The unexpected fate of Krishn...

By Therealpretty3

68K 2.6K 425

Hi guys, this story revolves around the Princess of Dwaraka, Devi Subhadra. I'm pointing it sternly that this... More

Character Sketch (Main)
The Shock
Chapter -31
Chapter -36
Chapter -37

Chapter -32

1.4K 61 8
By Therealpretty3

Hastinapur Palace

Duryo: Bhanu, I got message from Vasu. Its a good news also a bad news.

BH: what is the nad news arya?

Duryo: Subhi will not be coming to the kingdom.

BH: but why??

Duryo: that's the good news. She is pregnant

BH: what?? Is it true??? Yes!!! I'm so happy, my Vasu gonna be a dad soon. That too Subhi. I'm so glad everything is okay with them now.

Duryo: ha priye! But im sad that she will not be joining. Yes, it is inevitable. I'll talk with Mamashree. You take care of our Little munchkins.

Bhanu nodded.

At Shakuni's chamber.

Sh: Putr Dussasan. Our plan gonna fail. Tha Yadavakanya will not be coming. What to do now?

Dus: don't worry Mamashree. She will be here.

Sh: how?

Dus: think! Gotta be a way. You are the king of mastermind. No one can beat you in that and I'm damn sure a cunning idea will born in your brain

Shakuni laughed evily.

Sh: Mere bacche!  I got an idea. She will be indeed her.

He he he he he...

Laughter laughter throughout the wall.


Subhadra is in deep thought. She don't know a bad feeling is provoking her from past couple of days. But today the intuition is stronger. Why?? I can't capitalise anything. All I can remember is my brother's words.
"BEWARE" But whom? What?? How?? Why I can't find answers to these questions??

A: Subhi!!

My chain of thoughts got disturbed by my Radhey's voice..

S: what is it Radhey?

A: I'm sorry to ask this. But you need to accompany me to Hastinapur. Radhama is not feeling well. She is asking for you. We don't have any other option.

Subhadra's heart started to beat faster. She is this is not auspicious. But she don't have any other option
Her mother in law needed her now
She have to go.

She smiled at him and said

"Let's prepare for the journey!"

Karna smiled at her warmly and hugged her.


Next day

P: Swami, take care of my Subhi well. Subhi you know. I can't come there will all these naughty kids and also I need to stay here for our nation. Ve careful. Have the medicine properly all the time.

S: I know I know I know. Now enough with your mommy role.  Radhey ! Let's go or else she will not let me go..

Karna laughed at her words.


Sol: the royal family of Indraprastha has arrived

Maharaj and Maharani welcomed them happily. Shakuni and Dussasan were smirking at them. Suyo wasn't interested at them. All he has was rage and anger in his eyes. The words Draupadi told was still ringing in his ears. He left the arena.

Karna and Subhadra reached Hastinapur. They went to Karna's house first and decided to stay there. They were happy for both of them. Radhamaa's situation improved a lot after seeing them. Adhirath said she had food poisoning.

It was a peaceful night for all of them..  maybe the night before the storm.....


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