The Wolf Prince's Mate

By TheOriginTheme

173K 5.1K 1.5K

Being Kidnapped by a super sexy guy sounds like a dream right? Wrong. He's overbearing, completely annoying... More

Chapter 1❄
Chapter 2❄
Chapter 3
Chapter 4❄
Chapter 5❄
Chapter 6 (❄)
Chapter 7❄
Chapter 8❄
Chapter 9
Chapter 10❄
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 28
Chapter 29

Chapter 17

3.7K 144 21
By TheOriginTheme

Locking my bedroom door bought me about an extra five minutes or so. Although, I must say, it was amusing watching his blurry shadow pound on the impenetrable glass. When he realized that I had no intentions on coming out of my bedroom on my own he manage to override my doors system from his room. The sucky part wasn't the fact that I still had to go on this date. What sucked was the fact that I was still in my pajamas. My twenty minutes were up, and since I used them on a re-run of vampire diaries there was no time for me to take a shower. Who knew. The guy was actually serious.

I glanced over at a very angry Zyker, his jaw was clenched and his fingers gripped the wheel tightly. I wanted so badly to reach up and graze my finger along his furrowed brow. But I was much to angry for that.

"Sooo...." Where are we going?

"It's a surprise." He grumpily mumbled.

"Everything is a surprise with you." I slumped in my seat. "And I don't like surprises. Besides, I'm not dressed for anything fancy and seeing how your dressed like a freaking runway model I'll be out of place."

He groan in frustration. "It is not my fault that you decided to waste your time."

"I got detracted, and besides, twenty minutes is not enough time to shower, pick out an outfit, and do hair and make up." I argued.

Zyker glanced down at me, he smirked at my attire. I was wearing a onesie...I loved the damn things. "Twenty minutes was more than enough time for me to become presentable. Besides, you locked me out of your room, and refused to open up the door."

I gave him an incredulous look. "Well no dip! Of course I'm going to lock you out. I could have naked you idiot! And I am entitled to my own privacy. I leave you alone don't I? Why can't you do the same for me?"

"He completely ignored my outburst, his face was blank as he concentrated on the road, but his eyes had a gleam of impatience in them. "I'm not in the mood to argue with you."

"Oh boo hoo-"

"I mean it, Angelina! Be quiet...please. You don't have to worry about your dreadful attire-" Onesie's were not dreadful... "The place we are going to has been completely rented out... I have to keep you exclusive. There. Now give me a few minutes to myself."

...."Hey, your the one still talking." He shot me a look, that said if I didn't shut it he'd do something i'd regret. My mouth snapped shut and I leaned as far away from as I possibly could. I glanced out the car window realizing that we had reached a road where there were other car... I thought about rolling down a window and screaming for help. I even pondered the idea of open the darn door and jumping out. But I knew all those things were in possible. When me and Zyker had both gotten into the car the first thing he did was put on the child locks, he locked the windows too. It was as if he was predicting my moves. I sighed, leaning back in my seat.

The more congested the traffic got the more rebellious Zyker's driving skill were. He kept turning onto the shoulder, driving in the gravel, just so he could pass up a car or two. And on occasions he would slap the wheel,causing me to jump and start yelling profanities at the cars who managed to slide past him. Dud had serious road rage. ?I?f we were in his sports car we'd be screwed. For some reason he hadn't taken the lambo. We were in a jeep, it was new and all, but you could tell he didn't really like it.

"Yah, know," I started after growing tired of the silence. "You're a terrible driver."

"Shut up."

I bit my lip, thinking on whether or not I actual should. I had been quite for more than half of this ride from hell. I had endure his bat shit driving skills. And I was going on a date...well a not-so-date...with him! I hadn't agreed to it, and he couldn't even bother to entertain me. "No what, thanks but no thanks. I'm quite sick of your bratty attitude. You're a shit driver and I think you should know that." I smirked, quite profound of my bash. "I could drive better than you. He'll...a three year old could drive better-"

"Problem is you can't drive."

True. I hated to admit it but it was true. I was suppose to start driver's ed after my birthday. But...well I got kidnapped. There's another reason I can add on my I HATE ZYKER list. I really wanted learn how to drive, most of the kids in my grade had already gotten their cars. Maybe... "Hey!" My perky tone caused Zyker to wince and then shot we a wtf look. "What if you taught me?"

Zyker stared at me, he stared at me for so long that I was afraid that if he didn't look away we end up pancaked or something. And then he burst into laughter, I was taken aback. Not by the fact that he had just laughed in my face, but because he looked so darn beautiful. His green eyes were bright, reminding me of a blade of grass thriving in the bright sun. Him smile brightened his already, perfect feature, making him look completely foreign. Gosh, was he even real? "No way, Angel. I'm not teaching you how to drive." He finally said after calming down. Thankfully his eyes were once again on the road...thank god we were alive.

"Why not?"

"Why not?" He mused. "Well lets see, If I teach you how to drive you'll probably figure out away to escape. I'm not stupid, If I let you behind a wheel the first thing you'll try to do is speed off somewhere."

His argument was stupid.

"No I wouldn't idiot! You'd be in there with could simply pull the emergency break. Plus, I don't know where we are, where am I going to 'speed off too?'."

"You'll probably try to kill me."

"Probably." He frowned at me and I shrugged.

"You're not old enough!"

He was going to teach me... I didn't know why he kept trying to convince himself otherwise.

"You can start drivers ed when your 14 and nine months. I'm 16 I'll be 17 in two months Zyker. I'm old enough to learn. Besides, you said you wanted to bond...well, this is your opportunity."He gritted his teeth. Eyes locked on the road, shoulders tensed. "Please." He shrugged my hand off. "Please Zyker... it would make me feel better about you... I'd at least think your a little nice."

He groaned, "Got-damn mating bond! Stupid lulling voice! Big grey eyes! Fine!" Fine. But you're not driving my sports car."

I frowned. "Why not!?"

"Because you can't drive. And you definitely wont be able to handle the speeds at which a Lamborghini can go. You're not destroying my baby," he huffed.

"Whatever, I'll drive this car."

"No you wont."

"You don't even like this car!"

"That may be true, but-"

"But what?"

"It's new, this is my first time driving it."

I turned in my seat, giving he a look that read, your unbelievable. Zyker reminded of a preschooler who refused to share the toy blocks with the other children. I mean I understood why he didn't want me to drive the sports car. I agreed with him even. Didn't mean I was going to admit it. Truth was I couldn't handle that type of car. I knew it. But I was still upset that he was refusing to let me drive something of his. Like he didn't trust me with his stuff. "You selfish, stupid brat! You won't let me drive the jeep because you've only driven it once!"


"Well here's a plan genius, dive it again!" I found myself throwing my hands up in exasperation.

"You're driving Cory's car."

"Fine, than Cory can teach me how to drive."

Zyker growled."If Cory so much as teaches you how to open the gas chamber I'll light his ass on fire. This is our thing, baby."

"Whatever. I turned my pouty face on the outside world. "What kind of stupid car does Coty drive anyway?"

"A 2008 ford focus."

I just about called the whole thing off. I wanted to drive one of his fancy cars. I was secretly hopping Cory would tell Zyker no.


We arrived at this mystical looking building, it's exterior reminded me of a cabin, but it was way to large to be categorized as a cabin. I didn't know what the hell it was since Zyker was still pulling that 'surprise' act. Hell, he could have brought us to an inn. All I knew was that the place was completely deserted.

"Come on." He unbuckled his seat belt and threw open the car door. He had already disappeared into the building before I had even unbuckled my belt. I hurried to follow after him, pushing the glass doors aside I stepped into a dimmed hall. A man- a older man was speaking in hush tones to Zyker. As I approached I got a better read on what it was he was saying.

"Of course young master, I've kept everything confidential. There are five staff members within the building, they are reliable and will keep word from spreading of..." The man glanced at me quickly before returning his gaze back to Zykers. "The press shall not know of you and the girl. I swear it."

I was now standing beside Zyker, gazing up at the man curiously. Zyker was hiding our date from the press, he was famous? I glanced up at his beautifully sculpted face, he sure did look like a star. I turned back towards the man, he was watching me curiously. Probably wondering why I was in a onesie and Zyker was decked out in a nice suite.

"Hi!" I said awkwardly. It would of been rude of me not to acknowledge him.

"H-hello," He lifted his hand waving nervously. Zyker reached for my hand, winding his fingers through mine. I was pulled against his side, small shocks passed between our joined hands. I enjoyed the strange tingle so much that I found myself gripping his hand tighter.

"Very well, I should hope what your promising me is true. Otherwise you shall pay for the mistake..." Zykers threat lingered in the air but I was sure that something had passed between the two men because the check in man had gone deathly pale. "You are luckey you know..." Zyker drawled. "You are in the presence of a very important lady." I lifted my gaze to Zyker's once again, but he had beat me to it. He was staring at me with adoration, his green eyes ablaze. I melted on the spot, it became a tedious task just to stand. "Come along Angel, it's time to eat." I was dragged along, but before we could disappear into another dimmed room I threw a reassuring smile back at the door man who had probably pissed himself after his encounter with Zyker the egotistical brute.

"Why do have to be so damn scary-" My butt stung and I stumbled away from Zyker in shock. Rubbing the sore patch of skin through my onesie, my eye pricked with tear as I looked up at him accusingly.

He glared down at me, not an ounce of regret in his expression."I've told you to watch you're mouth, especially when we are in public. You will not embarrass me today. I've have been kind to you, all I ask is that you respect me."

"Respect is earned dipshit! And you are asking me for more than just respect!" My face crinkled in disgust. I hated this man, the intensity of that hatred smoldered me. "And don't you ever lay your hands on me again," I hissed. I whirled around, I refused to sit in this empty building with him. He could dinner with the freaking candles and linen. I was going back to the car.

"Come here!" I stiffed at a much deeper version of his voice. He was always demanding, but this was different. Something was pushing against me, forcing me to obey a simple command. The air shifted, it became harder for me to breath. "I. Said. Come. Here." I was hit in the chest by the strange force. I was about ready v to go to my knees. The invisible force pulled me backwards, it was as if my body wasn't my own. And the loss of control scared the crap out of me. I struggled against the invisible force, fighting against its pull.

"No," I whispered. "No!" And just like that, the tugging was gone and I fell to my knees. Zyker's feet came into to view and when I titled my head back so I could see his face. I saw glint of amusement in his... his eyes were black.

"Well. Well. Look at what you can do. This is going to prove to be a problem, Angel."

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