It's The Melons, Isn't It?

By pamegranate

53.5K 2.8K 1.4K

(Weak Hero x femReader) Ah yes...this is the tale of a girl, with big ass tits, surviving the world of Weak... More

Stan Gray For Clear Skin
Those Are Weapons
Using Those Weapons
Y/n Fucking L/n
Panties Is The Way To A Mans Heart
A Rumor?? Is it because im hot?!
Y/n you better watch yo modafucking wayyyyy L/n
If Boobs Were A Weapon, They Will All Die
Jealous Ben=yes
Big Tits?! Yeah, Their No Fun
Suffocated By Boobs?? What A Great Day
You, In Hero Cram School?!?!
Gray and Y/n
Shitttttttt Here Comes Y/n With Her Long Badass Freaking Awesome Title!!!!!!!!
Wolfy and Y/n!
Dammnnn Y/n Can Pull Bitchesss
Best Duo....GRAY AND Y/N!!!
Ben and Y/n-an odd couple
What about a money bag?!
Wolf sees Y/n
Y/n and Wolfy-Wolf.
Ben Finally Meets This Wolfy Guy
Something About Him...
Ben Knows Now...
What really happen?
Helmet's Misunderstandings
Jake, Ben and You
There's One Thing Y/n is Good At...pulling bitches
Ben Park vs Jake Ji
If Benny Is What You Want-
Iconic Duo?!
This Is Serious
The Three Baddies
T-This isn't Cheating, Right!?
Donald Na and Y/n L/n
This is Donald Na
Donald will be willing do anything to have you
Ben Park ;)
This is bad...really bad.
A damage within a repair.
You cant fix old habits...
Y/n is not...Y/n?
We Meet Again.

Y/n's Love For Benny And Gogo

1.6K 83 6
By pamegranate

"Y/n!" Flinching at the sound of Ben shouting for you, you quickly looked around for a hiding spot, but you could hear Ben's steps getting closer, so you looked down at you donuts bag, quickly ate all of it, and used the bag to hide your head, now crunching down to pretend to be hiding. Ben now stood behind you in disbelief at the sight of you trying to hide with just a paper bag over your head. "Umm....Y/n?" You didn't answer back, making him suspicious at your actions. He walked around you and bent down to you and slowly slide the bag off your face, there he found you munching on a donut.

You finally made eye contact with your boyfriend and swallowed the whole donut in one go, making Ben smiled innocently at you, "Y/n? What's going on? You and Alex have been ignoring me! Did Gogo come to school?" You quickly look away from Ben and perked up your lips to the side, "N-No...he's sick Im pretty sure..." Ben frown at your face showing how obviously you're lying, he quickly crunched your paper bag and put it on his pockets to wrap his arm around you and tightened his hug, "Y/n, you were with Gogo yesterday. What happen?" You felt your heart melt at his touch, he was cheating! He knew this will break you! But you're not going to lose.

Especially when you made a promise to Alex...


"Y/ have to promise not tell Big Ben about this..." your eyes widened, "But, Gogo! He's going to attack Benny!" Alex shook his head, "No he won't. I know he won't. Just promise me...until I tell him." You frown, "Okay..." Alex cringed once your alcoholic wipes brushed against his wound, but he didn't say anything and stared at your red knuckles. They almost looked like you had blisters. He could feel the nerve racking feeling at the memory of you going at it with Jimmy. You looked like a monster, but to his surprise Jimmy could still be able to walk...well thanks to Alex because he stopped you from killing the poor guy. He remembers when your personality did a full 180 as your caring eyes relaxed to the usual once and you began to cry like a baby. Alex still remembers how shock Jimmy and Philip were at the sight of her personality change. If only he could've laughed, but his lungs and ribs hurt at the moment.

*back to reality**

"Gogo is just having one of those episodes...he begged me to not tell you, because he's embarrassed." Ben pulled away and sighed, "Oh no...not another one." You smiled warmly and leaned towards him, catching him off guard. He was use to not kissing in public, but once your nose touched his, he could see how lustful you were, "Benny...Gogo is fine. No need for another patient!" Ben smiled and hugged you tighter, making the two of you fall completely on your backs. "Okay...that's good. Maybe he'll tell me about it later." You nodded, "I know he will..."

The two of you stood like that for a couple of minutes, people walked pass by the two of you and gave you two odd looks as to why the hell you two are laying on the dirt. But you and Ben are one weird couple, anything is romantic for the two of you.

Walking in through the open door of your classroom, which was already weird that it was open, you looked around and spotted two unfamiliar guys already making their way out the classroom. They said their excuse me's and walked out, closing the door behind you. You gave them a weird look, and stared at Eugene for answers, but you automatically gasped and ran towards him. The boy was clearly in pain, "What happen? Are you okay?!" Eugene didn't say anything, but his finger, that was shaking violently, pointed towards the doors where the two had walked out. You automatically clicked the dots and ran to open the door harshly, "Tch! They're gone! Those buttheads—"

"What?? Got a problem? Spit it out, pussy-boy." The blond spoke from the top of the stairs that were near by your classroom. On the same hallway there was Gray and a random kid. On the ground, a wet bag with journals, assuming from the wet bucket being spilled, you knew those two idiots did something with that bag. But why was Gray mad about it? You looked towards Gray, and he was perfectly "calm", "I already told you. That's I'd kill you if you got on my nerves." "..."

"I haven't even gotten started yet. What's wrong? You wanna go right now?" Gray picked up the bag, now making you realize why they were at it with Gray. "If that's the case..." blond boy smirked, "Go ahead and bring your ass up here, bitch."

Gray clicked his tongue and walked away, earning a wide eye from you. "You made the right choice to keep it in, Gray...I'll take care of all this..." Eugene looked down in embarrassment, "Sorry about your backpack...I should've stopped them from taking it, to the end..." "Eugene." The boy stopped rambling and looked up at Gray, "There's no need for an apology. I'm fine." Your eyes began to shine at how cool Gray looked, this making you jump and wrap your arms around the poor boy. "Gray you're like....soooooo cool!" Gray ignored you and continue walking while your arms are still around him, "You should go to the nurse, your face is all puffed up..." Gray then looked down at you, patting your head softly. You gave him a warm smile and let go, now walking next to him.

You continue to look ahead and stopped smiling.

You're angry. Why are all your friends getting attacked now?

The story continues on...and I must say. Y/n isn't the only one who's blood is boiling.

Gray was burning more than ever. His whole body...he was very much pass mad. And people could notice once the two of you pass by. The aura had grown intense with the two of you combined.

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