Miss Scarlett & Her Baby Boy

SkylarLee1996 द्वारा

44.3K 588 209

Story about a boy an girl being friends could there friendhship become more both going to the caregiver an li... अधिक

Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6.
Chapter 7.
Chapter 8
Chapter 9.
Chapter 10.
Chapter 11.
Chapter 12.
Chapter 13.
Chapter 14.
Chapter 15.
Chapter 16.
Chapter 17.
Chapter 18.
Chapter 19.
Chapter 20.
Chapter 21.
Chapter 22.
Chapter 23.
Chapter 24.
Chapter 25
Chapter 26.
Chapter 27.
Chapter 28.
Chapter 29.
Chapter 30.
Chapter 31.
Chapter 32.
Chapter 33.
Chapter 34.
Chapter 35.
Chapter 36.
Chapter 37.
Chapter 38.
Chapter 39.
Chapter 40.
Chapter 41.
Chapter 42.
Chapter 43.
Chapter 44.
Chapter 45.
Chapter 46.
Chapter 47.
Chapter 48.
Chapter 49.
Chapter 51.
Chapter 52.
Chapter 53.
Chapter 54.

Chapter 50.

155 3 7
SkylarLee1996 द्वारा

First Day Part 2.

Liam sat waiting in the car for both taylor and scarlet Normally scarlet would be sitting in the front but today she choose to sit in the back with taylor wanting to take in every single moment she could with him until the moment come to go there own ways even if it was just for a little while, Scarlet could see that taylor was nervouse even if he tried his best to hide it from her an everyone else but she knew him all way too well how he was feeling was starting to show through the cracks first the little slip up in the kitchen an now by the way he is trying to stop his leg from bouncing up an down one of his many quarks he has when he is nervouse scared worried or overstimulated, Taylor could see scarlet looking at him out the corner of his eye taylor wanted nothing more then to jump in her lap an drop telling her he made a mistake he dosent want to go today he wants to stay at home with her but he also knew he needed to prove not only to the love of his life but also to himself that in fact everything will be ok, and that they can live a normal life still without having to look over there shoulder all the time why at school, Liam kept looking in the review mirror to watch taylors body language to look for any signs of it being a good idea or it being too soon but so far all liam could see was a poker face he didnt know taylor as well as scarlet did.

Liam pulled in to the parking lot of the school switching off the engin he turned around in his seat looking at scarlet an taylor Alright we are here are you ready champ, Taylor wasnt paying attention he was too busy looking at the students walking past or walking in to the school gates on there own or with there caregivers scarlet gently placed her thumb an index finger on his chin to grab his attention trying to bring him back to reality Tay baby we are here Huh oh err ok yeah sure hm er yeah lets go, Liam got out the car first giving them both a moment alone taylor met scarlets gaze letting out a deep sigh, Tay baby you sure you want to go in today?? if not we can try again another time its not too late for you to change your mind i can get liam back in the care an we can go right back home there is no shame in not wanting to do this im not mad or upset at you in anyway, Taylor wrapped his arms around scarlet placing his lips on hers to stop her from talking Once they had pulled apart scarlet let out a chuckle ok im not compaling but were did that come from?? you was rambling scar im ok i can do this its only for a few hours plus its not like im gonna be alone alex goes here.

Taylor opened the car door holding out his hand for scarlet of course scarlet accepted his hand getting out the car with him i promise i will be ok babe im sure i will find alex at some point, That some point would be now turn around taylor looked over his shoulder an chuckled Hi Alex, Hey Taylor Scarlet and man i do not know Alex this is Liam you met him the other night at the carnival well little you did, Oh err hi sir taylor rolled his eyes chuckling at his best friends antics Lighten up alex liam is sound Hey alex were is chloe?? alex span around noticing chloe making her way over to them scarlet looked at were alex was looking chloe had a face that said alex was sure gonna be in trouble for running off like that but boys will be boys hey chloe hey scar taylor liam, alex dont run off like that again how many times do i have to tell you that Chloe babe im fine im not little right now Mhm that you are not but still dont run off like that again anything could of happened to you mr Taylor was holding back a smirk but scarlet could see it.

Alright we best get you all checked in an ready champ Taylor looked at liam then at scarlet of course she held his hand chloe took a hold of alex's hand making sure not to lose him again the group made there way to reception together small talk being made between them all taylor mostly zoned out through the conversations being held just taking in his surrondings Before he knew it they stood at the school doors liam held them open for everyone Taylor could hear how loud the schools hallways was it was not a bad sound it was more calm compared to his old school that brought a small amount of comfort for him taylor wasnt one for too much noise espcially first thing in the morning, Scarlet an liam spoke to the lady at the desk why taylor just cuddled in to scarlet alex an chloe stood waiting with them the headmistress opened the office door welcoming them in liam stood by the door inside why scarlet sat down followed by taylor sitting on her lap out of habit Scarlet wrapped her arms around taylor holding him as close as possible to her why the head of the school spent time going through taylors file making sure everything was in place putting all the paper work to one side the head turned her attention to taylor an scarlet talking to them both more so scarlet then taylor, Right so from what you have told me as well as it being written in taylors file only you liam your sister an his aunts written down as next of kins can take taylor as well as pick taylor up from school is that correct? Yes as well as taylor having his braclet on that send a silent distress signal to our phones it has a built in GPS tracker so we know exactly were he is at all times.

Right i will make sure that every teacher knows to make sure taylor has it on at all times is it water proof just incase taylor goes swimming or has a shower after gym classes ?? Yes it is taylor knows not to take it off unless he is at home with me and in my direct eye line, Thats grate does taylor know anyone at this school just so we can buddy him up until he is more settled as well as made new friends yes taylor knows Alex who is waiting outside i have given my consent to chloe, alexs girlfriend/mommy to take taylor as well as bring him if we are all busy No worries thank you i will make sure to add that to his file later on today, Right taylor will be budded up with alex as i can see here they will be in some of the same classes together everything seems to be in place so It is my grate honor to welcome you to the bear legacy acadmy.

Taylor looked up and gave the head of the school a small smile everything seemed to be sinking in right now this was actually happening no going back now, taylor tightend his grip on to scarlet a sudden wave of feeling petrified liam clocked the way taylors body langague changed he stood behind them both placing a gentle touch to his back taylor knew the familler touch as well as scarlet kissing the side of his head why rubbing his tummy to try an bring him back down In a matter of minuets taylor was calm enough to stand up off scarlets lap scarlet followed suit an stood up with taylor wrapping her arm around his waist they made there way outside to alex and Chloe she could see scarlets worry written accross her face chloe whispered in to alex's ear make sure you look after taylor right now scarlet is worried an taylor seems unsure if he drops you text me or you text scarlet off his phone or your own ok do you understand? Of course ma'am i do i can see my best friend is unsure an by the looks of it not 100% sure on if he will last not dropping i got his back like he has mine he will be ok.

Hey you ready taylor alex looked at his best friend giving him a small nod scarlet pulled taylor in to her embrace holding him close before she has to let him go for the next few hours liam looked at alex both of them giving each other a silent nod showing he understands scarlet an taylor pulled away once they shared a small but passionate kiss alex wrapped his arm around taylors shoulder giving it a light squeeze a silent gesture between both boys that its going to be ok, Scarlet looked at the duo as they made there way to the door i love you baby boy have a good day Mmm i love you too scar i see you after with that both boys made there way to there first class of the day just as taylor was out of scarlets sight she come undone tears she held back had finally come out the flood gates liam held her close why chloe reassured her the best she could it wasnt long before they made there way out of the building and returning back home The drive home was quiet scarlet held her phone in her hand why looking out the window watching the world go by as they drove it wasnt long before they made it back home liam switched off the car before getting out and round to scarlets side he opened the door for her giving her shoulder a light squeeze hey were back why dont you go for a lay down an i will head home an be back tonight for my shift he will be ok scarlet i will check in with the school later you have my word Thank you liam for everything with that being said liam locked the car up handed scarler her keys before liam got in to his own car watching scarlet as she enetred the house liam pulled out the drive way the gates shutting behind him as he made his way home.

The girls was sat in the lounge waiting for scarlet to return they had a bet going on that taylor would be coming back home with scarlet but to there surprise it was just scarlet on her own scarlet made her way in to the lounge she sat next to her sister laying her head on her shoulder no words being spoken the girls could see that scarlet was struggling with the idea of taylor going to school a massive change in scarlets mood from this morning it was if scarlet did not know what to do without him by herside, Lauren wrapped her arm around scarlet she knew all to well what was going through her head its weird that she does but hey we are sisters after all, Ally was the first to speak to scarlet trying to brake the silence Hey did taylor get settled in ok? huh? err yeah i think so paper work was done we met the headmistress she seems nice, taylor didint really say much once inside the school he was just sat on my lap an gripped me tightly like his life depended on it i am starting to think it was too soon to send him he seemed very quiet like he was starting to doubt today he didnt say anything in the car on the way there im just not sure it was a good idea For you or for him that is the question dear Tasha stood in the door way putting her thought in to what was just said scarlet looked up at tasha an gave her the best smile she could at that moment in time, im starting to think myself right now but also taylor the confidence he had this morning with us all seemed to of vanished in a matter of seconds when he entered the car this morning, Luren knew her sister was wroking herself up right now Scar why dont you go lay down for a while it will help the time pass quicker mm yeah ok i guess i could do that scarlet made her way up to there room scarlet knew sleeping would make time go quicker but she also knew that as soon as she would close her eyes all she would see is her baby Scarlet knows he is safe but no matter how much she told herself that she dosent quiet belive it herself Until she picks him up from school later on today.

To be continued in to the next chapter with how taylors first day went with his partner in crime alex...

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