By Mxrahi_

20.6K 1.2K 619

[G!P :- Yoohyeon and Siyeon] . What is G!P? [Girl with penis] _ When someone becomes immersed in a particular... More

CH-29 [The End]


725 42 54
By Mxrahi_




[One year later]

"You should decide..." The pink haired girl spoke, keeping her phone in her purse.

"Decide what...?" Asked Yoohyeon, she wore her pants and walked towards the mirror.

"If you're going to stay here or not, tomorrow is your day, last day maybe..." Gahyeon spoke.

"Will you be upset if i leave?" Asked the silver haired girl.

"Yes." Gahyeon spoke making an eye contact with her.

Yoohyeon hummed, taking her coat she walked towards the door.


This was the place her mom didn't like, she couldn't really go against her mom but what's the point of being so loyal with her mom when all she has done is lie.

Yoohyeon bit on her lower lip harshly, the decision was going to be difficult indeed, she did admired Siyeon at this point.

As she was walking, she turned to the left direction, her gaze landed on a girl laying down on the floor unconsciously a little far away from her.

She looked at the guards who were not helping her.

She quickly walked towards the girl, getting down on her knee, she gripped on her upper arm, "Sua...!?" She exclaimed, tucking Sua's hair behind her ear, she gripped on her upper arm gently and tapped on her face.

"Bring water!" Yoohyeon spoke looking between the guards.

Yoohyeon looked at Sua's face, she noticed a red mark on her other side.

The black haired girl was breathing heavily as she clenched her fists and tried to sit up.

"Ms.Kim, please leave her alone. Mrs.Lee won't like it." The guard spoke looking at the silver haired girl.

"I need... water..."

Yoohyeon looked at Sua and gripped on her hand. "I'll be back." She spoke.

Getting up, she looked at the room in front of her, which was closer to her.

She knocked on it few times before ringing the doorbell.


The door opened, "What?" Asked the blonde haired girl, resting her hand over her waist.

"Look at her..." Yoohyeon pointed towards Sua.

Without waiting for Siyeon's answer, she walked inside towards the kitchen.

Siyeon leaned over the door frame, folding her arms, she watched Sua who was struggling to breathe properly.

The silver haired girl walked outside of the room with a water bottle, opening the cap, she got down on her knees, she felt a tight grip over her wrist.

Her eyes were met with Siyeon.

"Do not help her." She whispered.

"Why?" Yoohyeon spoke.

"Get up." Siyeon spoke looking down at Sua, she gripped on her upper arm, making her stand up she dragged her towards their bedroom.

Yoohyeon got up, the door was slammed loudly on her face.



"What did they teach you today?"

"Nothing... Tomorrow is my last day, so they didn't really give me anything..."

The silver haired girl smiled.

Gahyeon walked towards her, wrapping her arms around Yoohyeon's neck, she smiled, "You're so precious and pure...even after training..." She whispered.

"Yeah...thanks. I will go now... I'll meet you tomorrow." Yoohyeon whispered nervously, their faces were very close at this point.

Gahyeon hummed, removing her arms, she clasped her hands behind.

Yoohyeon started walking towards the door but halted and turned around to face Gahyeon.

"Today i met Sua... Siyeon abused her... Can you tell her not to abuse Sua." Yoohyeon spoke.

"She abused her!?" Gahyeon exclaimed raising her eyebrows.

"Yes..." Yoohyeon replied with a sigh.

"I will definitely tell her." Gahyeon spoke.

Walking towards Yoohyeon she hugged her and rested her chin over Yoohyeon's shoulder.

"You should stay." The pink haired girl whispered.

"My mom must be waiting-"

"Your mom..." Gahyeon looked up at Yoohyeon, "Is she that important?"

Yoohyeon furrowed her eyebrows, "Yes, she is." Yoohyeon replied not liking Gahyeon's tone.

"You can lie you know... Stay with me." Gahyeon whispered gripping on Yoohyeon's wrist.

"Just because she believes me. Doesn't mean i will keep lying to her unnecessarily." Yoohyeon whispered yanking Gahyeon's hand away in the process.

Gahyeon walked towards Yoohyeon and gripped on her collars, "Okay, okay, why do you have to be so angry about it?" She spoke.

"You cannot talk about my mom like that." Yoohyeon spoke, removing Gahyeon's hands away from her collars.

"What did I say?" Said the pink haired girl, furrowing her eyebrows.

"You asked me if my mom is important than you. My answer was yes, it's always going to stay yes." The silver haired girl spoke.

"Just because you're trained now, you have this attitude?" The pink haired girl spoke, clasping her hands behind her back.

"I don't have any attitude." Yoohyeon replied and started walking towards the door.

Gahyeon paced towards her and wrapped her arms around Yoohyeon's waist, she rested her face over her back.

"Sorry." She spoke.

When Yoohyeon didn't reply, she repeated, "Sorry..."

"It's okay." Yoohyeon whispered, turning around.

Gahyeon backed away.

"I'll leave." Yoohyeon spoke.

"Take care..." Gahyeon whispered.

Yoohyeon hummed, walking towards the door, she left the room.


[The next day]

"I don't want to eat-" Yoohyeon's sentence was interrupted when her mom shoved another sandwich inside her mouth.

She covered her mouth as she ate the sandwich.

The doorbell rang, Hana walked towards the door, Yejun walked inside lazily.

Yoohyeon hooked her arm on the chair's corner. "Where were you?" She asked.

"At work." Yejun replied, removing his specs he threw them on the couch.

"Mom told me you were out for two days..." Yoohyeon spoke.

"Yes, we had some urgent work."

"What work? I know what you work with but it just doesn't add up" Said Yoohyeon.

"Shouldn't you be focusing on your studies? Earn some money, then ask me questions." He replied.

"That's not how you should talk to her." Hana replied interfering in between.

"It's okay mom." Yoohyeon spoke, getting up from the chair she walked towards her, "I will soon start earning... I'm going to get a job at a company. Tomorrow is my interview..." She spoke.

"Really!?" Hana exclaimed happily, she hugged Yoohyeon. The silver haired girl chuckled.

Yejun rolled his eyes with a sigh. "You cannot earn better than me..." He whispered.

"I can, i will." Yoohyeon replied with a smile.

"Mom..." Yoohyeon looked at Hana and gripped on her wrists. "If i start earning, i will ask questions to him but if he doesn't give me answers to it, me and him are going to have an argument...." She spoke.

"First get a job..." Yejun commented.

"I'm going to meet Jennie..." Yoohyeon spoke, ignoring him.

"When will you be back?" Asked Hana.

"I don't know..." Yoohyeon replied. "Did you eat properly...?" Asked the black haired woman.

"Yes... Don't worry." Yoohyeon replied.

Hana looked at Yejun before gripping on Yoohyeon's wrist and dragging her out of the place, they walked towards a tree which was situated in front of their house.

"What...?" Yoohyeon whispered with a confused expression.

"Are you hiding something from me...?" Hana whispered.

Yoohyeon shook her head, "No."

"What are these bruises then...? You got this one five days ago..." Hana spoke rolling over Yoohyeon's sleeves she showed her the purple circular mark on her skin, which was swollen.

"It was a fight...-"

"Since when did you started fighting!?" Said Hana.

"It happens mom! We get into fights for some stupid reasons..."

"Jennie told me that you rarely attend your lectures..." Hana spoke.

"Okay... I will be honest..." Yoohyeon spoke. "I have been lying to you and dad..." She whispered, keeping her gaze on the ground.


"Yes, i joined a training at Gahyeon's place. Her family belongs to Mafia-"

"What!?" Hana exclaimed, she gripped on Yoohyeon's upper arms tightly. "I told you not to get into those stuff! Are you serious!?" She asked slightly raising her voice.

"You need to calm down..." Yoohyeon spoke.

"No! You lied to us for a whole year? Was this the whole year?" Asked Hana, furrowing her eyebrows.

"Yes..." Yoohyeon replied with a sigh.

"I can't believe you..." Hana whispered. "I don't know... Are you going to tell this to your dad?" Asked Hana, being slightly upset.

"No... I love you the most. I don't love him." She whispered shaking her head slightly.

"You shouldn't talk about him like that..." Hana spoke.

"What about your safety!? What if someone kills you!?" Asked Hana gripping over Yoohyeon's upper arms.

"No one is going to kill me. Trust me. I'm safe, okay?" Yoohyeon whispered with a small smile.

"Please Yoohyeon, be safe. I still don't like this idea of you being in the Mafia. I understand you must be fascinated by that stuff but it's a bad idea..." Hana spoke expressing her concern.

"I am not in the Mafia yet. Today is the day where i will decide if i want to be in it or not..."

"I will suggest you not to go in those illegal things but if you do... I don't know..." Hana whispered with a sad tone, averting her gaze on the ground, she started walking towards their house, leaving Yoohyeon alone.



"I will be back..." Yoohyeon spoke wearing her coat on top of her shirt.

"Are you sure?" Asked Hana.

"Yes mom. Don't worry." Yoohyeon replied turning around she smiled.

"Don't choose to stay there..." The black haired woman spoke, walking towards Yoohyeon.

"I will think about it..."

"You're going to stay there, aren't you?" Said Hana.

"I don't know..." Yoohyeon replied, hugging her mom, she backed away.

"Bye." She spoke with a smile, placing a kiss on Hana's forehead she started walking towards the door.


The silver haired girl walked towards the gates, she was met with Gahyeon in the way who wrapped her arm around Yoohyeon.

"I told my mom everything..." Yoohyeon whispered looking at Gahyeon.

"Really!?" Gahyeon exclaimed, raising her eyebrows.

"Yes..." Yoohyeon replied.

"That's good, atleast you won't feel burdened..." The pink haired girl spoke with a smile.

They walked inside the mansion, it was highly decorated. "All this is for you..." Gahyeon whispered looking up at Yoohyeon.

"Looks so expensive...thanks." Yoohyeon replied.


"To everyone present here. My father, my sister, my wife, my guards and everyone else, i would like to thank you all for attending this small party..." The blonde haired girl spoke getting up from the chair. She heard a round of applause.

"This is the day, where Yoohyeon will decide if she wants to continue and be one of us or... Leave..."

"She should stay!"

A guard shouted from the corner with his gun raised in the air.

Yoohyeon chuckled at the sillyness. "Everyone is impressed by your aura..." Gahyeon whispered.

"I want her to stay too. Let's see what happens. Yoohyeon, please come here..." Siyeon spoke, giving space for Yoohyeon, she stood on the side clasping her hands behind.

The silver haired girl got up from the chair, Gahyeon started clapping for her, everyone followed Gahyeon, some of them cheered for Yoohyeon.

Sua smiled when Yoohyeon got up from the chair.

Yoohyeon walked towards the spot where Siyeon was standing previously.

"I'm very grateful to be here. I was  trained by the people who were really humble and had patience to deal with me... I have made so many friends here which i never thought was possible..."

"What's your final decision?" Asked Hwan, leaning on the table curiously.

"Let her complete her speech dad." Siyeon spoke looking at Hwan.

"We want you to choose us. Tell us your decision..." Hwan spoke, ignoring Siyeon.

"Yes! Tell us you're going to stay!" Richard spoke.

Yoohyeon sighed, she looked at Gahyeon before looking at all of them who actually supported her for atleast a year.

"My decision is..." Yoohyeon started, everyone went silent as they focused on Yoohyeon.

"I will join you all and-"

Before she could complete her sentence, everyone got up from their chair as they started clapping in the excitement, "Yes!" Richard exclaimed punching the air in happiness.

Sua smiled and got up from the chair, she walked towards Yoohyeon and hugged her. "Congrats, i know it's a tough decision..." She spoke hugging Yoohyeon.

Yoohyeon nodded with a smile.


"Where are you?"

"I'm still here... I will return tomorrow..."

"What was your decision..."

"I decided to join the Mafia..."


"Mom... Are you upset?"

"No, i will wait for you tomorrow."


Hana disconnected the call from the other side.

Yoohyeon kept her phone inside her back-pocket with a deep sigh, she rested her hands on the railing, looking at the view from the top, she somehow felt a little calm as the breeze took off and washed over her face gently.

"Did you tell her...?"

Yoohyeon turned around to look at Gahyeon.

"Yes..." She replied.

"Wanna drink?" Asked Gahyeon handing the glass to Yoohyeon.

"I have never tasted alcohol... I don't want it..." The silver haired girl spoke.

"Try one sip..." Gahyeon whispered.

She gripped on Yoohyeon's glass, walking closer to her, she gently moved the glass towards Yoohyeon's lips.

Yoohyeon took a very small sip, backing away she made a disgusting face. "It tastes bad!" She exclaimed, rubbing the tip of her tongue with the back of her hand.

"One more..." Gahyeon whispered walking towards Yoohyeon.

"Stop your breath for few seconds and just chug it, you won't realise it..." The pink haired girl raised the glass towards Yoohyeon's mouth.

The silver haired girl closed her eyes tightly and followed what Gahyeon said.

She chugged the drink down in few minutes. After she was done she gave the glass to Gahyeon.

"Good..." Yoohyeon whispered with a slow nod.

"Do you want more...?" Asked Gahyeon.


"Please, one more..." Gahyeon spoke with a smile, she handed the other glass which she brought for herself to Yoohyeon.

The silver haired girl furrowed her eyebrows, "What will you drink?" She asked.

"Don't you worry...." Gahyeon spoke.

Yoohyeon started drinking from the other glass.


Sua helped Gahyeon in walking Yoohyeon towards Gahyeon's room.

They gently layed her down on the bed.

The black haired girl looked at Gahyeon, "Why would she drink so much that she can't even walk...?" She asked.

"I don't know." Gahyeon replied.

Sua looked at Yoohyeon, she kept murmuring something, her face was slightly red.

"She is very drunk, sleep in the other room." Sua spoke.

"Why? I will sleep with her. This is my room." Gahyeon replied.

"She might not like it when she's sober." The black haired girl spoke raising an eyebrow.

"Mind your business, I'm not bound to your orders. Don't worry about Yoohyeon, go and worry about Siyeon." Gahyeon spoke.

The black haired girl looked at Yoohyeon the last time before she walked towards the door and left the room.


The pink haired girl walked towards the door, closing it, she walked towards Yoohyeon.

Gahyeon crawled over the bed, she gently tapped on Yoohyeon's face.

The silver haired girl furrowed her eyebrows, she sat up on the bed with the help of her elbows.

"Gahyeon!?" She exclaimed.

The pink haired girl gave her a nod before placing her lips over Yoohyeon's.

The silver haired girl rested her hand over Gahyeon's neck and slightly pushed her back.

"We will just do this for fun... right? No strings attached..."

"Yes, no strings attached..." Gahyeon replied, she wrapped her arms around Yoohyeon as she got on top of her, she sat on Yoohyeon's lap, moving her hips she grinded herself against Yoohyeon's bulge.

The silver haired girl wrapped her arms around Gahyeon's waist. She kissed Gahyeon's neck softly before she turned her around, getting on top of Gahyeon, the pink haired girl giggled, wrapping her legs around Yoohyeon's waist, she bit on Yoohyeon's bottom lip, inserting her tongue inside Yoohyeon's mouth. She started unbuttoning Yoohyeon's shirt.

Yoohyeon gripped on her belt and started unbuckling it while kissing Gahyeon furiously.

Moving her hips she rubbed her crotch against Gahyeon's core.

She pulled down her pants with her boxers, letting out her hard shaft out.

"Remove your clothes..." She whispered, backing away from Gahyeon.

The pink haired girl started removing her clothes...


[The next day]

Yoohyeon opened her eyes to meet with Gahyeon who placed a soft kiss on her forehead.

"Good morning..." The pink haired girl spoke.

"You need to prepare for tonight..." Gahyeon spoke, resting her head over Yoohyeon's arm, she rested her hand over Yoohyeon's naked abdomen.


"Today is a special day for us and the Almiro gang..."

"Why..." Yoohyeon whispered lazily opening her eyes.

"We will meet all the members of their gang but there will be no fighting... Everyone is supposed to enjoy the time to mix with each other... It's like a culture to start some friendly relations with Almiro. Although it fails everytime. We are supposed to go there..."

"We can have weapons there...?" Asked Yoohyeon.

"No... Weapons are not allowed there." Gahyeon whispered with a smile.

"Okay...get up... I need to go to my place..." Yoohyeon whispered.

"Can you not stay!?" The pink haired girl exclaimed, sitting up on the bed.

"No...I need to meet my mom." Yoohyeon replied, getting up from the bed she walked towards the bathroom.

"Do you know what happened between us yesterday?" Asked Gahyeon.

"Yes, we fucked. That's why we are naked." Yoohyeon replied closing the door of the bathroom.


"Why can't you stay?" Said the pink haired girl.

"My mom-"

"God!" Gahyeon got out of the bed and walked towards her clothes.

"What's your problem...?" Said Yoohyeon, wiping her hair with the towel she walked towards the closet.

"I don't have any problem. You're the one who is pathetic..." Gahyeon spoke.

Yoohyeon furrowed her eyebrows, ignoring Gahyeon, she picked up a shirt for her and a pant.

"You don't have to be angry on little things..." Yoohyeon spoke walking towards the bed she kept her clothes on it.

"Shut up. Don't talk to me." Gahyeon spoke, running her fingers through her hair she walked towards her phone.


"I joined it because i love it there..." Yoohyeon whispered, eating her breakfast.

"You didn't think about me, did you?" Said Hana.

"I did think about you." Yoohyeon replied.

They looked at the door being opened, Yejun walked inside with a bag in his hand.

"Where were you?" Asked the silver haired girl.

"Why do you want to know?" Said Yejun, he walked towards the couch.

"You were out for the whole night." Said Yoohyeon.

"I don't want to answer you." Yejun replied.

Hana gripped over Yoohyeon's hand, "It's okay..." She spoke.

"What's okay? Nothing's okay, where is he even going without informing us?" Yoohyeon spoke.

"Excuse me? Yoohyeon, I will go anywhere i want, i don't need your permission or your mom's permission." Yejun spoke.

"Idiot..." Yoohyeon spoke, drinking few sips of water from the bottle.

"Yoohyeon...stop!" Hana whisper-yelled.

"What did you call me?" Asked Yejun.

"An idiot who doesn't care about his family at all. An absolute idiot." Yoohyeon replied, pushing the plate aside she clasped her hands on the dining table, maintaining an eye contact with Yejun, who was sitting on the chair.

Yejun got up from the chair and walked towards Yoohyeon. "Say it again!" He yelled, his fists clenched.

"No Yejun! Stop it, both of you!" Hana spoke.

Yoohyeon got up from the chair, "Idiot. You are an idiot." She repeated with a smile.

Yejun raised his hand in the air, he moved it towards Yoohyeon's face.

His wrist was caught in the mid-air by the silver haired girl.

Hana quickly walked towards them.

"So, you're abusive too?" Said Yoohyeon raising her eyebrows.

"I'm not abusive!" Yejun yelled, yanking Yoohyeon's hand away.

"Yejun, please stop!" Hana spoke keeping her hand over Yejun's shoulder.

He yanked her hand away with a force, which made her slightly stumble. Yoohyeon gripped on Hana's upper arm.

"Don't remove your anger on her..." Yoohyeon spoke looking at Yejun.

"I will give you a divorce!" Yejun yelled looking at Hana.

Hana gripped on Yejun's wrist, "What...!?" She exclaimed.

"Give it." Yoohyeon spoke.

Yejun locked her gaze with Yoohyeon. "Are you trying to scare her? Give her the divorce. You don't deserve her anyways..." Yoohyeon spoke.

"No Yoohyeon stop!" Hana spoke in between looking at Yoohyeon.

"Okay mom, okay." Yoohyeon replied, she started walking towards her bedroom.

"Leave my house."

She turned around to look at Yejun, he was now facing her.

"What?" She spoke raising her eyebrows.

"Leave my house. I don't know where you'll go but leave my house. I bought this place." Yejun spoke.

"Yejun no! What are you saying!?" Hana spoke gripping on Yejun's wrist tightly, "Where will she go!" Hana yelled, she looked at Yoohyeon. "Yoohyeon go inside your room. Don't take him seriously!" She spoke.

"I'll leave tomorrow." Yoohyeon spoke looking at Yejun. She started walking towards her bedroom.

"Yoohyeon, no!" Hana followed her.




The silver haired girl opened her eyes and looked at Siyeon who sat inside the driver seat.

"Oh sorry! I took a nap..." The silver haired girl spoke.

"It's okay, are you tired?" Asked Siyeon.

"Kind of..."

"Your tiredness is going to disappear..." The blonde haired girl spoke.

"What? I don't understand you...?" Yoohyeon whispered, rubbing her hands.

"It's going to be a party, we will enjoy..." Siyeon spoke.

"Okay... Where is Sua? I didn't see her in any of the cars."

"She doesn't like attending functions and Gahyeon had a work so they both won't be there..." The blonde haired girl spoke.

Yoohyeon hummed.


Siyeon stopped the car at the club.

Yoohyeon got out of the car, she saw Richard and others getting out of the other cars.

"Let's go..." Siyeon spoke looking at Yoohyeon.

Yoohyeon gave her a nod. "Please stay with me..." Yoohyeon whispered to Siyeon. "They are from rival gang, right?" Said Yoohyeon looking at the people in front of her. All of them were wearing blue outfits. They had a badge on their upper arms, which had an 'A' designed on it.

"I'll introduce you to them, don't worry..." Siyeon replied.


Walking inside the club, they walked towards the two men.

While Siyeon started talking to the two men as soon as they reached them, Yoohyeon checked out the club. She sighed and clasped her hands behind her back.

"This curtain is dirty! Change it!" A man yelled.

She looked towards the man's voice, where a room was situated with a red curtain on.

The curtain was pulled down with a force, revealing a girl standing there.

Yoohyeon slowly raised her eyes to look at the girl, her eyes were met with her in an instant.

Her purple wavy hair fell down on her shoulders, her lingerie fitted her perfectly, fishnet stockings covered her legs, she was wearing heels, her neck had a leather black coloured choker.

The purple haired girl maintained the eye contact, her lips turned into a  smirk when Yoohyeon didn't move her eyes for even a second.

Yoohyeon kept looking at her as if she was lost in those eyes, the purple haired girl started walking towards the other room with a mischievous smile.

Yoohyeon kept looking at the direction as the girl disappeared in the room.



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