
By Ladywordd

24.1K 719 138

The girl was broken and lost. With no courage to fight, Y/n bent to the want of others, fulfilling destinies... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
Chapter 50
Chapter 51
Chapter 52
Chapter 53
Chapter 54
Chapter 55
Chapter 56
Chapter 57
Chapter 58
Chapter 59

Chapter 29

343 11 5
By Ladywordd

People say that bus rides are the most fun part of a class trip. It might have been, but you had no idea, since you slept for the most part.

You were tired when you arrived at the school to begin with. After the incident with Shigaraki, you went home only to be greeted by a rather depressed Ryuu. you knew how worried he usually got over you, but this was beyond even him.

"What happened?" you asked, kneeling beside him on the couch.

"Call your father." he said, but his voice was raspy, and hollow.

He scared you, but you did as he asked wordlessly. The dial tone rang in your ear, then you heard a crackle, the sound of your dad picking up the phone.

"Y/N?" your father's voice was warm in contrast to Ryuu's, almost sounding excited.

"Dad?" you were confused.

"Y/N, good. I wanted to speak to you but Ryuu said you weren't home." you could tell from his tone that he didn't really approve of whatever you were doing that had nothing to do with the mission.

You stood there silently, choosing not to speak about your night, instead listen to whatever your father had to say.

"A member of a new organization seeked me out today, something called the League of Villains."

You almost dropped the phone.

"Why?" your voice was a panicked whisper, but your dad didn't seem to notice.

"They are planning to overthrow the hero society. I am not sure if their methods or their goals are the same as ours, but they can help us get what we want. If we use them the right way, the relationship might even be beneficial for us. It seems like their leader is a brat of a kid, I'm sure it wouldn't be hard to steer him to a different direction."

Your father wasn't thinking straight. You knew that. He was desperate, the long waiting getting on his nerves as he lost power in the area that was always yours, always his. You knew he just wanted to get that back, planned to use the League as a tool rather than an ally to do so, and then discard them when they weren't needed; you have seen him do that before.

But this was too much.

"He is not." you muttered, thinking about the way Shigaraki's eyes stared ahead in the mall, the bloodthirsty look in them.

"What?" your father asked, he probably didn't hear you.

"He is not just a brat. Nor the leader. And he..." you swallowed hard, trying to muster up some courage to tell him.

You weren't supposed to draw attention to yourself this much.

"He what?" your father's voice changed, his tone taking on authority. A demand.

"He attacked me yesterday at a mall. Almost choked me to death."

Ryuu was looking at you now, empathy mixing with his panic on his face.

"Why?" your dad asked.

"He said he wanted to talk."

He remained silent on the other end of the line for a bit, a heavy, worried silence. When he spoke again his voice was slow, calculating.

"I didn't know about this. Are you alright?"

"I'm okay now."

"Good. Have Ryuu take care of you. I will rethink this whole thing."

The call ended, the dialing tone ringing in your ear once again.

You put the phone down, walked over to the couch, your steps now rigid and slow. Your limbs felt cold, and you had to touch the cushion of the couch when you sat down, for balance, but also to remind yourself how it felt.

Silence stretched between the two of you as you sat there, both devastated.

"This is going too far." Ryuu spoke up first.

"He hasn't decided yet." you said, but even you could tell how desperate you sounded, how you wanted it to be true.

"And if he will?"

You clenched your fists, trying to feel them.

"Then we will make a decision as well." you said, your anger bringing tears to your eyes.

Ryuu hummed next to you and you leaned into him, letting his arm fall around your shoulder in a sort of side hug. You should've known that this feeling of joy and security that you let yourself fall into; friends, class trips and relationships weren't going to last long.

"It sucks." Ryuu said and you nodded, and the two of you stayed there on the couch for the remainder of the day, trying to figure out what to do.

It's safe to say you didn't sleep much that night, and because of that when you finally made it to the school with your bag, shadows laid under your eyes and you had to stifle a yawn as you said good morning to everyone.

"Are you okay?" Midoriya asked, his hand touching the back of your forearm softly.

Even if basically everyone knew about the two of you, it didn't seem right to make your relationship too obvious.

He furrowed his brows when he felt just how cold your skin was.

"You're not sick aren't you?" he moved to check your forehead but you stepped away.

"I'm okay, I just couldn't really sleep." you averted his eyes, and he stopped the questions because he thought you were still having nightmares about Shigaraki.

Ryuu didn't look much better next to Kirishima and Sero, who were trying to tell him something about a game they found online, that they should play together next. Ryuu was nodding along, a ghost of a smile on his face, but his eyes were empty of all emotions or understanding.

The only moment of joy for you that morning was Uraraka, who sounded so excited for summer camp, she jumped up and down in front of Iida for a while. Then suddenly, she ran back a good few meters, her face red as a tomato.

Apparently, Aoyama asked about her liking Iida during their exams, and ever since then she became so easily flustered around him it was hilarious.

Iida ordered everyone to get on the bus and the class made their way in louder than it was necessary. And despite all that noise, the chatter and the obnoxiously loud music that was playing from Denki's phone, you and Ryuu fell asleep on the backseat almost immediately, your head on his shoulder and his on top.

When you finally stopped, Sero shook you awake, and you got up stretching; your neck and shoulders sore from the weird sleeping position.

"Finally a break!" Denki jumped off the bus and Mineat ran ahead.

"I need to pee!"

You stepped off as well, your eyes widening at the scene. Where you stopped wasn't really a resting place, it was more like a little patch of dirt along the road for emergency stops, but it gave way to the beautiful scenery; the green forest that stretched for miles and miles. You could see the mountains in the far off horizon.

"Where's class B?" Jirou looked around, your class slowly starting to find the situation weird.

"We stopped for a reason." Aizawa stated, and the car that was parked next to you opened.

"Hey, Eraser." two women joined you, their hero costumes one of the most colorful ones you have ever seen.

Their energy was too high for you this early in the morning, especially after a long bus ride, you felt more like the kid standing next to them. He seemed really young, and really bored, his facial features sort of reminding you of Bakugo.

After Aizawa's introductions and Midoriya's first, quite weird interactions with the Pussycats, Mandalay pointed out where you would be staying.

The moment she started talking about it, your stomach clenched with a weird feeling.

They wouldn't make us, would they? It's summer camp.

"Then why did we stop here?" Uraraka asked.

You saw it on everyone's faces that slowly but surely, they came to the same conclusion as you did.

"We should get back on the bus, right?" Sero asked and he pulled Ryuu with him as he walked.

"Yeah, let's go guys." Denki agreed, his steps desperately quick as he walked away from the scene.

"It's 9.30 right now." Mandalay started, a grin spreading on her face. "If you're quick enough, maybe you'll make it back for lunch."

"To the bus, quickly!" Kirishima shouted, all composed thoughts lost at this point.

But there was no point, Pixie-Bob was quicker, her quirk sweeping everyone off of the rest area to the edges of the forest. It was painful and dirty, and annoying more than anything.

"This is private land, so you can use your quirks as you wish!" Mandalay shouted down from the railings.

"Get to the facility on your own two feet!"

And so began the notorious fight with the dirt monsters that looked like something from a manga, in teams or by yourself, whichever worked in the moment.

By the time you go to the bungalows, you were full of scratches, your head swimming with nausea from the overuse of your quirk. There were more monsters than you thought there would be, new ones showing up on every corner. You weren't sure if your teachers miscalculated something, because with the distance you had to cover as well there was no way in hell you were supposed to make it back by lunch.

The last rays of sunshine eliminated everything with a soft, orange warmth and it made you miss the comfort of your bed even more. You leaned forward on your knees, trying to catch your breath.

It wasn't just you though.

Iida was barely able to walk, Bakugo cradled his arm in one hand. The girls were all panting from the exercise and Sato collapsed to the ground when he stopped moving for a second.

"What do you mean it will take three hours?" Sero shouted and you were surprised he still had that much energy.

"That's how long it would have taken us, sorry." there was no remorse or guilt in Mandalay's voice. You started to dislike the Pussycats more and more.

It amplified when Pixie-Bob practically jumped the four boys she deemed the most talented in the class. It didn't matter that she thought you did good too.

Midoriya didn't seem to care though as he asked about the little kid, the one you noticed earlier with the two pros.

The boy stood there, his expression making it clear that he did not want to be here at all.

Izuku, being the sweet person he is, walked up to him to say hi. You were beyond shocked as you watched the kid develop a punch to his...well, it was probably really painful.

"Precious brat!" It seemed like tiredness made Bakugo soft.

"Isn't he kinda like you?" you turned to him.

"I thought so too." Todoroki agreed and you laughed as Bakugo started screaming at the two of you.

"Get your stuff from the bus and go for dinner. Then you'll take a bath and sleep. We'll start for real tomorrow." Aizawa warned and you frowned in disbelief as you followed the others to take your bag.

"For real. He said we'll start for real." you mumbled, making Ryuu laugh.

If you weren't so tired, you would have marveled at the amount and the quality of the food in front of you. Instead you just picked up whatever was on your chopstick, and ate it without question, Ryuu having to place things on your plate for you.

"You sure eat a lot, Y/N." Denki pointed at you with his utensils.

His face scrunched up when Jirou hit him in the head.

"It's disrespectful to say that."

"I don't mind." you shrugged, taking another bit of gyoza. "If I use my shadows too much, it sort of makes me anemic, no one knows why. I become tired, cold and well, hungry."

"I didn't know that." Midoriya interjected from next to you.

"You never really asked." you smiled at him.

The conversation after that returned to normal topics, like who's room is bigger, who's sleeping next to who and the likes. Even though the atmosphere returned to a light one after the trials and tiredness of the day, and everyone seemed more relaxed, you could tell something was on Midoriya's mind.

He seemed distracted as he ate, but you decided not to ask. He would tell you if he wanted to.

Your worries seemed to disappear as you sank into the warmth of the hot spring even more. It was nice, the water caressing your skin as it moved around you, the steam making goosebumps along your skin that was still out of the water.

Apart from the accident with Mineta, it was relaxing and your sore muscles were screaming thanks for the bath. You stayed there the longest, letting the water wash away the stress from your body, and you were in a better mood when you walked out in your bathrobe, humming quietly to yourself.

"Ah!" you yelped when you collided with someone, and you felt two hands grabbing your arms to keep you upright.

"Y/N?" Midoriya glanced down at you, his hand remaining where it held you.

You blinked at him thankfully, until you looked down from his face, realizing that he was basically wearing a towel around him and nothing else. Following your line of sight, he suddenly let you go, both your faces becoming red as you looked away.

"Kota fainted in the bath so I took him to Mandalay." he explained, his hand scratching at the nape of his neck.

"It's okay." you said, trying to compose yourself, and not to look, pictures of your dream from before the exams flooding your mind.

"I'll see you later." you stuttered and tried to walk past him.

"Y/N!" he grabbed your wrist and you turned towards him, unsure what he wanted.

He was so close again, you could feel the heat radiating off of his skin that was still hot from his earlier bath. His skin was dry, but his hair was still damp, a few drops of water falling from it and trailing the muscles on his shoulder.

His hand came up to your face, cupping it gently. He swiped his thumb along your eyebrow.

"There was some dirt."

He let his touch linger for a second longer than he let you go.

"Goodnight, Y/N." he walked down the corridor with fast steps and disappeared behind the door to the bath.

"Goodnight." you whispered back even though he couldn't hear it.

"Do you have a fever Y/N, your face is really red." Mina asked when you came back to the room, where the girls were ready to go to sleep.

"I'm okay." you waved with your hand, but it did take a while to calm down.

With that the first day of camp ended.

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