The Jock, the Nerd, and the...

By laurenkaay

49.9K 2.7K 2.4K

Jerome, captain of the football team at Ruedale High, popular with all the ladies and men, and also happens t... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Poofless Smut (!!)
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Character Ask
Character Ask Answers
Chapter 29
Chapter 30- Epilouge

Chapter 12

1.6K 92 105
By laurenkaay

Mitch's POV:

Finally, we pull up to a small little restuant on the edge of a lake.

"Awww it's so cute!" I giggle, getting out. The dreary rain and slush falls from the sky, making me feel crappy.

"Mhm." Jerome says. Ugh, what's up with him? I've only gotten a few words out of him today.

He takes my hand, walking us inside. He says his last name to the lady, and she nods winking. I grind my teeth, gripping Jerome's hand tighter. He looks at me funnily, but shrugs it off.

What the hell?!

We sit down at a cute little table for two, and he pulls out my chair for me. I half smile, sitting down. He sits down, ordering our drinks and hiding himself with the menu.

Am I to ugly to be around him....? Am I embarrassing him....?

I shake my head of those terrible thoughts, focusing on the menu.

"What are you gonna get baby?" I speak up, trying to get anything out if him.

"Sushi." He mumbles, setting his menu down. His phone rings, and he jumps up to answer it, dashing off.

I bite my lip, fighting the urge to cry. My phone buzzes twice, and I pull it out.

Ty the slut: Hey hoe, how is your date?

515-123-7676: Hey Mitch, it's Alex, we use to be best friends back when we were younger? I ran into your moms a little while back and they told me everything. Anyways, its been so long! Wanna meet up sometime? I just moved a town over from you so I thought we could get back together.

Alex? I bite my lip, remembering the boy I had my first crush on. I open Facebook, looking him up.

Woah. He turned out super cute.

I hear the shuffling of feet, and I look up to see Jerome sitting back down.

"Who was that?" I slip my phone in my pocket, scooting closer to the table.

"My mom, wanted to know where I was." He rolls his eyes, smiling.

"Ah." I smile, setting my menu down. We order, eating the biscuits they gave us and joking and talking about baby stuff. **

Our dinner arrives, and we scarf that down. Afterwards I order a dessert for me and Jerome to share, which ends up making a big mess.

"You know you like my white cream on your face~" Jerome smirks, wiping whipped cream on my cheeks. I whine, and he laughs.

"C'mere baby and sit on my lap, I'll lick it off." He chuckles, and I get up and sit on his lap. "Also close your eyes so I don't lick your eyeball." I giggle, closing my eyes.

Nothing happens for a mere 20 seconds, until I feel a warm slimy tongue against my cheek. He licked it all off, and I shivered slightly in pleasure. But he didn't stop there.

He moves his mouth down to my neck, kissing and biting it. I moan softly, face burning. He pulls back, wrapping his arm around my waist.

"Okay, I finished so now you can open your eyes."

I open my eyes, and I see Jerome grinning, with a ring in his hand. I gasp, eyes widening.

"Baby I love you, so so much. And I wanna be with you forever, and I want you to officially be mine. I'm gonna love this kid so hard, and our possible future kids, because they are ours. And I want to do this together as a team. So, will you marry me?" He finishes, holding the ring out to me.

With all of this happening, school, a baby, a boyfriend, things have been changing so fast....

But, they say you only live once, right?

"Yes of course!" I laugh, holding onto him, kissing him. He picks me up, squeezing me and sobbing tears of joy, kissing me repeatedly. He finally calms down a little, and he slips on the ring.

It's nothing fancy, because I didn't want fancy and glamorous. Just a simple one diamond ring, just what I want. Funny, I only told Ty that....

That little shit.

We spend the rest of the night cuddling back at Adam's, since we stopped by to tell them the news, and we were both too tired to drive home.

When we went to bed in the spare room, Jerome complemented my panties. I groaned, forgetting I was wearing them.

"That's all Ty's fault, he wouldn't give me my boxers back." I giggle, cuddling up to him.

"Eh, its cute and kinda sexy."

I just laugh, cuddling with him till I fall asleep.


You guys are lucky I didn't delete this book, I RE-WROTE THIS 3 TIMES UGH STARTING FROM THE ** (that was so i could show you)

I dont like how I ended but fuck it.

Also if you don't read my finished skylox m-preggggg....

Me and KeepUpWeirdo are now dating ehuehe.

Anyways, for those who liked the Bajanlox idea, I'm gonna post it soon, and post like every Friday and another day I haven't figured out. This book will be updated on Wednesday and Sunday.

I'll be posting the sequel soon, been so lazy and need to make a damn cover.

My grandma is coming on Tuesday and I'm going to Great Wolf Lodge!

Also thanks for all the congrats on #Labbey (Our ship name even before I asked her out)

And if any of you cuties (my fan name) wanna write me #Labbey stories I won't be creeped out.


Baaaaiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii! (In Ty's voice at the end of the Saw map)


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