - Family
Chapter 27 - Control
Chapter 28 - 910 Years Long
Chapter 29 - Possession
Chapter 30 - Guilt & Blame
Chapter 31 - Agonizing Love
Chapter 32 - Therapeutic
Chapter 33 - Wyatt
Chapter 34 - Melting Snow
Chapter 35 - Beginnings
Chapter 36 - Surprises
Chapter 37 - Perplexed Mind
Chapter 38 - Agreements
Chapter 39 - Crossroads
Chapter 40 - Risks
Chapter 41 - Misery & Joy
Chapter 42 - Normalcy
Chapter 43 - Rift
Chapter 44 - Consequences
Chapter 45 - Blood
Chapter 46 - Return
Chapter 47 - Another
Chapter 48 - Overwhelmed
Chapter 49 - Unspoken words
Chapter 51 - Mine
Chapter 52 - Desires Of The Heart
Chapter 53 - Threat
Chapter 54 - Love Lost
Chapter 55 - Dealing
Chapter 56 - Repercussions
Chapter 57 - Dying Flame
Chapter 58 - Reason I Love You
Chapter 59 - Aftereffects Of Immortality

Chapter 50 - Fulfilling Dreams

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By Al_Noodzi


It barely took five minutes before Noah was rushing through the door, sweat still trickling from his forehead after his exercise with Blayth. He knelt in front of Lucius who was still covering his face, eyes cast down, breathing heavily, body trembling.

"Lu, what is it?" Noah asked, reaching over and placing a hand over Lucius's knee, only for him to flinch away, pulling his knees to his chest.

"He had a dream." Edmur filled in, "I think, a memory."

Noah thought back, his mind trying to recall a similar reaction from Lucius before he realized what it was that he'd remembered, making him gulp just as Lucius breathed shakily, "I-Is it t-true?"

"Lu..." Noah mumbled, his shoulder falling.

"Did it really happen?" Lucius asked, taking in a shaking breath, "Did he really..." Lucius choked on a broken sob before he muttered, "Oh god..."

Noah closed his eyes tightly, and as much as it pained him he said quietly, "Yes."

"Noah..." Lucius whimpered, curling around himself further. Noah reached to touch him again, but he pulled away, saying as he let his tears fall, "Don't touch me... please, just... I need a little space..."

"Okay." Noah mumbled, moving until he was seated beside him, leaning against the couch on his side, eyes still on Lucius. He was quiet for a long moment, watching Lucius trying to calm his hyperventilation from his panic. He hated when Lucius's memories returned, they were always so fresh, making it seem like they just occurred, and he dreaded Lucius remembering that one thing from his previous life. He let out a small breath before he said, "Lu... I don't know if you remember, but the last time, it helped when I held you. Our bond, my feelings, they helped you a little. Let me help you, please." He said.

Lucius couldn't do it, his skin crawled with the feeling of that man's touch on his skin so fresh in his mind, as if it had just happened, feeling his throat tighten even more. "I can't... I feel sick..." Lucius said honestly.

"Please. Lu, please, I promise it will help you through this." Noah said almost desperately, feeling what Lucius was feeling, how much sorrow and hate he felt, how much disgust and self-pity, and more than anything, fear.

"J-...Just..." Lucius gulped, sniffling, trying to calm down but he felt horrible, the ache in his body even though it had happened years ago felt real. "I...c-can I j-just hold your hand.... Please?" Lucius pleaded as well, but Noah didn't protest. He'd do anything, even take those memories as his own if he could to rid Lucius of them. He held his hand out, waiting as Lucius hesitantly brought his to Noah's, and right before he touched his hand, Noah poured his feelings into his chest, all his love and adoration. Everything he felt for Lucius, making the lightest of touches ignite Lucius's feeling as well, an overwhelming peace to settle in his heart, almost forgetting what had troubled him. Noah clenched his teeth hard when Lucius started weeping, tilting his head down further as he cried, trying hard not to move closer and just hold him.

"It'll be alright." Noah whispered, glancing at Edmur, "Can we please have the room for a bit?"

Edmur nodded without hesitation, getting to his feet along with Mel who picked up the books on the couch, bringing them along as they moved into the kitchen. "It's like when Cole would have a nightmare." Mel said, her eyes on the words in the book, but unable to read any. "It has to do with my father, doesn't it?"

"My guess would be yes." Edmur sighed.

"Perhaps it is best not to mention this to Cole." Mel said.

"Not to mention what to Cole?" Cole asked as he walked into the kitchen, followed by Blayth.

She stiffened, glancing at Edmur for help. "Lucius had a memory." Edmur replied honestly, "Not sure what it was, but he was panicking."

Cole looked at him with a frown for a bit before his features grew stoic as he looked towards the library doors, muttering, "Oh."

"Oh what?" Blayth asked.

"You shouldn't pry." Cole merely said, going to the fridge and grabbing a cold drink before taking two more and heading to the door that linked the dining room to the library.

"Maybe you shouldn't either." Blayth said when he saw where he was going, guessing that Lucius was still in the library with Noah where Mel had called him to earlier.

Cole ignored him, entering the library before going to the coffee table, sitting on it which had Noah look at him as he handed him a beer, placing the other two next to him, sitting quietly there for a moment before he said, "Lucius, you were brave. You didn't stay. You didn't let him hurt you. You left right after. I don't know how much you remember, but the bastard is dead, good riddance."

Lucius wiped his tears before he glanced at Cole, swallowing thickly, trying to stop anymore sobs from escaping him. "How do you-..."

"Know?" Cole asked, giving him a small smile, "You do remember that we are cousins right? That man. That bastard, your uncle, he was the man who made me. I will never call him father again, that I vowed. You saved me from him. You saved Benjie and Mel from him." Lucius's eyes grew wide, fear coursing through him at the thought that crossed his mind. "Don't look so scared. He didn't get a chance to hurt Benjie or Mel. You got us out of there. Do not linger on the past, Lucius. Even if it is stuck in your mind right now. You are stronger than that. What he did was horrible, but you made it through worse. You are a survivor. This is merely a dent in your life, it doesn't define you." Noah smiled at Cole, thankful to him, and thankful that Lucius's words had stuck with him and helped him get through the same thing in the past.

"Cole..." Lucius whimpered.

"Don't cry over it. He isn't worth your tears, Lucius." Cole said, "Don't give him a second thought. Don't give him a time of day or spend any of your time even thinking about that filth. I envied you when you first came here. You didn't remember. But then I was grateful you didn't, that it was completely out of your head. That you didn't have to think of it anymore. I wished you never remembered what that horrible animal did."

"He did it to you too, didn't he?" Lucius asked, his head tilting to the side, a deep frown set on his face, a new set of tears escaping his eyes, "Oh god... he did it to you..."

"It doesn't matter anymore. I do not speak of it, because it is not who I am." Cole insisted, "You helped me understand that too." He smiled at Lucius then, saying, "Whatever it takes, I will do everything in my power to help you just like you did for me so long ago. Understand that I am here for you."

Lucius didn't want to cry, he didn't, but it was still so fresh in his mind. He choked on another sob, but couldn't hold it. He didn't resist his urge that time to be close to Noah, leaning to his side and falling into Noah's arms. Noah held him back without second thought, clutching him close as he whispered sweet nothings to him, making sure nothing but his love made it through his bond to him.

A few days passed, but Lucius was still affected by his memory. He had isolated himself almost completely. Noah barely managed to talk him into at least staying with him at night, so he'd be there when he had a nightmare.

Noah headed to their room, a mug of tea in his hand as he entered the room, closing the door behind him before he walked up to where Lucius was seated on the windowsill, legs drawn to his chest, arms around them, chin over his knees as his eye lingered on the view outside, Shadow laying down close to him on the ground, picking up his head to look at Noah when he entered.

Noah sat in front of Lucius, just then noticing his reddened eyes, a glister of tears still in them. He held the mug out, making Lucius finally glance at him. "Lazarus made it. He said this tea helps sooth or something. I wasn't really paying attention."

Lucius looked at the mug for a moment before taking it from him, holding it between his palms and letting its warmth seep into his body. His eyes watched the tiny leaves dance in the tea. He took in a strangled breath before letting it out, bringing the tea to his lips and taking a sip.

"What can I do?" Noah asked when Lucius went back to looking outside.

"Wipe my memory." Lucius muttered.

"Lu, you know-..."

"You can't. It isn't accurate. You might erase something else." Lucius sighed, repeating what Noah had already told him a few times in the past days.

"Something important like who you are." Noah said, "I swear to you I would have done it if it was safe."

Lucius gulped, a tear slipping from his eye, making him wipe it roughly. "I had another dream."

"You did?" Noah asked, feeling his heart constrict as he prayed it wasn't a bad one.

"You went with me. When we got them out of there. You were the one who killed him." Lucius said.

"He deserved a lot worse." Noah said, a deep frown set on his face.

"You were there." Lucius muttered again, his eyes falling to the tea in his cup, "You are always there. I am never alone because I have you."

"I promised to never leave you." Noah said, not understanding what Lucius was trying to say.

"Do you still want to marry me?" Lucius asked, looking up at Noah, their eyes finally meeting.

"I never stopped wanting it." Noah replied, clutching Lucius's hand when he reached for him, having been dying to hold him in any way, he let go of the hand for a second to get the ring from around his neck, placing it on Lucius's finger as he said, "I never stopped. But never take it off again, alright?"

"I won't. So let us do it." Lucius said, "It is almost the end of March, but the weather is still perfect. Let us do it. I want to be with you. I want to only have happy memories of us together. I want my joy of finally being with you to overpower any other feelings I might have."

Noah bit his lips before he breathed, "Are you sure? I don't want you to be doing this for the wrong reasons."

"No. My reason is you. I am sure. More than anything." Lucius nodded, "Even though a marriage isn't necessary for us. That it doesn't make that much of a difference, it is still something I want to do because of Eglar traditions. We should hold on to those traditions as much as we can."

"I agree if it gets me a husband." Noah said, finally getting a smile from Lucius, though it was a small one. Lucius's lips parted, about to say something before he changed his mind, looking away again.

"Tell me." Noah said, reaching over to tilt Lucius's chin, "I want to hear what you want to say. Don't hold back."

Lucius hesitated before he muttered, "I...I want to kiss you but..."

Noah smiled at that, his features softening as he said quietly, "How about I stay very still? You take the lead?" Lucius smiled back at Noah's attempt to encourage him, placing his cup on the floor near his feet before he got closer to Noah, their eyes meeting for a long moment as Lucius cupped Noah's cheek before leaning in. True to his word, Noah didn't move an inch, waiting for Lucius to be comfortable. Lucius's lips feathered against his before he leaned closer, pressing their lips to each other. Noah heard a whimper escape Lucius, which almost had him pull back. He stopped himself when he felt Lucius's hand grab the back of his head, holding him close as he kissed him a little deeper before he pulled back, his forehead against Noah's chin as he took in shaky breaths.

"I promise to try and get better by the time we are wed." Lucius muttered.

"You are perfect. You don't need to change a thing or try harder at anything." Noah said softly, grateful for even that amount of contact between them. He tilted his head, pressing a kiss to Lucius's forehead.

That night Lucius lay on his back in bed, blanket clutched in his hands over his chest as he stared at the ceiling, barely visible with only the moonlight that seeped through the windows, his vision made worse by the blur of tears.

Noah couldn't sleep, because of the feelings reaching him from Lucius, and also because of the sniffles leaving Lucius as tears trailed down his cheeks. He felt the tug of his lips as they turned down at the corners. He couldn't help it, he felt horrible that there wasn't much he could do for Lucius. All he could do was keep the distance between them as they lay down to sleep which felt like miles away. It took everything in him to hold himself back from just grabbing Lucius and holding him until he'd cried himself to sleep.

"N-Noah..." Lucius muttered through his tears in barely a whisper, bringing back Noah from his thoughts, "I don't want to remember anymore..." Noah stayed quiet as he thought that perhaps Lucius would finally talk about what was keeping him up at night, the reason his tears seemed endless. Lucius knew that Noah wasn't sleeping, knew he never did unless he himself was asleep. He could see the exhaustion in his eyes for the past few days. "I don't want to see his face when I close my eyes. I don't want to feel his touch..." Lucius's voice cracked as he spoke, his fists tightening around the blanket, "I don't want to feel him holding me down... or hear his voice, or remember the scent of his clone, or the stench of his breath... Noah, help me..."

Noah clenched his teeth, trying to hold back from weeping himself at being so useless. He tilted his head to the side, his eyes falling on Lucius's glistering cheeks where his tears continued to fall. He took in a breath before he moved a little closer, seeing Lucius tense up making him whisper, "Stay still... just... give me a chance to help you, alright?" Noah's hand reached for Lucius's cheek, fingertips feathered against it as he wiped his tears away before muttering, "I won't hurt you, love."

"Don't make me fall asleep... please..." Lucius asked brokenly, thinking Noah would cast the sleeping spell on him.

"I won't." Noah said, hoping what he had in mind would work. It somewhat helped the last time when Lucius had remembered his past. Noah leaned up on his elbow, looking down at Lucius who seemed to shrink further against the bed. "Trust me." Noah muttered, leaning closer, "Look at me. Only me, alright? I am the one here with you." Noah breathed, and for a second his eyes turned red, but Lucius couldn't see it in the dark, and they disappeared right when the light on the bedside turned on, making him grimace at the sudden brightness. Noah held back the frown he felt coming on at how bloodshot Lucius's eyes were. "Do you see me?" Lucius gulped before he hesitantly nodded. "I won't hold you down. I will just be here. With you. You control everything, alright?" Lucius wasn't sure where Noah was going with his words as he nodded again, not sure he could hold himself back from sobbing if he spoke at that moment. Noah let a small smile tilt his lips as he whispered, "I love you, fiancé." With that he leaned closer, his breath feathering against Lucius's skin for a moment before he closed the gap between them, letting their lips touch so softly it made them tingle.

Lucius's hands moved from the blankets to wrap around Noah's arms instead, conflicted between pulling him close and pushing him back. His hands trembled and Noah felt it, making him pull away and look down at Lucius whose eyes were filled with tears still, his breath panting, eyes focused on Noah's chest.

"Look at me, love." Noah whispered, titling Lucius's chin until their eyes met, a few more tears fell from Lucius's eyes which had him lean down again, this time his lips pressed to Lucius's tear soaked cheek, wiping them away with his lips. "I won't hurt you." Noah repeated, his lips trailing down Lucius's cheek, kissing along his jaw before slowly descending to his neck, slow and gentle as he kissed him, caressed his skin with his lips, his hands on either side of Lucius, clutching the blanket to keep from touching Lucius just yet. He wanted to ease him into it. He felt Lucius shiver when he reached the base of his neck, felt his hands slipping from his arms only to go around him. It made Noah pause for a moment to stop a choked whimper from escaping his lips. After so many days of keeping his distance he craved to be held by Lucius.

"D-don't stop talking to me..." Lucius muttered the plea.

"White roses." Noah breathed, placing another kiss against Lucius's collarbone, "Bound in an arch." He added with another kiss, "Red robes. Eglar robes." Noah breathed against his skin, unbuttoning the shirt he wore as he kissed the column of Lucius's neck again. "You, standing there. So beautiful. Waiting for me to walk together. I am late as usual." Noah said, trailing his kisses down Lucius's slowly revealing chest, feeling the tremble of his body under him, "You are angry but then you see me, and you smile brilliantly." Noah continued, "My mind is on getting it over with so I'd get you in bed." Noah paused at Lucius's navel, glancing up at him to see his eyes shut tightly. He took Lucius's hand in his, bringing it to his lips before kissing his palm, "But you had me write vows." Lucius's eyes fluttered open before he glanced down at Noah, "There you are." He whispered, "Stay with me." He added before continuing, "You laugh when I say my vows because they are cliché."

"S-sounds like you..." Lucius breathed, his hand cupping Noah's cheek making him smile.

"You still like them." Noah argued, going back to kissing down Lucius's body, looking back at him when his fingers lingered on Lucius's pants. Lucius frowned, reaching to grab Noah's hands as he felt his heart pounding fiercely in his chest. "Let me help you." Noah repeated. Lucius gulped, another set of tears falling from his eyes before his hands slowly loosened around Noah's as his urge to get the help Noah offered outweighed his fear. He let Noah pull his pants down, Noah kicking his own off so Lucius wouldn't feel exposed alone. He kissed up his knee, inner thigh until he reached his waist again, not touching the part that didn't seem to have been affected by his touch yet. His hand moved up his other thigh before dipping between his legs, touching his cock gently as he said, "And I have something planned for that night. A surprise for you." Noah said, looking up to see the stiffness in Lucius slowly dissipate, making him lean up, lips hovering over Lucius's as he looked down into his eyes, hand still pumping Lucius's cock as he whispered, "I've been planning it for a while." He let a small smile touch his lips as he said, "I am sure you will love it. It will be my wedding gift to you, love." His lips kissed the corner of Lucius's lips as he added, "I can't wait to call you my husband." Lucius's eyes fluttered, his back arching as he reached for Noah's wrist, but nothing would stop Noah now, helping Lucius slowly ascend to his climax made a shiver run down his back as he whispered against Lucius's lips again, "Open your eyes. Look at me."

Lucius moaned Noah's name as he parted his dazed eyes, the tears in his eyes getting their chance to escape when he did, trying to look at Noah through his climax proved difficult, his eyes kept closing, his head wanting to press further back against the pillow as his body spasms in release. Noah grabbed his pants, wiping the mess before he pulled the blanket over them while Lucius slowly gained his senses, his breath calming down. "Noah..." he breathed, his hands wrapped around one of Noah's arms as he held on to him.

"Right here, love." Noah whispered, kissing his cheek as he wrapped his arms around him, holding him close, "Never letting go of you again."

"Okay..." Lucius muttered tiredly.

"Okay." Noah said, one of Lucius's hands still clutched his arm, the other had his fingers dancing across the back of Noah's hand that rested on his chest, his barely open eyes focused on the ceiling again. A few minutes later Noah asked, "What are you thinking?"

It took Lucius a moment before he said, "How lucky I am to have you."

Noah smiled, mumbling back, "I am the lucky one, Lu." He pulled him closer as he said, "Get some sleep. We can talk in the morning."

Lucius snuggled closer, mumbling after a yawn, "Make love to me in the morning..."

Noah let out a small tired laugh as he said, "If you're still up for it by then, I will be more than happy to." With that he placed a kiss against his temple, the two of them slowly drifting off to sleep.

Lucius woke up with a gasp, sitting up abruptly the moment he did, shaking as his eyes looked around the room frantically, jumping the moment Noah's hand touched his arm. He was about to get up from bed when he realized that he had nothing on but an unbuttoned pajama shirt. His breath trembled as he pulled the hems of the shirt together before he went to the bathroom, Noah's voice reaching him as if he was underwater as he called for him.

Lucius leaned against the sink, taking in deep breaths to calm his heart before he turned on the water, gathering some of it in his hands and wiping it over his face. He heard Noah knocking, calling his name, asking if he was alright. "I'm fine! I just need a second." Lucius said, shutting his eyes tightly. Lucius turned around when he heard the door unlock and open, making him grab for a rob that hung near the sink, wrapping himself in it. "God damn it, Noah! Does space mean nothing to you?! There is a reason I locked the door!"

Noah sighed when he saw Lucius, "I needed to make sure that you were fine." Noah said.

"I told you I am."

"Telling me is different than seeing it with my own eyes." Noah said in return, "Stop pulling away from me whenever I try to help you."

"Then stop barging in when the door is locked!" Lucius returned before he dropped his eyes, holding the robe with one hand as the other covered his lips.

"Lucius." Noah said much softer, "Don't pull away from me. I know these memories are hard to deal with. It might feel like the first time for you, but I have helped you through them many times before. Trust me."

Lucius's arms wrapped around himself tighter as he muttered, "They're all bad...the memories."

"It was the same the last time." Noah told him.

Lucius gulped, looking at Noah again as he asked, "When will it stop?"

Noah let out a breath before he replied, "On your twentieth birthday."

"A whole year and a half?" Lucius's frown deepened.

"Lu..." Noah muttered, holding his hand out, "Let me help you, please?"

Lucius hesitated before taking a few steps towards Noah, grabbing his hand but felt it wasn't enough, moving closer until he had his arms wrapped around Noah's waist. "Help me how? You can't stop the memories. It is impossible to erase them. So how?"

Noah tightened his arms around him, one hand running through Lucius's hair as he muttered, "By being here. By holding you when they are horrible memories. Telling you it will be alright. Reminding you that there are just as many, if not more, good things to remember that almost shadow the dark ones."

Lucius held Noah for a while longer before he pulled away, wiping his eyes as he muttered, "Sorry for crying all the time."

"Lu, you can cry all you want if it will make you feel better after." Noah told him, his thumb wiping Lucius's tears. Lucius sighed, not meeting Noah's eyes. Noah thought it better to change the subject as he said, "How about we go have breakfast? I am sure everyone would like to see you since you've been cooped up in this room for days."

Lucius stepped back before he muttered, "Maybe... I'll shower first."

"Alright." Noah nodded. That was as close to an agreement that he got in the past week. Noah got dressed as he waited for Lucius to finish his shower. When he got out his eyes were red, making Noah frown before turning away, not wanting Lucius to see how upset he got when Lucius was crying. He waited for him to get ready before they both went down for breakfast, everyone having already gathered in the dining room where breakfast was ready.

"Lucius." Lazarus greeted with a smile, "How are you feeling?"

"Good, thank you." Lucius said as he sat down, sighing as Noah placed a few things on his plate before doing the same with his own.

Noah started eating before noticing that Lucius was merely moving his food around his plate. He didn't want to say it out loud, deciding to stay after everyone was done to make sure Lucius ate. He felt a headache coming on as Lorena and Blayth started arguing, having been doing so for the last few days.

"If you'd only listen to reason." Lorena said with a glare across the table at the redhead.

"You reasoning is stupid, Ren." Blayth replied.

"Stupid how? I only want what is best for you."

"Stop interfering with my life! It is none of your business what I do." Blayth said heatedly.

"It is, moron. Who do you whine to when things go bad?" Lorena argued.

"Shut up." Blayth said before looking back at his food as he asked, "Can I drop her as a sister?"

Lazarus parted his lips to scold the two of them when Noah's fist banged against the table, his eyes glaring at the two as he said, "Enough already! We get it, you love to fight! But enough is enough! This had gone far enough and for what? Unless you are arguing about something important, shut it!" Noah said, "We don't want to hear it! You have been going at each other for five days and it has gone too far! There are much worse things to get upset about and what you are doing is not helping any-..." Noah stopped talking, his rigid body slowly relaxing when Lucius's hand covered his hand on the table. Noah's eyes dropped to his plate, a deep frown set on his face.

"Sorry. He hasn't been sleeping well." Lucius said quietly to the others before turning to Noah, "How about we get some fresh air?" Noah gulped, nodding without lifting his eyes from his plate, getting up along with Lucius who walked with him to the library and out the back door before taking a seat on the bench there. They were quiet for the longest time, Lucius waiting for Noah to calm down before he asked, "Am I the reason you are so upset?"

Noah's hand tightened around Lucius's as he said, "I wish there is more I could do."

"I know I am not making it easy." Lucius said, eyes lingering on the lake, "But you being around is enough believe me. Now tell me what I am doing that is really upsetting you."

Noah hesitated before he muttered, "Not upsetting me... it's..." Noah sighed before he said, "It's hurting me."

"Noah, what is it?" Lucius urged him on.

"When you are crying... it's painful seeing you so sad. I... I hate that I can't do anything about it. Lu, I know I pretend that I have it all together but I don't. I really don't." Noah breathed.

"I know." Lucius said, making Noah look at him with a frown. Lucius smiled softly as he said, "I know, love. Did you forget that this bond goes both ways? I know what you feel." Lucius looked at their hands as he said, "I know what you are feeling when I pull away from you. I swear that I am trying not to, but sometimes I can't help it. It is like a reaction, you know. Like when someone slashes at you with a sword and you duck?" Lucius asked, his eyes lifting to meet Noah's, frowning. "It is not like I want to. What I want is to hold you, that is the reality I want. But for right now, it is kind of difficult. I don't want to hurt you, I am trying not to. I am trying not to cry so much." Lucius's head nodded as he bit his bottom lip before he muttered, "Please be patient with me?" Lucius gulped as he reached over, hand against Noah's cheek as he muttered, "I don't like to see you cry either."

Noah closed his eyes, making more tears escape his eyes as he said, "It is hard sometimes not to just hold you. It is hard not to kiss you. Lu, it's been years since I had you, and how long now since you've returned? In all that time I've only had you for what? A couple of weeks before it all went downhill again? Why the hell is everything against us being together? Why is it so hard? Why is love not enough?"

"It is for me." Lucius told him, "I swear that nothing gets me through the hardest times of my life like your love does. Noah, I am fine because of it. Of you. I need nothing else. And who said you don't have me? I have been yours since that day we met in the throne room, my love." Noah gulped, trying to hold back his tears but it had been a while since he let himself feel anything around Lucius, so as his tears fell he leaned forward, and Lucius didn't hesitate in wrapping his arms around him, pulling him closer until Noah's head was against his shoulder as he cried. "I swear I will get better. If not for myself then for you, Noah. Just don't give up on me." Lucius repeated.

"Never." Noah whimpered, his arms wrapping around Lucius as well, holding him close, as close as he could, his heart aching to be with him.

Lucius took Noah's hand in his own as they walked back into the dining room, some about to get up as they'd finished their breakfasts, Cylus and Wyatt just getting there and taking a seat. Lucius stopped at the door, making Noah glance at him with question.

"I was serious before." Lucius said, smiling lightly at Noah, making him wonder what he was talking about. "You are all I need. All I want." Lucius then turned to the rest, saying, "Can you wait a second." Everyone about to leave paused, turning to him, "I have an announcement-..."

Before Lucius got to finish, Blayth asked, "What is it?"

"If you let me finish then-..." Lucius started but Blayth cut in again.

"Don't tell me! Are you pregnant?" Blayth asked seriously.


"Noah is pregnant?" Blayth asked in more surprise, "Oh god, I will be an uncle? What am I to do?" Blayth went on blabbering, making everyone glare at him, Lucius turning to Noah with an almost desperate look that had Noah raise one hand, his eyes turning red as a piece of bread flew into Blayth's mouth as he spoke, successfully shutting him up, making him glare at Noah as he muttered around the bread incoherently.

"Thank you." Lucius said, turning to the rest before glaring at Blayth, "AS I was saying..." he started, a smile tilted his lips at the thought before he spoke it, "Noah and I decided that we are getting married."

Blayth plucked the bread from his mouth as he said, "Close enough."

"Blayth." Noah said warningly.

"Alright, alright. I will shut up." Blayth shrugged.

"When?" Tobias asked.

Lucius turned to Noah, bringing his hand to his lips and kissing the back of it before he met his eyes, smiling sweetly as he said, "Two days."

Noah gulped, smiling back as a small frown caressed his eyebrows. "Why two days though?" Blayth asked.

"Ren needs a dress." Lucius said over his shoulder, chuckling before he turned around, "She'll kill me if I don't give her enough time."

"True." She shrugged, smiling, her heart fluttering with happiness for her brother.

"The yard needs to be set up." Lucius added, "Noah and I will need Elgarian robs." He then turned to Noah asking, "We should make sure the crest of Delafontaine is on them, right?"

"Yours. Mine should have the Abel family crest." Noah said.

"And I should have time to prepare my son's wedding cake." Lazarus said, and when Noah looked at him, he saw the wide smile of pride on his face. "And if you truly want to follow Eglar traditions, we should have a grand dinner the night before."

He smiled back as he said, "My old man is right."

"Don't call me that." Lazarus protested, but nothing could take away his smile at that point, "At least one of my children is making me happy." He said as he turned to Ren.

"It is not my fault my brother is an overachiever." Ren shrugged, laughing as she got up, picking up her plate and kissing her father's cheek as she passed him by, mouthing to Noah behind her father's back threateningly, 'Revenge'.

Noah laughed, his earlier thoughts, everything that had weighed on his mind lifted at that point. He was happy. He barely remembered the last time he felt so joyful. He glanced at Lucius discussing their clothing with Tobias, asking him if he could use his alchemy to make them. Noah felt it through their bond, even though unintentionally, even though he knew Lucius partially announced it for him, Lucius had taken his own mind off of the memories that had been plaguing him.

"No." Blayth protested when they were retiring to their rooms that night, grabbing a hold of Lucius's arm and dragging him away from Noah, "Traditions, remember?"

"Traditions between a man and a woman." Lucius argued, frowning.

"Don't be a moron." Ren said, "It's the same."

"Wait!" Lucius protested, dragging his arm away from Blayth.

Blayth held a finger in front of his face as he lectured, "Two days that is it. Two days are not that long of a time to spend away from each other. Besides, it builds suspense." He winked.

Lucius glared begrudgingly before he groaned loudly, turning to Noah who had a smirk on his face, shrugging his shoulders in defeat. Lucius rolled his eyes before he went to Noah, cupping his cheeks as he said, "Kiss me."

Noah chuckled as he did as told, placing a gentle kiss on Lucius's lips, still worried about startling him, or making him remember his memories. "I love you." Noah whispered to him against his lips, his hands grabbing a hold of Lucius, but the two were interrupted by Ren and Blayth who again protested.

"Two days!" Blayth repeated as he dragged Lucius away, with the brunet looking over his shoulder towards Noah who waved at him as he called out 'Sweet dreams' as Lucius walked away. Blayth left Lucius at the room he'd been in since he came back to them, saying when Lucius turned to look at him, "Behave. I don't want to hear about you breaking tradition and finding you in Noah's room in the morning."

"Blayth, you are over the top sometimes." Lucius glared.

"You will thank me after those two days, promise." Blayth smirked.

"Can you tell me now what your fight with Ren is about?" Lucius asked, changing the subject.

"Nothing important. She is just involving herself in things that are not her business. Usual for her." Blayth shrugged, "Get some rest, we have a lot to do tomorrow. We barely got anything done today."

Lucius sighed, but didn't protest as he went to his closet where most of his clothes still were, opening it for a change of clothes when he heard the door closing. After showering he changed and went to bed, turning off the lights before he did so. He turned off the nightlight on the nightstand, but only for a moment before he turned it back on, a frown on his face as he looked around the empty room, thinking it was so dull without anyone in it, no voices, not even the sound of someone breathing except himself. He sighed, his eyes falling on his ring, fidgeting with it as he leaned against the pillows.

After his announcement at breakfast everyone was fussing around, waiting to be told what their role would be. Ira and Wyatt took the yard decorations with their magic; Tobias their outfits; Ren decided she'd help with the food when Liam told her nicely that he didn't want her to bother with something so beneath her, not mentioning her cooking skills, or lack thereof. So Liam and Leon were helping Lazarus out in the kitchen; Blayth took it upon himself to make sure everyone followed traditions, Ren following his lead, even though they were still arguing; Mel and Edmur decided on handling the ceremonial things from the vows and such; Cole and Benjie offered to help where they could.

Lucius couldn't help but notice how Logan seemed put out by the entire thing. Perhaps their engagement was a completely different thing than actually getting married in his books. But he said nothing, merely didn't offer to assist with anything, and it was fine. Because, Lucius thought with a smile, his entire family was there and it was more than enough, maybe a little over the top. But as Lucius glanced around the room, his smile slowly turned into a frown. Because he was surrounded by people the entire day, his mind taken off of what was bothering him by thoughts of his wedding, he had not had a chance to think about it, his memories, that now, alone in his room, without even Noah nearby to keep him company, he felt the hairs on the back of his neck stand. He wasn't sure why he was scared still, even though he knew the man was dead, he still had the ominous feeling that he'd walk through the door at any second, repeating his violent act.

He found himself hating how his memories returned, how torturous they were as he relieved them as if they just happened. Taking in a shaky breath he turned the ring around his finger one more time, remembering that there was one more thing he needed to ready before the ceremony. His heart rate suddenly skyrocketed when he heard the doorknob moving, then a click as it opened, he felt himself tremble as his eyes, wide with fear watched the door slowly opened, making him think back to his uncle, and as it opened, expecting to see the man's face, he saw Noah's instead, checking the hall before getting in and shutting the door, as if having snuck there.

He turned to Lucius, a smile on his face, his lips parted in what seemed like a joke but he stopped when he noticed the look on Lucius's face, making him frown instead. "Lu, what's the matter?" he asked, going to his side and cupping his face right away, thumbs caressing his cheeks, "Why are you crying?"

"I-I'm f-fine..." Lucius stuttered, pulling back to wipe his eyes, "I'm fine. I... I just realized that I don't like being alone."

Noah stared at him for a moment longer before he asked, "Can I hold you?" Lucius looked back at him, and after a bit of hesitation he nodded, Noah slowly wrapping him in his arms, a hand caressing his hair as he whispered, "We don't have to listen to Blayth. It is our day, we get to decide what we want. Not everything has to be according to tradition. That is actually what I came here to tell you." Noah let a small chuckle leave him, even with his heavy heart at the way he found Lucius, he wanted to take his mind off of it again, wanting him to go back to his happiness from that day. "The room is so empty without you there."

Lucius's arms wrapped around Noah, gently at first, but they grew tighter as Lucius buried his face against Noah's neck, "Okay."

"So will you come back to our room?" Noah asked, "Will you sleep beside me tonight? And the rest of our nights together?"

"Yes..." Lucius whispered brokenly.

Noah tilted his head against Lucius's, his hand still brushing through his hair, "I love you, Lu." Noah said, about to pull away, wanting to look into Lucius's eyes, to kiss his brow, but Lucius's grip got tighter if possible.

"Don't let go..." Lucius breathed, making Noah hesitate, his grip on Lucius tightening as well when he felt the tears on his skin as Lucius's body trembled.

"I'm not going anywhere." Noah said, holding Lucius until he stopped crying before laying down beside him, still wrapped in his arms.

"Tell me about the gift you were talking about before." Lucius muttered sleepily.

"It's a surprise, Lu. It won't be much of a surprise if I told you about it, now would it?" Noah asked.

Lucius adjusted until he could look into Noah's eyes, instead of his head on his shoulder, saying, "Now I really want to know."

"In two days." Noah said, smiling softly as he grabbed Lucius's chin between his fingers, "I've waited 18 years to give it to you, you could wait two more days."

"No, I can't. You know I can't." Lucius grumbled as he placed his head on Noah's shoulder again, "Otherwise we'd be sleeping in separate beds for two days." Noah chuckled at Lucius's words, pulling him closer.

"Could say the same, but then again, I waited 18 years to give it to you."

"Stop saying that. It doesn't make a difference."

"Did you like the ring?" Noah asked, making Lucius sit up to look at him again in question, "When I proposed."

"Of course." Lucius nodded.

Noah smiled saying, "For that I waited a week. You could wait 2 days."

"You are the one who keeps saying not everything is a competition, so stop competing."

"It is not competing. I am just stating facts. How did you like the ring?"

"I loved it." Lucius said.

"Then trust me. 2 days will be worth the while."

"Now I'm more curious." Lucius glared.

"Well, you can keep trying, but I'm not ruining the surprise."

"Just shut it and sleep." Lucius grumbled, making Noah chuckled softly.

After a few minutes of just lying there, Noah asked quietly, "Are you sure you are alright sleeping so close?"

"I promised I'd get better." Lucius muttered sleepily.

"I don't want you to push yourself too far." Noah said just as quietly.

"There is always a first step, love." Lucius said, "I'll be fine. Besides, there are worse things in life than snuggling with you."

Noah chuckled, saying, "I'm glad you think so highly of me."

Lucius tilted his head, placing a kiss against Noah's chest with a small laugh, "I love you, and that's what matters, right?"

"Goodnight, Lu." Noah said with a smile as he closed his eyes, deciding the conversation was going nowhere.

"G'night." Lucius breathed, snuggling closer.


Ren sighed for the umpteenth time that night, making Liam roll his eyes, muttering, "Ren, let it go."

"I can't. You know I can't." Ren said, her hand still tangled in Liam's hair from where his head lay against her stomach, reading a book he held.

"It is not your issue to get involved with. If he doesn't mind it, then who are you to say otherwise?" Liam asked, only to whine when she slapped his forehead.

"I am his sister. And the last time I held back from saying anything, he ended up leaving for two months." Ren reminded, "I don't like it, Liam. The way he gets rough with him, it is just... it scares me sometimes. Leon wasn't like this. What do you think made him become this way?"

"Maybe that is what Blayth likes. We both know Blayth can get anyone to do what he wants. Especially Leon." Liam shrugged, placing his book down when she sighed again. He got to his knees as he turned to her, pulling her under him before he leaned close and said, "Let it go."

"No." She said stubbornly, making him raise an eyebrow.

"Ren, either you let it go, or I don't make sweet..." he said, kissing her lips, "sweet love to you."

"Then don't." She glared.

"My god, you are stubborn." Liam rolled his eyes, falling to the side and staring up at the ceiling.

"Don't." She repeated, straddling her waist as she said, "Let me." Smirking down at Liam who smiled at her.

"Should've known. A bossy woman like you likes to take the lead."

"Do you have a problem with it?" She asked teasingly, leaning in for a kiss only to pull away before their lips touched.

"No. Not at all. Take the lead." Liam chuckled, making her pull his pants down, him helping her. She then grabbed his length after taking off her own clothes, lining him up between her folds, then lowering herself on top of him, burying him within her, moaning loudly as she did before she started rocking her hips, her eyes falling on him gazing at her, as if she was the most precious thing in the world.

Liam reached up, cupping the back of her neck as he pulled her in for a kiss, his other hand cupping her breast, massaging it between his fingers, making her arch her body against his, hips still moving, as were his, pushing up into her. They slowly built up their momentum until they reached their climax, gasping against each other's lips, draining every last bit of release from the both of them. "You are so beautiful..." Liam breathed, hand brushing down her long hair, pushing it out of her eyes before kissing her again, her body still on top of his.

"I know." She stated, making him laugh.

"I wish I gave in to wanting you long, long ago." Liam told her, smiling as she pecked his lips.

"I was out of your league." She stated, "Made the nerdy healer weak at the knees, didn't I?"

Liam laughed, muttering, "I was hesitant. But apparently that nerdy healer is what you wanted yourself."

"I didn't think I wanted the nerdy healer as much as I do now." Ren breathed against his lips, "So, ready to go again?"

Liam rolled his eyes, saying, "Seriously? You don't need a break?"

"You should figure out a combination of herbs that could keep you going." Ren rolled her eyes, "Seriously, useless nerdy healer."

"Can we stop calling me nerdy healer?"

"Did it hurt your feelings?" She asked, her finger trailing down his jaw, "Maybe I could make it up to you..." she breathed, reaching between them before her hand grasped his still sensitive cock, pumping it until he grasped her wrist, hissing.

"I need a minute, woman. Do you plan to kill me?" Liam asked.

"Sweet death, just as sweet as the love itself." She chuckled before letting go, laying down next to him, her lips not leaving his neck as she nibbled on it, her hand caressing against his chest. "Hmm... delicious..."

"I knew that one day you'd be the death of me." He rolled his eyes, laughing as her hands didn't stop fondling him, making his cock harden faster, much to her pleasure.


The next morning Blayth went to talk to Noah about their preparations when he didn't find him in his room. He groaned loudly before turning around and marching to Lucius's room, tossing the door in and making it slam against the wall with a loud bang as he exclaimed, "Unbelievable!"

Lucius startled out of his sleep, sitting up abruptly with a fearful look in his eyes as he glanced at the source of the sound, breathing heavily with his hand still on Noah's chest where it had rested as he slept. When he saw Blayth, he felt a slight relief wash over him, but then his hands reached for his face frantically before he climbed out of bed, running to the bathroom.

"What the hell, Blayth?!" Noah yelled as he shoved the blanket away, rushing after Lucius, "Get out!"

Blayth frowned, his eyes on the bathroom door where Lucius ran, "Is he alright?"

"Leave!" Noah shouted as he went into the bathroom, seeing Lucius touching his face before he tossed his shirt, looking at his chest in the mirror, lifting his right arm high and dropping it as if checking if it was alright. A heavy sigh of relief left Lucius, feeling his body tremble from the startle he woke up in. "Lu..." Noah said softly, calming himself down as he walked up to Lucius, fearing that he'd scare him if he moved too fast, but Lucius wasn't having it, turning around before wrapping his arms around Noah, holding him tightly. "What is it? What's the matter?"

"J-just another memory..." Lucius muttered, gulping down the knot in his throat.

Noah held him back, his hand running up and down his back to comfort him as he asked, "Which one?"

"Old memory." Lucius sighed, pulling back, his hand touching his left cheek.

Noah frowned, before Lucius could say a word, he placed his hand on Lucius's left cheek where Lucius's own fingers were, caressing it as he said, "Only the second time I'd failed you." Noah sighed, "Sorry, love. Sorry that you have to go through every time I have failed you over and over again."

Lucius looked at him with a defeated look as he said, "Not that." he then smiled sadly as he said, "Just that I had looked so-..."

"Beautiful. You are beautiful no matter what face you wear. Perhaps our fate is cursed, but not my luck in my lover's looks." Noah said with a smile. Lucius blushed, parting his lips to say something before he walked around Noah and out of the room, not knowing how exactly to respond. "Where are you going?" Noah asked.

Lucius stopped when he left the bathroom as he saw Blayth still standing there, wanting to make sure Lucius was alright. "To change." Lucius finally said, going to his closet. "I'm fine, Blayth. Those memories are just hard to deal with sometimes."

"Are you sure?" Blayth asked.

"I told you to get out." Noah said as he entered the room.

"Don't be rude, Noah." Lucius sighed.

"He bangs the door open and wakes us up as if the house was under attack, and I am the rude one?" Noah askes with a glare.

Lucius walked up to him, patted him on the chest as he passed him by, entering the bathroom, "Yes. Now both of you get out."

"Why me?" Noah asked.

"You have no clothes here, and you need to get ready for today. We still have many things to get done before tomorrow." Lucius said, closing the bathroom door behind him, but before it was completely shut, he said, "And Blayth, if you ever wake me up like that again, you will not like what happens."

Blayth rolled his eyes before letting a small sigh of relief leave him at seeing that Lucius was alright. He then walked out just as Noah was about to. Noah grabbed him by the scruff of his shirt as he said, "I could teach you a lesson for that stunt."

"Let go. I am not a child." Blayth said.

"My little brother is considered a child no matter how old he is. And secondly, if you don't want to be treated as such, then stop acting that way." Noah scolded, slapping him upside the head, "You will never do that again. At least not when Lucius is still remembering, it is hard for him to deal with it when he wakes up normally, let alone when someone forces him out of it by waking him up."

"Fine, I get it. But you shouldn't have broken the rules." Blayth glared.

"Blayth, we set the rules. He can't sleep alone because of his memories, and you should stop trying to force it." Noah said, making Blayth look at him doubtfully, "I don't want to argue with you, and I don't want to tell you how I found him last night after he thought he was spending the night alone. Just trust me on this. We will follow all the other shitty rules you come up with, just not this one."

"It's traditions, not rules I came up with. And besides you were the ones who wanted it to be traditional." Blayth argued before muttering, "But fine. For Lucius's sake, I will let this one go."

Noah snorted, "As if you had a choice. And this whole traditional thing is Lucius's idea. I couldn't care less, as long as it gets me Lucius as a husband and makes him happy. It is the only reason I don't mind it. Anyway, I was thinking, would you be my witness?"

Blayth stopped in his tracks, his lips parting in surprise before he muttered, "Are you serious?"

"Each of us needs one for the ceremony. You are my brother, who best to ask?"

"Of course I will do it!" Blayth said, a large grin on his face as he said it, "I will be honored. Can I also be your children's godfather?"

Noah let a small chuckle leave him before he warned, "You should stop joking about that. Lucius hates it."

"If only you two could have children. I would be an amazing uncle." Blayth said wastefully.

"Thank god we can't." Noah said as he walked to his room.

"What does that mean?!" Blayth yelled behind him.

"You would corrupt them." Noah shook his head, "Just the thought of having tiny humans that are a copy of you is terrifying." Noah said with a shudder, shutting the door before Blayth got a chance to argue. Blayth rolled his eyes again before going down to the kitchen to get breakfast.

After Lucius finished changing he went to the kitchen as well. He looked around for Noah, but couldn't find him before going to the table to grab an apple. "Blayth, where is Noah?"

"Donno. Left him in his room." Blayth shrugged.

"Lucius, I need your measurements for the ceremony. It has to fit perfectly." Tobias said, passing Lucius by to go to the dining table, "Let's do it after breakfast."

"Sounds good." Lucius nodded.

"Cole, would you help me? I will need you to do the same with Noah." Tobias said.

"I could handle Noah." Blayth said, "Ira said she would need an extra hand outside, and who better at design than Cole?" Blayth winked.

"I don't mind." Cole smiled.

"He's a good designer?" Lucius asked Blayth.

"You should see what he did to his room. After we saw it, we had him help us out in the rest of the rooms." Ren said as she poured herself another glass of juice.

"So the redecorated living room was him?" Lucius asked.

"Completely." Tobias said.

"You are exaggerating." Cole said, blushing lightly.

"Guess it runs in the family." Tobias said, "Without Benjie's designs, my creations wouldn't look so perfect."

"I'm the only one left out." Mel shrugged.

"You have a brilliant mind." Edmur said with a smile, "Very brilliant indeed."

She smiled back at him as she muttered, "Thank you."

"Anyway, why are you offering to help with Noah?" Tobias asked, remembering how he usually tried to slip away from anything that required any effort.

"He asked me to be his witness. Isn't it part of the job description?" Blayth asked.

"He did?" Lucius smiled, "I didn't see that coming."

"Why not? I am amazing. Besides, you two are making Lazarus walk you, so he can't do it." Blayth reminded him.

"First of all, way too full of yourself. Secondly, you are right. I should maybe find someone as well." Lucius said, trying to think.

"Good morning." Noah said as he walked in, hair dripping onto the towel he had on his shoulders.

"Why is your hair still wet?" Lucius asked with a frown, getting up and dragging Noah to the table, placing a plate in front of him before taking the towel and ruffling through Noah's hair with it. "Don't you know how to dry it? Seriously, sometimes you act like a child." Lucius scolded.

Blayth chuckled, saying, "Who's the child now?"

Noah glared at him, making him laugh nervously and look away. "Lu, It's fine."

"You'll get sick."

"I don't get sick." Noah reminded.

"Doesn't mean you get to make a mess out of your clothes." Lucius said, sighing as he placed the towel around Noah's hair. "Eat, we'll dry it later."

"It'll dry on its own." Noah mumbled.

"Stop arguing with me."

"Already like a married couple." Tobias said with a chuckle. "I'm done with breakfast. I will grab a few things and meet you in your room." Tobias said, kissing Edmur atop his head as he left the dining room.

"Dry your hair." Lucius said before turning around to leave.

"What are you two up to?" Noah asked.

"He's fitting me for my clothes." Lucius said, "See you later."

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