What It Means To Be King

By AlexisChandler280

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Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chaoter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chpater 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
Chapter 50
Chapter 51
Chapter 52
Chapter 53
Chapter 54
Chapter 55
Chapter 56
Chapter 57
Chapter 58
Chapter 59
Chapter 60
Chapter 61
Chapter 62
Chapter 63
Chapter 64
Chapter 65
Chapter 66
Chapter 67
Chapter 68
Chapter 69
Chapter 70
Chapter 71
Chapter 72
Chapter 73
Chapter 74
Chapter 75
Chapter 76
Chapter 77

Chapter 12

1.1K 60 9
By AlexisChandler280


Heyyyy! I smiled at Kayla waving to her! She was walking into the hotel. We ran to each other and hugged each other tight. We have grown to love each other over these few weeks we've know each other. I looked at her like a sister.

Come on you ready? She asked pulling me to the door. We agreed to have a girls day. We where gonna get our hair and nails done and get something to eat after.

I've been dying to get my hair done! Thank you! I smiled putting my seat belt on. I've been dying to do anything honestly. The more I stayed in the room without any one or talking to anyone the more I get to thinking. Action really kilt my mom. I don't know if I was mad, sad, or happy! I know he saved my life again cause she definitely was gonna kill me that time for sure. I couldn't help but wonder why I haven't talked to him yet it's been days almost a week since I seen or talked to him. He isn't texting me back nor is he answering the phone. I hope he was okay.

Our first stop was the mall. We got our nails and feet done and I was in love with my set. I swear this was just what I needed! I felt like me again! The real me, me before all this happened to me!

Oh there's my brother girlfriend what her ass doing in a damn bridal shop!come on girl! Kayla said pulling me into the bridal store. "Why you trying on dresses!" Kayla asked the girl. The girl held her hand out showing off this huge ring.

He purposed! She squealed I'm excitement. She was so beautiful! And she looked even more beautiful in that dress.

Oh my god congratulations! Kayla squealed but I could tell it was fake I was trying not to laugh. "Oh, YaYa this is Chanel my friend, Nell this is YaYa, Actions girlfriend well fiancé now!" Kayla said introducing us.

Fiancé? I asked choking on my drink. I swear those words cut my throat wide open. A million things started running through my head. Action had a fiancé?! What? Kayla didn't know about us or I'm sure she wouldn't of introduced us to each other. Fiancé?

You okay? Kayla asked patting my back as I choked.

I'm fine! I said clearing my throat and wiping my eyes.

Hi hun! Nice to meet you! She smiled.

I'm going to be sick! I said before walking away from the both of them. I ran over to the garbage can and started throwing up. I wanted to run and cry. It all makes sense now. When he's not with me he doesn't text back or answer cause he's with her. His phone is off at night even when he's with me. He always comes or leaves at a certain time.

Chanel you okay? Kayla asked rubbing my back.

I'm fine! I said walking off. I honestly didn't wanna be no where near her, or him, or anybody for that matter right now. My head was spinning. How could he lie to me. I asked him....I asked him did he have a bitch! This is why I didn't wanna get attached to him. I started falling in love with a complete liar. I let a complete liar have sex with me raw so many times oh my god I let him cum in me! I wanted to scream. I was hurt! Why would he lie to me!

I went to the Uber waiting area and waited for my Uber. I wiped my tears that had fallen and got in the car. I wish I had some where else to go cause I would leave this hotel.

I went up to my room and I took my stuff off and I cried, I cried so hard. I never been this emotional in my life. I thought my Superman was real! Turns out he just like the rest of these bum ass niggas.

I pulled the covers over me and just starred out the window watching the rain drops come down. How do you just lie to a person like that.


I sat on the bed giving Chanel small kisses to wake her up. I haven't seen my baby in a minute and I desperately missed her. I stopped and grabbed some roses and sun flowers on the way here. She finally opened her eyes and they where blood shot red.

You okay? I asked holding her chin up. She pushed my hand away from her and sat up. "What's wrong?" I asked moving back a bit and she sat fully up.

Why are you here? She asked folding her arms. She clearly was pissed off.

What you mean? I missed you I been busy as hell.

Save the fuckin lies Action!

Action since when you call me that?!

Since you started to become him again! Look just leave me the fuck alone! She said sternly.

Nah be an adult and talk to me! I said annoyed. She got up and stood to her feet.

I fuckin asked you did you have a bitch snd you said no right.

You know I don't got no bitch.

You sure about that? I was with your sister Kayla today! We went and got our nails and feet done and we bumped into your fiancé today! Muthafucka you got a whole fuckin fiancé! She yelled loud as hell.

My heart was in my ass right now! I couldn't even think straight or come up with anything at this moment. I was stuck. She pushed me mad as hell.

A fuckin fiancé Action!

Look I can explain!

Naw I don't wanna hear nun that shit from you. I don't want nothing else to do with you! You up in here taking me on dates, wining and dinning me, telling me you want me to have your fuckin baby Action and you got a whole fiancé! I told you I don't wanna get attached to you if you gone be playing some mind games and you swear you wasn't on that type of time you swear you wasn't! I started to fall in love with you stupid! She yelled hitting me again. She was crying so hard. I grabbed her hands and put her in a bear hug.

Please let me explain, I didn't wanna hurt you!

I don't wanna hear it! You lied to me.

I didn't lie!

Yes you did!

What the fuck you want me to say Chanel? I'm sorry shit was not suppose to happen....you damn sure wasn't suppose to find out about her and she wasn't suppose to find out about you.

You think playing to girls is cool?

NO! Usually I wouldn't of gave not one fuck but I know I couldn't lose you! What you want me to say? Huh? I LOVE YOU! Is that what you wanna hear? Cause it's fuckin true. I fell in love with you from the moment I laid my eyes on you in that alley. I knew I had to protect you and care for you since day one. I liked the way you was making me feel! I like the way you made me feel like I was important, I liked the way you was fuckin me, cleaning, and cooking! You made shit different, I fell in love with you!

You don't love me!

Yes I do baby girl!

You can't love two people at once Action! And you asked her to marry you so obviously that's the one you loved.

No I don't....I mean it's complicated. We was on bad rocky terms with each other. I was with her for two years....her parents came to town and all this talk about marriage and babies and I panicked and asked her to marry me on some shit to shut everybody up type shit. Since you came into my life I ain't did shit but ignore her. Your constantly on my mind and it's been proving I'll do anything for you. I don't share my feelings or use that love word at all but I know I love you. Hell on my soul I never ever thought about having kids or any of that but you make me wanna change that I ain't never ask any bitch to have my baby while we fuckin.....I ain't never fuck without a condom even her she gets fucked with a condom! I want you to have my baby I want you to be my wife. I fell in love with you Chanel! I yelled. I had tears in my eyes cause I was actually emotional as fuck. I hate saying it or admitting it. Y'all know that's not me. I was in love and I didn't know how to handle my emotions.

I think you should leave this isn't gonna work out between us. I'm nobodies side bitch, or second choice! I'm not no ones secret. If I can't have all of you than I don't want nun of you! She said crying. I shook my head and just walked out. I can't keep explaining.

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