Heart's Inferno - An Uchiha M...

By Midnight_Lilac

37.1K 1.9K 2K


Author's Note
1 - Busy Days
2 - Traversed
3 - The Shinobi World
4 - Power
5 - Home
6 - Back and Forth
7 - Uchiha
8 - Prisoner
9 - Settled In
10 - Easing Out
11 - Heartache
12 - Emotions
13 - Mission
14 - Wedding
15 - Feelings
16 - Love
17 - War's Brutality
18 - You
19 - Downhill
Author's Note
20 - Target Missed
21 - Separation
22 - Return
24 - Akatsuki
25 - Plans
26 - Revelations
27 - Revived
Author's Note
28 - The War
29 - Developments
30 - Decisions
31 - Responsibilities
32 - Settled

23 - Konoha

724 47 40
By Midnight_Lilac

Sara pov:

Standing in the balcony, I gazed at the stone sculptures with many thoughts going through my mind. Most of it was of the information that Yamato san had told me on my asking, while a little was on reminiscing about the past that was far more ago than what I could even imagine. It felt very strange to be in a time period where Hashirama san and Madara did not exist anymore, possibly several decades after they had finished living their lives, in fact.

"I miss you," I whispered into the silence, "and it's worse because I know I'll never see you again."

Sighing deeply, I closed my eyes a moment. I shifted to thinking about how the Shinobi World functioned now. Yamato san had enlightened me on the Five Great Nations, the ranking of shinobi, a few of the clans that lived in Konoha and a briefing of their bloodline limits, the existence of bijuu or tailed beasts that were enormous reserved of raw chakra, and jinchurki that housed and controlled the chakra, and the kind of missions that were usually taken up on a regular basis. While there still seemed to be quite a bit of gore and violent fighting, peace had been attained to quite an extent.

I was also told of the Akatsuki, an organization of powerful rogue shinobi that had been stirring trouble off late, attacking villages and innocent people to further whatever plans they had in mind. They even worked as mercenaries for hire, and had assassinated several important people of this world. They were not ones who could be dealt with easily because they were strong enough to even defeat a team of two to three ANBU without too much trouble. From the way he spoke of them, I imagined that they were perhaps as strong as Madara and Hashirama san, or close to that level anyway.

There were so many things that were different from the past.

However, these details didn't come to mind as much as what I had heard about Madara. What I had heard about him from Yamato san was not settling in the least. Apparently, Madara, though a founder of Konoha along with Hashirama san, deserted the village just over a year after its founding, only to return to attempt to destroy Konoha - not once but several times. In his final attempt to defeat Hashirama san, he even took control over the Kyuubi to have it attack the village. It was a frightening battle, or so it had been told from mouth to mouth, with destruction power so overwhelming, but with Madara losing in the end. In honor of their fight, huge sculptures of them had been sculpted next to a waterfall a little away from Konoha which they called the Valley of the End.

Having witnessed Madara fighting at his best, I could only imagine how much more intense their final battle could have been.

I couldn't come up with a reason as to why Madara had betrayed the village when he was one of the founders. It had been his wish to create a village upon ending the war so there would be peace, at least that's what it seemed when Izuna san was still alive and Hashirama san had touched the topic. There had also been the slightest hint in Madara's expression when it had been mentioned in passing.

"Madara," his name rolled off my tongue in a whisper. It brought along a wave of emotions and a dull ache in my heart as well.

Shaking my head, I stepped into the room and closed the balcony door. Though I was a bit sleepy, I had a sure feeling that I would not be able to sleep with the way I was feeling. Also, I had a strong desire to find out more about this time, more than what I had heard from Yamato san. Not only would I be better prepared to live here, but I would also get more details on certain topics that I wanted more information on.

Well, I was considering asking Tsunade san to send me back home since there wasn't a war in which Konoha or any other village would need my chakra. Tsunade san had indirectly mentioned that she wanted my chakra though, so perhaps I would have to make a deal with her as it had been with Hashirama san, with me going home every now and then.

Leaving my room, I looked for Yamato san to find him reading a book in the living room. He regarded me with a smile upon hearing my footsteps, and I joined him on the couch.

"Did you not rest?" he asked.

"I'm not that sleepy," I answered. "Besides, I wanted to ask you about something."

"What is it, Sara san?"

"Well, I was wondering if it would be possible for me to visit the library, if Konoha has one. I wanted to read up a bit on this world, since it's so different from what I remember it to be and since I'm probably going to be here a while," I said.

"Of course, I will take you to the library. Would you like to go now?" he asked.

"Would that be alright?"

"Yes," came the answer. "Let me just get my keys."

Nodding, I waited for a minute on the couch while he went into his room to put away his book and then take his keys from the cupboard next to the kitchen door. We then headed out of the house and down the bustling streets and to a large building that was two stories high. The entire building was the library, though there was only one floor that was of double height. There were corridors at the second floor with shelves of books and scrolls on all the walls accessible by ladders.

"Wow, this is quite a collection," I said, impressed by how much was there to read.

"It's information that has been collected over many years. You can read anything you want, but those five shelves are the restricted section. It would be best to avoid those," replied Yamato san, pointing to five shelves on our right that had the word 'restricted' written on them in bold capitals.

"I understand. I'll look around a bit then."

I excused myself from his side and walked between the shelves, looking over the different genres. The topics varied from story books to general information, and I concentrated mostly on the latter. While most of what I read was similar to what Yamato san had told me, they were explained in more detail. I was particularly curious about the Uchiha Clan, obviously, and I had spent more time reading about it than anything else. Of course, there was a good amount of information on Madara, calling him a traitor of Konoha because of all he had done.

There were two sides to the story though, and what had been spoken about through mouth and documented in books like these was only one side. Madara was not someone who would sign a peace treaty and then just betray his village, let alone his clan that he wished to protect no matter what. Surely there was more to his story than what was written here, and I was not ready to believe it blindly.

I traced the picture of him drawn in the book, recalling or moments together. As Hashirama had described him once, he was rough around the edges but gentle and kind to those he considered important. He had been kind to me, loving and sweet, and intense and passionate, the latter thought that had my heart skipping a beat and then throbbing painfully. He was not the coldhearted man that this book described him as. Although, it was true that there was a time when he had lost himself, for he was devastated by the death of Izuna san.

[A/n: Somehow Mada kun looks sad in this picture and it makes my heart ache for him ♡]

There was also quite a description of his prowess - the raw strength that he possessed along with the power of the Sharingan. Though I had been with the Uchiha Clan for quite some time and with Madara as a lover, I did not know much about the power of the Sharingan. I suppose I was partially at fault for that, for I had not asked about it any more than I had been told of it. Surely Madara would have told me about it if I had asked him, since he had come to love and trust me.

There were brief details given about several techniques that someone possessing the Sharingan could use besides the increase in overall strength and the ability to cast anyone they wanted to under a powerful Genjutsu that was not limited to the Tsukuyomi. It was one of the three great Doujutsus of this world alongside the Byakugan and Rinnegan, the Rinnegan being a stage higher.

There was a description on how the Sharingan was attained and the stages based on the user's strength. According the book, Madara and Izuna san were the first to reach the highest level of the Sharingan - the Mangekyou Sharingan. They were incredibly powerful and Madara became only more so after taking Izuna san's Sharingan. He was the most powerful Uchiha to have ever lived and was the only one who could rival Hashirama san who was considered the God of shinobi.

While there was also a brief mentioning of the barrier that Madara's had summoned several times during the fights I had seen, another ability that came with the Sharingan called the Susanoo, there was no description of the huge Susanoo that Madara had always used. As such, it occurred to me that no one knew of his Susanoo, not the one that I had seen anyway.

And it was not just the Sharingan that made him powerful. Even by Uchiha standards, Madara was said to have been born with very powerful chakra. His large chakra reserves allowed him to fight nonstop for twenty-four hours and his chakra control made it easy for him to perform complicated techniques with a single hand seal - considering what I had seen of his fighting ability when he had fought against Hashirama san while using my chakra, I could only imagine how monstrous he truly had been. Suffice to say, it made goose bumps rise over my arms and had the hair on the name of my neck standing from the chill that ran down my spine. It was nearly unbelievable that him and I, two people who had such stark differences, had actually been together, and he had been so kind and gentle when with me. It was so different than anything I read about him here. They made him seem so evil in these books.

It upset me.

His story aside, I also read about the Uchiha Clan massacre. It was really sad to know that a clan member himself, Uchiha Itachi was responsible for it, having done it in the name of desire for power. His younger brother, Uchiha Sasuke was the only one left alive and he had left the village to ally with a rogue to become a rogue himself, just so he could become stronger in order to kill Itachi and avenge the clansmen.

"This is terrible," I mumbled.

"You seem quite interested in the Uchiha Clan," came a voice. Looking up from the book, I met eyes with Kakashi san.

Hoping that I hadn't roused any sort of suspicion, I replied, "I guess. I mean, I was with them just before I returned to my world, so everything that happened to them has come as a bit of a shock. I can't help but be curious about them. I also feel a bit bad."

Taking a seat in front of me, he said, "I suppose. Everyone was shocked when Itachi killed his clansmen. I knew him personally, and he was actually a good kid. He was a prodigy too, and is now only a formidable opponent to deal with."

It was a bit odd that he was speaking of such details with me, giving away information that was generally considered confidential.

"I see," I mumbled, looking down at the book again. The air around us was suddenly awkward, for me at least, making me contemplate on whether to say something or remain silent. I chose the latter, closing the book about the Uchiha Clan, for I had finished reading most of what I wanted to.

A few hours had passed, so I decided to go home for the day and visit the library again another day to read more. Standing, I began to collect the books I had scattered on the table on front of me.

Glancing at Kakashi san a moment when I had gathered all my books, I said, "Please excuse me, Kakashi san. I'm going to head home now."

"I'll escort you," he offered and stood too.

After putting away the books, Kakashi san and I left the library to walk the streets of Konoha in a comfortable pace. I was still mildly awkward, keeping my gaze on the ground as I walked. I was uneasy, being in a new place and being treated like I was trusted. I didn't know if I was truly trusted or if there was a catch, and being in the dark about it made me all the more uncomfortable. Kakashi san seemed to understand that I was uneasy and spoke up.

"You don't have to feel uncomfortable around me or anyone else in Konoha, Sara san." Meeting his eye as he looked down to me, I noticed that his expression was gentle.

"Oh, um, thank you for saying that, Kakashi san. It's just that I don't want to be suspicious in any way. I know it's not easy to trust strangers, especially one who suddenly turned up outside your village and is someone from a hundred years ago," I said.

"I suppose that's how it must have been for you before, but you are not suspicious to us because we've seen through your memories and confirmed your identity," he replied. "We would like it if you were at ease here."

He sounded genuine, and there was sincerity in his expression - in whatever I could see of it, anyway. It brought a smile to my lips.

"Thank you, Kakashi san," I said. "I feel a little better after what you said."

"Not at all, Sara san," he mused cheerily. "Although, there is something that I need to speak with you about, something that Hokage sama requests your cooperation in."

"What is it?"

"While there are a few who know about it, Hokage sama thinks that it is best if your reappearance here is kept a secret for now. Even though we are not at war with the other villages, the balance is delicate and could be shaken if others want your power for themselves," he said. "Besides, with the Akatsuki stirring trouble, we need to be more cautious than ever."

I did not know why I felt as if Konoha was coveting me to itself rather than keeping my reappearance a secret to maintain peace or keep me safe. Nonetheless, their reason for secrecy did not matter to me, and wasn't something that bothered me either. They were being hospitable and it was only fair that I was kind to them in return.

"I understand, I will keep my reappearance a secret. But won't it be known because I'm walking through the streets so freely?"

"It has been decided to make your identity as a wandering non ninja who requested refuge in Konoha and was accepted," he answered. "On that note, would you be interested in training to be a kunoichi?"

"Me, be a ninja?" I mused, curiously. "I don't know. I'm not really cut out for fighting."

"You should think about it," he said. "Perhaps you could train to learn some self defense, or you could try healing. Your chakra is for protection and strengthening, isn't it? So, it may be possible for you to learn healing."

His words had me remember Izuna san, and it roused an ache in my heart. When he had been struck down by Tobirama san and the healers said that he could not be healed despite me giving my chakra, I had so desperately wished that I knew healing. I wondered if healing with my chakra could have saved Izuna san and spared Madara from the pain he had to go through from losing his most important family. Madara never blamed me in any way, even though my chakra not having the ability to heal wasn't my fault, but I had still felt mildly guilty for not being able to help him.

Perhaps learning healing would be a good idea. Not only would it be possible to prevent an incident like the past but it could also be considered as something to do to pass the time while here.

I wasn't up to it at the moment though, for I was still taking in everything that I had found out, the most affecting being the loss of Madara so unfairly.

"Learning healing does sound like a good idea but would it be alright to take a little more time before I decide on it?" I asked. "I'm still a little overwhelmed by everything, so I think I need some time to digest all the information."

"Of course, you have no need to rush in the matter."

Kakashi san was about to speak again but was cut short by the voice of someone calling out to him. Looking behind him, I saw a teenage boy and girl approaching us. While the blonde haired boy looked energetic, his blue eyes reflecting the enthusiasm in him, the pink haired girl with sea foam eyes seemed friendly and cheerful.

"Kakashi sensei!" the both of them said and came to a stop just two feet from us.

"Oh, Naruto, Sakura," Kakashi san replied, turning to face them fully. "What are you two up to? I thought you had a mission."

"It was canceled," Naruto said, frowning. "Anyway, who is that? Did you finally get a girlfriend, Kakashi sensei?"

He was giving Kakashi san a Cheshire grin now and Sakura appeared a bit cheeky as well.

"This is Tetsu Sara san, the one I told you about this morning," Kakashi san answered. So, these two were two of the few who would know my real identity.

"It's nice to meet you, Naruto, Sakura," I greeted them with a smile. Both of them appeared surprised at the introduction but it seemed that Sakura was also awed.

"You're Tetsu Sara san? You're really beautiful! Even more than what is described in the books!" Sakura said. "And is it true that you design jewelry?"

"Thank you for the compliment, Sakura," I replied, feeling a little embarrassed by how intense her gaze was with her eyes sparkling. "And, yes, I am a jewelry designer in my world."

"Are what you're wearing your designs?" she asked, glancing at the earrings and bracelet that I was still wearing.

"Yes, they are my designs," I answered.

"Oh my goodness, they're so pretty! The jewelry that was tried to be copied from your style is nowhere close to yours!"

"What are you taking about 'ttebayo? They all look the same to me," muttered Naruto, looking at Sakura and then at my earrings with a mix of a frown and a pout. "And what's so great about jewelry anyway? It's just-"

Much to my surprise and alarm, he was rewarded with a rather hard punch on the head from Sakura, the latter appearing more than angry. Naruto yelped in pain and it had me mentally wince.

"You shouldn't say anything on topics you don't know or understand, you idiot!" she scolded him fiercely.

"What was that for dattebayo?! That really hurt, Sakura chan!" Naruto complained, though didn't seem too upset about the way his friend had treated him.

"I'm sorry, Sara san, but this idiot lacks the ability to understand situations sometimes," Sakura said, looking at me. However, I too was a little upset at the way she had treated Naruto for speaking so straightforwardly.

"You didn't have to hit him for expressing his opinion, Sakura," I said. "Not everyone has to like or understand jewelry - each person has the freedom to think what they want of it. Naruto was merely being straightforward about his opinion and that's completely fine."

"O-Oh, I didn't mean to be rude. I just felt bad for how he looked down on your works when they're so good," Sakura said, sounding flustered.

"While I appreciate your attempt to defend me, I would like it if you didn't do it at the cost of other's likes and dislikes or their preferences," I stated, though smiled to show her that I did not intend to hurt her feelings in any way.

Blushing slightly, she replied, "I understand. I'm sorry."

"I like you already, Sara san!" Naruto chimed, grinning from ear to ear. "Sakura chan is always being mean to my 'ttebayo, even saying that I can't really become Hokage one day. But it's my dream to be the Hokage one day, and I will definitely achieve it!"

Naruto's energetic and optimistic personality made me like him and wish to support him. While some probably found his boistrousness a bother, even Sakura, it was refreshing for me. In fact, I had not really liked the way Sakura had treated Naruto in the matter of my jewelry, and the thought of her being unsupportive of his dream to become Hokage one day too, was mean. As a friend, she should be supportive of him.

Smiling at Naruto, I stepped closer to him and placed a hand on his shoulder. He was only a few inches taller than me but was still growing, and would surely become taller in a few months or years.

"Don't ever give up on your dream, Naruto. There will be many people who will think that you cannot achieve what you wish to achieve, but never let that discourage you. Your persistence and hard work will pay off in the end, as will the well wishes of those who believe in you. It's the same way I got to where I am in my world, successful and fsmous," I said. "I'm rooting for you, so do your best and become the Hokage one day!"

He was momentarily surprised by my words but soon broke out into another Cheshire grin with a blazing fire in his eyes. Holding up a fist, he cheered, "Yes! I will do it 'ttebayo!"

"I feel a little embarrassed now," mumbled Sakura with an awkward smile.

"Your words seem to have made him even more enthusiastic than before," Kakashi san said from beside me. "Well, I suppose the encouragement is good. It has been a while since he's received such unbiased encouragement."

I spared him a glance before looking back at Naruto and Sakura as they left after saying goodbye, but not before Sakura asked me if she could meet me again sometime to talk about jewelry. I had agreed, and it had elicited an excited smile from her - an expression that brought me joy. I was both happy and embarrassed that my works had brought excitement and joy to people of this realm, too, albeit indirectly. After all, Sakura had mentioned that people had attempted to make jewelry similar to mine and it was liked by many even now.

Her words also had me wondering if the sketches I had left behind had been used as inspiration or actual jewelry design work. Then again the sketches were a hundred years old and were only with the Uchiha Clan. I doubted the possibility of them having been used.

"Shall we continue home, Sara san?" Kakashi san asked, breaking me from my staring at the two teenagers.

"Yes, let's go," I agreed.

The remainder of the walk back was pleasantly silent and we were greeted warmly by Yamato san when we reached the apartment complex. With a word of goodbye, Kakashi san left, and Yamato san ushered me to join him for dinner. He was a good cook, as I had observed, and my complimenting his skills had brought out a light blush of fluster in him while we ate.

"I'm also pretty good at cooking," I said, taking another bite of the omurice Yamato san had served me. "You should let me help you with the cooking and cleaning."

"You don't have to worry about that, Sara san. I'll take care of everything. Tsunade sama has told me that your stay here should be comfortable," he replied.

"It's very kind of everyone to think of my comfort, but helping with house chores isn't anything I find difficult or uncomfortable. After all, I do all my house chores myself in my world, and I don't want to take your hospitality for granted."

"I didn't think you would do your house chores yourself," Yamato san said, sounding mildly surprised. "I mean, I have read that you are famous in your world, and that would mean you are rich and can afford help to take care of house chores, right? So, why do them yourself?"

Shrugging, I answered, "I guess I'm a bit of an oddball that way. I prefer doing my work on my own and not depend on others for it. Well, I try to do most of what I can on my own."

"That's interesting and kind of cool," he complimented.

"Thank you," I said with a soft laugh. "Anyway, I'll take care of the dishes after dinner then."

"As long as I won't get scolded by Tsunade sama for letting you do that. She's quite scary when she's angry," he said, eliciting another short laugh from me.

"I promise I won't tattle." My tone was playful and the air was light, though only until I had retired to my room after doing the dishes.

My mind was once again muddled with thoughts of everything that had happened, right from missing Madara to knowing about him and the Uchiha Clan from the books I had read. There was a painful void in me that seemed to be draining the energy out of me even more than what it had been while I was in my world waiting to be summoned by Madara. I didn't know how to overcome this, or if I ever would at all.

Sighing deeply, I stepped out onto the balcony. I gazed at the faces of Hashirama san and Tobirama san sculpted into the cliff side, and it had me humming a slow tune.

"Empty spaces fill me up with holes

Distant faces with no place left to go

Without you, within me I can find no rest

Where I'm going is anybody's guess

I tried to go on like I never knew you

I'm awake but my world is half asleep

I pray for this heart to be unbroken

But without you all I'm going to be is, incomplete."

"Voices tell me I should carry on

But I am swimming in an ocean all alone

Baby, my baby, it's written on your face

You still wonder if we made a big mistake

I tried to go on like I never knew you

I'm awake but my world is half asleep

I pray for this heart to be unbroken

But without you all I'm going to be is, incomplete..."

My voice faded out at the end, my emptions getting the better of me and my eyes prickling before hot tears fell from them. Sniffling, I folded my arms and leaned against them on the railings to hide my face and, in turn, my pathetic crying. There was only one thought that was going through my mind at the moment.

Why wasn't this a nightmare instead of brutal reality?


Poor Sara is going through such a hard time. For her to be thrown into a future 100 years from the time she knew Madara must be not just a shock but such a terrible heartbreak. And there is no way to return to the past, of course.

The people of Konoha are warm and welcoming though, having confirmed her identity, and that is some consolation. Let's hope that she feels better soon :')




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