Royal Blood

By queen_ransome22

34.4K 1.6K 428

Being in the royal family always has it perks. Everyone fears them, adore them, and criticize them. The Alba... More

Royal Blood (Interracial)
The Start


981 44 6
By queen_ransome22


"And again!!" Dahlia ran a hand across her face again as Nadia and I repositioned ourselves to waltz once again. We've been doing this since I had been called to be down here in the ball room to waltz. It's on my schedule before I need to go do other duties as a prince.

Today I had to go to the village to visit the orphans with my golden brother and Syd. They wanted us to sit with the kids and get to know them.

But as of now, I'm waltzing with Nadia because Mom and Dad are suppose to host an event in the ball room tomorrow. We started dancing once again and I tried to look into Nadia's eyes like I'm suppose to but I couldn't. My eyes kept going to the one that kept my eyes open ever since I was 15.

Our relationship with us being friends again were off to a rocky start but then eventually, everything fell into place. I'm so grateful that it did but I can't help but to think what would've happened if we weren't friends in the beginning. I wouldn't even know who she was. But I think we would've found each other. I just feel... attached to Leah. I always did.

"Oww!!" I heard a shriek coming from Nadia's mouth. She pulled away quickly and started to bend down to touch her foot that I accidentally stepped on. I didn't mean to step on it, I was thinking about other things and not dancing with Nadia.

Dahlia stopped the music and I grabbed Nadia's hand only for her to gently pull away. "Nadia I didn't-"

"It's okay Landon. I just need some rest is all. We've been at this all day." She cuts me off, still poorly holding onto her foot. I just told Dahlia to let us dance another time for Nadia's foot to be okay. She agreed and I picked her up bridal style, taking her in the guest bedroom.

After I took her in the guest bedroom, I made sure that one of the maids got her an ice pack. I would've stayed but I had to go to the orphanage. "Landon?"

I stopped to look at Nadia since she called my name. "Yes?"

She opened her mouth to say something but then she closed it, which made me arch my eyebrow. "Yes Nadia?"

She just covers it with a smile and shake her head. "Nothing Landon. Go and enjoy those kids."

I smiled leaving out of her room with a confused look on my face. Was there something bothering her? I just left it at that and decided to go downstairs to the limousine. When I made it down the stairs and out to the front door, I noticed that no one was by the car but the male servant and knights.

I quickly smiled as the knight opened the door for me. Slipping inside of the car, I noticed Syd, and Golden boy already in here talking about something. The two of them continued to talk as I thought more about Adaleah and where she might be right now.

"What are you thinking about Lan?" Syd questioned as the limo started to leave from the castle. Golden boy also looked at me to see why I'm in deep thought as the two talked and I didn't join in.

I waved them off, giving the both of them a smile. I didn't feel like hearing them tease me. Especially Syd. She always teased me for liking Adaleah when we were younger. I couldn't help but to think my brother had feelings for my old time crush too. I don't think that could've been possible.

But I'm going to find out where Golden boy goes on days when he's not around the castle and makes an excuse of being somewhere else that we're allowed to go. He's hiding something. I knew he was.

We finally arrived at the orphanage and the limo came to a stop. The door opened for the three of us to get of the car. We all got out looking around the village. The police were already here making sure nothing is to happen while we're here.

There were people stopping to look at us with gasps leaving from their lips and excitement on their faces.

"It's the Albanians. They returned to the village!!"

"Oh my gosh Prince Theo is so handsome!!"

"Prince Landon looks different and handsome. I bet he smells really good in person."

"It's Sydney!! She's still beautiful I wonder if she's with child?!!"

The comments that were made as the police hold back the crowd that started to form made the three of us chuckle a little looking at the orphanage building. It looked a little older and it looked eerie. Almost as if it came from a scary movie.

The double doors came open and we were met with a woman. I'm assuming a woman who kept things running here at the orphanage. We greeted her and walked inside to see some of the kids running around playing, making crafts at a table and others talking to each other.

It seemed like they didn't really care about the future or anything. They were in the now and I liked that about the kids. She told us that her name is Louise Moulin. We walked more into the bruised home, I noticed buckets of water on the floor from leaks coming in the home I'm assuming. The walls were half painted, and the floors creaked when we walked inside.

Some kids gasped when they noticed it's Syd, Golden boy, and I in their temporary home. Even some preteens gasped at our presence.We smiled at the preteens and the children that started the form a crowd over us. They were talking in sync surprised that we were here.

Miss. Louise had to tell the kids to stop talking all at once but I knew they were just excited to see the royal family here in the orphanage.

" Les Albanais avaient accepté de vous connaître en participant à certaines activités avec vous. Mais ne les bombardez pas de questions, d'accord?" She said causing the kids to agree with what she said and they all turned to us with smiles and they were about to curtsy but we stopped the kids.

I'm glad that they're very respectable but kids curtsy at us didn't seem right. (The Albanians agreed to know you by participating in certain activities with you. But don't bombard them with questions, okay?)

"Nous sommes prêts à commencer la fête!" Sydney yelled with her arms in the air in excitement. The kids screamed of happiness and the girls took Sydney's hand and dragged her wherever they were going, followed by the little boys taking Theo to wherever they were going. (We're ready to get this party started!!!)

I also got taken with kids but they went towards the kitchen. I noticed baked goods on the table and the little girl offered me a nice cupcake.

"Prince Landon, voulez-vous un cupcake? Mademoiselle. Aniyah les a cuisinés." I gave the little girl a smile and gently took the cupcake from her. She said Miss. Aniyah made these cupcakes. I wonder did she always baked goods for them. (Prince Landon, would you like a cupcake? Miss. Aniyah cooked them.)

"Merci. Elle fait des gâteaux pour vous ?" I questioned taking a bite from the cupcake after I discarded the wrapper. She nods her head with a smile. (Thank you. She bakes for you guys?)

"Elle cuisine tout le temps pour nous! Adaleah utiliser pour les apporter avant de quitter le village." She talked with a smile and I stopped chewing when I heard all of them saying they were happy to see Adaleah come everyday to bring baked goods. She would help Miss. Louise whenever she didn't have help with other adults that helped her at times. (She bakes all the time for us! Adaleah use to bring them before she left the village.)

The way they were talking about Adaleah made me realize that she really impacted a lot of people around the village. I loved that she's making a difference- well did before she had to come and work for us. These kids really loved her. Adaleah was like their guardian Angel and I couldn't believe we just took her away from them.

"Do you still see her? Miss. Aniyah says she works in the castle." Another girl spoke in english and looked at me with a smile. I nod my head with a smile. The girls gasped with happy looks on their face.

"She actually helps with things around the castle so I see her almost everyday." I spoke back in english and the girls smiled and they all started dragging me to the kitchen table. I noticed that they were a lot of crafts and supplies to do for art. I smiled when the little girls started directing me on how to make art even though I knew a lot about it.

I finished my cupcake and started doing art with the girls who seemed to be enjoying theirselves. Usually when Theo and Syd came to see the village, I always dread to come but I never really experienced it like this. Especially with children. I didn't really get along too much with kids but now they're enjoying my company as I'm enjoying theirs.

It's about 3 P.M. when we finished with the orphanage kids. They were truly angels and I hope they will get adopted one day. Miss. Louise told us that a lot of the kids don't get adopted because of how old the building looks. She also said that the bills were piling up and she didn't know what she's going to do the next three months. After three months someone is going to buy this part place out.

It angered me that they were about to make all these kids not even have a home. They were innocent kids that didn't know anything about life. I hate that this is happening to them.

"La famille royale vous quitte. Dites-lui au revoir." Miss. Louise told the kids and they awwed. They all made sure they had their share of goodbyes. The little girl that gave me the cupcake earlier, named Chloe came up to me with tug on my suit. I smiled bending down to her and she gave me a card. (The royal family are leaving you guys. Tell them bye.)

"Tu peux donner ça à Adaleah quand tu la verras?" She questioned with a unsure look at me. I looked at the card and smiled. This would melt Adaleahs heart to see that these kids still thinks of her even when she's not here. Seeing that they love her that much to even give her a card is saying something. (Can you give this to Adaleah when you see her?)

"Of course Chloe." I smiled, standing back up to see more kids had cards in their hands with smiles on their face. I looked at my siblings who smiles at me then the kids. I started to collect all of the cards that they wanted to give to Adaleah.

We said our goodbyes to the kids and Syd chuckles when we were being escorted back into the limo to go to our interview we had.

"Your girlfriend is going to make an awesome Queen." I rolled my eyes playfully, still walking to the limo. Syd always says these things like Adaleah and I were going to be together. She obviously likes William and I'm not going to interfere with that. It's also forbidden for us to be together.

Besides, If she's happy with Willam than I'm happy for her. I need to take these cards to her so she could have a heartfelt moment with what the kids did for her.

We finally arrived back at castle after a long day of interviewing and touring the village a little. I honestly didn't know why we always kept the gate closed. Whenever the time comes for me to rule, I'll keep that in mind. The first thing that came to my mind is to take these cards to my curly headed friend. I'm assuming she's with her boyfriend but it doesn't hurt to see if she's in the headquarters.

Walking towards the headquarters, I couldn't help but smile at the thought of her lips curling into a bright smile as she reads these cards from the orphanage. That's also something I wanted to talk with dad about.

I didn't go any further to the headquarters because just as I got closer there, Leah is meeting me with her uniform on. High heels, a nice shirt, and a pencil skirt that showed her body below. I trailed my eyes over her outfit once more before I heard her throat cleared. My eyes went to her brown ones and I immediately felt my face heat up.

I didn't mean to stare, I just can't help it. She's beautiful. Always been beautiful to me. Even as a hormonal teenager, I couldn't help but stare at her. I gave a smile and raised up the bag that I had the cards in it.

"The kids from the orphanage wanted me to give you these." I smiled as she smiled walking closer to me and I could smell the fruity fragrance coming from her. It smelled so good. I could actually eat-

"Awww!! I haven't seen some of them in so long. These are all for me?" She questioned looking into my eyes as I nod my head, giving her the bag, not taking my eyes off of her.

Her eyes didn't meet mine because she grabbed the bag from my hand which made our fingers graze against each other's. I felt tingles when she did that but she didn't pay me any mind. "Can I have permission to open them now? I wanted to see what they say!"

I nod my head, "Sure you can come assist me when you're finished." I started to walk away but I felt a hand grab my arm. I stopped to turn towards Leah to see that she gave me a smile, raising the bag up.

"You should come with. You brought them to me, why not help me look at them?" I didn't want to read something the kids made especially for her. Those are something she should read in private and not in public with me.

I shake my head no with a smile. "Those kids brought those to you. That's for your eyes only." She rolled her eyes playfully, dragging me towards the headquarters.

The both of us head to the headquarters backyard to see a table with an umbrella hovering over the table to keep cool. It's actually nice what Hugo does for the headquarters when my father wouldn't even acknowledge them. Only as people who only cleaned for him.

She sat down sitting the iPad next to her on the table. She just flipped the bag over and there came a lot of cards coming from the bag. She chuckles, continuing to look at the cards picking up whichever she could find.

She gasped when she picked up a card. A card that I knew whose name that was on it. Chloe.

"Aww Chloe is a sweet child. I love her so much." She begin to open the card to see what she said and I noticed a plastic tiara in the stack of cards. "There is a tiara that I got especially for you. You will always be a Queen in my eye. Love, Chloe." She awwed, looking at the tiara and picked it up.

She set it on her head and started to look more into the cards and then she handed me a few that were assigned to me.

I chuckled about to look at the cards but I couldn't. I couldn't help but look at the girl who's slowly becoming a woman that had a tiara on her head. Even though it's plastic, something about the way it shined on her made me look at her different.

I mean I always looked at her different but this... something about that tiara on her head with a smile on her face opening these kids cards just opened my eyes a little more.

My heart started beating a certain way, my eyes opened differently, and my view of this girl made me really think if Grayson is right. This girl is just like a Royal Queen. Beautiful, caring, sweet, and nice.

"Beautiful." I whispered to myself but I'm pretty sure Adaleah heard me. She snapped her head up to me and gave a confused look. I didn't mean to say that out loud, it just came out.

"What?" She questioned looking me in the eye as I looked at her about to speak again but two maids came towards us. The two curtsy and I looked their way.

"Prince Landon you're needed in the castle." One said as I nodded my head. I sigh looking over at Adaleah. She smiles nodding her head.

"It's fine Prince Landon. I'll be there in a few." I gave a smile and let the two maids escort me back to the castle. When I got back inside, Nadia seemed so happy and excited to see me. I thought she would be mad that I stepped on her foot but I guess not.

The only thing is, I wanted to get back to Adaleah to continue to see her smile beam off her face as she looked more at the cards. Nadia came towards me and grabbed my hand taking me to the ball room. I have to say they were doing a nice job with it. Dahlia had a smile on her face and she clapped her hand excitedly.

"Come, come! We have a lot ahead of us today. You two will be the It couple everyone would love. Even if you two aren't a couple."

"Yet." Nadia smiles at me and I gave a shocked look but I recovered it with a smile. She's right. She's a potential wife and I have to make sure that I stay focused on that.

Even if my heart is desiring elsewhere, I have to remember I'm the Prince of Sadalvia, France. I have to date someone in the royal world. Possibly marry. That's if I find the right one.

We repositioned ourselves as Nadia gave a welcoming smile that she's not mad at me from earlier today. I love that she continued to wear that smile even if things didn't go her way. She's too perfect to be with anyone. Especially me.

But my curly headed friend, is also out of my league. She's beyond perfect.

I continued to smile at Nadia who could be a potential wife but something about this wanted me to walk away from this and go to the one I really wanted.

I cut off my bathroom light after a long day of basically doing nothing but work. I could finally have this night to myself. I'm honestly hungry for a snack. I didn't bother putting on a shirt because I'm basically home. I had on sweatpants so I should be fine.

Walking down the stairs to the end of it, I stopped seeing someone talking to one of the maids. It looked like golden boy. He's wearing dark clothing and a hoodie. The maid curtsy and left him as he glanced once more and continued to walk away. Since it's dark down here, I carefully walk far behind him. He goes towards the backyard as I follow him.

I stopped when I noticed someone a little shorter than him giving him a tight hug. Seemed like a girl the way her frame and body appeared in my eye sight.

The both of them waddle side to side then he pulls away to lift up the short girls head towards his. The both of them put their foreheads on each other's. He lifts the girl up then puts her down, grabbing her hand for them to leave from here.

I cracked a smile feeling some wheels turn in my head. So this is why he's always "tired", making excuses to leave early, and he's not around the castle. I knew he was hiding something!! I knew it!

He's seeing someone that's not of royal. He know that's forbidden. He could get punished and the girl could get beheaded or public shamed.

I smile once more, feeling that I'm not the only one around here that's not perfect. Golden boy is breaking rules and I love it. I could really hang this over his head. Mom and Dad will not be pleased about their Golden child breaking rules. 

A/N: Sorry that I haven't updated in a whileee. I would do a schedule update but I would get lazy and not do it😂😂s  So with that being said, I hope you guys like and more to comeeeee!!!

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