A World With/Out Home

By HMPDharma

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The Eternal Hero has always stood strong and protected their world. For 400 years he has been the figure of a... More

Chapter 1: A Baker's dream (Part 1)
Chapter 1: A Baker's dream (Part 2)
Chapter 1: A Baker's dream (Part 3)
Chapter 2: A dismal fate. (Part 1)
Authors Notes No 1
Chapter 2: A dismal fate. (Part 2)
Chapter 2: A dismal fate. (Part 3)
Chapter 3: A passing wish. (Part 1)
Chapter 3: A passing wish. (Part 2)
Chapter 3: A passing wish. (Part 3)
Chapter 4: The World as they knew it. (Part 1)
Chapter 4: The World as they knew it. (Part 2)
Chapter 4: The World as they knew it. (Part 3)
Chapter 5: A Garden with Something Else. (Part 1)
Chapter 5: A Garden with Something Else. (Part 2)
Chapter 5: A Garden with Something Else. (Part 3)
Chapter 5: A Garden with Something Else. (Part 4)
Chapter 6: What can and can't be done. (Part 1)
Chapter 6: What can and can't be done. (Part 2)
Chapter 6: What can and can't be done. (Part 3)
Chapter 6: What can and can't be done. (Part 4)
Chapter 6: What can and can't be done. (Part 5)
Chapter 7: A parting notice. (Part 1)
Chapter 7: A parting notice. (Part 2)
Chapter 7: A parting notice. (Part 3)
Chapter 7: A parting notice. (Part 4)
Chapter 8: A Midnight Escape before the Dawn. (Part 1)
Chapter 8: A Midnight Escape before the Dawn. (Part 2)
Chapter 8: A Midnight Escape before the Dawn. (Part 3)
Chapter 8: A Midnight Escape before the Dawn. (Part 4)
Chapter 8: A Midnight Escape before the Dawn. (Part 5)
Chapter 8: A Midnight Escape before the Dawn. (Part 6)
Chapter 9: A long wait. (Part 1)
Chapter 9: A long wait. (Part 2)
Chapter 9: A long wait. (Part 3)
Chapter 9: A long wait. (Part 4)
Chapter 9: A long wait. (Part 5)
Chapter 9: A long wait. (Part 6)
Chapter 9: A long wait. (Part 7)
Chapter 10: Results and Tribulations. (Part 1)
Chapter 10: Results and Tribulations. (Part 2)
Chapter 11: A dance with more than one step. (Part 1)
Chapter 11: A dance with more than one step. (Part 2)
Chapter 11: A dance with more than one step. (Part 3)
Chapter 11: A dance with more than one step. (Part 4)
Chapter 11: A dance with more than one step. (Part 5)
Chapter 12: Awakening (Part 1)
Chapter 12: Awakening (Part 2)
Chapter 12: Awakening (Part 3)
Chapter 12: Awakening (Part 4)
Chapter 12: Awakening (Part 5)
Chapter 13: Closing and Opening (Part 2)
Chapter 13: Closing and Opening (Part 3)
Chapter 13: Closing and Opening (Part 4)
Chapter 14: New sights (Part 1)
Chapter 14: New sights (Part 2)
Chapter 14: New sights (Part 3)
Chapter 14: New sights (Part 4)
Chapter 15: Before (Part 1)
Chapter 15: Before (Part 2)
Chapter 16: Nightmare (Part 1)
Chapter 16: Nightmare (Part 2)
Chapter 16: Nightmare (Part 3)
Chapter 16: Nightmare (Part 4)
Chapter 16: Nightmare (Part 5)
Chapter 16: Nightmare (Part 6)
Chapter 17: Gambit (Part 1)
Chapter 17: Gambit (Part 2)
Chapter 17: Gambit (Part 3)
Chapter 18: Echoes (Part 1)
Chapter 18: Echoes (Part 2)
Chapter 18: Echoes (Part 3)
Chapter 18: Echoes (Part 4)
Chapter 19: Rejection (Part 1)
Chapter 19: Rejection (Part 2)
Chapter 19: Rejection (Part 3)
Chapter 19: Rejection (Part 4)
Chapter 20: Doubt (Part 1)
Chapter 20: Doubt (Part 2)
Chapter 21: A Regretful Finale. (Part 1)
Chapter 21: A Regretful Finale. (Part 2)
Chapter 21: A Regretful Finale. (Part 3)
Chapter 21: A Regretful Finale. (Part 4)
Chapter 21: A Regretful Finale. (Part 5)
Chapter 21: A Regretful Finale. (Part 6)
Chapter 22: Closing the distance (Part 1).
Chapter 22: Closing the distance (Part 2).
Chapter 22: Closing the distance (Part 3).
Chapter 23: A new adventure. (Part 1)
Chapter 23: A new adventure. (Part 2)
Chapter 23: A new adventure. (Part 3)
Chapter 24: Differing Reality (Part 1)
Chapter 24: Differing Reality (Part 2)
Chapter 24: Differing Reality (Part 3)
Chapter 25: Perspective (Part1)
Chapter 25: Perspective (Part2)
Chapter 25: Perspective (Part3)
Chapter 26: A Brief respite. (Part 1)
Chapter 26: A Brief respite. (Part 2)
Chapter 27: A Growing Tale (Part 1)
Chapter 27: A Growing Tale (Part 2)
Chapter 27: A Growing Tale (Part 3)
Chapter 27: A Growing Tale (Part 4)
Chapter 28: Fall in. (Part 1)
Chapter 28: Fall in. (Part 2)
Chapter 28: Fall in. (Part 3)
Chapter 29: A step in motion. (Part 1)
Chapter 29: A step in motion. (Part 2)
Chapter 29: A step in motion. (Part 3)
Chapter 30: The world that we built on. (Part 1)
Chapter 30: The world that we built on. (Part 2)
Chapter 31: An introduction. (Part 1)
Chapter 31: An introduction. (Part 2)
Chapter 31: An introduction. (Part 3)
Chapter 32: An end. (Part 1)
Chapter 32: An end. (Part 2)
Chapter 33: A pause. (Part 1)
Chapter 33: A pause. (Part 2)
Chapter 33: A pause. (Part 3)
Chapter 34: Ramifications. (Part 1)
Chapter 34: Ramifications. (Part 2)
Chapter 34: Ramifications. (Part 3)
Chapter 35: A repeat. (Part 1)
Chapter 35: A repeat. (Part 2)
Chapter 36: Breaking through. (Part 1)
Chapter 36: Breaking through. (Part 2)
Chapter 36: Breaking through. (Part 3)
Chapter 36: Breaking through. (Part 4)
Chapter 37: The duet of a coward. (Part 1)
Chapter 37: The duet of a coward. (Part 2)
Chapter 37: The duet of a coward. (Part 3)
Chapter 37: The duet of a coward. (Part 4)
Chapter 38: The places we should have been. (Part 1)
Chapter 38: The places we should have been. (Part 2)
Chapter 38: The places we should have been. (Part 3)
Chapter 38: The places we should have been. (Part 4)
Chapter 39: The world at the end of the street. (Part 1)
Chapter 39: The world at the end of the street. (Part 2)
Chapter 39: The world at the end of the street. (Part 3)
Epilogue: What happened after.
Epilogue: The Bakery at the end of the street.
Author's Note: The end

Chapter 13: Closing and Opening (Part 1)

36 6 0
By HMPDharma

Chapter 12: Closing and Opening

A white ceiling that he had seen before and with it the sound of a soft beeping. Kyle turned his head and let his eyes wander the room. His vision was blurry but he could make out that he had been taken to the Hero's medical centre. The same place he had visited Lillia so many times and in a turn of irony he was now the one in her place. A figure quickly came into view as he tried to rise and wipe away the musk clouding his eyes.


"That would be Officer Reina Montez to you Kyle," the strict feminine voice sounded evenly.

"Oh...," his vision finally settled as he realised there was no one else beside the two.

"Don't be so disappointed, Lillia has her own check-ups to complete." Reina sighed, "As soon as she heard you were gone she charged out of here. No one could stop her."

While she spoke Kyle moved his muscles finding that all the injuries he had sustained were now perfectly healed, "What happened?"

"A lot thanks to you. It's a nightmare of paperwork as well," she huffed but faced him seriously. "You fainted and Lillia bought you straight here. She caused quite a stir running past everyone as well. Her quick response made sure that none of your injuries caused any permanent damage, though you could also thank yourself for that."


"Yes it seems you're lack in magical talent is supplemented by a rather decent self-healing." Reina picked up a nearby chart. "A normal person would have died and even a trained soldier would have taken much longer to recover."

"And just how long have I been unconscious for?" Kyle asked preparing himself for the answer. With how he was injured and how he had pushed himself. It wouldn't be odd for him to have collapsed for several days.

"It's been about 4 hours."

"Wait that's it?" he showed his clear surprise. The way he felt was close to perfect.

"I did say it was rather decent for a reason," Reina folded her arms. "As for what happened to you, your friend Marisha filled us in on the details."

Kyle breathed in relief, "So she's okay?"

"Sleeping and having her own injuries treated in another location."

He smiled knowing she was safe however his expression quickly turned dark as he gripped the bed sheets tightly, "And Councilman Tombre?"

"That... that issue is a bit more complicated. Currently he's been placed under house arrest and under investigation." She held up her hand to silence Kyle before he could speak, "You don't need to worry about yourself or the Hero candidates. Due to his position it'll be some time before he receives any form of punishment but the Church and Guard have made it clear he will now have nothing to do with you or the Garden."

"I see...," he let go of the sheets and closed his eyes. It was over and as the sensation of safety spread through his body Kyle smiled. "By the way how did you find me? The room I was trapped in was sealed from the outside world."

Reina lips twitched into a somewhat smug curl, "Careful use of planning and a very worried Hero. We sent search parties out into the city and Councilman Tombre offered his own men to help. Just in case we monitored the movements of everyone we could for anything suspicious and when the Councilman's team vanished it didn't take long for us to notice. The problem however was that we still couldn't make out your exact location. Lillia was the one who eventually pulled you out."

"It sounds like you went through a lot to find me."

"We really did. Be thankful that the Hero's Guard considers you a valuable asset."

"And... what should I do now?"

Reina looked at him with calculative eyes, "Go back to sleep. None of us were expecting you to wake so soon. Honestly I was only here to make sure you saw a familiar face on the slim chance you did. I'll make sure to inform someone you're more akin to." She was already preparing to leave.

"Wait Reina," Kyle called quickly. "I... thank you, for a lot of things. For being here and also for teaching me what you could. Without it I never would have made it back. I really do appreciate what you do for all of us."

Her expression half hidden she nodded, "I was just doing my duty." And with that she left and Kyle slumped back onto the bed.


In the private room of the Garden four individuals sat. A day had passed since Kyle's kidnapping and many things had been sorted out. It didn't take long for him to return to the Garden due to Maila's insistence and now finally together with Lillia and the Captain the four could sit down and talk. Lillia sat close by Kyle's side as Maila and Bethial sat opposite of them.

"How is your health Kyle?" the Captain asked as he placed his cup of tea back to the table.

"I'm fine. Actually I'm better than fine," Kyle began with a wry smile. "To be honest since I woke up I've felt like I'm full of energy."

"That's... unusual," Bethial's eyes flicked to the young man's hair which was now more than a third white.

Maila nodded, "He told me before but for now I've banned him from doing any sort of physical or mental exertion."

Kyle couldn't help stiffen. When he had arrived back to the Garden it had been more than just being told. Maila had almost squeezed the life out of him and even though it wasn't his fault he had been lectured to no end. That was before he had to deal with the onslaught of children who paraded after him as well. If it weren't for Lillia's arrival at the same time splitting away the attention, he might have been crushed by their questions.

"Right that would be for the best," the Captain nodded. "I've come today to bring some news as well as clarify a few of things we've discovered from your kidnapping. Councilman Tombre has had his position revoked due to his involvement however his power is one that we can't just dismiss entirely."

"That's understandable," Kyle's hands tensed against his legs. Not only was the old man a leading member of the world's government but also one of the key technological developers especially in weaponry. As long as the two never saw each other again, he was content with the result.

"And about the people that kidnapped you." The Captain's eyes firmed, "Understand that what you accomplished was no small feat. In particular Tibul Winter and Karster Gunn were both wanted criminals. The former served in the Elmori Guard and was up for recommendation to join us however due to some criminal activity he was dismissed dishonourably. Karster as well once served in the Lavise Guard but was expelled after it was found he was committing atrocious acts while using his position as cover. Both of these men had significant bounties on their head. Bounties that now belong to you." Without warning a hefty bag of coins was placed on the table. From the sound alone they weren't the lighter variety. "Congratulations. This deed alone would merit you joining any of the Guards or Armies of the four states with good credibility."

Kyle gulped. He wasn't one to be swayed by money but the amount in front of him would be enough to buy a decent house in the City's lower quarter. Lillia and Maila however regarded it with little interest, the two who didn't get out much and lacked a sense for the cost of living.

Pushing the reward from his mind Kyle focused to a different topic, "Umm Captain if you're saying that... does that grant me enough capability to join you on the next incursion?"

Maila quickly jumped in, "Wait Kyle that's something different. We can't just have you go out. The way your body is... and how little experience you actually have, it would be too dangerous."

"My words as well," the Captain agreed. "Which brings us to our next point of discussion. The night Kyle was kidnapped we picked up the location of the next incursion. We'll have to depart within the week."

"A week!?" Kyle snapped. That wasn't enough time for him to get stronger and as his eyes turned to Lillia who had just woken up all he could feel was the sense of losing her again. "Please Captain you have to let me go as well. I'll stay out of the way and only help where I can. I've been studying the massaging techniques and I can cook and clean too." The thought of losing someone again haunted his mind. As long as he could, he'd never let any of the children from the Garden go and at the very least he wanted to be there for them.

"I'll leave that decision to someone else," the Captain turned his eyes beside Kyle. "Lillia I know you have just woken but the world needs you. As for Kyle, you can decide if he were to join us."

"Lillia I-," Kyle began but was cut off as Lillia faced the Captain resolutely.

"Where are we going?" her words were firm.

"Elmori City. The incursion will appear within the city limits. Our preparations have already begun."

The purple haired girl paused. Her eyes turned downwards in thought refusing to look at any of the people around her. Finally she turned towards Kyle, "Sorry but I can't have you disappear again."

"Lillia- but-," the words broke down in his mouth. How could he go against her when she looked at him like that? Pure eyes with no hint of anything but care.

She smiled, "I'm strong enough to take down a Primarch by myself. You helped me achieve that."

"And if next time you don't wake up?"

"I won't have to. No matter what happens this time I won't be leaving you behind again."

He laughed dryly, "But you are."

Lillia's expression tightened into a smirk, "You know what I meant."

"Then I'll respect your decision," he nodded slowly. What he didn't say however was whether he'd accept it.

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