Eva's New Hermitcraft and Dre...

By Meva400

16.4K 501 598

I've decided to start a new book with my new oneshots, all minecraft related, probably Grian or George focuse... More

Withered Poppies - (Angst - Grian x Etho)
Free the End- (Fluff - Doc x Stress)
Found- (Fluff - Grian - Sibling AU part 1)
Traded- (Angst - Grian - Siblings AU part 2)
My Knight- (Angst - Grian)
My Knight pt 2 - (Hurt/Comfort - Grian x Hels)
Friendemies - (Action - Dream/Grian/Techno)
Anarchy - (Angst - Dream)
Best Friend's Roommate - (Fluff - Dream x Grian)
Returning to the Family - (Fluff - Grian/SBI)
Empire - (Angst - Grian)
Run Away With Me - (Lime - Dream x George)
*name not found* - (Fluff - Dream x Wilbur x George)
The Bidding - (Action - Grian x Etho)
Beauty - (Fluff - Scar x Mumbo x Grian)
Gitched Romance - (Fluff - Dream x Grian)
One More Year - (Fluff - Scar/Grian/Mumbo)
Undercover - (Angst - Grian)
Adequate - (Fluff - Scar x Grian)
The Dress - (Fluff - Dream x George)
Chasing Cars - (Angst - Dream x George)
The Watched and The Listening pt 1 - (Angst - Joe)
The Watched and the Listening pt 2 - (Angst - Joe)
Tater Tot Bois - (Fluff - Mumbo/Techno)
Step Ladder - (Fluff - Grian/Dream)
One Wish - (Angst - Doc x Bdubs)
Hiding it under the Oak Tree- (Fluff - Techno x Grian)
What Anxiety Feels Like - (Angst)
Copycat - (Angst - Insane Pearl AU part 1)
Doctor - (Angst - Insane Pearl AU part 2)
Bartender - (Lime - Grian x Mumbo)
Legacy - (Fluff - Tribute to DSMP)
Stockholm Syndrome - Rated R

Mischlings - (Fluff - Tommy/Schlatt)

226 6 31
By Meva400

AN: I'm not super well versed in DSMP lore, but I know this is not correct what so ever. Just role with it please =] But I was asked for a (and I quote) "TOMMY AND SHALTT fMAILY DYNSMIC". Best request ever. I really love this idea but it was hard to find a decent plot line. I made one and when I was editing I couldn't figure out what was just wasn't sitting right with me, so I ended up just deleting about 1500 words of it you got this just fluffy stuff.

Also- If you're big into angst and violence, go check out my Dream x Grian book and you'll be receiving a very angsty oneshot soon. It's called Stockholm Syndrome so that should give you an idea.

A mischling is an old German word for a person of mixed race. You'll see what it is more later.

Tubbo POV-

The wind whipped through the l'manburg flag above me as I felt the hair around my head flutter. The harsh wind was a welcome release to the blistering heat of the August sun beating down on my neck. I could feel the skin beginning to burn as my eyes followed Dream pacing back and forth.

"Dream?" He didn't even pause as I called his name, only glancing slightly over at me as his feet hit the soft grass in front of the flag. "What are we doing here?"

The masked man finally stopped mid stride and turned to look at me. He sighed as he lifted the mask up slightly to wipe the sweat from his brow. His lime green sweater was tied snuggly around his waist, having been removed as the sun had heated the air. "I received a letter of some mischlings coming here."

"So why am I here?"

Dream shrugged. "Company I guess?"

I stayed silent as Dream began pacing again. What fantastic company. The sun had begun sinking in the West by the time I noticed a screeching sound in the forest. Birds rose from the canopy in the direction where it came from and not a moment later and lanky teen burst from the trees and into the meadow. He bulleted right into a startled Dream, shrieks still leaving his mouth.

Dream quickly recovered, still hitting the ground under the tall blond kid but he wrapped his arms around the teenager and in one swift movement had flipped their positions, Dream lying on top of the blond, who was now no longer shrieking randomly, but was shrieking swears.

"Shut up! Oh, come on, just shut it. You are such a child."

The blond seemed to lose the ability to speak as his mouth flopped open and closed for a moment as I tried to hold back a laugh.

"Wow. This is the quietest it has ever been around Tommy. What did you do?" A voice rose from just outside the meadow, rising in volume as a man in a wrinkled suit entered. His face was slightly scruffy with a couple day old shadow but what really stood out were the two curled horns peeking out from his curly brown hair.

Dream quickly stood up from where he was leaning on the poor teenager as he studied the horned man. "I just used some simple manipulation powers."

"Seriously Dream. Let the power kid free," I said as I gently stepped forward, lifting a hand out to the blond who took it and hauled himself off the ground and looked up at the three men.

Standing there with Dream and two men about his height, if not taller, made me slightly uncomfortable, but Dream lightly rested his hand on my shoulder, squeezing reassuringly as he continued to address the two newcomers, "Who are you? And Tommy, you're free to speak again."

The one with the horns chuckled, "well I guess I should use this chance while Tommy isn't being an absolute child to speak. I'm..."

"I'M NOT A CHILD!!! I AM A BIG MAN!" The blond, who must have been Tommy, basically screamed in our ears even though we were only like a foot away from each other. He raised his hands in the air and his eyes squinted in annoyance as Dream just flinched.

"Yes, yes you are a big man Tommy. I'm JSchlatt, but call me Schlatt." The horned one finished just as Tommy took a breath, "we should go talk in private Dream."

Tommy immediately begin talking again as he shoved his hand out to Dream, "nice to meet you Big D! Call me Big Man."

"Please don't call me that. Come on Schlatt." Dream turned and walked away leaving Tommy and I standing awkwardly under the orange sky. Well, it was mostly me standing awkwardly, Tommy was already running around screaming about how the cool the flag was and how excited he was to have a new friend.

"So you're a mischling?"

Tommy stopped literally midstep as the words fell out of my mouth and he stumbled slightly, the silence and tension quickly rising as I realized how strange of a question that would be anywhere other than Dream's Secret Mischling Paradise or DSMP for short. Mischlings weren't really accepted in the world and were often outcast, if not killed.

And the biggest problem?

It was just a genetic thing like green eyes. If you parents happened to hold a specific gene and it mutated slightly, bam mischling. That's why each mischling was slightly different; each mutation was different.

Children of any age could randomly display mischling behaviour and be abandoned. That's why Dream's ancestors had created the DSMP. Our leaders, nicknamed Dream, was usually the strongest of us and with his manipulation powers, this Dream was an easy candidate. He was promoted when he about 15 years about.

He had found me a couple years later as I was surviving almost strictly on honey since I could talk to insects, but let's be honest, only bees are the intelligent ones. Dragonflies are nice but prefer being along.

The silence had stretched on way too long as I was daydreaming about meeting Dream for the first time and Tommy was still staring at me with an unreadable look to his face. I needed to break the tension but I didn't know how. Then I heard a gentle buzzing as a couple bees floated lazily into the field and towards the flowers. I could hear them chatting about how windy it had been and how behind they were for their daily quota.

"Hey!" I watched Tommy flinch visible and the bees slightly pause before buzzing towards my out stretched hand where they buzzed happily as I gently stroked their fluffy butts. "Tommy, come meet Buzzter and Polly."

I grinned up at Tommy who took a tentative step forward. "You're a mischling too?"

I nodded before holding the bees towards Tommy. Polly lazily buzzed towards the blond who watched her in interest before she landed on his arm and crawling towards a flower on the taller's shirt.

"This is fake!" I laughed at Polly's confusion as she lifted off of Tommy's shirt in annoyance and headed to the flowers.

Tommy was looking at me confused as I doubled over laughing after Buzzter followed after Polly. I wiped a tear from my eye as I looked back at Tommy. "I can talk to them."

"Oh. That's cool."

I noted how Tommy was still very tentative even after all his excitement earlier, but I still wanted to know what he was. "So..."

"Changling." Tommy answered before I even had a chance to continue. "Or at least that's what I call myself. Shapeshifter is another way to describe it."

"No way." I had heard of some super awesome powers like Dream's ability, or Sapnap's fire magic, or Wilbur who could walk through walls but straight up shapeshifting?

"It's not as cool as it sounds," Tommy clarified, "I have to be looking at the creature and it really hurts, but once I had learned to control it, I was able to go into villages which really helped Schlatt out. He apparently found me when he was 15 and it was about 5 years later when he started getting his horns. I was 6 at the time so I was able to beg for money and food since Schlatt drilled shifting control into my brain."

My heart broke at the blond's story. He must have been about 17 or 18 like me, but he had been abandoned before he could even walk? I had been kicked out when I was 12 and Dream found me only 3 months later.

I could not have lasted as long as Schlatt and Tommy without Dream.

"You had better wipe that frown off of your face. Watch this!" Tommy brushed his trauma off so fast it almost gave me whiplash but I watched as he glanced at the bees. His face scrunched up in pain as his body distorted and shrunk until a strangely large bee was floating in front of me.

"Tommy?" He buzzed happily in response and lazily buzzed to my shoulder when he noticed Schlatt and Dream walking back to us.

Dream was glancing around the meadow confused, "Tubbo? Where's Tommy?"

I pointed to my shoulder where Tommy shook his fluffy black and yellow butt and fluttered his wings. Schlatt just face palmed as Dream didn't move. I could just imagine him blinking quickly under his mask trying to make sense of the situation. "Okay... uh..."

I felt Tommy leave my shoulder and few moments later he was standing beside me, a painful expression pulled across his face. His knees seemed to buckle a bit but before I could do anything, Schlatt had his arms around Tommy's lanky body.

Tommy just leaned heavily against Schlatt as he helped him to the soft grass. Dream watched with his head slightly tilted, his way of showing concern.

"We should probably get going. Tommy? Tubbo?"

Tommy looked weakly up at Dream and before he could even say anything, Schlatt seemed to answer his question for him. "I'm not coming with you Big T. I'm not welcome here anymore."

"No, no Schlatt. Please."

The change in emotion completely shattered my heart, even more than when he was talking about his life before.

"I'm sorry buddy. Dreams only has so much tolerance and after the SMP had to kill the entire village nearby because I accidently brought them here, the previous Dream kicked me out."

Dream sighed, his hand reaching up to run through his hair. "There's a lot more to that story than that... You literally set the trees surrounded them on fire and were screeching about how great mischlings are which brought them to the camp and they..." Dream trailed off, his voice wavering at the end.

I glanced between Schlatt and Dream as Tommy did the same. I had never heard this story before and I could see in Schlatt's face that the end was not pleasant. My attention was brought back to Dream as the normally emotionless man took a shuttering breath, "and they killed George."

The break in Dream's voice was enough to make Tommy seem to understand the betrayal Dream must have felt and he also seemed to understand how lucky he was to be allowed to join this paradise. The younger blond slowly stood up once again, leaning against me as Schlatt hugged him tightly.

"I'll miss you Tommy."

Tommy simply nodded in response but Schlatt was pulling a small bandana from his pocket.

"This is our favourite colours. Don't forget me okay?"

Tommy nodded again, his energy seemingly just gone from the shifting and having to say goodbye to the man who had been his dad his whole life. Schlatt reached out and tied the fabric around Tommy's thin arm before turning and walking back the way he came. Dream was already headed towards the DSMP so I wrapped an arm around Tommy's waist as he stumbled with me.

We had only gone a few steps when his knees gave out and curled in a ball as he brought his head to his hands, tears spilling from his eyes. I noticed both Dream and Schlatt stop walking as they turned to face us. Tommy's tears were harsh, but he still lifted his head to look up at Dream.

"I'm sorry for whatever Schlatt did but without him I wouldn't be here! I owe him my life so the least I can do is beg you Dream. I beg you not to forgive Schlatt, but to bury the hatch. I need him just as much as I need the protection here." Tommy took a deep breath, glancing over to Schlatt, "I couldn't live without either."

Dream stood completely still, his mask aimed at us before he lifted it to look at Schlatt. He was standing completely still, waiting for Dream's decision.


Tommy sniffled as I glanced between Schlatt, who had a shocked look on his face, and the retreating form of Dream.


Tommy and Schlatt really added to the SMP as they brought a certain flare of insane, but the way those two interacted made my heart melt every time. I was sure grateful for them and I think the best part was when Tommy would transfer into some sort of insect (leaving me to be the only one to talk to him) and we would go scare Schlatt and Sapnap and Techno as well, who we found out was terrified of stick bugs. Who knew?

I was still left with so many questions, especially about this George kid, but I figured Dream would tell me one day. Until then, I was going to do my best to prevent Schlatt and Tommy from over throwing the government and setting the world on fire.

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