Bounded To You (Star-Crossed)

By Al_Noodzi

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[Book 3] You have given me something that makes others envious of, they would die to have, and some live and... More

Chapter 1 - Parallel Circumstances
Chapter 2 - Reacquainted
Chapter 3 - Haunting Past
Chapter 4 - Immortality Threatened
Chapter 5 - Anamneses
Chapter 6 - Pain of Love
Chapter 7 - Unidentified Threat
Chapter 8 - Imminent
Chapter 9 - The Journey
Chapter 10 - Trapped
Chapter 11 - Unforeseen
Chapter 12 - Allay
Chapter 13 - Sliver
Chapter 14 - Destiny
Chapter 15 - Uncertainty
Chapter 16 - Uncontrollable
Chapter 17 - Confessions
Chapter 18 - Scars
Chapter 19 - Eternal Slumber
Chapter 20 - Contemplation
Chapter 21 - The Curse
Chapter 22 - Healing
Chapter 23 - Retreat
Chapter 24 - A Touch
Chapter 25 - Past Demons
Chapter 26 - Family
Chapter 27 - Control
Chapter 28 - 910 Years Long
Chapter 29 - Possession
Chapter 30 - Guilt & Blame
Chapter 31 - Agonizing Love
Chapter 32 - Therapeutic
Chapter 33 - Wyatt
Chapter 34 - Melting Snow
Chapter 35 - Beginnings
Chapter 36 - Surprises
Chapter 37 - Perplexed Mind
Chapter 38 - Agreements
Chapter 39 - Crossroads
Chapter 40 - Risks
Chapter 41 - Misery & Joy
Chapter 42 - Normalcy
Chapter 43 - Rift
Chapter 44 - Consequences
Chapter 45 - Blood
Chapter 46 - Return
Chapter 48 - Overwhelmed
Chapter 49 - Unspoken words
Chapter 50 - Fulfilling Dreams
Chapter 51 - Mine
Chapter 52 - Desires Of The Heart
Chapter 53 - Threat
Chapter 54 - Love Lost
Chapter 55 - Dealing
Chapter 56 - Repercussions
Chapter 57 - Dying Flame
Chapter 58 - Reason I Love You
Chapter 59 - Aftereffects Of Immortality

Chapter 47 - Another

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By Al_Noodzi


The next day Lucius sat in the library on the ground, a notebook and a pen in hand as he scribbled down into it, a thoughtful frown on his face every now and then. Tobias was lying down with his head in Edmur's lap as the seer read a book, while Tobias had his eyes closed, intending to nap for the afternoon after an especially painful duel with Leon.

"Oh, yeah..." Lucius muttered, writing something else down before he looked to the ceiling in thought, then his eyes landing on Edmur as he asked, "Did I ever incarnate as a girl?"

Tobias chuckled before opening his eyes, turning to his side as he looked at Lucius's curious eyes. "Two or three times. Never was alive for long enough to come and be with us, but Blayth couldn't help but joke about it."

"He's a moron." Lucius grumbled before his eyes landed on the paper in front of him, his lips pressed before a blush crept on his face, "I can't believe I was a girl. It's not funny Tobias." Lucius said annoyed with the alchemist's continued laughter.

"It is, kind of." Tobias said, chuckling before he asked, "What are you writing anyway?"

"What I looked like in my previous lives... at least what I remember." Lucius answered.


"Because..." Lucius sighed, "I hate how my appearance continues to change with time. It's..." Lucius shook his head as he brought the pen back to the paper, "I don't want to talk about it."

"You sure managed to make that idiot fall for you every time." Tobias said.

"Huh?" Lucius looked at him with a frown, trying to not break his plan and keeping them in the dark about him remembering.

"Toby, shut up." Edmur mumbled, placing his book on Tobias's head and making him groan.

"What idiot?" Lucius asked, watching Tobias close his eyes, a small smile on his lips.

"Nothing." Tobias sighed.


Lucius was washing a dish he used for the vegetables he was cutting, humming as he did so. He suddenly froze, the dish falling with a loud sound into the sink but by a miracle not breaking as he gasped the moment he felt a body pressed against his back, arms trapping him on either side of him as they held onto the counter. He felt the warm breath against his skin before he heard the words that asked, "Do you really not remember me?"

Lucius felt his heartbeat race in his chest, and as much as he wanted to calm it, he knew he couldn't. Not with Noah so close. Not with the bond they shared. He pressed his eyes shut, taking in a deep breath through his nose to calm himself. He wanted to scream that he knew him, and that he loved him, but he didn't feel it was right, not fair to Noah, so he held back as he composed himself before saying, "Why would I lie?"

"I don't know, you tell me." Noah replied.

Lucius bit his lip hard before he managed to turn around, but Noah didn't move away, making them almost completely pressed against each other if Lucius wasn't leaning backward over the sink, furthering their lips apart, but even as he did so, his eyes fell on the lips he was so intrigued to kiss, to worship. He forced his eyes away, forced himself to hold back any feelings as he glared at him, the sweet feeling of his breath against his face making goosebumps rise on his skin but he hid it as he said, "You are in my space."

"Answer me and I leave you alone." Noah challenged.

"I said I don't remember you. Why don't you tell me why I should?" Lucius asked with an arched eyebrow, a hand over Noah's chest as he pushed against it lightly.

Noah stared him in the eyes for a long moment, on the verge of just spilling everything, but then he thought better of it and said instead, "Nothing in particular." Noah replied, finally letting go of Lucius, but not stepping out of his way until Lucius pushed against his chest a bit harder, moving around him.

"Stop messing around. It's dinner time." Lucius said, turning around and shoving a bowl in Noah's arms.

"Put this on the table." Lucius commanded, picking up another plate and taking it there as well.

"Sorry about that. Training is getting on my nerves." Noah mumbled as Lucius gave him another plate to place on the table.

"Forget it. Apparently you aren't the only one today." Lucius said, nodding towards the door where Tobias entered, seeming to be whining to Edmur who rolled his eyes as Tobias rubbed his shoulder.

"Still in pain?" Noah asked the alchemist.

"Damn Leon needs to take it easy. He almost broke my arm today." Tobias complained, taking a seat, but wincing once he did, his ribs seeming to be bruised as well.

"Damn Leon is making sure you don't get killed in battle." Leon countered as he went to the kitchen counter to help Lucius.

"Damn Leon is trying to kill me here and spare me apparently." Tobias glared at Leon who glared back as he walked to the table.

"But, Leon, seriously, take it easy on him. I am the one who has to deal with the whining after." Edmur said as he picked his glass up, making Tobias's glare turn into a pout as he laid his head on the seer's shoulder.

"Do I mean nothing to you? Is seeing me in pain alright with you?" Tobias asked. Edmur shook his head, but had an indulgent smile on his lips as he placed a hand on Tobias's head, caressing his hair while he sipped on his wine, yet ignoring Tobias's words.

"You seem to enjoy the whining." Blayth teased as he grabbed a slice of bread before seeing Lucius in the kitchen, his face seeming flushed. He went to him, standing next to him as he asked, "What's wrong?"

Lucius let a spoon fall before kneeling down to get it, pulling at Blayth's hand to get him to kneel down with him so they both would be hidden from the others as he said, "He cornered me."

"Who?" Blayth asked, confused.

"Noah! Keep up!" He hissed in a hushed tone. He took in a deep breath, placing a hand on his chest as he said, "I almost spilled everything. Oh god, I want to tell him..." Lucius shook his head, "My heart is still racing."

"Lucius, just tell him." Lucius glared at him, making him sigh, "He still doesn't know, does he?"


"Then ignore that it happened." Blayth said, watching the doubtful look in Lucius's eyes. "It will work, trust me. Just the rest of your plan is the part that I doubt would work."

"What are you two doing?" The two froze before looking up to see Lazarus standing behind them with an arched eyebrow.

"Fetching a spoon." Lucius said, holding it up.

"It takes two for the task?"

"We were arguing who got it first." Lucius lied smoothly, "You know how Blayth could be."

"Hey!" Blayth said, snatching the spoon from Lucius.

"See." He said, pointing a finger at Blayth who glared at him.

Lazarus laughed before he said, "You know this reminds me of when you used to trick your father and Emerson all those times you ran away from your study sessions."

"I'm not lying." Lucius said as he stood up, "What reason would I have to do so?"

Lazarus placed a hand on his shoulder as he said, "You are not as good at it as you used to be."

Lucius chuckled, winking as he said, "Could surprise you. Anyway, dinner is ready."

"Since when do you cook?" Lazarus asked.

"Had Leon prepare it. All I did was serve it. We wanted you to take the night off of mothering us." Lucius replied with a smile, "Now go and eat. Let us know if it turned out good or not."

"You speak as if you cooked it yourself." Lazarus said.

"Might as well. I was the only one cheering for him while he did." Lucius said seriously, making Lazarus laugh as he headed to the dining room.

Lucius walked around, preparing everything before taking the seat Blayth was about to sit in next to Leon, between the two. "Lucius, what is wrong with you? Why do you keep getting in my way?" Blayth demanded, hands on his hips as he glared at him.

"You get too touchy feely at the dining table, and it is uncomfortable when we are eating." Lucius said dismissively as he started to scope some food onto his plate, ignoring Blayth who glared, then grumbled in defeat when Lucius wouldn't move, making him find another seat. "So I was thinking..." Lucius said, making everyone look at him, "It's been a while since I came back, and I haven't gone out, not once in that time. And I bet you all haven't gone out in a while either, so why don't we have a night out?"

"Because it is dangerous." Lazarus said.

"But he is right." Blayth added, "We need a change. It has been a while. Besides, we do need a supply run."

Lazarus sighed, saying, "Then not everyone needs to go. Lucius stays."

"That's not fair." Lucius frowned, "I am bored, and it is becoming worse every day."

"Your boredom is not what is important here. Keeping you alive is." Lazarus countered.

"Don't be like that, Lazarus." Lucius argued, "I know how to use a gun, and everyone will be there."

"I'm out since I know Edmur won't go." Tobias said, taking another bite of his food. "We can't risk losing Liam, so he is not going either." Tobias added, "Atrabilious can't go because of Ruben."

"Ruben?" Lucius asked.

"You don't even know our enemies, Lucius." Lazarus sighed, "Ruben is a dragon killer. A commander of the undead soldiers. He is the man who killed you the last time. That is why I don't want you going."

"You are just coming up with new excuses. I want to go. You can't just lock me up." Lucius argued.

"Not happening." Lazarus said.

"The strongest here are Leon, Blayth, Ren, Cylus and... Noah?" Lucius asked Blayth as he turned to him, making him press his lips as he nodded, "Then they will join, and we will go out. We will get the supplies and come right back. I just need a breather, can I have that?"

"Open a window." Noah grumbled, ignoring the conversation.

"Not funny." Lucius glared, "If you don't want to go, you can stay." Lucius said to Noah who finally looked up at him.

Their eyes met for a long moment before Noah said to Lazarus while still looking at Lucius, "I will watch his back, father."

"Noah-..." Lazarus started saying before he got interrupted as Noah looked at him.

"We both know that those idiots will do something reckless if you keep objecting. At least this way we know what will happen and where they will be. So now, where exactly are you planning to go, and don't say a supply run." Noah asked Lucius and Blayth.

"A bar down the street, right before town on the highway." Blayth told him before Lucius could get a chance to lie.

"We have drinks here-..."

"A change, god damn it, why can't you understand that?" Lucius cut off Tobias, getting frustrated at everyone shutting down his plans.

"Then I too will go." Logan said, surprising Lazarus. "I was here the last time we lost Lucius, and this house was not the same until he returned. So I want to make sure nothing happens to him so things stay the same. It bothers me when things change, and it upsets Ray."

"I have no feelings." Atrabilious muttered, but Logan didn't say anything to contradict him, instead just placed his hand over the dragon's.

"If Logan and Noah will be there then fine." Lazarus sighed.

"Yes." Lorena said excitedly before she blushed and looked around, "I mean, I will make sure to keep him safe."

Lazarus glared at her as he said, "Don't mess around and drink too much."

"Don't worry." Lorena waved him off, "So does this mean Liam can come too?" she asked hopefully.

Lazarus looked at the healer, then sighed, "I guess he deserves a break." Liam smiled, but wasn't able to thank him when Lorena screeched and wrapped her arms around the healer who laughed at her enthusiasm.

"Can I go?" Cole asked Lazarus.

"Everyone else is, so why not?" Lazarus shrugged with a sigh, "Just be careful. All of you." he said to them when he saw Cole high five Benjie, Lorena and Mel already scheming on what they were going to do in excited whispers.

That night after everyone was ready they met outside, having to take three cars made Tobias stand outside waiting for them, threatening them to take care of his creations as Benjie promised he wouldn't let them harm their cars.

They left soon after, going to the bar Blayth had mentioned, and once there they got a booth, dragging an extra table to accommodate all of them before they started ordering. The place slowly started to fill up, but not with as many people as Lucius hoped. He got up, saying that he was getting a few drinks before heading to the bar.

"What would you like?" The bartender asked.

Lucius paused for a second before leaning over the bar as he said, "First, answer a question."

The bartender smirked back at him as he said, "Depends on the question."

"Does this place get more customers, or is this it?" The bartender chuckled at the question.

"That's not what you really wanted to ask."

"No." Lucius said, "What I wanted to ask is if you were married."

"No." He replied.

"Why not? You must be, what? 24? People around here get married at a young age, so what are you waiting for?" Lucius asked.

"The right one?" The bartender replied, "Not really sure. Never gave it much thought." He shrugged.

"Can I ask something else?" Lucius asked.

"Shoot." The man said.

"If someone walked in here with a gun, what would your reaction be?" Lucius asked.

"You don't happen to be talking about yourself, now would you?" The man asked.

"I don't have a gun." Lucius said, placing his hands on his waist as he said, "As you can see. So, what would you do?"

"I wouldn't tell you where I hide my gun, but I have one handy just in case of such a scenario. I would make him get out of here, or shoot him if he insisted on causing problems in my bar."

"Your bar?" Lucius asked.

"This place is mine." He nodded.

"Another question." Lucius said, the man nodded, "What do you think of that?" Lucius asked, pointing at where Blayth had grabbed the back of Leon's head, kissing him heatedly in the corner of the booth they were at.

"To each his own." He shrugged.

"What about what other people say?" Lucius asked, stiffening when he heard a hand slamming against a table, rattling the glasses on it. He turned to see three men standing at their table, their voices slowly getting louder as they reached him.

"Take this fucking obscenity out of here! May you burn in hell, you filth!" Lucius stood up from the stool he'd settled in quickly, about to rush there when he saw Blayth teasingly touching Leon's chest to challenge them men.

"Maybe we will meet there, then." Blayth teased, making Leon sigh.

The man fumed, his hand on his waist, grabbing for something when Noah's hand grabbed his wrist, saying something to him that had the man glaring at Noah just as Logan stood up from the other side of the table. Lucius went to them quickly, turning around when he heard the bartender say aloud, "If you do not get out when I reach 5, I will shoot."

Lucius cursed as he saw the rifle in the man's hand, pointed at their table. "Finally someone with some sense." The man Noah had a grip on turned to Blayth saying, "You heard him, get out."

"I was talking to you." The bartender said, making the man turn to him, "Everyone is free to do as they please, but not cause trouble. Those are the rules of this place. You don't like it, leave and never come back. Simple, isn't it?"

"How can you allow such abominations to be here?!" The man questioned in rage.

"It's their sins to commit. You are not the one to decide who burns in hell." The bartender shrugged, "3 seconds. 3. 2..." The bartender cursed when another of the group pulled out his gun, aiming it at him, but didn't get the chance to shoot as he was tackled down by Logan, followed by the other one being tripped as Logan landed on the ground, Blayth getting up to help, they ended up tossing the three outside before thanking the man at the bar. "I am here to make sure my customers enjoy their night." He merely said.

The night went on from there, Lucius offering up a few he thought Noah might like, Blayth helping out and getting glares from Noah the entire time. Eventually, tired of their attempts, Noah went to the bar to take a break from them.

"Is everything alright?" The same bartender asked, leaning over the counter when he saw the look in Noah's eyes after he served him.

"Thank you, for earlier." Noah said to him.

"You're welcome. Now tell me what is bothering you." The man insisted.

"The one I love is trying to set me up with another." Noah said with a bitter smile.

"How come?" The bartender asked.

"He doesn't remember us." Noah muttered, his finger trailing the edges of the glass.

The bartender frowned as he said, "Worse way to lose someone. You remember everything and they don't know who you are."

Noah finally raised his eyes to meet the bartenders as he asked, "You've gone through that?"

"My father, but I imagine it is worse with someone you love." He answered, then frowned as he asked, "You said he?"

Noah smiled, replying, "I will not apologize for loving another, be it a man or a woman."

The bartender raised his hands in submission as he said, "Hey, I am not judging. Just many fear speaking on loving the same gender at this time and age. As you have seen earlier. I admire those who don't care what others think actually." He then placed a finger on his lips as he rested an arm against the bar saying, "Don't tell anyone, but I find myself staring at men sometimes. It is wrong by many standards. I wasn't raised to be this way, but I can't change who I am, no one can, now can they?"

Noah let out a breath of a laugh as he said, "No they can't."

"Your friends don't seem to mind it either." The bartender said, tilting his head towards where Leon was leaning towards Blayth again.

"They've been together for years." Noah admitted.

The bartender stared at Noah for a while longer as the knight's eyes lingered on the table behind him, making him finally ask, "Which one is he?"

Noah turned back to him with a frown as he asked, "What?"

"Which of them is the one you love?" He asked again.

"I don't even know your name." Noah said with a small smile.

"Robert, but you could call me Rob. Everyone does." The man replied, "And yours?"

"Noah." He answered, "He is the one with the contagious laugh. He is sitting next to my sister there." Noah said, pointing over his shoulder.

"He is staring at you." Robert said, "Smiling actually."

"Maybe he thinks his plans of setting me up are succeeding." Noah said.

"He seems sad." Robert said quietly, his tone changing, "Perhaps hiding something even."

"I think he is pretending not to remember." Noah said, unintentionally revealing his feelings, "Possibly trying to find someone to take care of me in case he wasn't here. That's who he is, thinking of others, taking care of others before himself. It annoys me... but it is also so endearing. Or maybe it is what I wish is happening. This is the first time this happens. Him not knowing who I am."

"You truly do love him, don't you?" Robert asked.

"He is the love of my life." Noah muttered, staring at the bottom of his glass with a pained smile, "I cannot survive without him, and cannot be with anyone else but him."

"Must be painful." Robert guessed, making Noah glance at him with a smile.

"I want to do what he wants. He wishes, and I make it come true. But I don't want to be with someone else. That is one wish of his that I don't think I could help him with." Noah said, not sure why he was telling the stranger in front of him all of that.


"Lucius, what is it?" Blayth asked him when he saw the unsure look in his eyes as he averted them from Noah who was talking to the bartender.

"Nothing." Lucius said, sighing before he folded his arms on the table, placing his chin over them.

Blayth frowned, getting up from where he was next to Leon and settling down next to Lucius instead, muttering quietly, "What is it?"

"It's harder than I thought it would be." Lucius mumbled, his voice muffled by his arms when he pressed his lips to them, "I don't want to let go of him, but this is what is best for him. We are meant to say goodbye to each other. The sooner the better, right? But god, this is so much more painful than I thought it would be."

"You don't have to let it happen." Blayth said, placing a hand on his shoulder.

"Looking at him with someone else makes it harder, but I don't want to be the reason he cries anymore. I don't want to be what makes him hurt." Lucius confessed, "I love him... I truly do, and it is enough for me to let him go, for his good. For him to be happy, this has to happen. I will not stop loving him, but I will be damned if I let him hurt for any longer."

"Is it worth it?" Blayth asked, glancing over to where Noah was, smiling at the bartender in a way he hasn't done with anyone for a while.

"Yes..." Lucius said brokenly.

"I am selfish. I wouldn't let something like this happen. I wouldn't let Leon fall for someone else no matter what happened. If I died before him, I would haunt him." Blayth admitted, laughing softly before he glanced at Lucius who raised his head enough to look at Noah now laughing at something the man before him said.

"I used to make him laugh. Now all my existence manages to do is scare him, hurt him, and worry him. I'm fed up with that. I don't want him to write his journals of loneliness anymore. I want him to live, and this is the only way I could think of to help him do that."

"How did you know he would start talking to that guy anyway?" Blayth asked.

"He's blond." Lucius chuckled, "I think he likes blonds."

"I think it's the green eyes." Blayth said quietly, his eyes with Lucius's staring at Noah and the man he seemed to be talking to, a lot more than he spoke with any of them.

"He can read people." Lucius said, "When I spoke to him earlier, I noticed that. Just had to make it so Noah would think it wasn't me pushing him towards the guy."

"He's kind of like you." Blayth said, "Reminds me so much of you back when you were a prince."

"No. He's not." Lucius said with a sad smile, "He won't hurt Noah, and that is what is important here."

"You are being hard on yourself." Blayth muttered quietly, bumping his shoulder against Lucius's, "But don't you think it would still hurt him when the guy grows old and dies?"

"That won't happen." Lucius said, "I will make sure it doesn't. I spoke to Ira, made her promise that she'd cast the spell on whomever Noah chose."

"Lucius, you'll live just as long." Blayth said worriedly.

"My purpose is to defeat Levi. After that, you are all free of this burden." Lucius told him with a smile, "And I will leave, I will let him be happy with the one he is meant to end up with."

"I'm sure that would still be you." Blayth whispered to himself, Lucius hearing it but choosing to ignore his words.

"I want to dance." Lucius said when a song started playing, turning to Blayth, "Let's dance."

"Why not?" Blayth asked, getting up.

"Because you are horrible at it." Leon deadpanned when he heard his answer.

"Well someone isn't getting any tonight." Blayth glared, grabbing Lucius's arm and dragging him to the middle of the mostly empty bar, starting to dance around like idiots, making everyone laugh along with them, Lorena and Cylus soon following, the archer dragging Wyatt along with him, who was protesting.

"Lively group." Robert said to Noah, chuckling as Blayth grabbed Lucius, dipping him down before twirling him around, making him land against Cylus who yelled at Blayth, but then grabbed Lucius and hauled him back at the red-head.

"Bunch of idiots." Noah grumbled.

"Want to join them?" Robert asked, making Noah glare at him.

"Not interested." He deadpanned.

"What if I came along?" Robert asked, making Noah chuckle.

"Still not doing it." Noah answered.

"Oh, come on. Have some fun." Robert said, turning to the other bartender and saying, "Hey, Mark, cover for me will you?"

"Sure thing." Mark called back, making Robert nod, smirking as he jumped over the bar, "Come on. You need to loosen up." The guy insisted.

"No I don't." Noah protested, but was still dragged by him to where the group had cleared an area of tables and were jumping around to the tune of the instruments being played. "I'm not doing this." Noah said, folding his arms over his chest and just standing there as Robert started to move around, he then glanced to the side and arched a brow as he asked, "You too?"

"Was threatened to be hung out to dry. Not my thing." Leon said with a wink, "A bit of dancing would get him to forget about it." He told Noah, making him shake his head at Leon pointing at Blayth, realizing what he meant.

Noah gasped when Robert grabbed his arms, dragging him forward before making him start to move. "Stop fighting it. You know you want to." Robert insisted.

"People are watching. I thought you didn't advertise your sexuality." Noah said, trying to get Rob to stop insisting he danced.

"Not in this bar. Everything that happens here, stays here. I own the place after all. And we are kind of located in a small town." Rob said, smirking at the shocked look in Noah's eyes.

Noah smiled, he couldn't remember the last time he felt so light. He couldn't think of anything but that moment, forgetting all his worries, everything that once troubled him. He didn't know how it happened, but one moment he was just standing there, the next he was dancing with the man he just met.

Blayth left the area they made into a dance floor, going to the bathroom where Lucius had gone almost an entire song ago. He opened the door, going in to see one of the stool doors closed, knocking on it as he asked, "Are you alright?"

Blayth heard a muffled sniffle before a weak, "I'm fine."

"Lucius-..." Blayth didn't get to say anything more as Lucius unlocked the door, still sitting on the closed toilet seat and looking up at Blayth who entered, leaning against the wall as he asked, "Why?"

"I thought I could handle it." Lucius said weakly, his eyes dropping as he furiously wiped at them, "I want to go home."

"Then let's go." Blayth said, watching Lucius shake his head, "Why not?"

"Then Noah will have to leave too. He's having fun... I don't want that to stop. I don't want to take that away from him."

"I'll tell Leon and we'll leave out back." Blayth suggested.

"He'll feel it when we do." Lucius sighed, referring to the bond.

"So staying in the bathroom is the next great solution?" Blayth asked, making Lucius glanced at him.

"Yes?" Lucius choked before he looked down, wiping at his tears. "Stupid tears won't stop."

"It's alright to be upset." Blayth tried to comfort, "It is, promise." Even though he didn't believe Lucius was actually doing it, or that he completely disagreed, he wasn't going to sit by and let Lucius fall apart. "Let's just tell him. He met someone, that was the point wasn't it?"

"He won't stay with him if he knew I remembered, Blayth. When was the last time you saw him laugh like that?" Lucius asked him, desperate to make him understand, now knowing that he did.

Blayth parted his lips before he sighed, muttering, "At least let me get us some drinks if we will be spending our only night out in a bathroom."

"You go." Lucius said, "There is no reason for us both to be miserable."

"I'm not leaving you." Blayth protested.

"And I am not letting you stay." Lucius replied.

Blayth's eyes stayed on Lucius's stubborn ones for a long while before he said, "I have an idea. Meet me by the back door."

"We can't leave." Lucius reminded him.

"I know. Just be there in five minutes. I have to talk to Leon." Blayth said, making Lucius hesitantly nod. Blayth hurried to the dance floor, walking up to Leon who was standing against the wall not having a reason to dance if Blayth wasn't there. Blayth went to him, leaning in for a kiss before he said, "Lucius isn't feeling well. I will take him out for a while but I need you to cover for us with Noah. Just tell him we went to another bar I told Lucius about and he insisted on seeing or something."

"Blayth, the reason we are all here is to protect him. You can't leave." Leon said with a frown.

"Leon, please. If he knew Lucius was leaving he would too, and look at him. How long has it been since he's laughed so much?" Blayth argued the same point Lucius did, making Leon glance over Blayth's shoulder at Noah. "Just make sure you spend another few hours here. I will take Lucius into town for a bite, then back to the house. We will be there before you."

"Blayth." Blayth stiffened when he heard Noah's voice, making him turn around slowly, hoping he didn't hear him, "Why does it feel like Lucius is upset?"

"He's fine, just had too much to drink and needed to throw up. I will take him out for some fresh air." Blayth lied.

"Are you hiding something from me?" Noah asked him, and when Blayth frowned, he grabbed his chin saying, "Little brother, I won't like it if I found out you knew something I didn't."

"First of all..." Blayth said, grabbing Noah's wrist, "Don't threaten me. Second of all, you know when I lie, so why try, right? Anyway, I don't want to leave him alone for long, so if you'll excuse me." Blayth said, about to walk away when Noah grabbed his arm.

"Noah, come on, what are you doing?" Rob asked, walking up to him. Blayth used that chance to slip away from Noah as Rob distracted him unintentionally.

Blayth winked at Leon before he slipped to the back door, going to where Lucius was waiting. "Ready?" he asked.

"For what?" Lucius questioned.

"Just trust me. Found an excuse for us to leave. Let's go." Blayth said, dragging Lucius along to one of the cars parked outside. They drove off away from the bar, then Blayth said, "We are going to get something to eat before going back."

"Are you sure Noah won't come looking?"

"Leon kind of figured it out after you told me, so he knows. He will cover for us and make sure Noah stays there a while to get to know that guy better." Blayth explained.

"Oh..." Lucius muttered, his eyes turning to the road ahead.

"Lucius, you can still stop this." Blayth said.

"No. This is the right thing." Lucius said with a sigh.

Blayth looked at him with doubtful eyes but said nothing as he drove towards town, stopping at a restaurant for food, the only one open at that late hour. After they ate, they headed back to the house, reaching there before the rest just as Blayth had planned. Not wanting Lucius to spend the night alone after seeing how gloomy he became, he told him to stay at his room. Lucius didn't argue, just went to change before doing just that.

Later that night, when the rest finally returned, Leon walked up the stairs with Noah, who walked past his room making Leon ask, "Where are you going?"

"To check on Lucius, he wasn't feeling well, right?" Noah asked with a raised eyebrow as if expecting a different answer.

"Yeah." Leon nodded, stopping at Blayth's room and Noah paused as well, making Leon say, "Have you forgotten where Lucius's room is?"

"No. He's in there." Noah said.

"Your super powers are scary sometimes." Leon mumbled as he opened the door quietly, stepping in to see that Lucius was sleeping next to Blayth, a pillow hugged to his chest as the two faced each other, as if they had drifted off while talking. "Guess I am sleeping in my room today." Leon sighed before leaving the room again.

"They seem to be hiding something." Noah said to Leon.

"Don't ask me." Leon shrugged, "They've always had that kind of relationship. It is always something with those two. Covering for each other whenever they can."

"You don't think it has anything to do with his memories, do you?" Noah asked, "He wouldn't lie about that."

"I have no idea, honestly. What reason would he have?" Leon asked, feeling the bitterness of the lies as they rolled off of his tongue, "It's late, we should get some rest before the sun comes up."

"You're probably right." Noah breathed, turning around and going back to his room.

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