The Awakened One, Book 1: Rem...

By Nentai96

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Earth is an incredibly peaceful and beautiful World home to the amazingly intelligent Humans that live upon i... More

Chapter 1: Armageddon
Chapter 2: Battle Of Wills
Chapter 3: Hell On Earth
Chapter 4: Awakening
Chapter 5: Awakened One
The Public Service Announcement
Chapter 6: The Queen of The Amazon
Chapter 7: Vampire May Cry
|^{PSA II}^|
Chapter 8: A New World
Chapter 9: A New Companion
(A/N): III
Chapter 10: A Chance Encounter
Chapter 11: Lovers
*!Status!* II
(A/N): IV
Chapter 12: Vale
Chapter 13: A Night in Vale
(A/N): V
Chapter 14: Rest and Relaxation
Chapter 15: Training Begins
Chapter 16: A Mysterious Figure
Chapter 17: Scars
(A/N): VI
*!Status!* III
Chapter 18: Glynda Goodwitch
Chapter 19: Ice Queen
Chapter 20: Ozma
(A/N): VII
Chapter 21: Thief in The Night
Chapter 22: The Reaper
Chapter 23: The Xiong Family
Chapter 24: A Woman's Curse
Chapter 25: Spiders
Chapter 26: Foundation
(A/N): IX
Chapter 27: The Disciplinarian
Chapter 28: Jacques Schnee
*!Status!* IV
Chapter 29: Despair
*!Status!* V
(A/N): X
Chapter 30: Thicker Than Blood
Chapter 31: Taking Out The Trash
Chapter 32: Red Like Roses
(A/N): XI
Chapter 33: I Burn
Chapter 34: The Demon Clan
Chapter 35: Preparing For Victory
(A/N): XII
Chapter 36: Conquering Vale's Underworld
Chapter 37: Aftermath
Chapter 38: A Newer Companion
Chapter 40: Who am I?
Chapter 41: A Fateful Meeting
(A/N): XIV
Chapter 42: At Last
Chapter 43: The White Fang
Chapter 44: Forever Fall Forest
(A/N): XV
Chapter 45: From Shadows
Chapter 46: To Light
Chapter 47: The Snake And The Tiger
(A/N): XVI
Chapter 48: Fairy Tales
Chapter 49: Moving Forward
Chapter 50: Towards The End
Chapter 51: Of The Beginning
Chapter 52: The Summer Tournament
Chapter 53: Finalists
Chapter 54: Finale
Chapter 55: Finished
Chapter 56: Finally
Public Service Announcement
Chapter 57: Initiation
Chapter 58: Act 2
Chapter 59: Knight Ceremony
Chapter 60: Alpha Megoliath
Chapter 61: Power Leveling
Chapter 62: Total Recall
Chapter 63: System Update
Chapter 64: Divided
Chapter 65: Upside
Chapter 66: Downturn
Chapter 67: The Meeting
Chapter 68: Vacuo
Chapter 69: Tribes of The Desert
Chapter 70: The Desert Kreeps
Chapter 71: The Desert Walkers
Chapter 72: Desert Faunus Alliance
Chapter 73: Disappearance
Chapter 74: Unfortunate Circumstance
Chapter 75: The Mysterious Hunter
Chapter 76: Desperate Invaders
Chapter 77: To Protect
Chapter 78: Running Out Of Time
Chapter 79: Mistake Driven Turmoil
Awakened Organization: Closure {A Loving Summary}

Chapter 39: Mirror Mirror

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By Nentai96

The rest of the flight was spent in the same silence that it began with and neither of the woman made any more attempts to converse with one another. Willow used the rest of the flight to continue thinking about every decision that led up to this moment, every wrong turn, overdue call, bottle drank, and lie told that brought her into the depressive scenario that she found herself in now. 

Her horrible relationship with her daughters and the fact that Jacques had a hand in destroying the bridge in between them, but also becoming hopeful for their futures as they still managed to become their own woman in spite of Jacques's influences. 

Willow made the decision to give up her heir to the throne to go into the military and Weiss making the effort to join a Huntsman Academy to gain her own strength, and while she never got to talk to them and figure out what their reasons to make those decisions were, she was happy to see that they made them on their own.

Weiss simply continued the same stoic expression, 'the Schnee look' as Willow had begun calling it, still showing her nervous habits, but refusing to allow her true feelings to deter her from what she saw as her duties as a bearer of the Schnee name. 

Eventually, one of the men in the cockpit alerted them that they'd be landing soon and in that moment both of the woman prepared for what was going to one of the most nerve-racking experiences of their lives. Soon after the pilots announcement, the large VTOL ship began rapidly descending, and it eventually fully landed. 

The first people to leave the vehicle were those in the cockpit as they immediately exited the landed vehicle to open the doors for the two royal ladies, lining up like a Queen's guards. As the women exited the landed aircraft, they immediately began taking in their surroundings and saw that they were landed directly in front of a large club like building. 

Its windows were completely covered by red blinds, a long black carpet was rolled out in front of the glass door entrance, and atop the buildings main entry point was a thin, holographic like screen that depicted a Demonic mask, shifting, spinning, dissolving, and reforming itself in a hypnotic animation.

Taking a few further steps outward, the pilots alerted the women that they'd be waiting for them for when they were ready to leave, to which Weiss dismissed them with a small hand movement. Lining the black carpet logoed with the Devil's face on it were ten men in bright crimson suits that shimmered with Dust, there were five of them on each side and each of them held a Katana like sword on their hips. 

The sight of these men gave them the expression that these were the top of the top, the strongest men in the organization that were the only ones permitted to wear such expensive garbs, and had Willow not known better she would've thought the same thing, but she was privy to the images and videos that were sent to her husband making her all hyperconscious of the fact that these were the lowest of the low. 

She then glanced over to her daughter to make sure that she was holding up alright and she saw her gripping tightly to her rapier's handle, but otherwise remaining visually calm. Before she could officially check up on her, another man walked out from the glass doors, and he had on a matching Black hat to fit with the rest of his red outfit, and he was the clear leader of this pack of ten men as when he exited, he was given a quick, unified salute from the men.

"Captain!" They shouted at once, but he quickly put them at ease with a single movement of his wrist, and after that he quickly walked down the steps to welcome the duo to the establishment.

"Hello Mrs. Schnee, Miss Schnee, and welcome to Hel's Kitchen, the home and headquarters of our Clan Chief and Mistress" the man said as he tipped his hat off to the two women. "My name is, well, not important, but my men and I will be leading you to those who's names are important. If you would please follow me-"

"Wait." Weiss suddenly decided to speak up, cutting off the man mid-sentence, and catching the attention of everyone present including her mother.

"Yes Miss Schnee? I can't say I can answer many questions, but I guess I'll try my best, so what's up?"

"I am unaware as too the operations and organization of your little gang, so if you could explain what exactly your position, as far as hierarchy goes, is that'd be great." Weiss didn't ask the man a question, she gave the man a command and also did so in a manner fit of a Schnee, but also was disrespectful as fuck towards him.

The entire mood around the men switched up suddenly as their unmoving, soldier like, blank forward stares stopped to turn to the woman that had directly disrespected one of their own. However, before any of them could act, the Captain raised his hand to get them back in line. 

He then quickly cleared his throat before starting with, "sorry Miss Schnee, but we don't take too kindly to disrespect around here. If you wanted to know my Rank, you could've just asked, but since you are our honored guests, I'll answer regardless. I am a captain and these ten are the Acolytes that I have been assigned to watch over. Above me are the Seven Deadly Sins, and about them are the Elites, and finally at the very top are the Devil and Hel, aka the Chief and his Mistress."

Weiss immediately scoffed as she heard the name of the leader of this 'gang', "The Devil? What an idioti-"

Before she was able to finish her words, her mother quickly stepped in, putting her arm in front of her daughters mouth to stop her from speaking and quickly talk over her comments, "I apologize for my daughters sudden outburst. She is still learning the proper mannerisms to approach an exchange such as this with, so if you'd please excuse her actions, I'd be very grateful" Willow quickly saved the exchange with the apology, only slightly lowering her head to the man as a sign of sincerity.

"For all of us here, I'll accept your apology. Now, I'd love to show you both inside as I am sure that you are very tired of standing outdoors, so please follow me." Willow followed the man with a smile as the first five red suits walked out in front of the Schnee duo with the other five walking behind them. 

Willow slowly lowered her arm from Weiss's mouth and before her daughter could have another outburst, she quickly hushed her with a glare, showing her the seriousness of their current situation. Weiss was irritated at first, but as they walked through the marble hallways of the building and came upon the massive central room, she soon came to understand why her mother gave her the look.

Once they happened upon the massive open, but empty, dance room, they walked down the long steps and then surprisingly kept walking, going up the balcony, then passed the upper area, and then they kept walking up more flights of stairs until they finally reached the top. 

Once they reached the top floor, the ten red suits fanned out, lining up next to, and around the large double doors with Demonic faces on them, and the captain them walked up to them, gripping the long-chained scythe that hung from its mouth, and used it to knock on the door. 

The loud knock echoed off the walls of the room for a moment and silence reigned over all of them for a moment, but then a booming, deep, rumbling voice spoke up from behind the door.

"You May Enter" the demonic voice announced behind the door, shaking Weiss's nerves slightly as she gripped tighter to her Rapier. The Captain that was standing in front of the massive doors pulled on the handle, bowing as he opened the door, granting the Schnee duo entry into the large office. 

For a moment both women were hesitant to take a step forward, but Willow quickly recovered, taking a strong step into the room. Her daughter however remained still, frozen in place as she peeked into the room and saw the demonic structures, statues, and coloring of the room. 

Willow immediately noticed this and took a step back to lightly nudge on her daughters arm to get her attention, and Weiss immediately snapped back to reality after the touch. Her mother gave her a look as if to say that she could leave whenever she wanted to, but to save face Weiss simply looked away from her mother and followed her into the office.

As they stepped into the large room, they were immediately greeted by the intense glares of the most baller, gangster, terrifying men and woman they had every seen. Their power was easily established by their presence alone and they all held mean, straight faces, showing no emotions at their entry. 

"Welcome Schnee's" the man in the center spoke. Hearing the center most man's voice, now that it was not muffled by the thick door, shook them to their cores and made Weiss's heartbeat uncontrollably in her chest. 

As they reached the long rows of white chairs, the door behind them suddenly slid shut, closing them off from their only exit which made Weiss's nerves only rise. Now that they were trapped in the room, they looked around the room to see the animals that they'd be locked up with and the diversity of the group surprised but also frightened the duo.

The first thing they noticed was the massive Grimm sitting in the front left corner of the room, resting with its head in its arms as its body slowly rose and fell with each breath. Then they saw the two woman that stood at the Devil's sides, a taller woman clads in a silky red dress and a much shorter woman that was ice cream colored and had a sinister smile plastered on her face. 

In front of the Devil's large desk, they saw four powerful looking individuals that showed no emotions towards them, not positive nor negative, if anything it felt that they were indifferent to their existence. 

The left two were twins, beautiful women with long black hair, and the right two were incredibly large men with muscular statures, one a blonde Faunus, the other short black hair and was missing an arm. 

In the center of all of them was the Devil who's look truly proceeded him, everything about him struck fear into his enemies, if it wasn't his voice, it was his appearance, if it wasn't his appearance, for Willow, it was the fact that he could easily slaughter an army of men without help.

"Well, It Would Be Great If The Two Of You Could Sit So We Can Begin Our Discussion." He lightly recommended that the duo sit down, and they quickly took to what he said, Willow chose to sit at the closest seat to the entire group, but Weiss on the other hand was extremely cautious, so she sat much further away then her mother. 

That simple act immediately brought all of the Elites attention to her, which only made her even more anxious, and the moment Willow saw this she went to protect her daughter.

"My daughter is only here as a spectator, so if you would please view her as an overseer of our discussion I would be very appreciative. Also, I believe that introductions are in order, so allow me to start us off" as she spoke, she adjusted her posture to look directly into the eyes of the group in front of her. 

"I am Willow Schnee, wife of Jacques Schnee and daughter of Nicholas Schnee, the current and former Masters of the Schnee Empire. And this," she began as she motioned to her daughter, "is my youngest daughter Weiss Schnee, the current Heiress of the Schnee Company and powerful Huntress in training." 

Willow added the praise to her daughter's name by talking about her skill as a Huntress, not to warn them of her strength, but to increase Weiss's confidence and ease her nerves.

The first to respond to her introduction was the twins, "like, I'm Melanie Malachite, daughter of Mother and sister of her!"

"Yeah, I'm Miltia Malachite and I'm also a daughter of Mother! Melanie is also my twin sister too!"

The next to introduce themselves was the Faunus, "hello, it is nice to meet you, my name is Z, and I am a Faunus. Sorry, but that's all I got."

"My name is Hei Xiong, but you may call me Junior."

After Junior's introduction everyone's attention was placed on the people up top and the first of them to speak was the crimson clad demoness on the left. "Hello Willow and Weiss, it is a true honor to meet the both of you, however I would've been much happier to see Jacques standing in front of me right now.

Willow heard the comment and immediately stored the info in the back of her mind for later, "I am the unofficial official owner of Hel's Kitchen, Mistress of the Demon Clan, and lover of my Honey Hel! And this cutey to the left of my lover is the very adorable, but very dangerous, Neopolitan.

As she introduced her, Neo gave the white-haired duo a flashing smile and a quick double peace sign pose before silently giggling and returning to her former position. "Neo is mute so she can't exactly introduce herself in the traditional way, but I'm sure you both figured that out already."

That left the only person who had yet to introduce themselves, the man sitting in the center of the room. "First And Foremost, Hel Is My Equal In Every way, So You Will Treat Her With The Same If Not More Respect That You Show Me." The Devil's sudden exclamation made Willow and Weiss slightly flinch in surprise, Weiss a lot more than Willow, as they had heard from Jacques that the Devil had treated woman like objects and used them to decorate his office to ogle at them. 

Willow was hesitant to take the information in as truth, but when she saw the beautiful woman in the room, she suspected that the info Jacques gave her was at least slightly accurate. However, now she had to reevaluate that entire thought process and look at the man in front of her in a slightly better light.

"Hel would have received the same respect from me regardless of whether or not you told me Sir," Willow began, "trust me that I know a powerful woman when I see one, and you are exceptional" she spoke, bowing slightly to the woman clad in red. In response to the woman's respects, Hel simply waved her off, feigning embarrassment at the compliment.

As (Y/N) watched the exchange, he made a decision in his mind to show the woman in front of him the same kindness that she showed his lover. "Huh, You Have Earned My Respects Miss Willow Schnee, I Believe That You Are A Trustworthy Individual." At first Willow didn't know what to think, but she quickly understood exactly what the masked man meant as he lowered his demonic facial covering to reveal his glowing red eyes, and then spoke. 

"I am the Devil, and you are free to call me that, or whatever else you want to call me, it doesn't really matter. That gorgeous ball of smokey black fur over there," he began as he pointed to Byakko, "is Scylla. There is no need to be afraid of her, she won't hurt you in any way. Well, as long as you don't give her a reason to." Willow was about to take his words as a threat, but because of his sudden relaxed tone switch it came across less like a threat, and more like a joke. 

She suppressed her laughter and instead slightly smiled at the comment, but while looking out for her daughter's safety and anxiety, she chose to address the possibility.

"Maybe the Devil is more of a stand-up individual than I originally thought, so I guess I could approach this from a more honest and direct angle then I originally intended. If that doesn't work, then I can always fall back and return to deceit. Firstly, I'd like to thank you for determining me as a trustworthy individual and because of that I will assign the same trust to you, Sir Devil. Also. do not worry, I assure you that we would never give Scylla a reason to do anything but rest her pretty head in her paws." 

Willow's response eased the tension in the room, not only in her daughter, but also in the Elites as well. "I need to somehow find out Jacques's objective in sending me, Weiss, and Winter here, if anyone would know then it'd be him. Sir Devil, I hate to begin our discussion like this, but since I would like to give you your respects, I won't be holding back my honesty. So, I would like to know what exactly has brought me here tonight? I am fully aware of the events that took place at the SD-Block, but if that was the case then why wouldn't you simply take the Dust?"

"You are incredibly intelligent Mrs. Willow, before I answer your question, would you please humor one of my own? Are you the true manipulator, head, decision maker of the Schnee Company?"

Willow could barely hold in her surprise at the Devil's question, "if you don't mind my asking, what makes you ask that?"

"She's smart, answering my answered question with another question to get to the central reason why the topic was brought up. The reason is simple, Jacques is stupid as fuck." The instant the words left his mouth, Willow could no longer keep her Schnee mask on her face as she let out an audible chuckle at the Devil's revelation.

Her sudden laughter was saw by her daughter who sat a few seats down from her and Weiss eyes widened in shock at the sight she was seeing. "Mother is laughing?" she thought, trying to mentally rub her eyes to confirm what she was seeing. 

"And what does he mean Father is stupid? The Schnee Company has never seen such growth and prosperity since he took over." Weiss was left speechless, but her attentiveness had only increased as the conversation before her began to unfold.

As Willow's laughter began coming to an end, she managed to stop herself for a moment to allow him to continue, "please ignore my sudden outburst, continue what you were saying."

"No need to apologize for the laughter, it is simply the hysterical truth that Jacques wannabe Schnee is a Dumbass." That comment sent Willow clear over the edge as tears began forming in her eyes from laughter, but Weiss appeared slightly different, she wasn't offended, nor was she getting defensive in her father's stead, she was simply curious as to why he was saying such things and why her mother was laughing about it. 

"He didn't increase security after having the largest Dust shipment back-up in Schnee history, leaving an entire shipyard full of Dust essentially free for the taking, he agreed to an in person meeting without thinking about what I wanted with the Dust after holding it hostage, I even told him I could make it disappear if I wanted to meaning that the chances of me just taking after we came to an agreement would be highly likely. Hell, even in our first discussion he couldn't hold the conversation and was provoked extremely easily. He is stupid and there is no possible way that the Schnee Company is this successful with him as the head."

As Willow's laughter died down, she added, "that's not even the worst of it, he didn't learn of your intentions to negotiate with him after you paid for all the Dust in Vale. I was the one who told him of the possibility that you'd make him a deal to get a steady stream of Dust for a cheaper price than market value. By the way Sir Devil, did you ever intend to make a deal with him, or were your intentions just to intimidate him into establishing your presence in his mind?"

"I was planning on making a deal with him for the reason you mentioned, but he disrespected me, got mad that I called him by name, threw a temper tantrum about being in control, and most of all, called Hel a bitch" even thinking about it pissed him the fuck off and that did not go unnoticed by Willow.

"I'm sorry for the things that my idiot husband has done to you, but to answer your question, I do 'advise' him on all the major and most of the time minor decisions that need to be made in the organization. By advice I mean give him the answer so he can act as though he came up with it on his own."

"I figured as much, and to answer your question, I had a few different objectives in arranging this meeting. One, I wanted to negotiate a deal, a really good deal, with whoever was to show up tonight so I could get one large shipment of Dust and regular shipments thereafter." 

"Two, I wanted to learn of any and all shipments that are being transported to vale by train, more specifically any that go directly through Forever Fall Forest. The last goal of mine is one that is no longer possible and is one that you both may not like very much." As he finished listing his objectives, the gears in Willow's mind began moving at a rapid pace, immediately beginning to piece together all the information that she had learned up until this point.

"The Devil paid off all the Dust businesses in Vale in order to both get the attention of the Schnee's and to cause the major blockage in orders which would build up in the shipyard. Because I learned of one of these objectives, Jacques was able to have a meeting with him in order to come to a deal with him that would be beneficial for both parties." 

"However, since Jacques ruined the talks by erupting in disrespect because he couldn't keep his fragile ego in check, the Devil was forced to take over the SD-Block to gain control over negotiations, this time having far more advantage than before so he could pull whatever strings he wanted. Instead of simply making an unbelievable request for an amazing Dust deal that he would be able to get an immense amount of the stuff for dirt cheap, he chose to force an in-person negotiation with the Schnees." 

"Then Jacques chose to send me and my daughters here to negotiate in his stead since we'd help him get a better deal. No that doesn't make any sense." at the sudden thought the elder woman paused for a moment.

"If the Devil and his Clan already had all the advantage they could want, then Jacques would know that making a better deal would be impossible. He's stupid but not that stupid. Then why would he send us? Why would he send my daughters? Why not Whitely as well?" The thought racked her brain even more now that she had all the pieces to the puzzle, she was left in a perpetual state of false conclusions since none of them fit the final piece of information, the why her daughters needed to tag along, the why not have the other child come as well.

She kept thinking about it, rapidly going through scenario after scenario, but never coming to the conclusion she wanted. No, the conclusion that was correct. "Wait Willow, simply think about what the third goal the Devil would want to achieve. One that is not possible now, we may not like, and fits in with sending me and my daughters in my husband's stead.

Her thoughts slowed for a moment as she began slowly processing the information, plugging in answers via trial and error to eventually come to the right conclusion, and suddenly everything in her mind became clear, her eyes widened in clarity, and she finally understood. 

Willow audibly gasped as she took in the sudden realization, but none around her reacted. "I was asking the wrong question the whole time! The question is not 'why send me and my daughters?', its 'why wouldn't you go yourself?' Why wouldn't Jacques want to go to meet the Devil himself? And why wouldn't he want Whitely to go as well?

Her mind and body were suddenly paralyzed in sudden shock, her breathing got hitched in her throat, uncomfortable sweat began pouring from her skin, and the Schnee expression that they were so known for melted away, revealing the face of a depressed woman. 

For the first time in a long time, she was able to completely exit her thoughts, as she turned to the Devil and spoke the awful truth. "You were going to kill Jacques Schnee."

Instead of refuting or confirming her statement with a traditional yes or no, he simply stated, "I promised that I'd make his head roll whenever I meet him, it's inevitable." The words that they spoke hung hauntingly in the air, nobody speaking a word or even daring to breath.

Weiss's eyes widened in shock as she heard the revelation, she looked into her mother's face and saw the buildup of years upon years of depression, and she immediately shot up from her seat, pointing at the Devil with her Rapier. "You were going to kill my father?!? How dare you say something like that to a Schnee?!?" The moment Weiss pulled her weapon on the group, the Elites were immediately on guard, waiting for the order to detain her to be given, but it never came.

Instead, Weiss was grabbed onto by her mother who softly spoke, "Weiss, sit with me. No buts, now!" It was the first time her mother had directly raised her voice at her since she was a child and seeing the emotion filling her face and the tears beginning to fill her eyes, Weiss decided to listen to her mother. 

The two Schnee woman sat down in chairs next to one another and Willow put her arm lovingly around her daughters shoulder, pulling her into a loving embrace. "Weiss, dear, I need you to listen closely to me. Trust every word that comes out of my mouth because what I am about to say is the honest truth." The words spoke volumes to Weiss as her mother had never taken such a direct approach with her before, and she couldn't remember the last time she felt her mother's warm embrace, but still she was incredibly confused.

"Why is mother acting this way? The Devil just told her that he planned on killing her husband! My Father, a Schnee! She should be getting angry, not depressed!" The thing that Weiss didn't understand was that Weiss's mother and her were reacting to two completely different things, While Weiss was angry because the Devil essentially threatened to kill a Schnee, her mother was depressed by the Revelation that came with the Devil's known goal.

The revelation that the Devil was going to kill Jacques wasn't the haunting thing to Willow, it was the fact that this was the final piece of the puzzle to help her come to the conclusion as to what Jacques's goal was. "Weiss, dear, your father, my... husband, sent us here to die. He sent us here to die in his stead, die as his replacement Schnee's like a sacrifice to the Devil" as she finished exclaiming her haunting conclusion, Weiss immediately shook her head in denial.

"No, no, no, no, no, father wouldn't do that! He would never do something even close to what your saying! Sure, we've had our problems as a family, but he'd never resort to... killing us off for no reason! Mother, why are you lying!?!" Tears began growing in Weiss's eyes the more she denied the topic, not allowing her mental view of her neglective, but proud father be tainted by her mother's words.

The instant (Y/N) saw where this conversation was going, he motioned for the Elites to get up and leave the room, protecting the mother daughter duo from revealing any personal information to the wrong eyes and ears. The Elites quickly got the message and immediately rose from their seats to silently make their exit, Junior slowly opened the large double doors and snuck his companions out, before silently following behind them, closing the door behind him.

Back with the Schnee's, Willow was holding tightly to her daughter comfortingly, not allowing her a moment of discomfort while breaking the horrid news to her. "It's true, Jacques wanted you, me, and Winter to all meet with the Devil because he knew that if he went then he'd be killed in our stead. He sent us in like an offering, hoping that the Devil simply wanted Schnee blood instead of his own!" 

"Weiss, your father never wanted you as the heiress to the Schnee name, he shouted joyously when Winter went to the army, and was only thankful that you wished to become a Huntress because he thought that it would lead to you joining the military as well, therefore nullifying your claim to the inheritance. All this time... he always wanted Whitley, his only son, to be his heir. That's why he left him at home and made you go instead."

Weiss's tears rapidly fell at the horrid information, "but why? Why did you wait this long to tell me?"

Willow suddenly got choked up at her daughters words, "because... I-I saw how happy it made you. At that time, you were more than happy to take over your sister's position as the heir and I didn't want to ruin that moment for you. However, by the time that you began looking up to your sister and finally coming into your own as a woman, the rift between us had already grown so large. I... I promise I tried to tell you, to rekindle the closeness that we once had, but by that time you already began resenting me, so when I approached you, you quickly turned me down." 

As she heard the trembling sadness in her mother's voice all the memories of her mother randomly walking up to her, or knocking on her door, to ask her how she was doing, how she was feeling, what was on her mind, and apologizing when nothing ever seemed to happen, all came rushing into her head at once. The overwhelming feeling of shame and guilt stabbed Wiess in the chest like a Huntress's blade, and in that moment all she could do was cry into her mothers arms and sob out her true feelings.

"I'm so sorry mom, I-I was such a brat, I s-should've talked to you more" she spoke as she sobbed into her mother's chest. "I was just so mad that you stopped talking to me, so I chose to not talk to you back to make you feel how I felt, but the whole time I just... I just... really wanted my mommy back!" At this point, both mother and daughter were sobbing uncontrollably, gripping tightly to one another as if when they let go, they'd lose each other forever.

"I'm so sorry dear! I shouldn't have let your father dictate when I could and couldn't see you. I shouldn't have let my guilt over what happened to prevent me from being a mother. You and your sister have always been my top priority, there is no person on this planet more important to me than my daughters, my babies, Weiss and Winter. I love you so much dear!"

"I love you too mommy!" The two Schnee's clung tightly to one another, refusing to let go for even a moment as they gave each other all the love and affection they had been neglecting to give each other for all those years. 

As they hugged and comforted one another, (Y/N), Scarlet, and Neo watched the loving reconnection of mother and daughter with small tears in their eyes. As the sobbing and tears died down, Neo chose to run and grab some tissues, and after the woman were finishing their embrace with their final sniffles, Neo offered the soft fabric to the Schnee's, and they graciously accepted it. 

When they finished up blowing their noses, wiping their eyes, and straightening up their clothing, it almost looked as thought they were never crying in the first place and the classic Schnee look returned like it never left, except for the fact that they were both smiling and holding each other's hands. "So, if that was the case, then why would Jacques want Winter to come as well? Wouldn't Winter be more than strong enough to overpower the Devil? No offense" Wiess suddenly spoke.

"None taken" (Y/N) swiftly replied.

"The answer to that is simple, Jacques believed that the Devil is stronger than Winter and would be able to overpower her."

Weiss scoffed at her mom's statement, "he must really be stupid then, because there is nobody who could overpower my sister."


Weiss and her mom's attention was brought back to the Devil and the daughter quickly responded with, "Excuse me? You believe your stronger than my sister?"

"Believe? No. Know? Yes."


"Intimidate" the aura of the room immediately shifted as the Devil forced his killing intent through the duo, as he stared at Weiss, forcing the full strength of the attack on her, but he only did so for an instant, as he immediately canceled the attack right afterwards. "I'm stronger than Winter, probably."

Wiess was given pause for a moment, not able to move as she tried to process the terrifying aura that left as quick as it came, but she knew that it had came from the man in front of her. "Well, you might be stronger than Winter, I guess Sir Devil" the woman said as she looked away from the man, getting a chuckle out of Willow and Hel.

"Alright, I am truly glad to see you have both made up and are back on one accord, but I feel like I'm missing out on some juicy history here. I would love to learn some more about how this whole scenario came about Willow, but if not, we can just get back to business. Also stop calling me the Devil, it just doesn't sound right coming from you two," he said as he took his mask from his face and placed it on the desk, "just (Y/N) is fine."

The instant the women saw his beautiful face, Willow covered her mouth and oohed and aahed as she swooned at his facial features, and her daughter looked away from his face as her own blushed up in embarrassment at her own thoughts. "Oh my," Willow began, "Hel you are quite lucky to have such a gorgeous young man as a partner! I have to say, I am quite jealous" she said.

As Weiss heard her mom's comments, she immediately covered her mouth, "Mom! What are you saying! Stop saying such embarrassing things! That's shameful to the Schnee name!" Weiss's face couldn't get any redder, and blood rushed to her face and the tips of her ears as she heard her mom's comments.

"What? I know you were thinking the same thing. You can't hide your thoughts from mommy" she whispered to her embarrassed daughter.

Neo silently laughed at the exchange, but at the same time couldn't help but take numerous glances at her saviors revealed face, thinking much the same thoughts as Willow and her daughter. The peeks didn't go unnoticed by (Y/N) or Scarlet as they both caught her taking incessant glances at his face, and in response (Y/N) suddenly grabbed the small woman by her hips and placed her gently on his lap. 

Neo's adorable face blew up in a shower of red as she didn't know whether to keep staring at the eye candy that was above her, or awkwardly look at the duo in front of her who having a similar reaction. However, soon she didn't need to make a decision as the gentle man, who held her strongly by her hips while her tush was snuggled up against his crotch, moved one of his hands from her hips to her head and began stroking her head. 

The feeling when he gave her head pats was orgasmic and the instant the sensation began coursing through her scalp nerves, the embarrassment was lifted from her face, and was quickly replaced by eye rolling, mouthwatering, expressions of pure bliss. At the same time, he bent down, putting his lips up against her ear, and whispered, "you can stare as much as you want since you've been such a good girl for me." 

Let's just say that for a moment, Neo had forgotten where she was on this planet and instead, she was temporarily transported to the most blissful place on Remnant where she got praised by the most beautiful person she had ever met, but once she came back to reality, she realized that nothing had changed from her heaven as her head was still being pet and the person that was doing it was still gorgeous. So, she simply stared up at him, eyes never leaving from his amazing face as her hair was loving stroked by the Adonis.

Scarlet on the other hand was staying attentive to the Schnee duo, pulling her mask from her face as well, revealing her beautiful smile that was hidden behind the mask. "Well Willow, you aren't too bad looking yourself, and neither is your daughter" she said seductively as she licked her lips.

The comment that left Scarlets prompted a small reaction from the man as he realized that they were about to go off the rails, so he spoke to try to get everyone back on the same page. "Wait, wait, wait! Scarlet, no. Now is not the time to be horny, we have shit to accomplish, info to learn, and things to plan. I don't know if you have noticed but Jacques isn't in this room at the moment, and I don't think he'll be walking through that door anytime soon, so we got shit to discuss." Scarlet quickly agreed with her honeys comment and went back into business mode, only slightly eyeing up the two women in front of her.

Willow and Weiss followed suit, as Willow started with, "you are correct, Jacques must pay for what he did to my family" she said as she clenched her fist. "And I also doubt that he will burst through that door and offer up his life on a silv-" 

Willow was unable to complete her sentence as the large doors suddenly bursted wide open, and in came a blur of white that sped passed Weiss and Willow, leaving a cold trail of icy wind in their wake. 

(Y/N) watched as a blade rapidly made its way towards his face, but he remained completely still as he saw Neo make a quick move, raising her umbrella from seemingly nowhere, popping open its parasol, and sticking out its blade at the tip to defend her lover against the strike. 

The clang of metal against metal happened instantly, echoing loudly throughout the building, and the clashing of blades happened only for a moment before Neo was barely able to push the incredibly powerful blade off of her savior using Hush, sending the assailant soaring backwards, landing softly on her feet, prepped to make another strike.

"Hey Winter, we were just talking about you" (Y/N) said as he watched the woman slowly float down to her feet, blade still poised to strike again.

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