There's One Thing Y/n is Good At...pulling bitches

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"So let's be straight...Jake stopped by your workplace...beat you half to death...and then paid Gray a visit?" Gerard leaned towards the balcony of the schools rooftop and dug his hands inside his pockets, judging by how dark Ben's expression looked he had to make sure to clarify what actually happened. "He didn't ambush me or gang up on me. We both agreed to fight. It's no big deal. Don't worry about it." Alex shook his head, "That's not it...why would he talk to you about Y/n though?" Gray rubbed his chin, "Now that I look back...Y/n was always talking about her friend. One day she just stopped and always talked about something else." Eugene nodded in agreement, "Gray is right. Y/n did also had some type of friendship with Wolf Keum as well. Maybe she didn't know about them being in the Union." Rowan gasped and slapped his fist on the palm of his other hand, "She also ditched us that one day during the weekend. She looked very distressed after her broken arm! Now that she's healed...she was always stuck to glue?"

Gerard shrugged his shoulders, "Jake didn't say much...but you might not like the few words he told me, Big Ben." Alex glared at the ground. He knew what was those words. "What did he say?" Eugene asked, he was weirded out about the whole situation. Why would Jake want to fight with Ben over you? He can understand how and what for, but it didn't make sense? All this for a girl? What about the Union? It just didn't make sense at all. Maybe all this was just to cover the fact that it is between Ben and the Union, right?!

"I couldn't really hear, but he said something along the lines, "I'm just doing this for her", or something like that." Eugene and Rowan gawked. 'Was I wrong?' Gerard glanced towards Ben, "I don't want you to fight him...Big Ben." Alex was now shock, he glanced over at Ben and just got nervous by the look of his face. Ben is always down to earth, but seeing him at this stage was something Alex could not get use to of, even after knowing him for so long. 'Y/n...what did you get yourself into...Big Ben is not liking this at all...'

"Where's Y/n?"

Gray looked at Gerard, "She hasn't been in school for a while." Alex nodded, "She also hasn't been responding to me and Ben's messages—well when she does it isn't her usual messages..." Alex then looked at Ben again, "Hey, don't think about it too much. It's Y/n we are talking about here. She loves you more than anything on this earth. Ben shook his head, "..."

"Ben, I agree with Gerard...this fight is—?!" Ben snapped his head to Alex, "No. I'm gonna fight. It's not because of you, Gerard...or you, Gray. And—...I'm gonna fight for myself." Alex knew damn well half of that was bullshit. God he forgot how much you and Ben loved each other too much. 'I know he's doing this for himself...but Ben you can't deny the fact that it's mostly for Y/n.'

"I think that's what I should do. And Gerard...I want you to stick with Gogo and me for a while."



"Oh, Gerard."


Gerard awkwardly stood in front of both Ben and Alex, "Oh...hey..." Alex sighed and leaned his chin with the tip of the broom, "We have to clean the auditorium today. Are you working today?" Gerard huffed, "I can't go to work looking like this." "Then wait for us. We should be done soon." "Yeah."


Alex stared at Ben, who popped out his phone from his pocket. Gerard and Alex finally saw shine on Ben's eyes assuming it was you answering. "Y/n is coming by." Alex smirked and leaned closer to Ben, "well aren't you too happy?" Gerard huffed and smirked devilish, "Look how in love you are~!" Ben smiled and nodded, "Yeah." Alex and Gerard now took a pause, it's been a while since Ben had that impression about you in that warm looking way. "She's bringing drinks—want anything?" Alex hmd, "Ask her to buy snacks—we running out!" Ben nodded, "I'll text her what I want on the group chat." Alex agreed, "Smart!" Ben nodded, then he put his phone away—now happy that he gets to see you after a couple days later. "I'll be on the rooftop. See you in a bit!" "There are some chips next to the flowerpots. Have some while you're waiting."

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