The Awakened One, Book 1: Rem...

By Nentai96

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Earth is an incredibly peaceful and beautiful World home to the amazingly intelligent Humans that live upon i... More

Chapter 1: Armageddon
Chapter 2: Battle Of Wills
Chapter 3: Hell On Earth
Chapter 4: Awakening
Chapter 5: Awakened One
The Public Service Announcement
Chapter 6: The Queen of The Amazon
Chapter 7: Vampire May Cry
|^{PSA II}^|
Chapter 8: A New World
Chapter 9: A New Companion
(A/N): III
Chapter 10: A Chance Encounter
Chapter 11: Lovers
*!Status!* II
(A/N): IV
Chapter 12: Vale
Chapter 13: A Night in Vale
(A/N): V
Chapter 14: Rest and Relaxation
Chapter 15: Training Begins
Chapter 16: A Mysterious Figure
Chapter 17: Scars
(A/N): VI
*!Status!* III
Chapter 18: Glynda Goodwitch
Chapter 19: Ice Queen
Chapter 20: Ozma
(A/N): VII
Chapter 21: Thief in The Night
Chapter 22: The Reaper
Chapter 23: The Xiong Family
Chapter 24: A Woman's Curse
Chapter 25: Spiders
Chapter 26: Foundation
(A/N): IX
Chapter 27: The Disciplinarian
Chapter 28: Jacques Schnee
*!Status!* IV
Chapter 29: Despair
*!Status!* V
(A/N): X
Chapter 30: Thicker Than Blood
Chapter 31: Taking Out The Trash
Chapter 32: Red Like Roses
(A/N): XI
Chapter 33: I Burn
Chapter 34: The Demon Clan
Chapter 35: Preparing For Victory
(A/N): XII
Chapter 36: Conquering Vale's Underworld
Chapter 37: Aftermath
Chapter 39: Mirror Mirror
Chapter 40: Who am I?
Chapter 41: A Fateful Meeting
(A/N): XIV
Chapter 42: At Last
Chapter 43: The White Fang
Chapter 44: Forever Fall Forest
(A/N): XV
Chapter 45: From Shadows
Chapter 46: To Light
Chapter 47: The Snake And The Tiger
(A/N): XVI
Chapter 48: Fairy Tales
Chapter 49: Moving Forward
Chapter 50: Towards The End
Chapter 51: Of The Beginning
Chapter 52: The Summer Tournament
Chapter 53: Finalists
Chapter 54: Finale
Chapter 55: Finished
Chapter 56: Finally
Public Service Announcement
Chapter 57: Initiation
Chapter 58: Act 2
Chapter 59: Knight Ceremony
Chapter 60: Alpha Megoliath
Chapter 61: Power Leveling
Chapter 62: Total Recall
Chapter 63: System Update
Chapter 64: Divided
Chapter 65: Upside
Chapter 66: Downturn
Chapter 67: The Meeting
Chapter 68: Vacuo
Chapter 69: Tribes of The Desert
Chapter 70: The Desert Kreeps
Chapter 71: The Desert Walkers
Chapter 72: Desert Faunus Alliance
Chapter 73: Disappearance
Chapter 74: Unfortunate Circumstance
Chapter 75: The Mysterious Hunter
Chapter 76: Desperate Invaders
Chapter 77: To Protect
Chapter 78: Running Out Of Time
Chapter 79: Mistake Driven Turmoil
Awakened Organization: Closure {A Loving Summary}

Chapter 38: A Newer Companion

860 30 37
By Nentai96

As usual, his lovers eventually woke from their slumber, happy to realize that their lover was the one embracing them as promised. However, their reaction to seeing him was very different than normal as they instantly realized how much stronger he had become, seemingly overnight. 

He explained to the girls that he did get a bunch more powerful overnight, and he also attributed it to his special ability, so they quickly accepted the information as fact. Even after they all accepted the info that he gave them, they couldn't help but become even more curious as to what exactly was so different about (Y/N) and his seemingly amazing ability to do so many unique things. 

Neyah was at the forefront of this curiosity and chose to be upfront by asking him about it. (Y/N) chose to finally give them a day that he'd tell them about it, rather than keeping them in the dark until he was forced to and the time, he came up with was at the end of the Summer Tournament/ the start of the semester. 

He figured that by that time he'd have already settled everything down with the Demon Clan and gotten a routine to steadily raise his strength while deepening his relationship with his partners. 

It was during this time that he told the group about an adorable mute girl that he met by the name of Neo, and as soon as he began describing her, Nix took a special interest, more than likely because she was the smallest of the lovers. 

With that now established, the girls were extremely excited to meet the other girls and for the semester to begin, and they seemed to work twice, if not three times as hard during training that day, as if training harder was going to make time go by faster. Throughout the day he continued to look for anyone he knew from Rwby, but he saw none which at this point wasn't surprising.

As day turned to night, the lovers settled back down into their bed and grouped up comfortably nuzzling against one another, slowly falling asleep after the long day of hard work. This left (Y/N) as the last of them awake, giving him the opportunity to replace himself with his clone as he did so many nights prior, and after exchanging a small nod with his sentient Aura, he teleported out of the room and left for the streets of Vale. 

As he arrived outside of his Clan's headquarters, instead of immediately heading inside like he normally would, he teleported up onto the vacant room of the building, giving himself some space from the rest of the world for a moment. "Alright, this place seems secluded enough. Byakko, it is finally time for you to eat your fill" after she heard her masters' words, the black and white celestial tiger club excitedly jumped from her master's lap and sat down in front of him. She looked up at her beloved master, waiting patiently for the gift that he'd be give her.

"Hold on, give me one moment" he began as he reached into his jacket, and after fiddling around for a moment, he was able to pour out all 80 of the Human Essence that she'd need to fully assimilate, "and here you go! There are a lot more than the Grimm cores that you munched on before so try to pace yourself, I don't need you choking on glass orbs or something like that." 

Byakko nodded her head in acknowledgement, taking her master's concerns to heart before she began chowing down on the multi-colored, glass light essences. Unlike the Grimm Cores, when Byakko chomped down on the Human Essence it didn't make a sickening crunching noise, instead it was a simple crash of glass shattering and the wispy color of the orb being absorbed into the cubs body. 

Every ten Essences that the Cub absorbed, he received a small notification alerting him that her Assimilation rate had increased by ten percent, and after about ten minutes of rapid chomps he got that fateful alert.

| Byakko |

Human Assimilation Rate (100%)


A Major change is occurring in Byakko!

"Oh, Shit its happening!" (Y/N) watched as Byakko's form slowly shift and change as she began glowing a dim orange color and growing at a rapid pace. Her four short legs slowly elongated, growing in height until even her slightly angulated hind legs reached his waist, her tail grew in length, thinning out as it extended, eventually becoming bushy at its tip. 

Byakko's body, neck, head quickly followed suit, growing to allow her entire form to fully proportion itself and give her a much slimmer, more feminine structure. After the glow began to subside the first thing, he noticed was Byakko's fierce, sharp, glowing amber eyes that now stared into his own at near eye level. 

The evolved Byakko was now incredibly tall, as the tips of her pointed, fluffy ears now were equal in height to him, and her body was much, much longer than even that. The tigress had incredibly sharp and fierce appearing facial features that were only further enhanced by her incredibly detailed and eloquent stripes and fur designs that were black in color. 

That pattern continued across her entire body, as she had incredibly bushy, soft, orange fur that glew in the night sky and intricate sharp, black designs that crawled up from her now void black paws and covered her form in patterns that were far to intricate to be called stripes. 

The fur on her underside was now a pure white, replicating a similar color to her previous coat, but instead of it being incredibly bushy, this is where her fur thinned out and became shortened, revealing the strong muscle underneath. 

Speaking of her now starry black paws, the entire bottom half of her four limbs was now covered in pitch black fur, and her claws were no stranger to the change as they now looked like black, metallic blades that gleamed from the night sky. As he saw her ne , complete form he could help but stare in awe at her beauty. 

She was always a Celestial White tiger, had the title Goddess, and was called the Queen of all animals, and before he could only see her as the adorable little cub that she was, but now, in her gorgeous transformation, he now understood why she had all those titles.

Name: Byakko (Maneater)

Age: 100

Race: Celestial White Tiger, Champawat

Titles: Celestial White Tiger, Goddess of Righteousness, Queen of Animals, Guardian of the West

LVL: 35 (20%)

HP: 20500/20500, {+9250}

MP: 25875/25875, {+5906}

Bond Lvl: MAX


STR; 91, {+23}

END; 655, {+164}

DEX; 729, {+182}

VIT; 390, {+98}

INT; 945, {+236}

LUK; 180, {+45}

| Byakko |

*New* Skill Obtained; *Wherever You Go* {Lvl: MAX}- Byakko's love and connection with her Master go's far beyond the space that stands between them, and it is because of this that no matter where they are, they will always remain connected; Allows Byakko to instantly transport back to her Master from anywhere; Cost 1000mp

*New* Ability(s) Obtained: *Byakko's Ideal Master*- Byakko loves and admires (Y/N) as her master, and it is because of this incredibly deep bond and connection that she is willing to do anything to stay by your side. In growing more powerful with one another, Byakko has watch you utilize your skills time after time, and in doing so has learned to replicate some; Byakko can freely assign one of her Master's Skills to herself

*Byakko's Master's Love*- Byakko's Master treats her with so much love and compassion that it is hard for her to even think about anyone else, let alone be with someone else. It is through this deep love and loyalty that her master shows her that she has naturally learned how to become more like her Master in a way only a person in her position can; Byakko can freely assign one of her Master's Abilities to herself

The duo didn't move for a moment, they simply stared at one another as they took in each other's forms. (Y/N) was still trying to register the new change that Byakko had incurred, but Byakko was starring into her Master's eyes from a brand-new perspective as she was now a much more aware version of her former self. 

In fact, it would be an almost non comparison when attempting to compare her mental state and ability to how she is now to how she was before, and after she finished fully eying up her Master, she was the first to break the silence. "Master," she whispered quietly in a sultry voice, "how do I look? Is my new form... pleasing to you?" 

(Y/N)'s eyes only widened further at his mature companions question, wondering whether or not he was hearing things. He saw Byakko's mouth move, and he heard the sultry, soft voice of a mature woman come from her mouth, but for whatever reason it just wasn't clicking in his mind.

After a long pause of silence, the mature tiger began to get a little nervous as to what her Master was thinking, her tail began to droop, her ears laid flat on her head, and her eyes that were staring deeply into her Master's began to look away. 

It took a moment longer for (Y/N) to recover from the over stimulation that came from Byakko's sudden transformation, but after he did, he erupted with glee, saying, "holy shit your beautiful! You grew so big, and you can talk! How can you talk?" As she heard her Master's words, she quickly went from saddened to ecstatic as her tail rose and perked, her ears stood tall, and her eyes returned to his own.

"Really?!? You think so Master? My look pleases you?"

(Y/N) looked a bit surprised at her question, and instead of just saying 'yes', he gently dug his fingers into her fluffy neck hair and began gently scratching and massaging her neck, soliciting a soft purr from the tigress. "Pleasing? There aren't enough words in any language to describe how joyful I am at your transformation! You look fucking amazing Byakko!" 

As the orange tigress felt the touch or her Master's gentle finger's and heard is comforting words she practically melted with joy, and she immediately wanted to show replicate the same love that he was showing her.

In Byakko's sudden excitement to show her Master love and affection, she seemingly forgot about her massive increase in size, and she proceeded to leap onto her unprepared Master, tackling him to the ground and lovingly lapping him all across his face. 

With each lick and nuzzle she purred, "I love you Master, you're the best Master, I'll never leave you Master." (Y/N) met her showing of affection with scratches, massaging, and nuzzling of his own, repeating the same words of affection to the now fully matured tigress, and the entire affection session lasted quite a while as they cuddled each other to death.

As the nuzzle and cuddling was coming to an end, (Y/N) now laid into Byakko's fluffy side as they began talking about her new changes. "I mean wow," he began, "I knew that you'd change somewhat, but I never thought that you'd grow this big! Well, not this soon anyway" he said as he chuckled slightly, gently rubbing her soft fur. 

"But seriously, how did all this happen? You were zero years old, and now you're a hundred, your stats seemingly exploded as your growth rate shot up to who knows how high, and you can suddenly talk normally without me just interpreting your adorable little sounds." 

(Y/N) questioned the large tiger not really expecting much of an answer, he figured that it was just some System shit that he wouldn't understand, and he was more than happy to accept that, but if he could learn even a little bit more about how the whole system, or Byakko specifically, worked then he could help her grow faster and more efficiently.

At her Master's question, Byakko took a moment to think, and as she responded she began with, "I don't know how I know, but I believe it is partially because of the System and my divinity as a Beast, but I do have the answers to all your questions." (Y/N) looked at her with a bit of shock as if to ask 'really?', and the tigress simply responded to his look with a small head nod. 

"The short version of the answer is the power of a Soul, but the long answer is a bit more complicated. You know the saying that with age comes wisdom Master?" He quickly replied with a nod meaning yes, "well in this scenario this saying goes both ways. Because I am who I am, with Wisdom comes age and the thing that allowed me to gain that wisdom was the Human Essence."

In her Master's mind the gears began to click, but he still didn't understand completely how that affected everything else, so he continued listening to his companions explanation. "You see, the Human Essences are essentially a persons Soul and, according to my knowledge, a Soul is simply a composition of experiences, memories, abilities, and powers that make a being what they are. That is what I would call knowledge and I believe that knowledge is simply unprocessed wisdom. So, when I assimilated the Human Essence, I consumed a Human Soul, gaining the knowledge from it, and therefore the wisdom, which allowed me to grow. I also did the same thing with the Grimm Masks and Cores, but they simply weren't powerful, or vibrant enough to offer me substantial wisdom to exhibit true growth."

To (Y/N) it began making a lot of sense and just to clarify he was getting the meaning of her words correctly, he chose to feed the information back to her in lamest terms. "So basically, when you ate Grimm Souls, they weren't powerful enough so you couldn't get bigger, but the Human Souls were so you could?" His response made the tigress chuckle slight at the simplicity of it all, and she then rolled over to lay her large, fluffy body on top of him before she answered his simplistic version of her explanation.

"In the absolute, most simplistic version of what I said, yes you are correct. If you were to take it at face value, then that is what has happened." Even though the Tigress was so much larger than him, her weight felt almost like nothing as she laid on top of his body, it felt as though a large, warm, soft weighted blanket was laying on top of his form.

"I guess 100 Human souls is worth a hundred years of age for you then."

"No, I extracted a hundred human years' worth of Wisdom from 100 Human Essences, which are essentially Human Souls."

Her comment made her Master think for a moment, "then what are you doing when your Assimilating other races, and becoming part them?"

"Now that is a very good question Master, I am not absorbing them into myself in the same way you may think. Essentially what I am doing is taking the knowledge/wisdom that I acquired from the Soul and using it to adapt it into my body, turning myself into a personalized version of their Race. The thing we know as the Assimilation Rate is simply a visual projection of that process and the System somehow knows how many Essences/Souls I need to consume in order to complete the process."

"Wow, that's actually a way cooler process than I thought it would be, and it kinda explains why you didn't become a humanoid version of yourself when you Assimilated people Souls" he said as he shoved his face deeper into her fur.

"Hmmm, was that a little bit of disappointment I heard in your voice Master? If I didn't know any better, I'd thought that you were expecting me to become some sort of big titted, cat eared, human woman" she giggled out, teasing her Master.

"No not disappointment, just an observation!" He yelled as he smiled into her fur, laughing all the while. "Either way you are truly something else Byakko, now you can freely choose from one of my Skills and abilities, you have three different forms, all with different stats and advantages, your growth rate shot up sky high, and you're the most gorgeous furry being on the planet. Actually, speaking of, what do your other two forms look like?" 

At her Master's question, she suddenly found herself wondering the same thing, and instead of speculating she stood from her comfortable position as (Y/N)'s blanket, took a few steps away from him, and transformed back into her original state.

Her bright orange fur quickly shifted to brilliant white and the black patterns that stretched across her body maneuvered across her form, slowly turning back into the eloquent stripes and spots that he knew so well. She remained the same size, and for the most part shape as well with the exception of her fur becoming less fluffy and much cleaner cut.

Name: Byakko

Age: 100

Race: Celestial White Tiger

Titles: Celestial White Tiger, Goddess of Righteousness, Queen of Animals, Guardian of the West

LVL: 35 (20%)

HP: 29250/29250 {+7063}

MP: 20500/20500 {+4563}

AU: 3225/3225 {+694}

Bond Lvl: MAX


STR; 740, {+185}

END; 555, {+139}

DEX; 920, {+230}

VIT; 565, {+141}

INT; 730, {+183}

LUK; 215, {+56}

"Yup I expected something like this, but I didn't expect you to somehow look better in your original form then the Maneater one! You really don't miss; you are always stunning!" He gave his partner a quick thumbs up as he complimented her form, and she of course smiled a fanged grin at her masters response. 

Then after allowing him and her to fully inspect her original form, she then transformed into her Scylla/Grimm form that she often finds herself in, and these ones changes were a bit more apparent. Her size and shape didn't change much except for her becoming much more muscular in the leg and body area, the fur was a fogy black but was still incredibly soft to the touch, and her tail became much shorter but more muscular, still having the long, sharp, bone like protrusions sticking out from it. 

Her claws were now much, much, much longer, but she was still able to retract them slightly, so they got less in her way and her fangs hung even lower from her mouth, looking even more like a sabretooth than before. Her Grimm mask now covered a majority of her face but the unique designs around her eyes and center of her face were still prevalent, and the various bones that shot out from her back and plated her body like armor were now longer, harder, and sharper than before.

Name: Byakko (Grimm), Scylla

Age: 100

Race: Celestial White Tiger, Grimm

Titles: Celestial White Tiger, Goddess of Righteousness, Queen of Animals, Guardian of the West

LVL: 35 (20%)

HP: 38000/38000, {+9250}

MP: 4750/4750, {+625}

AU: 2700/2700, {563}

Bond Lvl: MAX


STR; 915, {+229}

END; 450, {+113}

DEX; 605, {+151}

VIT; 740, {+185}

INT; 100, {+25}

LUK; 180, {+45}

"You look hella fucking badass! And you can use Aura in this form now which is a great addition!"

"You Really Think So?" Her voice grumbled deeply, shacking the very foundation of the building that they were standing on even as she spoke in such a low tone. Her voice boomed and echoed throughout the night air, slightly surprising herself and her Master in front of her. "It Seems My Voice Has Become Much More Powerful As Well" she whispered matter of factly. 

The undertones of her voice sounded similar to the growls of an aggressive demonic beast and the deep tremor of her words seemed to increase the intensity of whatever she said a hundred-fold, it made it difficult for her to not appear extremely threatening by her Scylla voice alone.

"Yup you definitely have a much stronger voice, it's probably guaranteed to inflict fear, stun, or something else of that nature now, and it doesn't really sound as if you need to growl or roar to do so. I'm guessing you can still do both of those things right? I don't really know if we want to reveal that you can talk to everyone just yet."

"Yes Master, I can still growl, and I do believe that it'd be for the best that we keep that a secret between the both of us until you are ready to reveal your nature to your lovers" she said as she turned back into her original form.

"Perfect! I guess I'll just have to explain to the people downstairs that you just grew somehow" he said as he motioned to his office below his feet. "The girls will probably just accept you as another one of my unique talents or something like that so it should be no big deal." After they finished up that section of business, Byakko leisurely prowled back up to her master and gently nuzzled her face and body up against his own before she settled down, cuddling up next to him.

"So, what's next Master?" She asked the question transitionally, already fully aware of what her Master wished to tackle next.

"Next, we are going to hatch this Pinkish-White egg that we put so much effort into nursing, so Meta, if you would give me the system prompt again, that'd be wonderful, and I'd be forever appreciative." As he gave Meta the request, he sat down and leaned up against Byakko's side, comfortably nuzzling himself into her fur before the summoning.

[Alright Partner!]


Your Pinkish-White Beast Egg is hatching!

Would you like to watch?


"Yes please" he responded aloud. After his response, a small, extremely bright, light pink egg appeared in front of him and his tigress companion in a flash of white light. The egg was very small, about the size of a chicken egg, and its size was made extremely apparent when he visually compared it to how big Byakko's egg was back in the forest, but this one was much softer and smoother looking. 

Unlike Byakko's egg, this one didn't rapidly shake, or burst into blinding light, instead they heard the light sound of something tapping against the inside of the egg's shell, slowly cracking its way through its interior. The duo watched intently as they waited for the 'beast' inside the eggshell to make its way and they didn't have to wait much longer as the Egg slowly began breaking through at its tip. 

The tapping and slicing continued until the incision at the eggs top had turned into a small hole and that is when they saw their first glimpse of their companion that laid inside. For what looked like an instant, (Y/N) and Byakko watched as a pink, forked tongue quickly flickered out of and back into the eggs hole, right then and their (Y/N) knew exactly what kind of animal was inside that egg. 

His suspicion was then confirmed as the 'beast' poked its arrow shaped head out from the small hole, spreading it to accommodate the rest of its body, and slowly slithering its way out of its eggshell prison. 

"It's a cute little snake!" The beast that slowly slithered its way out of the small egg was an incredibly small, adorable, pale pinkish white snake that slowly curled itself up into a coil as it sat next to its now broken egg.

Congratulations! You have Hatched the Consumer Of Worlds and Creator of Life, Goddess Of Darkness and Liberation, Queen Of Demons and Leader Of Legions, Originator Of Sin and Breaker Of Bondage, Infinite Void Basilisk!

Name: Lilith

Age: ???

Race: Infinite Void Basilisk

Titles: Consumer Of Worlds and Creator of Life, Goddess Of Darkness and Liberation, Queen Of Demons and Leader Of Legions, Originator Of Sin and Breaker Of Bondage, Infinite Void Basilisk

HP: 150/150

MP: 525/525

Bond Lvl: MAX


STR; 1

END; 1

DEX; 1

VIT; 1

INT; 1

LUK; 1

"Those are quite some titles for such a small, adorable looking snake" he thought as he watched the small animal. "But what's up with her stats? It's like she literally starts off with absolutely nothing and she doesn't even have a Level. What is up with her? I gotta make sure I protect her cause it seems like if the wind blew a little too hard then she'd be in danger of passing on.

As he finished his initial thoughts, the pure white Basilisk simply stared back at the large duo for a moment before it turned its attention to the Egg that it just hatched out of and it then slowly slithered its head back over its top, and once its diamond shaped head got on top it opened its jaws incredibly wide, revealing what exactly was inside her mouth. 

Inside her wide-open jaws was bright pink flesh that almost glew in the darkness of the night and along her opened maw was a line of tiny razor-sharp teeth that curved backwards inside her mouth. However, the focal point of this cute companions mouth was two large, long, black fangs that were incredibly sharp at the tip. 

The serpent then did something that (Y/N) didn't expect, and it began eating the remnants of the egg that it came from, slowly but surely it swallowed the egg in entirety and something surprising happened after it finished.

| Lilith |

Ap Up!

+6 STR

+3 END

+10 DEX

+3 VIT

+8 INT

+5 LUK


Name: Lilith

Age: ???

Race: Infinite Void Basilisk

Titles: Consumer Of Worlds and Creator of Life, Goddess Of Darkness and Liberation, Queen Of Demons and Leader Of Legions, Originator Of Sin and Breaker Of Bondage, Infinite Void Basilisk

HP: 150/150

MP: 525/525

Bond Lvl: MAX


STR; 7, {+2}

END; 4, {+1}

DEX; 11, {+3}

VIT; 4, {+1}

INT; 9, {+2}

LUK; 6 {+2}


"Consumer of Worlds, I think I understand now. She probably just gets more powerful by eating exclusively instead of Leveling up as well" he thought as the snek finished up her first meal and began slithering over to her new Master. 

As she was extremely small, the distance she had to cover was very, very long so (Y/N) stretched out his hand to meet her in the middle, and as his finger reached her, she began slithering up his finger and onto his hand. 

This is where he was able to truly see how tiny she was, as her head was only about as wide as his thumb and once, she slithered her entire smooth scaled body onto his hand and arm, he found that she was only about as long as the length from his middle finger to his wrist. 

"It's very nice to meet you Lilith," he said as he lifted her up from his palm, "I hope we can get along well from now on." In response to his declaration, the small snake slithered from the palm of his hand to his neck, curling herself about halfway around the bridge, and resting her arrow like head on his collar bone.

"I think she likes you Master" Byakko said teasingly as she watched the scene unfold with increasing interest.

"I hope so" he replied jokingly, but as soon as he said it Lilith's body shifted slightly. Instead of simply resting her head on his collar bone she reeled her arrow shaped backwards, and coiled the rest of her body, accordingly, poising herself to strike. 

Then before either of them realized what she was doing, she bared her long fangs and struck with incredible quickness, sinking her dual fangs into her Master's neck. Her fangs were so sharp, and her attack was so precise that he didn't feel anything at all, but he could feel the warmth of her small mouth on his neck, so he knew that something was up. 

"Uhm, Lilith, why are you biting me?" Lilith didn't have a response to give him, instead Byakko formed a little theory of her own as she watched the small snake latch itself onto her Master.

"From the way her muscles are retracting, I think she is consuming something from you Master. Do you feel like you're losing anything?"

(Y/N) took a moment to feel around in himself to find an answer, but he didn't notice anything, "nope, I don't really feel like I'm at a loss on anything, Meta what do you think?"

[Meta knows that Lilith is consuming your Health Points and Mana Points through your blood! However, Meta thinks you don't feel it because your END is too high so you're not losing any HP!]

"Then why am I not losing any MP either?"

[Lilith is using a Physical Attack that bypasses shield and drains an opponent's HP and MP, but since your END is too high, you're taking no damage!]

{-0 HP}

[But since she's your companion, her teeth still sunk in! So, she's still drinking your blood and getting sustenance from it, but you're taking no damage!]

"Uh huh.... interesting" he thought as Lilith continued essentially drinking his blood. "Maybe she'll be able to grow stronger from this as well, that would make sense considering she literally ate her eggshell for a quick AP boost." As he finished his quick thought, Byakko turned to her Master and gently nuzzled her head against his, trying her best not to bother her new sister in arms.

"Master, it seems like your nursing Lilith to strength" Byakko remarked jokingly. "Maybe we should call you Mama instead of Master from now on" she giggled out.

(Y/N) rolled his eyes slightly, "ha ha, very funny Byakko" he exclaimed sarcastically. "How about you don't do that, and instead why don't you turn into Scylla so we can meet with these Schnee assholes."

"Hehehe" she began as she laughed, "I understand Master, However I Don't Believe The Schnee Assholes Have Arrived Yet. Also, Do You Plan On Having Lilith On Your Neck The Entire Time? Don't You Believe That It May Look A Little Suspicious?"

(Y/N) stood up from his resting position on the now Scylla's body and turned to his talking, furry companion, "not especially, what's really suspicious is your size. Besides I can just hide her underneath my appearance" he spoke as he shifted into the Devil that he was known for, "like so.

Lilith was no longer seen, however (Y/N) could still feel the warmth of her wet mouth clamped on his neck, so he considered it a success. "Now, one floor down is where we shall go Miss Tigress, would you please take my hand" he said as he extended his towards the large black tiger.

Byakko looked at his hand for a moment before she smirked a toothy smile and looked into her Masters eyes, "No, Demonic Walk" one moment she was standing in front of him and the next she had completely disappeared, leaving a large black trail in her wake.

"I forgot she could do that now, Demonic Walk" after his quick thought, he followed after his large partner and teleported down a floor to his office, and when he suddenly appeared he was greeted with an insane scene. 

Everyone in the room with the exception of Hel and Neo was completely on guard with their weapons, fists, and minds prepped for a fight. The source of their sudden poise was currently laying down on her stomach in the large open space next to the Devil's desk, Byakko.

The instant they saw their leader appear, their attention immediately shifted to him, "Boss, where did this Beast come from? Is this another one of your companions?" Junior asked the question innocently, all the while he kept his rocket launcher aimed steadily on the monster in the corner of the room. The other Elites were wondering the same thing as they had their weapons trained on the Grimm, waiting to hear their leaders response to the question.

"Uhm, yeah, that is Scylla. After yesterday's events she had a little growth spurt, so now she's just a small bit larger than she was before, nothing to worry about." The Elites immediately dropped their guards after hearing the Clan Head's response, and they then went back to the usual greetings. 

Junior bowed, Zeb saluted, the twins hugged and kissed, Neo jumped from Hel's lap and leaped her way onto the Devils shoulders with a joyful smile across her lips, wrapping him in a tight embrace, and Hel took the time to give him a masked kiss. After the quick greetings, (Y/N) slipped past his now enlarged companion and sat down at his desk, followed by Hel and then Neo. "So, where is our guest?"

Hel was the first to respond with, "we don't know. We trust that he/they will show soon, however there is no definitive way to tell when they will."

Junior quickly followed up with, "there are a lot of different ways that they could be appearing as well. Especially considering the power of the Schnees they could pull up with an entire fleet of men just for a meeting like this, so that could also factor into our wait times. For now, our best option is just to wait it out and hope that they appear sooner rather than later."

(Y/N) allowed the information to sit for a moment, "that's fine. What preparations have been made for the Schnee arrival?"

Zeb chose to pick up that topic, saying "well not much really. The majority of the men are still being used to occupy the Dust yard, but we brought back a small welcoming party of ten Acolytes and a Captain to greet the Schnee's on entry and lead them up to the office, no moving necessary."

"That's fine, I guess for now all we have to do is wait it out." As he made the declaration, everyone in the rom relaxed as they settled into their chairs, prepared to wait as long as was necessary for their guest/guests to arrive.

As they were relaxing, high in the night sky tension, stress, and fear couldn't have been any higher for the important duo that were sitting comfortably in their cushioned seats in the luxury Atlassian Bullhead. Willow sat uncomfortably in her seat, mind racing as for the first time in her life she couldn't figure out what her incredibly stupid husband's plan was. 

She went over the information, time and time again, but the conclusion that she kept coming to was that Jacques wanted her to fix his mess, and he wanted her to bring Weiss along so she could watch her fail or succeed. 

However, that solution wasn't satisfactory and at the same time her gut continued to agonize her to now end, screaming that he had another objective in mind, so she just kept thinking.

Sitting across from her was her stoic daughter, straight faced, perfect posture, and immaculately beautiful. She perfectly represented what every Schnee was raised to be, what every Schnee hoped to become, but at the same time she had somehow grown into everything that she loathed in their 'family'. 

Pompously arrogant, ignorantly snobby, ungodlily narcissistic, all of these are central traits that their last name had been permanently associated with in recent years, and instead of getting better, with Jacques, it had only gotten worse. 

As she looked over to her daughter, she immediately saw through the icy exterior she presented to the public, noticing the little movements and habits the girl had showing her true feelings. 

With her hands folded in her lap she lightly scratched her palm, she looked down at the ground and refused to shift her eyes even in the slightest bit, and with every passing minute she took a moment to refresh her long white hair back over her shoulder. 

To everyone else she was confident, relaxed, calm, prestigious, but to her mother she was insecure, nervous, anxious, and horribly ignorant.

Weiss was scarred. To her mother, she couldn't hide the fact that she was incredibly afraid of meeting with a powerful gangster that had the means to threaten her family, and that fear was showing in her nervous ticks. Willow couldn't help but smile at her girls honesty through her body language, she was truly an awful liar even since she was a child. 

The memories of Weiss stealing cookies and lying about it with crumbs littering her dress and mouth, or when she'd act like she didn't want her mother to sleep with her at night because she was 'a Schnee and Schnees aren't babies' always brought a smile to her face, but at the same time it brought an intense amount of depression to her. The reason was simple, because it was her fault that Weiss was forced to turn into this absurd, perfect symbol of what a Schnee should be.

All of those things were weights that were pressed down on Willows shoulders as she carried the guilt that her daughter turned out this way, but it was that same guilt that actively pushed her away from fixing her mistakes. 'I ruined our family, who am I to fix it?' 'I destroyed our relationship; I don't deserve to speak with them.' 'I am a terrible mother; my daughters don't need me.' 

It was thoughts like these, day in and out, that prevented Willow from trying to conjure up the will power to speak with her daughters, and instead she took to watching them from above, ensuring that they'd be able to live the lives they would want to. 

However, in the few moments that she was able to get the courage to speak with Weiss or Winter, she was quickly shut down as that was a bridge that she had burned a long time ago. 

Sometimes she wished that she could go back and change everything, never marry Jacques, stop what her father was doing, take over the family, marry someone who loved her for her, and rode off into the sunset, but those thoughts were always overcame by the love and passion she had for her daughters. 

She simply couldn't imagine a happy life without them, and it was because of that, that even if she had to live in depression and sorrow for her entire life, it would all be okay if they were happy.

The flight was silent to a deafening degree, and Willow built up the courage to speak with her daughter, starting the conversation with, "Weiss, how are you feeling about this trip?" Her daughter suddenly perked up from her starting at the metal floors and she turned her attention to her Mother.

After she slightly cleared her throat she spoke, "I am looking forward to seeing your negotiating skills at work Mother."

That was the typical response that she expected from her, but she was looking for something more, so she kept prodding. "I meant; how do you feel about having a direct meeting with a criminal lord who has the power to threaten the Schnee name?" This question clearly got a reaction out of the girl as Weiss's stoic expression shifted from confident to anxious for a moment before it quickly turned back again.

"I don't understand what you are talking about mother, there is not a single person powerful enough to so much as threaten the Schnee name. If anyone should understand that it should be you mother." Wiess immediately began to get defensive when the question was asked, so instead of continuing to prod her daughter for a true emotional reaction, she chose to just let it go, rather than risk losing further standing with her daughter.

"I'm sorry I asked Weiss, I just wanted to ensure that you were alright with what was going to take place. Just know that if you ever feel unsafe, or uncomfortable you have my permission to leave. You may stay on the plane after we land if you wish, all I want is for you to be safe and happy" Willow allowed her true feelings for the girls to show for the first time in a long while, but her daughter remained unreceptive to her and instead of acknowledging her words in anyway, she simply stared back at the floor, waiting for the plane to land.

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