The Awakened One, Book 1: Rem...

By Nentai96

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Earth is an incredibly peaceful and beautiful World home to the amazingly intelligent Humans that live upon i... More

Chapter 1: Armageddon
Chapter 2: Battle Of Wills
Chapter 3: Hell On Earth
Chapter 4: Awakening
Chapter 5: Awakened One
The Public Service Announcement
Chapter 6: The Queen of The Amazon
Chapter 7: Vampire May Cry
|^{PSA II}^|
Chapter 8: A New World
Chapter 9: A New Companion
(A/N): III
Chapter 10: A Chance Encounter
Chapter 11: Lovers
*!Status!* II
(A/N): IV
Chapter 12: Vale
Chapter 13: A Night in Vale
(A/N): V
Chapter 14: Rest and Relaxation
Chapter 15: Training Begins
Chapter 16: A Mysterious Figure
Chapter 17: Scars
(A/N): VI
*!Status!* III
Chapter 18: Glynda Goodwitch
Chapter 19: Ice Queen
Chapter 20: Ozma
(A/N): VII
Chapter 21: Thief in The Night
Chapter 22: The Reaper
Chapter 23: The Xiong Family
Chapter 24: A Woman's Curse
Chapter 25: Spiders
Chapter 26: Foundation
(A/N): IX
Chapter 27: The Disciplinarian
Chapter 28: Jacques Schnee
*!Status!* IV
*!Status!* V
(A/N): X
Chapter 30: Thicker Than Blood
Chapter 31: Taking Out The Trash
Chapter 32: Red Like Roses
(A/N): XI
Chapter 33: I Burn
Chapter 34: The Demon Clan
Chapter 35: Preparing For Victory
(A/N): XII
Chapter 36: Conquering Vale's Underworld
Chapter 37: Aftermath
Chapter 38: A Newer Companion
Chapter 39: Mirror Mirror
Chapter 40: Who am I?
Chapter 41: A Fateful Meeting
(A/N): XIV
Chapter 42: At Last
Chapter 43: The White Fang
Chapter 44: Forever Fall Forest
(A/N): XV
Chapter 45: From Shadows
Chapter 46: To Light
Chapter 47: The Snake And The Tiger
(A/N): XVI
Chapter 48: Fairy Tales
Chapter 49: Moving Forward
Chapter 50: Towards The End
Chapter 51: Of The Beginning
Chapter 52: The Summer Tournament
Chapter 53: Finalists
Chapter 54: Finale
Chapter 55: Finished
Chapter 56: Finally
Public Service Announcement
Chapter 57: Initiation
Chapter 58: Act 2
Chapter 59: Knight Ceremony
Chapter 60: Alpha Megoliath
Chapter 61: Power Leveling
Chapter 62: Total Recall
Chapter 63: System Update
Chapter 64: Divided
Chapter 65: Upside
Chapter 66: Downturn
Chapter 67: The Meeting
Chapter 68: Vacuo
Chapter 69: Tribes of The Desert
Chapter 70: The Desert Kreeps
Chapter 71: The Desert Walkers
Chapter 72: Desert Faunus Alliance
Chapter 73: Disappearance
Chapter 74: Unfortunate Circumstance
Chapter 75: The Mysterious Hunter
Chapter 76: Desperate Invaders
Chapter 77: To Protect
Chapter 78: Running Out Of Time
Chapter 79: Mistake Driven Turmoil
| Where TF Have I Been? |
Awakened Organization: Closure {A Loving Summary}

Chapter 29: Despair

944 26 16
By Nentai96

As Jacques Schnee sat silently in his study staring at the intricate designed ceiling, he couldn't help but wonder what had just occurred. Even as delirious as he is, at heart he is still a businessman and he still recognized that he had messed up, "the Devil could cause me immense losses if decided to spite me for request such an unreasonable act from me. Apologize? Me? Why would I ever do such a thing!

The more he thought about the exchange, the more irrational and angrier he became. "If I had just given him a specified amount of Dust, I could've put that plebeians actions behind me and continued business as usual! Why the FUCK did I even try to negotiate with a retarded, weak, plebian like him in the first place?!?

He sat on the question for a moment, allowing the answer to come to him. Only a moment later, Jacques came to a sudden realization, "of course it's not my fault. It's that stupid BITCH of a wife I have! She is to blame for all this! I knew I should've never listened to that Cunt! And since she caused it, she can fix it" at the last thought, a devious smile made its way across the man's face.

In that moment, the Schnee hit a button on his desk and a person was immediately connected to him, "what can I do for you Master Schnee?"

"I need you to alert Willow to report to my office, immediately."

The man on the other end of the line was quiet for a moment before he softly spoke, "Master, as you are surely aware, it is very late right now, and Mrs. Schnee is currently sleeping. Do you wish for me to wake her? Or should I alert her and risk her missing your required meeting?"

This response irritated the Master of the Schnee household, but he somehow managed to real in his anger and respond in a semi-calm tone. "Butler, do not question me. I told you I want Willow in my office, so do whatever is necessary to get her in here in a timely manner! Do I make myself clear?"

"Yes sir, it will be done right away" as soon as the apparent Butler accepted his master's request, he hung up the call and proceeded to the slumber woman's room.

As Jacques sat in the room, his thoughts began rampaging in his mind and with every passing second his anger rose. "That stupid fucking bitch will cost me everything! She will get what she deserves!" These are the thoughts that flew through his mind causing an uncontrollable rage to bellow through him. 

On the other side of the mansion, a staunch man was quickly walking in the icy blue, empty halls of the Schnee Manor. With every step, the clicks of his shoes clashing against the cold floor echoed off the walls of the hallway.

The staunch man soon approached a large door and stopped in front of it. The man stood there for a moment, hesitant to knock on the large structure, but after a moment of hardening his heart, he connected his fist to the door. 

The three loud knocks echoed through the other side of the door, almost as if the room was void of all things. However, it only took a moment for a soft voice to be heard from the other side. "You may enter" the soft, somber voice spoke.

As he was given permission, the man entered into the large, empty room, where he saw the woman, he was meant to fetch sitting quietly at a small desk near the entrance of the room. The room was incredibly large, but also immensely cold and empty. 

The floors were made from hard, white marble with the walls complimenting the coldness with a light blue coloring. Periodically placed throughout the room were large windows with intricate snowflake designs decorating their faces, and with the moonlight shining through, they reflected those designs on the floors via their shadows. 

On the east side of the room was a large bed under a massive arch that was carved into the wall, and hanging from that ceiling was a candle lit, Dust chandelier that refused to illuminate the room. From the bed down to the other end of the room, was a long rug with noble designs sown into the soft fabric. 

On the far side of the room was a quieted fireplace, a small chair, glass coffee table, and a Piano. On that wall, was a large painting of the peak of the estate with a large Schnee Semblance glyph flying high above it.

As the man took a few steps into the room, he turned to face the somber woman who was sitting depressingly at her small table with two bottles of red wine at her side. "Mrs. Schnee, the master is calling for you" he said quietly. 

He then bowed slightly to the woman with a depressing look on his face, "I apologize. I was unable to stop him from requesting your presence." As he spoke, small tears weld up in his beady eyes, but he refused to allow them to fall.

The woman on the other hand remained completely stoic, her expression never changing. As she heard the butler's words, she gripped the bottle of wine by its neck and took a large swig of the sweet, alcoholic drink. As she swallowed the substance, while still facing forward looking at her own reflection in the mirror, she spoke, "is he angry?"

The woman's question stabbed into the man's heart like a knife, searing pain shot through his body at her simple words. For a moment, he couldn't respond. It felt as though he was giving the order of execution to a prisoner, the messenger of punishment for her innocence. But he couldn't refuse the question, so he answered honestly, "yes ma'am, I believe so." 

The words loomed in the air for a moment, before the woman pushed her chair backwards, and stood up from her seat. Instead of responding, she simply grabbed the bottle of wine by the neck, brought it up to her lips, and chugged the bottle down like it was water. As she finished the first, she handed the now empty bottle to the messenger and then opened the second, drinking that one down to half. 

After the sudden binge, the woman took a moment to steady herself before placing the now half bottle of wine back down on her small desk and turning and walking towards the exit to her room. As she placed her hand on the nob of the door, the man suddenly regained the confidence to speak up, "ma'am" he said, stopping her in her tracks. "I apologize I allowed this to happen to you. It is truly all my fault" he said with tears in his eyes.

Willow took a moment to turn and look at the man who was sending her to slaughter, and even in the mist of horror she somehow managed to crack a small, fake, smile at the man. "Klein," she began, "none of this is your fault. I am to blame." The words sank into her mind once more, the blame, pain, guilt, and sorrow from the decisions that led up to now falling back down on her as they did every time, she prepared to take a beating. 

However, as the wine began working its way through her system, the depression lessened, the memories faded, and peace returned to her mind in the form of numbness to her surroundings. It was in that moment that the only thing she was able to think of were three white haired, adorable children that smiled every time she came around. 

Those memories are the ones that keep her going day in and day out, and it was in that moment that she turned the nob and slid open the door. But before she exited, she had one more thing to say to Klein, "please, continue taking care of my children. Their all I have left." At her last somber words, Willow exited through the door and walked into the dark hall that led to the one who ruined her life.


"What a fucking dickhead" the Devil said to himself as he sat back into his chair. The other people in the room had a similar sentiment, as the scowls on their faces had yet to fade. However, Hel on the other hands was in a seemingly amazing mood and she expressed this mood by clinging tightly to her lover.

As the Mistress of the family clung to her Honey, she snuggled her masked face into his neck while mumbling and giggling to herself. The trio in their personal chairs looked at the scene confused, but they didn't feel the need to ask about it, so instead they chose to comment on the exchange between their Boss and the 'dickhead'. Junior was the first to speak up, "that arrogant piece of shit! He should know better than to disrespect the Boss!" Junior loudly expressed his anger at the way the Schnee treated his Boss.

Junior wasn't the only one who was angry, as Miltia subconsciously activated her signature weapon, allowing the claws to shoot out from her wrist. "He has gotta die! I'll go all the way to Atlas, creep into his house, and snuff him while he's sleeping if I have to! He isn't allowed to be alive after the way he treated my Bro!"

"Like exactly! I can't fucking believe he had the like audacity to act like Bro wasn't smart enough to understand formalities! Like of course he does, he just didn't want to! Oh my god! He like, pisses me off more than Roman does!" As the Devil listened to his trusted trio continue talking about the horrible things, they would do to the Schnee if they ever got their hands on him, he couldn't help but appreciate the strong sense of loyalty that they felt towards him.

At the same time, he was a little confused at why Scarlet wasn't at all bothered by the entire exchange. Towards the beginning of their talks, (Y/N) noticed that Scarlet was extremely angry, but now she almost seemed joyful. To clear up the confusion he had, he simply decided to ask the woman what was up. "Hey, Hel, what's up?"

Her Honey's sudden question broke her from her blissful stupor, and she suddenly became aware of her surroundings. In response to his question, Scarlet began giggling like an enamored schoolgirl as she started tracing the Devils chest with her free hand. "Nothing, I just realized how much I love you." Her oddly cutesy response left (Y/N) with more questions than answers, but before he could ask anything else Scarlet suddenly shifted onto her mans lap, straddling his lap. 

She then placed his hands in her own and sensually moved them across her body landing them on her voluptuous hips. After placing his hands on her own hips, she traced her hands up (Y/N)'s body, landing her hands on his glowing mask that managed to intimidate all who saw it. She then moved her masked face extremely close to her own and allowed the two of them to stare into each other's eyes for a moment.

With one hand on her mask and another on his, she then slowly lifted them both halfway up their faces, revealing Scarlet's plump, red lips. With those lips, Scarlet then began whispering to her man, "seeing you get mad over the Schnee insulting me has created a small problem in my panties~" Scarlet seductively whispered to her lover, "I know that I've mostly been playing a character all this time, but right now I really needed to let you know that my love for you isn't make believe. My anger, jealousy loyalty, love towards you isn't the product of Hel, but my real feelings as Scarlet." As she finished her confession, she brought the two of their faces closer together and placed a chaste kiss on his lips. 

Her lips were incredibly soft and (Y/N) couldn't help but lean deeper into the woman's kiss. The two's lips were connected for as long as the woman could breathe, and as she broke the kiss to take a breath, she lowered her Honey's mask and then did the same to her own. "I love you, Honey!"

Underneath his replaced mask (Y/N) smiled and he brought the woman clad in red into a deep, warm embrace. "I love you too" The hug went on for a moment, and the two of them got lost in their own little world as they embraced one another.

They were only brought back to reality by two wonderstruck girls who couldn't help but fawn over the heartwarming scene in front of them. "Awwweee, their like, so cute together!"

"I know right! Their super adorable!"

As they were brought back to reality, the duo released their embrace and went back to how they usually sat with Scarlet sitting horizontally across his body with her butt in his lap. "Now" Hel began speaking, "let us get back to business, although ladies, I do appreciate the sentiment." Hel winked at the indirect compliment she received from the twins and in response they giggled while giving the Mistress a thumbs up.

With a small hand gesture, Hel handed the floor over to her partner who began speaking, "I do not believe there is much more to discuss tonight, however I do believe that there are still some things that I am not fully aware of as far as current affairs go. So, if you all would enlighten me on our current status that would be great."

"Yes Boss/Like sure/Okay Bro/ Of course Honey!"

(Y/N) listened intently as Junior, Scarlet, and even the twins, caught him up on the current affairs in the family. Mil and Mel over the course of the day prior had been traveling to each of the locations that the tournament battles have been taking place and overseeing the fights. 

The information was spread incredibly quickly, and over 600 individuals officially registered to take part in the tourney, however that number will begin dwindling since Roman will more than likely begin spreading his job opportunity through the family. 

Luckily, the ones who have already taken part in the tournament have sworn their loyalty to the renewed family and have already been assigned operating tasks to oversee some of the smaller tournaments. However, they are not exempt from the rest of the tournament, as they will still need to compete in the main tourney that will determine the higher positions in the family. 

From what Junior and Scarlet have evaluated, they estimated that when everything was said and done there'd be around three hundred people who are completely loyal to the new family.

Based on that idea, they began a possible organization for the family's future, and with the Devils input, they decided on a simple grouping system that would be announced after the tournaments completion. 

(Y/N) decided on a few places holder names to help describe the system, essentially from top to bottom it went the Devil and Hel (Scylla included), then the 4 Elites, Junior, Mil, Mel, and whoever wins the tournament, then the 7 Majors who made it to top 8 of the tourney, and under each of them would be 5 Captains that control the smaller groups. 

Off that concept, they created a quick and easy visualizer for the twins since they were having a little difficulty understanding the full scale of the hierarchy.












Since they didn't know exactly how many members, they'd have they couldn't definitively assign a specific number to each of the captains, but they had a good idea of how many it could be. 

They approximated 9-11 members for each group under the captains, not including the captains themselves. The hierarchy would be adhered to absolutely, so if anyone one got out of hand anyone ahead of them could deal with it, and with this reorganization they would be able to instill the new values of the family while also strengthening their cores.

As they finished up their strategizing, (Y/N) turned to his trusted group of individuals and spoke, "Is there any other major developments that we've yet to discuss tonight?"

At the boss's question, Junior rose his head slightly, "I do believe that there is a few things Boss. One, as you have surely implied by now, there have been no updates on how, or if, the White Fang have been moving in the city. Also, some of the newer members in the organization, who weren't present when you took over the family initially, are questioning the stories of your feats of strength. Some are calling them fairy tails and things of that nature, obviously any people that I come across gets turned into believers after I knock em around a bit with my prosthetic, but that's only a small scale, temporary solution."

"Don't worry about that, those issues will iron themselves out in the upcoming weeks. However, Junior, it seems that you still want to ask me something. You are free to ask anything you want and if I feel that I can tell you, I will, and if not then I won't. You won't get punished for honest questions" the Devil sweetened his voice slightly as he vocally comforted the large man.

Junior took a moment to allow the words to sink in and then he looked up into his Bosses red eyes, "yes Boss! I was wondering why you chose to squander negotiations with the Schnee. I know that he disrespected you and the Mistress, which is unacceptable, but couldn't you have played nice? You could've acted cool with him, taken a deal, then once your cool enough find an opening to end him while also getting Dust from him. So, why didn't you do that instead?"

As Junior finished asking the question, he sat back heavily in his chair, exhaling the tension from his body that came with the question. He couldn't help but feel as if he was challenging the Boss's intellect and authority with the question, that's why he didn't want to ask it in the first place, but he was honestly curious as to the mindset of his superior. 

He couldn't imagine a better plan then the one that he came up with and he was wondering what his Boss was planning. "Well, firstly I don't 'play nice'. If I don't fuck with someone, then I don't fuck with them. I refuse to suck up or act two-faced in order to get ahead on my competition or accomplish my goals. Two, he disrespected Hel, you, Mil, Mel, and me which means there was no way we were going to be business partners anyway. Thirdly, I don't stab people in the back, no sneak attacking, he will see me coming when I cut his head clean from his body."

At the Boss's words, the group couldn't help but look up at the Devil in admiration as he explained his values that he adhered. The twins had already understood how much their bro valued honesty and loyalty from the way he treated their prejudices about the Faunus, but hearing it again was truly inspirational. 

They all remained quiet as the man continued speaking, "obviously this way of thinking comes with a few drawbacks as you have so dutifully noted, but at the same time this is for the best regardless."

Before (Y/N) could continue speaking about his plan, Junior spoke up, "Boss, there is no need to explain any more. I can't act like I see the entire scope of your plan, but I do understand that you have it figured out. Sorry I questioned you in the first place about Boss" Junior said as he bowed slightly to his superior.

"Uhm, ok. Junior, remember that I don't mind answering questions, be confused isn't sinful, but remaining ignorant out of fear is." Junior took his Boss's words to heart and accepted the advice with a small nod. 

"Good, now that everyone's on the same page, lets continue on with the rest of the night, there may not be much time to waste." The rest of the group agreed with the Boss's assessment, and they quickly brought up the most essential task that needed to be completed that evening which was of course spectating the ongoing tournament. 

More importantly, having the Devil present for the tournament and also having some showing of his strength to solidify the loyalty of those participating and prove the negative roomers incorrect.

As soon as the decision was made, Hel hit a couple of keys on the futuristic desk which prompted the people downstairs to prep for the group's departure. The Devil and his advocates then got up and exited the room with him and his Mistress leading them through the club towards the exit, and Scylla following by her master's side. 

The groups presence was very well received in the club, the various henchmen and Xiong family men stopped whatever they were doing and immediately bowed the moment they saw the Devil and his entourage. Even the VIP's stopped what they were doing to pay their respects to the powerful figures and the Devil acknowledge their respects with a subtle head nod.

The crew walked leisurely through Junior's, as they entered the main floor, two large bouncers walked down to the dance floor in front of the group and spread the mass of people like the red sea, creating a path for the leaders to walk through. 

A few of the more intoxicated guests attempted to cause a fuss, but they were quickly put down by the strong bouncers, and if they had an issue after that, they quickly shut up when they saw the impressive group of individuals that followed after the bouncers. They silently walked through the red sea of awed partiers and walked up the staircase that led them Junior's exit.

As the Devil reached the large glass doors that opened up to the rest of the city, the doors were quickly opened by the muscular Xiong family bouncers, and as the entourage walked out of the opened doors, they were led down a long red carpet. 

Parked horizontally at the end of red carpet was a black SUV like vehicle with another larger gang member in the driver's seat. Junior walked to the driver door and motioned the henchman to exit the vehicle, the man got out with no fuss and Junior took the driver's seat. The rest of the doors in the SUV were opened by the other bouncers, allowing Hel to get into the passenger seat, and the Devil, Mil, and Mel to enter into the backseat with (Y/N) sitting in the middle, in the seat in between the twins.

After they settled into their seats, Junior took off, driving the group through the city and towards the industrial district. As they wound through the winding streets of Vale, they soon drove into a much more opened, secluded area of the city. Homes, entertainment, and store fronts turned into large, warehouses, storage facilities, and quieted factories. 

As they continued to drive through the empty area, they eventually came across a string of large warehouses located fairly close to a long dock with emptied, abandoned ships floating aimlessly on the still water. Junior drove up to the center most warehouse where they saw 4 Xiong family members, in their signature suits, standing guard at the entrance.

As soon as they noticed the car pulling up, the quartet quickly moved into action, walking up to each of the vehicle's doors and opening them up, allowing the group to leave the car unhindered. As the Devil exited the black vehicle, he was quickly greeted by the bowing members, "welcome Boss! Welcome back Mistress" they yelled as soon as the pair appeared from the car. 

Junior and the twins received a similar greeting, but they ignored the groups small greeting and instead continued to the warehouse, leading the Mistress and her Honey into the building. Before continuing to the warehouse, the Devil motioned the men to stop bowing and go back to their posts.

As (Y/N) and the rest of his group approached the large building, he began hearing loud bangs, yells, and cheers coming from the inside of the metallic structure, and the moment the doors were opened the sources of the sounds were made very apparent. The inside of the warehouse was filled with cheering, yelling, screaming, testosterone filled, sweaty, muscular, bloodied men. 

Suit jackets, ties, shoes, and sunglasses were littered across the floors, crates, and walls of the room. Inside the large room were 4 large circles of people surrounding the 4 one versus one matches that were occurring simultaneously. Some of the members in the surrounding rings held up Lien cards while yelling encouragingly at the battlers that they had bet on, and others simply cheered with the excitement of the fights happening before them. 

The entire scene gave (Y/N) the impression of a very large scale, underground fight club where people go just to bust each other's asses to relieve stress, but he couldn't lie about the excitement the environment made him feel. The energy in the air was ecstatic and the moment he arrived he couldn't help but understand the organized chaos that was taking place.

The Devil and his group continued to walk deeper into the fight club, Hel and Junior began explaining some of the specifics about how the entire tournament was functioning. At each of the four rings was a person with a tablet who monitored the matches, checking for Aura levels, determining which fighters were to go next, and taking bets for each of the matches. 

They alerted him that the same thing was happening in each of the 3 warehouses that they had commandeered for this massive event. As they talked, Junior led his Boss around the large crowds to an elevated spot on top of a few cargo containers that provided a good view of the matches that were taking place. 

Once he was on top of the containers, the attention of the room quickly shifted from the matches that were taking place, to the ominous man who was standing tall, looking over them.

A few of them took a moment to bow in his presence, but the majority of them simply stared up in awe at the crew that he was with. Junior stood tall above the rest of those present and there was nobody in that room who didn't know of him. 

The twins that stood by his sides were the daughters of the leader of the largest criminal organization in all of Remnant, and the woman that stood next to the Devil was an absolute machine, running them into the ground day in and out while somehow working harder then all of them put together. 

There wasn't a single person in or around the family who hadn't heard of the Devil that gained massive amounts of Dust, massacred Junior's subordinates, and took over the Xiong Family in a single night. However, some of them doubted the true strength of the Devil, even after seeing what he did to Junior's arm and hearing the many stories about his power.

They all waited with bated breath as they stared up to the man, waiting for their Boss to speak. Junior took a step backwards allowing the Devil to take the for front of the rest of the group, giving him the floor to speak. "I guess we can do this the easy way, if it doesn't work then we can start making some people examples. It Has Come To My Attention That Some Of You Doubt My Strength." As soon as he began speaking, the rumble of his voice shook the cores of those that had never heard his demonic voice. 

The Devils monotone voice somehow boomed across the warehouse even though he seemed to speak incredibly quietly. "Now, I Have No Issue With Those Of You Who Question What You Have Not Yet Seen, However, Intimidate" as soon as he thought up the skill, the entire vibe of the room shifted. Gone was the roaring excitement of battle, instead they were overcome by pure terror. 

As the Devil continued gazing around the crowd, he paralyzed any of those that his eyes met, leaving everyone present scared to death at the man who stood above them. "If I Even Feel The Slightest Bit Disrespected By You And Your Ignorance, I'll Have No Problem Showing You The Truth Of What You Don't Believe.

The Devil took a moment to let the words sink into all of the Xiong men present before he continued again. "Would Any Of You Like To Confirm The Roomers?" His question spoke volumes to all of them and after hearing him speak and feeling his killer aura, none of them felt the need to question his authority. In that moment they all knew that even if they all came together to attack him, they'd all be dealt with in a matter of moments, squashed like ants underneath the heel of a man.

"Good." After the word left his mouth, the intense aura that surrounded the environment of the warehouse was suddenly lifted, and the Devil took a step backwards sitting down on the red chair that had been placed up there for him, and allowing Scylla to leap back into his lap, stroking her gently. "Now, I Expect To See Some Powerful Matches From You All. Try Your Best Not To Disappoint." The room remained silent for a moment longer before Hel took control of the crowd, using her Honey's speech as a foundation to inspire the men to perform well in his presence. 

Her inspiring words and phenomenal timing lit a fire in the hearts of the Xiong men, reinvigorating them to heights they've never been. Just like that, they returned to the overly energetic, hype atmosphere that they had previously, only now they were more motivated to prove themselves to their Boss.

Hel, Mil, Mel, and Junior then took their seats to watch the men battle it out, and that is how the rest of the night went. (Y/N) watched as the Xiong men fought one another, only half paying attention to their unimpressive battles. 

He took some of the time he had been given to analyze the average strength of most of the people present, determining that the majority of their strength was around Scarlet's level. 

They had varying levels between 20 and 30 with very few of them going above that, but the few that did clearly had an advantage over the ones that didn't. The rest of the time he spent interacting with his companions, learning more about the twins past and their various tendencies, talking with Junior about his upbringings in the underworld, and flirting with Scarlet.

As the night started coming to an end, (Y/N) stood up from his chair, regaining the attention of everyone present, and he used that platform to announce his exit. He kept his words very brief, but he retold them about his expectations and expressed the potential that he saw in the people who battled that night. 

He ended his short speech by expressing the great things he expected from the strong, loyal members of the upcoming renewed, stronger, powerful family. As the large mass of men listened to their Boss's speech, they felt oddly empowered and their desire to impress the man only grew. 

That was the feeling that they were left with as they watched the Devil and his animal companion seemingly disappear from their spot on the mountain, leaving only a streak of black in their wake.

As usual, (Y/N) and his furry partner zipped through the city, unhindered by the buildings, cars, and streetlights that may usually block some one's path of movement. They quickly crossed miles of ground, shooting up the mountain leading up to Beacon, teleporting passed the gate, leaping high into the air, and burning a ton of mp teleporting up the massive Hope building to get to his room where his lovers were sleeping peacefully. 

He quickly executed a mass exodus of all of his clothing and sleekly teleported his way back into the center of the mound of warm bodies, simultaneously absorbing his Aura back into his form. As his Aura got sucked back into his body through his skin, he noticed that the rate at which he reabsorbed the power source was much faster than before, prompting him to believe that he had gotten much more proficient at using the skill since he trained with Glynda.

As he sunk into the comfort that his girls provided him, he allowed himself to let his mind be free of the incessant thoughts that plagued him during the day and entered his usual state of relaxation. It was in these moments that he was closest to true sleep without actually falling asleep. 

He was allowed to sit in this restful state for about an hour before the girls started to shift as they woke up, excited to see (Y/N)'s face again. As they woke up, the girls immediately began asking him about how his night went, wondering if any harm came to him, or if he was stressed out in anyway. 

Their lover alerted them that he was fine and after taking a moment to convince them, they accepted his response, still slightly worried about his overall health. They then got up from the bed and started on their morning routine, ending their morning in the dining hall munching on anything they could get their hands on. The crew debriefed and familiarized one another with the activities they were going to take part in for the rest of the day.

They spent the rest of their day doing almost exactly what they discussed, going to Neyah's league match, watching her destroy her competition again, and meeting up soon after to head back to Glynda's room for training. With Glynda, the girls focused mostly on their Aura concealment and sensing while (Y/N) simply used his skills to the best of his ability in sparing matches with the professor. 

After they finished up with the session, (Y/N) noticed that he didn't get the same quest alert that he received from the other session, but he expected as much. The training still gave him a ton of benefits since he could go all out, using all of his extremely powerful in a combat scenario, which let him level all of his skills up very quickly. 

Glynda also took the time to talk with her love about the current situation with Ozpin and how antsy he was getting about not being able to meet up with him. She informed him that she's been able to hold him off for so long because of the headmaster's principle of remaining formal and courteous towards all of his students, however she warned that as his patience wore thin, she wouldn't be able to contain him to his office for much longer.

(Y/N) took the message to heart and added her information to the 'things to think about' folder in the back of his mind, adding to the many thoughts that plagued his mind day in and out. This issue, however, took priority over most, so he was forced to begin thinking of a plan to take advantage of Ozpin's interest in him, but for now, he simply enjoyed the rest of the day hanging out with the woman that loved him deeply. 

As night fell once again, the girls prepared once again for their lover's departure and in doing so, left each other in a hot, sweaty heap of sexual aroma and soft flesh. That night, as (Y/N) left, Glynda met up with him in the same spot she did before, just to remind him that she could give him rest whenever he desired.

Scarlet was waiting in her store, with Rouge also sitting in the small office, both waiting for his arrival. Rouge was surprised to see the man suddenly appear, but she soon calmed down as she heard his rumbling, but oddly soothing voice, greet her politely. 

(Y/N) took the opportunity to deepen his trust with the woman by removing his mask and offering his contact information to the girl. As soon as he revealed his face, Rouge's face lit up in a bright red blush and as she heard his real voice, she couldn't help but swoon. The group sat in the room to talk for a moment, Rouge updating Scarlet and the Reaper, now Devil, on how the businesses in the area were running and the Devil and his Mistress's reputation in the Dust industry. 

Unsurprisingly, things have been very slow as of late, as the demand for Dust has skyrocketed due to its sudden scarcity, but since Rouge was so well prepared, she was able to turn a massive profit on the few Dust items she was able to acquire through other means. She was also surprised to tell them that their reputation was overwhelmingly positive and most of the Dust shop owners were looking forward to seeing the Devil make another appearance in their store fronts, or at least receiving another calling card.

Scarlet of course noted that information as she continued listening to the girls excited ramblings, but their small talk was cut short by Scarlet determining that it was time for them to make their exit. They then said their quick goodbyes with a stuttering Rouge as she was kissed on the cheek by the handsome Devil, much to the excitement of Scarlet now in her Hel garb. 

(Y/N) thought her reaction was a interesting and as they began heading back to their headquarters, (Y/N) decided to ask the woman about it. Scarlet immediately opened up about her 'tendencies' as she put it, but what she was really referring to was her sexuality. Apparently, Scarlet was sexually interested in other women for as long as she could remember, always being attracted to the cute girls she saw walking the streets and was friends with.

 She said that because of the way her parents raised her, it was a struggle to accept that it was a part of her, even though it's very accepted in Remnant as a whole. She explained how it was probably the main reason that she remained single for so long in her life, going as far as to tell him about how she was never really interested in any of the men she met in her life. 

However, for some reason when she met him all that changed in a moment. She was extraordinarily attracted to his demeanor, values, and protectiveness, she also joked about how it didn't hurt that he was the most attractive person she'd ever met.

(Y/N) thought that it was as good a time as any to mention that when he wasn't leading Vale's largest criminal organization, he already had a bunch of other women as lovers, and Scarlet's only response was, 'are they cute?' He chuckled slightly under her mask and replied with a swift of course, and just like that they arrived at the club. 

He was greeted by Junior and the girls in a similar manner as the day before, and after they sat for a moment for a quick update on current affairs, they traveled back to the warehouses to spectate the battles. As soon as the Boss arrived, the reactions he received were extraordinarily different from the previous night. The guards' reactions were the same, but once the Devil took a single step into the warehouse the entire atmosphere switched up immediately as all the men present stopped whatever they were doing to bow at the boss's entrance. 

Even those that were currently fighting took a moment to respect the Boss's presence, and after a moment of silence each of the men began welcoming the Boss back to the fight club. It was a mass chorus of uncoordinated sings of appreciation and respect, and even though it wasn't pretty, it still brought a small smile to the Devil's masked face.

The rest of the night went similarly to the previous night, the same group spectating the battles as they continued talking about whatever it was that came to their minds, and when night turned to day the Devil and his partner disappeared as they usually did, heading back to their dorm room where his lovers were sleeping, waiting for his return.

As (Y/N) 'awoke' yet again in the arms of his lovers, they continued their general daily routine, and as night came, he continued his nightly activities as well. For the first few nights after his first night in the 'fight club', Junior had yet to find out the day that the Schnee shipyard would be reaching its maximum carrying capacity, aka the day that Roman would be exposing himself to the Devil, but as predicted Roman began his recruiting process and hundreds of 'Xiong Family' men made a mass exodus from the tournament proposed by the Devil, solidifying themselves as his enemies. 

By the end of the week, Hel and Junior had a perfect, exact head count and registry of every member in the renewed Xiong Family, and the total number came out to 384 members creating the perfect number of entrees for the tournament but messing up the rankings slightly. 

However, this issue was easily fixed by assigning the remaining lower ranking members to the higher-ranking tournament winners. The actual number of members ended up being much higher than they had originally predicted, but they all concluded that the Boss's active presence and motivational speeches contributed to the increase in membership.

By Wednesday of the following week almost everything had been figured out. The tournament was concluding with the last thing that needed to be accomplished was the top 8, showcasing the power of the strongest few in the family, and those that competed fought for the position at the top of the organization, sitting in the Devil's inner circle. 

The final matches of the tournament were planned to be taking place tomorrow night at the Devil's headquarters, Junior's. The entire building would be completely vacant of civilians, fully reserved for the syndicate's activities and Hel ensured that the main floor would become a top tier battle arena, perfectly fit for spectating and fighting alike. 

The dance floor was turned into a sturdy platform built for battle, and the surrounding chairs and benches were moved backwards and elevated to allow those who wished to sit to still see the fights, but the majority of the space was fully reserved for standing spectators.

Luckily, with Hel's assistance Junior was able to discover that Roman was going to attack the SDC supplies on that upcoming Sunday, the day before the shipments were being sent out to the companies that ordered them. 

This was near perfect as it allowed them to fully organize, promote, and assign all the 'new' members of the organization and still have some time to prepare for Roman's arrival. As they finished up discussing these topics, the Devil turned to his circle, "I'm glad we were finally able to get all of this completely figured out, it takes a massive weight off our shoulders" the rest of the group agreed with his sentiment, nodding their heads in agreement. 

"However, there is one more thing that I would like to be accomplished in a timely manner if at all possible" his statement got all of their attentions, and just like that everyone was focused back in on their Boss.

"Of course, Boss, anything you need will get done" Junior said, eyes gleaming with loyalty.

"You all know of people infusing their clothing with Dust, correct?" Everyone in the room nodded their heads, and they soon recognized exactly why he asked the question. "I would like a lot of clothing, more specifically suits, all made entirely from Dust. Obviously its very short notice, but do you think that it would be possible?"

The room remained silent for a moment, their minds moving quickly to find a solution to the problem that their Boss presented. Even from his vague speech they quickly understood exactly what he wanted to accomplish; an entire gang filled with members clothed in Dust strung clothing. 

Not only would it increase their power immensely, but also it would be an amazing showing of power, but could something on that scale be completed this quickly? Hel was the first to speak, "Hon, there are a lot of Dust seamstress in Vale, but none of them are large scale. They all do make to order items, unique articles that take a lot of time to create."

Junior quickly followed up after his Mistress, "yeah Boss, there aren't many options that would help accomplish your goal. I believe if we really tried to force it and we got a bunch of rush orders it would still be impossible to complete by Saturday or Sunday, but getting it done isn't the issue. The real problem is how expensive it would be" he explained.

In that moment, a lightbulb went off in the twins' minds, "uhm so like, I think we have a solution to this little problem!" Mel began with her sister hot on her trail.

"Yeah! Mother has a big business selling Dust clothing in Mistral, and she can pretty easily mass produce the cloth, but it is really expensive" Mil explained.

"Like really, really expensive! But like, if you have the money, she can like, do it!"

Junior shook his head at the girl's giddy solution, "even if we had the Lien, we'd still need a metric fuck ton of Dust just to make the clothing. It'd be literally impossible to accumulate that much Dust in such a short amount of time, especially in a drought like now."

As soon as Junior finished speaking, the Devil leaned forward slightly in his chair, lightly placing his elbows on the table. "416 Red, 404 Orange, 395 Dark Orange, 401 Yellow, 398 Blue, 399 Light Blue, 397 Cyan, 401 Green, 350 White" as the Devil finished speaking, the room was silent for a moment.

"Crystals?" Junior asked.


"What about the money?"

"Money is a none issue for me. Mil, Mel, using all of this Dust, how much do you think it would cost for Mother to make the clothing?"

The girls took a moment to think about it before responding at the same time, "like 5mil/ 5mil!"

"I guess this is where the broken ass system comes into place. 1 Bronze converts into 10 Lien, simple enough, but 1 Silver converts into 1,000 Bronze which is insane! But that aint even the kicker, 1 Gold turns into.... 10,000 Silver! Which literally means that a single gold is worth $100,000,000 Lien! I'm rich as fuck!" As he screamed in excitement on the inside, he remained stoic on the outside as he silently converted a single, excess AUG into 10,000 AUS, and converted 500 of those into 500,000 AUB, and that into the required $5,000,000 Lien. 

As soon as he finished the quick conversions, he reached into his chest and pulled out a bright crimson Lien card and lightly tossed it to the twins who caught it with surprise. "That's your 5 mil, and this," as he began to talk, he stood up from his chair with Hel in his arms, and after he gently placed her on the ground, he walked into the empty space of the office. 

As soon as he reached the space, out of his body came crates, storage containers, lock boxes, and all other kinds of storage devices filled with Dust, "is your Dust. Now, I'm afraid its time for me to go, but I expect some great things from you all tomorrow. I look forward to our next meeting."

As soon as the words left his mouth, Scylla jumped into his arms and the duo disappeared in a streak of black. The room that he exited was left in complete shock, wondering what the hell they just saw from their Boss. 

The only person in the room who was able to speak was a joyful Hel, gleaming with happiness at her Honey's feat. "Now's not the time to stare into space people! We have work to do!"











*!Read This Shit!*

(A/N): Hello, quick note, I would highly recommend you read the next status update because an entire week and some change has gone by and you've been training with the great Glynda Goodwitch day in and day out. There are a ton of Skills that got leveled up and stuff, and most of them got name changes as well so you'll wanna see, recognize, and note that. Also, new effects, stronger EX abilities, and blah blah blah, all that cool stuffs. Thx for reading.

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