Y/n you better watch yo modafucking wayyyyy L/n

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"Benny!" You ran as fast as possible to catch up to Ben, quickly wrapping your arm around his form, "Hello, Y/n!" "Yo." Alex and Ben looked down at your form once you let go of Ben. Alex didn't think much of it and ruffled your hair, "Big Ben ain't coming with us, Y/n." "Whaaaa, why?!" You looked at Ben for answers, but your heart drop once you saw him frowning at you. "What's wrong, Benny?" Alex raised an eyebrow, but the memory of that one boy came flashing by and he quickly stared at your shirt. It was in fact true, you're wearing a completely different shirt. And it seems like Ben also notice about the shirt, and so he let out a deep sigh, hugging you tightly and kissing you on your forehead, "I'm in a hurry, see you tomorrow." You didn't move at all, due to how shock you are at the moment. Ben doesn't give you hugs and kisses at the same time, only when he's very happy or worried about you, but there wasn't any reason for him to feeling any of those? Alex glared at Ben as the man went off his way, of course saying his goodbyes to Alex. Once Ben was out of sight you stared at Alex, "Gogo, like...what did I do wrong? Do I really look ugly today? Ugh, it's those stupid guys that threw soda on me!" Alex groan, shaking his head and wrapping his arm around your shoulders, "Y/n why are you wearing—wait what did you just say?!" You huffed, crossing your arms underneath your breast, making them pop more out, "I was helping Gray throw the trash, and these guys were like—trying to splash soda on him, but it landed on me! So Gray—like basically took me to a classroom and gave me shirt to change out of and went to the restroom to wash off the sticky liquid on my hair! I worked so hard to look extra cute for Benny, but now he thinks I'm Ugly! GOGO WHAT AM I GOING TO DO—" Alex slapped your mouth shut, earning a groan from you, "Who were they?" "I have no clue, but like they're in class 1." "Class 1? Wait...fuck. What did Gray do?" You sighed, hugging Alex tight, "He told me to not worry about anything." Alex knew what Gray was up to. He use to tell you the exact same words, and actually do something about it behind your back. Ben, as well. 'Well, this is great news for Ben...but not the rest...' "Y/n." "Yeah?" "Let's not tell this to Ben. He might actually get really mad." You groan, "But Gogo! I don't like keeping secrets from Benny!" Alex rolled his eyes, slapping your head, "Deal with it!"

On your way, you were texting and spamming Ben, because he wasn't answering you at all! But in reality, your overwhelming number of times you keep sending messages to Ben was scaring him that he didn't know what questions to answer. "Oh! Gogo, I'll go in a bit! Ben is calling me!" Alex gave you a thumbs up and walked up the stairs with the rest of the group.


The conversation between you and Ben were awfully odd...you started with "Benny, PLEASE DONT BE MAD AT ME!! I DONT KNOW WHAT I DID BUT LIKE IM TELLING THE TRUTH!!" Or just simply, "Cheating? Like during the test?" Then of course crying when you heard the suppose rumors of you cheating on Ben with Gray, "BENNY!! I WOULD NEVER CHEAT ON YOU! YOURE LIKE SO HOT I EVEN RISKED NOT PUTTING A BRA ON TODAY FOR YOU!" And all of that stupid crap turned into a heating moment, most like to call it phone sex, but you had to stop when you got off looks from teens passing by.

Man, you really were turned on at that moment.

Why is it that one hides their strength?

Well if you were to ask Y/n that, you will just answer a simple: "What strength?" See how dumb and really slow you are, it makes sense that your mindset only thought of Ben and Alex.

But if the other...you will have to answer, well that's most likely: "I don't hide my strength. I only use it when I have to."

And what does that ever get the chance to show up? Well, now that is:

"G-Gogo...?" Your fist began to shake violently, distress and filled with anger. Your gaze burned daggers right at the unfamiliar male standing over your childhood best friend. You weren't frozen, in fact, you never waste time—quickly launching yourself towards the male, your elbow connected with his jaw, shocking him and catching him off guard, "You bitch—!" Not letting him say any further words, your hands wrapped around his head, and pulled that big ass head of his towards your knees that also bended towards his face. The feeling of his hard nose bone poking the core of your knee had made a quick friction of slight pain, but you were sure your mini pain can't compare to what this motherfucker was currently feeling. "GAH!" Alex quickly opened his eyes in disbelief, "Is that Y-Y/n?" His vision was slightly blurry, the knock on his temple had done a toll on him, but he recognized that familiar perfume, but not the usual vibe.

All he could hear was a squishing and hitting noises, as well as wind being swooshed harshly. That was no normal punch, or any type of jab. The only person he could think of is most likely Ben and that other guy.

Alex for the first time in a long time, felt very fucking scared.

A/n: You can ask questions here—> :)

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