The Awakened One, Book 1: Rem...

De Nentai96

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Earth is an incredibly peaceful and beautiful World home to the amazingly intelligent Humans that live upon i... Mais

Chapter 1: Armageddon
Chapter 2: Battle Of Wills
Chapter 3: Hell On Earth
Chapter 4: Awakening
Chapter 5: Awakened One
The Public Service Announcement
Chapter 6: The Queen of The Amazon
Chapter 7: Vampire May Cry
|^{PSA II}^|
Chapter 8: A New World
Chapter 9: A New Companion
(A/N): III
Chapter 10: A Chance Encounter
Chapter 11: Lovers
*!Status!* II
(A/N): IV
Chapter 12: Vale
Chapter 13: A Night in Vale
(A/N): V
Chapter 14: Rest and Relaxation
Chapter 15: Training Begins
Chapter 16: A Mysterious Figure
Chapter 17: Scars
(A/N): VI
*!Status!* III
Chapter 18: Glynda Goodwitch
Chapter 19: Ice Queen
Chapter 20: Ozma
(A/N): VII
Chapter 21: Thief in The Night
Chapter 22: The Reaper
Chapter 23: The Xiong Family
Chapter 24: A Woman's Curse
Chapter 25: Spiders
Chapter 26: Foundation
(A/N): IX
Chapter 27: The Disciplinarian
Chapter 28: Jacques Schnee
*!Status!* IV
Chapter 29: Despair
*!Status!* V
(A/N): X
Chapter 30: Thicker Than Blood
Chapter 31: Taking Out The Trash
Chapter 32: Red Like Roses
(A/N): XI
Chapter 33: I Burn
Chapter 34: The Demon Clan
Chapter 35: Preparing For Victory
(A/N): XII
Chapter 36: Conquering Vale's Underworld
Chapter 37: Aftermath
Chapter 38: A Newer Companion
Chapter 39: Mirror Mirror
Chapter 40: Who am I?
Chapter 41: A Fateful Meeting
(A/N): XIV
Chapter 42: At Last
Chapter 43: The White Fang
Chapter 44: Forever Fall Forest
(A/N): XV
Chapter 45: From Shadows
Chapter 46: To Light
Chapter 47: The Snake And The Tiger
(A/N): XVI
Chapter 49: Moving Forward
Chapter 50: Towards The End
Chapter 51: Of The Beginning
Chapter 52: The Summer Tournament
Chapter 53: Finalists
Chapter 54: Finale
Chapter 55: Finished
Chapter 56: Finally
Public Service Announcement
Chapter 57: Initiation
Chapter 58: Act 2
Chapter 59: Knight Ceremony
Chapter 60: Alpha Megoliath
Chapter 61: Power Leveling
Chapter 62: Total Recall
Chapter 63: System Update
Chapter 64: Divided
Chapter 65: Upside
Chapter 66: Downturn
Chapter 67: The Meeting
Chapter 68: Vacuo
Chapter 69: Tribes of The Desert
Chapter 70: The Desert Kreeps
Chapter 71: The Desert Walkers
Chapter 72: Desert Faunus Alliance
Chapter 73: Disappearance
Chapter 74: Unfortunate Circumstance
Chapter 75: The Mysterious Hunter
Chapter 76: Desperate Invaders
Chapter 77: To Protect
Chapter 78: Running Out Of Time
Chapter 79: Mistake Driven Turmoil
| Where TF Have I Been? |
Awakened Organization: Closure {A Loving Summary}

Chapter 48: Fairy Tales

752 25 16
De Nentai96

The trio walked seemingly aimlessly through the halls of the Hope building, traveling a path that (Y/N) had only been once before, but even still he easily recognized the way they were heading. Immediately after exiting the room, Glynda took a moment to notify Headmaster Ozpin of their impending presence, starting the conversation by alerting him that she had a student that he would want to personally register. 

At first, Ozpin was extremely dismissive of the Head professor's request, but after she slyly included that this student was associated strongly with one (Y/N) (L/N), Ozpin quieted up before he pelted her with various questions. 

The Disciplinarian expertly navigated each and every question, her answers to the questions perfectly portraying the message that the student that he's been pining after was available to accompany Blake to his office, giving Ozpin the opportunity to finally question him. 

The Headmaster, of course, swiftly agreed to meet with Blake Belladonna as long as (Y/N) accompanied her and Glynda told him that he would definitely be there, and after a few more words were exchanged the mature woman ended the call with a small smirk on her face.

As she put her scroll away her love planted a kiss on her cheek and gave her a soft thank you for the way she informed Ozpin of (Y/N)'s arrival, but their interaction confused the cat Faunus. Her Beloved took the opportunity to explain Glynda's standing with the Headmaster, making sure to thoroughly speak about her 'double-agent' status and generally explain the reason that they were in this situation in the first place. 

After establishing the backstory, he took the time to explain what Glynda was doing as she conversed with Ozpin, starting with how she upheld their secretive way of speaking to subtly exchange information in the presence of those who were not to know her 'true' objective, i.e. (Y/N) and Blake. 

During the exchange, what Glynda was essentially telling Ozpin was that Blake was associated with him and that he could take this opportunity to leverage something in order to speak with him. However, what Ozpin wasn't aware of was the fact that (Y/N) was heading to his office to tell him the things he knew already, but now that he was under the impression that (Y/N) was going out of his way to come to his office, it gave (Y/N) an advantage in their 'negotiations'.

He summarized it as Glynda giving him a more advantageous situation when discussing things with Ozpin that he wouldn't have had otherwise. So now, he could ask for more than just Blake's Rank-Up, give up less information to get her Rank-Up, or maybe even leave the room without telling him a thing if he wanted to. 

However, (Y/N) already decided that he would tell him as much as he felt necessary so he could better control the outcome of the events that he knew would follow, but he knew that it would be difficult to get an edge over someone as intelligent as Ozma so he wanted every advantage he could get. 

Blake got a good general understanding of what her lover was referring to and with a bit of filling in from Glynda she was able to easily comprehend the entire situation, and this is what she chose to keep in mind as they walked through the school's elaborately designed halls.

Walking at a leisurely pace on their way to the Clock Tower, Glynda took the rest of the time to familiarize herself with the new member of the lovers and she did so by learning about Blake, openly sharing information about herself and in return receiving information about the Faunus girl. 

Obviously, she did remember her name being mentioned before, referencing the time Nix and Neyah mentioned her and her father when discussing the White Fang, and it was through this connection that she quickly came to the correct conclusion that Blake is/was a part of the White Fang organization. 

Glynda immediately comforted the girl, telling her that there was nothing wrong with her supporting her people by joining the group, telling her that she actually supported the group to a certain extent, and it was after this that Blake was able to really open up about her past and the other things that she had been through. 

It was through this conversation that Glynda was able to grow a lot closer to Blake and the same could be said for Blake as she found a trustworthy companion in the mature woman, and as their conversation came to a close, they finally reached the massive glass window that led them into the elevator filled room.

The trio quickly walked past the older man at the desk and hit the elevator's button that allowed them to enter the silver box before standing in a comfortable silence as they waited for the elevator to reach its peak. They didn't have to wait very long as the silver box rose incredibly quick, slowly coming to a stop with a high-pitched ding  welcoming them into the Headmaster's office. 

The elevators doors slowly opened to reveal Headmaster Ozpin sitting comfortably behind his desk, coffee mug in hand, and cane leaning gently up against his desk. "Good evening, Headmaster" Glynda spoke as she walked into the clock themed office.

"Good Evening Professor Goodwitch," the older man began as he watched the mature woman lead the two students into his office, "I see that you have brought two very interesting guests with you today." The Headmaster waited for a moment while the student duo were gently funneled deeper into the room, keeping his eyes calculatedly moving in between the two as to not give away (Y/N) being his true objective. "It is very nice to meet you Miss Blake Belladonna," he said as he reached across the desk to shake her hand, "I have heard a few things about you from your father and I can say with confidence that I am looking forward to how you will grow as a Huntress."

Blake looked questionably at the Headmaster after he mentioned knowing her father, but she still upheld her unreadable expression as she gently shook the man's hand. "It is good to meet you as well" she said plainly, quickly releasing the man's hand and stepping back beside her lover.

Once she did so, the Headmaster saw the opportunity to speak to the elephant in the room, turning to the man and saying, "welcome, or rather welcome back, Mr. (L/N), it has been a moment since the last time I have seen you. What have you been up too as of late? It seems like you are an incredibly busy man, very hard to get in touch with if I do say so myself" he spoke nonchalantly as he sat back in his futuristic chair.

(Y/N) chuckled slightly at his question, "I have been pretty busy lately, honestly it feels like I've been moving constantly the past month and a few. Well, lately I have been reading up on my Fairy Tales, you know, keeping myself entertained and learning a little about the history of Remnant and what not." 

His response very clearly got Ozpin's attention as his eyes widened slightly in an almost unnoticeable fashion, however he was able to easily keep his composure as his eyes went from (Y/N) back to Blake.

"Reading up on Fairy Tales is a very interesting way to spend your time as I believe that you can learn quite a bit from those old stories and it is a pass time that I am very fond of, however now is not the time to discuss such hobbies. I would love if we could have a further discussion about the topic at a later time, maybe then you could tell me about some of your favorites, but for now Miss Belladonna, let us get to your registration" he exclaimed with a warm smile. 

From that point on, the focal point of the conversation was directed onto Blake's orientation and registration, and for the most part the entire event went smoothly. Glynda and (Y/N) were able to smoothly get Blake's rank increased from B to S using the mention of Fairy Tales by (Y/N) earlier and Glynda's recommendation of her strength, that was also given to her by her love earlier, and once Blake's Rank-Up was established they essentially speed ran through the rest of the process.

As they were finishing up, Ozpin handed Blake her Scroll back and alerted her that she had been registered her own room and uniform that she wasn't required to use, "and that should be all" the nice Headmaster spoke. "With this you are officially an S-Rank Huntsman in training, welcome to Beacon Blake Belladonna. If you have any questions, comments, or concerns feel free to come see me and I will make sure that I make time for you."

"Thanks Headmaster Ozpin, I appreciate the help" Blake said with a small respectful bow. "I'll try my best to live up to the expectations that you set for the S-Rank students at this prestigious academy."

Glynda gave the woman a warm smile as she gently placed her hand on her back, "I'm sure that you'll do just fine Blake." After the quick comforting action, the Professor turned back to the headmaster and said, "I believe that is all we came here for on this evening Headmaster, so we'll be making our exit now, thank you for lending us your time."

"Anytime Professor," Ozpin began as he took a quick sip from his coffee mug, "oh yes, Mr. (L/N), do you mind continuing our conversation from earlier? I would very much like to talk about our mutual interest in Fairy Tales if I wouldn't be taking up anymore of your precious time, I know you are a very busy man."

"No, I don't mind at all," he said as he turned to the duo that was walking towards the opening elevator door, "I guess I'll catch up with you two later, Blake and Glynda, let the rest know I'll be back later." They already knew that it was coming but after hearing that he was staying they still gave each other a quick goodbye hug and kiss, that left Ozpin shocked. They then walked into the open elevator door and disappeared behind the silver shut doors as they made their way down the tall tower. 

The two individuals that were left in the large office were quiet for a moment before (Y/N) turned to the Headmaster and smoothly said, "so, do you have a favorite Fairy Tale Headmaster Ozpin? Or should I call you the great wizard Ozma?"

Ozma was given pause for a moment as he didn't expect the Faunus in front of him to come with such a direct approach, but after taking a big swig of his coffee, he stood up from his desk and gripped his cane in hand before walking towards the giant clock in his office. 

"I see that you aren't a man of subtilty (Y/N), very well, feel free to call me Ozpin as that is what I go by at this time. Now, do you mind telling me what exactly you know about me?" Ozpin asked the question as he looked out the window of the skyscraping, cane in hand supporting his weight to allow him to comfortably stand facing away from the Faunus man.

Instead of responding where he stood, (Y/N) opted to walk up to the old man and leaning up against the window as he faced towards the rest of the office. "I know that you don't really care about what I know about you, you actually want to know what I know about everything. The worlds current state of affairs, the maidens, the relics, the gods, and literally everything else that has to do with what is happening in Remnant."

Ozpin chuckled slightly, "you are indeed correct, that is what I would like to know and understand, so please allow me to rephrase my question. (Y/N), what exactly do you know about, well, everything?"

The man in question lightly cleared his throat and swiftly responded with a confident, "everything." The headmaster raised an eyebrow at the man's answer, but before he could question him further, he raised a finger to stop the older man. 

"Before you say anything else, allow me to explain. I quite literally know everything. I know of the 4 maidens, the relics that they can unlock, I know about how they came about and in turn I also know who you truly are, on top of that I know of the two Gods that created this world and the deals that they made with one another to ensure this worlds order, and it is because of that knowledge that I know of your past with... Salem."

The instant he spoke that name Ozpin was no longer able to keep himself under control, his eyes went wide, he rapidly turned to the Faunus next to him, and he urgently placed his hands on the man's shoulders, shock, worry, anger, and sorrow all evident on his face. "How?!!? How do you know all this?!?! What do you know of this?!? Tell me!" 

(Y/N) didn't say anything for a moment, lightly pushing Ozpin's hands from his body which quickly brought the man back to reality as he realized the actions that he just committed. "Oh, I-I apologize for loosing my cool for a moment there (Y/N). This is a very... sensitive, topic that I hold very close to my heart, and it is very concerning to know that someone who I have not explicitly told has knowledge of it."

"I understand Ozpin and I know how much you have been through to keep this info under wraps for so many years, but I'm sorry to inform you that I cannot tell you the how, at least not right now. I just need you to trust that I am an ally in this fight and I will do everything in my power to help save this world from its imminent destruction."

The headmaster was a tad but suspicious of trusting this man fully especially after he avoided him for so long, but he figured that this wouldn't be the first or last time his trust was betrayed by a close ally, so he chose to at least temporarily invest in the interesting man before him. "I'll buy what you're saying for now (Y/N), if you have anything that may help us in the future, please let me know. Do you mind explaining some of the specifics that you know about our current situation so I can fill any gaps in your knowledge?"

"Of course," he said to the older man, (Y/N) then went on to explaining the entirety of the true history of Remnant back to Ozpin, starting with the brother Gods of darkness and light creating life on the planet, making the deal to operate in their own separate domains, one operating life and the other death, and eventually coming to the relationship that grew between himself and Salem. 

He went through the entire situation between the two lovers, how they met, how Ozma died, Salem's attempt to have him revived, and the curse that she, and later he, received for the act. He ended his explanation with the reuniting of the duo and eventual separation between them, including how the gods creating the relics, how he separated his power amongst his children, and his continuing failing attempts to learn how to defeat Salem. "Salem's goal is simple, she just wants to collect all of the Relics to summon the Gods back to the planet so they can end her immortal life, ending her eternal suffering."

"You really do know everything don't you (Y/N)" Ozpin said as he chuckled slightly.

The new Faunus man raised an eyebrow and twitched his ear at the comment, "Ozpin, that's not what I meant when I said I know everything." Once the Headmaster heard those words he perked up, becoming much more curious than he already was.

"Then what exactly did you mean" he asked.

"I meant; I literally know everything. I not only know the past, but I also know the present situation, and the vast majority of what is going to occur in the future. How is not important, but what is important is the fact that I do know." Ozpin's eyes were practically glued to the Faunus now, intrigued by what exactly he knew that he himself was not yet privy too. 

"I know your next reincarnation is a farmer named Oscar, I know that Headmaster, and member of your inner circle, Leonardo Lionheart is a traitor and is working for Salem, I know of your relations with Qrow and Raven Branwen, I know who all of the Maidens currently are, of course that includes the injured half-powered fall maiden that is underneath the School, and I know the one who took half of her strength." 

The headmaster couldn't believe the things that were coming from the Faunus in front of him, his jaw was practically bolted to the floor as he couldn't contain the shock of all the revelations he was receiving. 

All of the expressions on his face culminated in a single word, 'How?', and as (Y/N) looked at the man's expression, he found an answer to that question. "Ozpin look, a lot of bad shit is supposed to happen in the future, and it is because of that bad shit that I know how we can avoid all of it. I'm bout to tell you some super secretive shit that'll help the both of us save this world, but if I tell you, you have to promise me that you'll trust me to call the shots. I know how everything is supposed to play out, I have already begun orchestrating things to help us save this world from destruction, but I can't do anything effectively if I don't have your full support. You got me?"

In that moment, Ozpin understood the magnitude of the words that (Y/N) was speaking and he made a quick decision to whole heartedly trust the Wolf-eared, black horned, dual tailed Faunus that seemed to have the worlds best in his mind. 

Although in the back of his mind he figured that even if everything was to go completely wrong and he betrayed him, Ozpin still had another infinite number of lives to come up with another plan that would more than likely fail. 

"Alright (Y/N), I'll trust your decisions from now onward. I'm behind you 100% of the time and I will not make a move unless you figure that it will lead us in the best direction for the future or our world. If you think that you can put an end to Salem's reign in Remnant, save the world from the threat of Grimm, and put an end to the curse that plagues myself and Salem then I will work tirelessly to assist you in any way possible."

"So, we have a deal then?" As (Y/N) asked the question with a bright smile, he stretch out his hand, reaching towards Ozpin for a traditional handshake.

Ozpin looked at the extended hand for a moment before smiling genuinely back at the man, "you do indeed have yourself a deal" he spoke as he gave (Y/N)'s hand a firmly gripped shake.

"Perfect, now let me tell you the deep shit. I know about all this because in the near future, during the Vytal Festival, Beacon will come under attack by thousands of Grimm and it is during this event that the School will fall and be overrun with Grimm." Ozpin remained attentive as he spoke, no longer allowing himself to be shocked by any further revelations that (Y/N) would reveal that evening. 

"It is during this event that someone by the name of Cinder Fall, the woman that took half the power of the Fall maiden, will take the other half of the Maidens power and kill you in the process of doing so. That is how I know who your next reincarnation is and who the woman who took the power of the Maiden is." 

"Obviously, this entire event is orchestrated by Cinder and her crew who are working directly for Salem, and this isn't the last time they attack either. I can't really get into too many specifics since most of it is nuance and not important to us, but eventually Salem will conquer Beacon, Haven, and cause the fall of Atlas which will allow her to acquire two of the four Relics getting very, very close to her objective." 

"That is the extent of her conquest that I know of, that was as far as the show got when I was watching it. Actually, I don't know if or why Salem never got a hold of the Beacon Relic, but that's nuance so it's not very important anyway."

Ozpin looked a bit confused at (Y/N)'s explanation, "I don't want to be rude, but why exactly would the information about the other Academies falling be not important? It seems like that information would be crucial to stopping the destruction of those Schools and protecting the Relics as a whole."

"That is a really good question, and the answer is pretty simple if you really think about it. We are going to stop Salem from destroying Beacon and thus prevent her from ever from ever getting her hands on a Relic." 

"Also, if we stop her from destroying Beacon in the first place then the future would more than likely change a bunch so I wouldn't exactly know what would occur later and that wouldn't be very cash money if you know what I mean."

A look of understanding made its way across the Headmaster's face as he listened to (Y/N)'s quick explanation. "I do believe that I understand what you are saying, but then what exactly should we do in order to prepare for the upcoming attack?"

The Faunus man took a moment to think about it before saying, "nothing. I mean for the most part you'll do nothing, just continue business as usual with a few exceptions. The first exception you'll have to make is..." (Y/N) then went on to explaining the things that Ozpin needed to accomplish in full detail, most of which were minor changes to ensure everything continued going as (Y/N) had planned it. 

Things like keeping Leonardo out of the loop, introducing particular students into the circle sooner rather than later, bringing Qrow and Raven back to the Academy to sooner, and a few more discrete activities that (Y/N) needed done to advance his own plans. 

The duo took quite a lot of time fully fleshing out (Y/N)'s plans and the steps that they needed to follow to ensure that Beacon and the rest of the world wouldn't fall to Salem. Most of it was the Faunus thoroughly explaining the details of his plans while excluding other ideas that he felt 

Ozpin didn't need to know about, and once they began finishing up their conversation, evening had turned to night signifying to the both of them that it was time to wrap things up. As Ozpin noticed this he said, "I think I may have kept you here for longer than I had originally intended Mr. (L/N), but I feel as though we gained lots of new ground together." 

"I definitely did not expect to learn this much today, especially not from you, but at the same time I can't say that I expected much from you in the first place" he chuckled out to the Faunus man.

"That reminds me," (Y/N) began, "what did you originally think of me? I know I got your attention from kicking the wall and I looked a little suspicious because of the whole non-identity thing, but after I called you Ozma, who did you think I was?"

"Honestly, I believed that you were at best some random kid who came across an interesting alternative of the old Fairy Tale that most of Remnant's children know and at worse I thought you to be one of Salem's minions that was sent to Beacon to antagonize me." 

"I still think that it is a small possibility that you were sent here by Salem, after all it would explain why you have so much knowledge about the upcoming future and Salem's plans, but during our discussion I have found how truly good natured you are and that is why I am placing all of my trust in your ability." 

"I don't care much about where, why, or how you acquired extensive knowledge about seemingly everything, I don't care if you were sent here by Salem herself, all I really care about now is the fact that you are an ally and you have a plan to stop Salem's madness." As Ozpin explained, he walked his way back to his futuristic char that was behind his desk and as he finished, he sat heavily down in the comfortable chair.

Once he sat down in his chair, he gently leaned his staff up against his desk and took a long sip from his seemingly infinite cup of hot coffee, this prompted (Y/N) to walked towards the exit of the tower before stopping right before the elevator doors and turning back to the three-thousand-year-old man. 

"I'm glad that we were able to see things eye to eye Ozpin, although I can say that it would be much more interesting if your hunches were true" he said with a laugh. "Well, it is time for me to head out, I'll leave you to your work for now," he began as he called the silver doors to open up, "feel free to hit me up if you ever need anything from me personally and I'll make sure I'll consider it a top priority. It was nice officially meeting you Ozma."

Ozpin allowed a small smirk to escape his lips as he took one last sip of his caffeine filled beverage, "it was nice to officially meet you as well (Y/N) (L/N), or should I call you the Devil?"

Instead of reacting with shock, (Y/N) simply laughed at the man's revelation and once his laughter died down, he entered into the silver box and turned to face the Headmaster, "(Y/N)'s just fine." The doors of the elevator began closing in front of the new Faunus, but he was able to get one last comment out before they shut. "I'll be seeing you soon Ozpin."

"You as well (Y/N)" the older man replied, now alone in his office once more left to continue preparations for the survival and eventual destruction of Salem's power. 

As Ozpin hunkered down in his office for preparations, (Y/N) swiftly head back to his temp room where he was greeted with hugs and kisses from his lovers before they settled down to head to sleep, Blake being the new addition found a comfortable spot hugging (Y/N)'s side, being the little spoon to Neyah's greater embrace. 

Although it was not exactly the optimal, the new Faunus summoned his Call Off which instantly took his spot as the best body pillow anyone could ask for, and with that small task completed, Lilith took her Master's hand as they teleported their way through the city, heading to Hel's Kitchen. Once they reached the massive building, (Y/N) paused outside of the building to speak with his two now Faunus companions.

As he turned to the duo, Byakko seemed to already know what he was going to ask before he even said it, saying, "Master, I can still change back to my original form if you desire me to."

Lilith then swiftly followed with, "I can asswell Master, although I would much prefer to remain by your side in this more desirable form" she whispered into his ear.

After taking a moment to think about it, (Y/N) said, "it would probably be for the best right now if you both were to change back to the way you were before. Soon, it'll be okay for you to walk around in any form you want to, but for now let's try to keep things at least a tad bit inconspicuous. Also, I need to get you some clothes Byakko, I can't really have you walking around naked everywhere."

Lilith immediately perked up and spoke, "I can be very inconspicuous Master." Following her words, Lilith's human form began shifting back into its snake counterpart, but as she returned to her slithery form she wasn't finished quite yet with her transformation. 

Instead of growing larger as she usually did from time to time with her transformations, she rapidly shrunk herself in size until she was about 15ft (4.5m), being comparable in length to one of her earlier forms. 

Swiftly after shrinking herself down to a reasonable size, Lilith slithered her way into her Master's shirt, wrapping herself comfortably around his waist and chest, and finally popping her tattooed head out over his shoulder, giving her an amazing view of her Master's perspective and being extremely close to him as well.

Byakko quickly followed suit, beginning a drastic shift in appearance from being an incredibly tall tiger woman, to being an incredibly large tiger with elongated teeth, smoky black fur, and a deep rumbling growl. "I Am Ready To Enter Once You Are Master" she announced in her devilish tone.

"Alright, lets got then," (Y/N) needed no appearance while he was in the presence of his Elites since they had already seen his face and the same went for the guest that was supposed to be making an appearance that night, so with Lilith already wrapped around him and Byakko fully prepared, him and his companions teleported directly into his large office where they were greeted with an interesting sight as usual.

Militia and Melanie were excitedly sparing with one another, swiftly ducking, dodging, and clashing with one another's strikes as they practically flew across the office in an attempt to get a one up on one another. 

However, the fact that they were sparing with one another wasn't what he found interesting, it was the way they were attacking one another that completely threw him off guard. 

Firstly, Miltia's eyes were completely closed shut while her sister Melanie's eyes were wide open, however neither one of them were landing any solid hits on one another. Miltia was tactically dashing across the room, tossing pillow cushions, pencils, and pens across the soft carpet as she silently approached her sister from a multitude of different angles, but at the same time her attacks were scarily inaccurate. 

Melanie on the other hand was incredibly accurate with her attacks, but she was pretty much pinned down as her sister circled around her and she continuously shot her head back and forth as she swung at random object after random object, occasionally swinging at nothing at all. 

Although neither of them was looking very impressive, they had bright smiles on their faces and looked as if they were having the times of their lives, but their little sparing match was nothing compared to what Junior and Zeb were taking part in.

Junior's weapon of choice, The Bazooka, was in its club form however it looked much, much different than it did before. It wasn't as though the weapon itself had any design changes, it was just so much larger than it was before, but that wasn't even the most surprising aspect of this engagement. 

Zeb was standing tall, still shorter than Junior, and absolutely still, thick black Aura cloaking his entire body, waiting for something to happen, and he didn't have to wait long as his body was quickly struck by an incredible force. 

Junior rocketed his club forward, sending it bulldozing through the air as it crashed into the staunch body of the incredibly strong Faunus, the slamming of metal against flesh echoed throughout the room, but as Junior removed his club from Z's body, he was left completely undamaged.

After he finished silently watching everything that his Elites were taking part in, (Y/N) decided to announce his presence with a quick but essential question. "What the fuck are yall doing?" The instant he elevated his voice, everyone in the room immediately stopped what they were doing and turned their attention to the blissful voice that they couldn't forget.

"Bro/Bro!" Mil and Mel were the first to react as they rushed to their bro's side, clobbering him on both sides with strong, warm hugs, and bright smiles.

"Oh my god, like, its been so long Bro! I've missed you!"

"Yeah Bro, I've missed you so much! We've really been craving seeing you again!"

Their Bro wrapped his arms around the girls and brought them closer to his chest to give them both quick, loving kisses on each of their foreheads. "I've been missing you both as well, it's always nice to be back in your arms" he whispered lovingly to the twins, making them blush and giggle like schoolgirls.

"Awe, you don't have to say all that Bro, your gonna make us fall even deeper for you" Miltia said as she planted a quick kiss on his cheek.

"Like, I honestly didn't think that was even possible, but like, I really, really, really, really, really, like... really love you Bro."

"I love you to Miltia, and I love you as well Melanie" he said as he pat the girls heads, and it was then that they noticed his apparent changes.

"Oh my god! Like, Bro, you have like, the cutest ears now! When did you get those?" Melanie asked the question as she stretched up to gently stroke the fluffy ears a top his head.

"Sis, I think he's been hiding them or something, and I think that there real too! Bro has two tails and look at his eyes, their like, super gorgeous!" The twins were then quickly lost as they began exploring their Bro's bodily changes, allowing (Y/N) to focus on the other two men present in the room at the time.

Zeb and Junior walked just out of the range of Mil & Mel's rampant exploration of the Boss/Chief's body, allowing the two of them to give their usual greetings followed by some interesting comments. 

Zeb began first, saluting the Chief as he usually did, "yo Chief, I've been looking forward to you popping up again, things have been getting kinda slow around here over the past few nights now that the big mission has finished up. Also, you look really fresh with the Faunus look, you should definitely keep that shit up for a while" he exclaimed with a bright smile on his face.

Junior on the other hand bowed deeply to the Boss as he announced, "welcome back Boss! You look as brilliant as always Sir, but you look especially wonderful in your true form!"

"Hello to you both Junior and Zeb," (Y/N) said as he gave them both a quick mock salute, "don't worry about things being slow, shit will pick up soon enough and you all will have so much shit to do you will be begging me for a break" he said with a small chuckle. 

"However, do you think you could let me know why you are all using the office as a training ground?" That question seemingly broke the twins out of their stupors as they turned extremely excited and started literally skipping in circles around their Bro as they sang a very interesting toon.

"We got a new power, we got a new power/ We got a new power, we got a new power" they sang on repeat, clearly happy at something that (Y/N) did quite understand.

Luckily, he didn't have to look for an answer as Junior began with, "Boss, around noonish on yesterday, all of us had experienced an interesting change that seemed completely inexplicable. The only real explanation that we could come up with, mainly led by Z, was that you somehow managed to power us up somehow, but we couldn't come up with anything concrete. This clearly cannot be a coincidence since it happened to all of us, it even effected the other men to a lesser degree."

Junior kept rambling on and on for a while, not ever getting to the central point and answering his Boss's question, so Zeb quickly stepped in with, "sorry for the long-winded explanation, but we, especially Junior, think its really impressive that this inexplicable happened and you are the cause of it. Anyway, we basically unlocked our soul, Aura, power, ability, thingy. I kinda forget what its called, but yeah, that's what happened."

"Like, it's called a Semblance/It is called a Semblance" the twins yelled as they stopped running around in a circle.

"Right, yeah that, a Semblance" Z responded, still sounding unsure about what the ability was.

After Z's response, the twins immediately turned their attention back to their Bro as they clung tightly to his body as they began pelting him with their excitement.

"Like, Bro, do you want to see my Semblance! It's like super-duper cool I promise, I'm like 10x stronger now!"

"Yeah Bro, mine is super-duper cool too, do you wanna see?!? I think that me and Mel are unbeatable now when we're together!"

(Y/N) looked questioningly at the twins for a moment before he said, "sure, I'd love to see your Semblances" he exclaimed with a warm smile.

"Like, ok, close your eyes for a second" (Y/N) of course obliged Melanie's request and closed his eyes shut, "ok, wait a second, like one more second, and... open them!" Melanie's bro then opened his eyes yet again and quickly saw exactly what this portion of Melanie's ability was.

"I can't see anything at all," he said, but at the same time he was already thinking about what this ability was. "Wait, I can easily see in the dark now that my pupils are the way that they are, but I somehow cannot see anything at all even though my eyes are completely open. Doesn't that mean that there is literally no light at all for my eyes to even attempt to reflect and turn into sight, interesting."

"Like, I know! I made it so you can't see! Like, so, now I'm going to do something else, so I need you to look at me as I turn up the brightness!"

"I can do that" (Y/N) said as he focused on Melanie, his sight quickly returning to him. Soon he could perfectly see both Mil and Mel, but his perfect sight quickly turned from perfect to horrifyingly bright. 

Especially because of how sensitive his eyes were already, soon both the faces of the twins were shining as bright as the sun, practically burning his retina and forcing him to close his eyes and look away. "Goddamn that is bright as hell, you really do have yourself a nifty new ability" he said as he recovered from the blinding brightness of his sight.

"Like, uh huh, I can make everything super, super dark and really, really bright to a person!"

"Yeah, but now it's my turn Bro! But I really don't wanna hurt your ears so instead I'll just explain it too you! My Semblance makes it so I can..." as soon as Miltia began explaining the ability of her Semblance, her words quite literally fell on deaf ears as (Y/N) had lost all sense of hearing. "... so that is the first part of the ability!" Miltia and her sister were laughing and giggling uncontrollably at this point, clearly enjoying messing with the one they loved so much.

"Very funny Miltia" he said as he gently scuffled the girl's hair, causing her to giggle even more.

"hehe, sorry Bro but I had to do it! Anyways like I was saying, the other part is that I can do things like this, shshsh." As Mil raised her finger, the room fell completely silent as the red twin picked up a pen from the floor and gently dangled it from her finger. 

She continued the balancing act for a moment until she allowed the pen to fall from her finger and land against the soft, carpeted ground with a resounding, eardrum shattering, BOOM. 

The sound managed to actually rattle (Y/N) for a moment, leaving both pairs of his sensitive ears ringing as they attempted to recover from the insanely loud sound that came from a light pen clattering against the soft carpet.

"Yup, that is definitely an unbeatable combination, and even controlling sound and sight on their own is extremely powerful. It is crazy disorienting, observe."

Name: Melanie Malachite

Age: 22

Race: Human

Titles: The Devil's Elite, Daughter of the Spiders

LVL: 46

HP: 4920/4920, {+1568}

AU: 3485/3485, {+918}


STR; 242, (+36), {+97}

END; 153, {+61}

DEX; 235, (+59), {+94}

VIT; 196, {+78}

INT; 47, {+19}

LUK; 97, {+39}

*Blinding Illumination (Semblance)*- This Semblance allows Melanie to effectively control the light in a given area, giving her the ability to brighten, manipulate, and darken the light in the vicinity. Using this ability, she can make light completely disappear in her area of control, voiding an entire area from light, or inversely, she can make everything blindingly bright, making the action of looking at anything the equivalent of staring into a flashbang.

'Melodic Stilettos'- Elegant, beautiful, white heels with unbelievably sharp blades that stand tall attached from the bottom of the heal to the top of Melanie's phenomenal shoe. This gorgeous, bladed shoe's blade is retractable in both that it can be hidden from the opponent, and can also be extended past its original length; +25% DEX, +15% STR


Name: Miltia Malachite

Age: 22

Race: Human

Titles: The Devil's Elite, Daughter of the Spiders

LVL: 46

HP: 4920/4920, {+1568}

AU: 3485/3485, {+918}


STR; 242, (+61), {+97}

END; 153, {+61}

DEX; 235, (+35), {+94}

VIT; 196, {+78}

INT; 47, {+19}

LUK; 97, {+39}

*Deafening Silence (Semblance)*- This Semblance allows Miltia to effectively control the sound in a given area, giving her the ability to louden, regulate, and silence the noises in the vicinity. Using this ability, she can make nothing in her range make a sound, silencing an entire area from any sound, or inversely, she can make even the slightest movement's sound Boom like a gunshot.

'Malicious Claws'- Aggressively powerful retractable claws that extend from the wrists of the beautiful Miltia and meet her opponents with deadly slices that are sure to leave them dead and gone. These blades are completely omnidirectional and if she so chooses, Miltia can change the angle at which she swings at any time; +25% STR, +15% DEX


"As expected, you two have amazing abilities, you two really do never cease to impress" he said as he showered the duo with head pats and kisses. Once he finished praising the girls, he turned to Zeb and Junior who were waiting patiently for their turns to show off what they could do. "You guys wanna explain what it is your Semblance allows you to do?"

"Mien isn't anything with much finesse, I'm just able to negate any damage I take on specific parts of my body at a time, if I spread it to thin it's not really invulnerable just a big ass defense buff" Z explained.

"Boss, I am able to increase the size of not only the objects that I touch, but also myself in some instances. I cannot use this ability on other people though unfortunately."

Name: Hei Xiong, Junior

Age: 37

Race: Human

Titles: The Devil's Elite

LVL: 50

HP: 3100/3100, {+840}

AU: 5150/5150, (+130), {+201}


STR; 265, (+27), {+106}}

END; 260, (+26), {+104}

DEX; 105, {+42}

VIT; 105, {+42}

INT; 260, (+26), {+104}

LUK; 55, {+22}

*Gigantomachia (Semblance)*- This incredible Semblance allows the giant Junior to increase the size and therefore weight and mass of himself and any items he touches, allowing him to rapidly increase the attack potency of the things around him.

'The Bazooka'- This is the preferred weapon used by Junior, in essence it is a combination of a strong metallic club and a rocket launcher. When used in rocket launcher mode, based on the type of ammunition and how Junior wishes to fire this weapon, Junior can choose whether he wishes to shoot one massive rocket or many mini missiles that heat seek towards his opponents; +20% STR, +20% END, +20% INT


Name: Zeb, Z

Age: 27

Race: Faunus

Titles: The Devil's Elite

LVL: 53

HP: 6740/6740, {+2296}

AU: 7310/7310, {+2406}


STR; 345, {+138}

END; 401, {+160}

DEX; 222, {+89}

VIT; 287, {+115}

INT; 59, {+24}

LUK; 111, {+44}

*Immovable (Semblance)*- This Semblance allows Zeb to temporarily fortify himself with his own Aura to such an extent that he becomes completely undamageable. Essentially for a moment he can become an immovable, undamageable, indestructible fortress that cannot be destroyed.


"Those are both really great abilities as well, hopefully I can see them in action soon so I can get a good feel for how you all will be able to use them, but for now we gotta focus up on the guest that should be showing up any minute now." 

The rest of the group agreed with the sentiment, being quickly informed on who the guest they were expecting was, when they'd be seeing them, and how the meeting would be going. Once they were informed, it only took a few more minutes for them to hear a soft knock coming from the other side of the door.

"Chief, you have a guest here to see you, should we let him in?"

(Y/N) swiftly applied the mask of his appearance to alter his voice and said, "let him in, he's a special guest" his words weren't met with a response, instead he heard as the member gave another Acolyte an order and the stomps of someone running down the stairs. 

After a moment of waiting, (Y/N) was able to hear the sounds of footsteps climbing up the steps, but one pair of feet sounded much heavier than the rest. Those feet continued to climb before another soft knock was heard behind the door and the Chief quickly said, "come in."

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