What It Means To Be King

By AlexisChandler280

81K 3.7K 661


Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chaoter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chpater 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
Chapter 50
Chapter 51
Chapter 52
Chapter 53
Chapter 54
Chapter 55
Chapter 56
Chapter 57
Chapter 58
Chapter 59
Chapter 60
Chapter 61
Chapter 62
Chapter 63
Chapter 64
Chapter 65
Chapter 66
Chapter 67
Chapter 68
Chapter 69
Chapter 70
Chapter 71
Chapter 72
Chapter 73
Chapter 74
Chapter 75
Chapter 76
Chapter 77

Chapter 23

1K 56 4
By AlexisChandler280


And that right there is the baby sac! You see it? The nurse said pointing to the monitor. I was in such awe seeing my baby on the screen.

Oh my god it's so small! I said with laughter wiping my tears.

It's funny how fast they grow. So your measuring about 8 weeks and 6 days! Gives you a due date of June 24th.

I feel like that's gonna be here In No time!

It will be!

If you had to guess at the gender what would you say it'll be?

Well......hmmmm....I think it will be a girl. You see this part (she pointed to the screen) the genitals are way to small to be a boy. It looks like it'll be a girl! But you can go to like an ultrasound place as early as 14 weeks and get confirmation on the gender or wait until your 18 week ultrasound for the gender.

Okay! I hope it's a girl I would love a girl! I smiled looking at my baby. (I promise I'd never in my entire life treat my baby how my mother is me!)

The nurse printed out some ultrasound pics and put them in an envelope for me. She wiped the gel off my stomach and helped me sit up. I can't believe I was really pregnant. My heart was racing just to tell Action but I have a feeling that I'm worrying for no reason.

I took 6 pregnancy test when we had got back every single one of them came back positive in seconds. I made a doctors appointment and I was happy they was able to get me in within 3 days. I haven't talked to Action cause he hasn't texted back nor has he answered his phone.

You can make your 4 week appointment at the receptionist desk. Make sure you stay hydrated, and make sure you eat! I wanna see some weight on you next time I see you okay girly! My doctor said As she wrote me a slip for prenatal pills.

Yes, thank you! I smiled as the nurse walked me out the room and to the front desk. I made my next appointment and left. I didn't even know what to do with myself. I wasn't sure who I could share this news with.! I definitely regret not having any friends or anything.

I digged my phone out as soon as I got to the car to call Action. "Hello?" He answered angrily.

Hey.....did I call at a bad time? I asked unsure.

Naw....what's up? He asked annoyed.

Can I see you?

Yeah I'll be over tonight..!

Tonight? I kinda needed to see you now....

Dude I'm fuckin busy right now, tonight!

Oh nah see you seem like something wrong with you. And before I let you piss me off ima hang up. Don't worry about it. I'll see you whenever I see you! I said before hanging up. Whatever the fuck he had going on was letting it control his anger. I wasn't about to deal with any of that.

I turned the car on and he started calling back. I ignored the call and kept going on about my day. I went to go get something to eat and went to go do a lil shopping. I desperately wanted to buy something for my baby. I heard it was bad luck to buy stuff in your first trimester anyways.

It's like every store I had went in a seen all this cute baby girl stuff out of no where. I ended up just picking up some cute little neutral onesies just to get me out of this baby fever honey moon stage.

I was a nervous wreck just thinking about what's going to happen with this baby. Can I carry it to full term. What if it's me? What if it's my body that's the problem and I really can't have kids or something! All these crazy thoughts was taking over me and it was making me extremely emotional.

I pulled up to my house and Action was leaning against his truck on the phone. I parked my car in the driveway and got out grabbing my Starbucks and my bags from the back seat. I walked past him and he seemed annoyed.

You need help? He asked as we got to the door.

NOPE! After a few seconds I got the door open and we walked into the house. I sat all my stuff on the island and he sat in a stool. I went to go put my drink in the fridge and leaned against the counter.

What's up what you doing here? This don't look like tonight to me. I said as I folded my arms.

I'm sorry about earlier I didn't mean to yell at you or anything!

Oh really?

Yeah I'm sorry. I'm just stressed out it's just a bunch of shit that's going on.

Like what?

Just shit! I'm stressed out. What did you wanna tell me.

I reached over in my purse and grabbed the sonogram pictures out and placed them and a pregnancy test in front of him. His eyes got big and wide and he looked sick.

Dead ass? He asked looking at the pictures.

8 weeks and 6 days! I'm due June 24th.

Word? What you wanna do?

What you mean...? Ima keep my baby!

You sure that's what you wanna do?

Yeah why wouldn't I? You don't want me to?

Nah it's not that.... It's just

It's just what? Look I ain't into the business of playing games Quez you got one time and one time only to not want my child.

That's not what I'm saying Chanel!

Than what the fuck is you saying, cause that's the vibes I'm getting! I could go get abortion! I don't wanna stick no child on nobody who doesn't wanna be there.! Even though I don't need you here to take care of him or her cause I'm gone make sure we good regardless of anything. But you wanna act like this now? You wasn't saying nun this shit when you was bussing in me 4-5 times a day, asking me did I wanna have yo baby! Nigga I definitely know when me and mines ain't wanted like I said I ain't forcing a baby on nobody!

Can you chill the fuck out!

No! You just asked what I wanted to do like this ain't it or something. We was just in Miami and you was talking all that sweet shit now it's so what you wanna do and am I sure?!

That's not what I'm saying Chanel! I'm asking you is this what you really want is this what you wanna do are you ready for this shit. A baby changes everything in the game both our fuckin lives not just yours.

You don't think I know that!

Clearly you don't if you ain't tryna way all your options out.

What options Action? You don't have to be here for my baby! But you know what I'm not raising no kid by myself and I know when mines ain't wanted this ain't my first rodeo and I'll never have a fatherless child.

What you saying you gone get abortion.

I think you need to leave Action!

For what?

Can you please leave I don't wanna do this right now!

Man call me when you make yo mind up! He said pissed off getting up. I wiped the tears from my eyes as I bursted into tears as he got up to walk away. I hated crying and I hated being emotional. I really thought he would of been happy and excited about this pregnancy. I knew a baby would of changed everything cause it shows people true colors but I didn't think he would of went like that.

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