What It Means To Be King

By AlexisChandler280

81.1K 3.7K 661


Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chaoter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
Chapter 50
Chapter 51
Chapter 52
Chapter 53
Chapter 54
Chapter 55
Chapter 56
Chapter 57
Chapter 58
Chapter 59
Chapter 60
Chapter 61
Chapter 62
Chapter 63
Chapter 64
Chapter 65
Chapter 66
Chapter 67
Chapter 68
Chapter 69
Chapter 70
Chapter 71
Chapter 72
Chapter 73
Chapter 74
Chapter 75
Chapter 76
Chapter 77

Chpater 8

1.3K 57 8
By AlexisChandler280

It was 6:40'in the morning and Chanel was fully dressed. After last night we went a couple rounds and I stayed the night.

Where you going? I asked sitting up.

To work! She smiled widely.

Work? I was a lil thrown off.

Yeah...I got a job at the front desk downstairs. She said excitedly. "I had started last Friday!"

I was taken back by what she just said. I actually was impressed. Here it is this girl came from a bad ass situation to being stuck into a hotel room and she still find away to make her life work. YaYa would never especially if she knew she was messing with me. A drug lord with a bunch of money. "You know you don't have to work....I'll support you and take care of you!" I said in all honesty cause I really wanted to.

Thank you but no thank you! Action your money is your money, I'm alive well and able to fend for myself.

I know you can but ima take care of you too!

Let me be the one to take care of you! She smiled climbing on top of me and kissing me. I rolled over on top of her. I wanted to tear her down right now. Everything that came out her mouth turned me on.

You can! I said as I started to pull her pants down.

No! I have to be downstairs at 7!

Let me just taste it.

No I'm gonna wanna fuck! She laughed.

Just a lil!

Action no ima be late! She laughed. "If you come back tonight we can do it all night long!" She said smiling.

Ight! Ima hold you to that! I'm talkin fuckin you out yo sleep type shit!

Okay I hear you! She laughed getting up. She fixed herself and grabbed her phone. "I'll see you later!" She said standing on her toes to kiss me.

Ight have a good day beautiful! I smiled. I grabbed my clothes to get dress and left out a little after her.

Chanel was definitely somebody I could see myself with I mean she was sayin all the right things I wanted to hear and see. I was so attracted to her physically and mentally.

You off exactly at 3? I asked her walking up to the front desk. She looked so cute.


Ight come outside soon as you clock out. Ima pick you up.

Okay! Bye Action! She smiled shyly. Her coworkers was fan girling over me as I walked away. I could hear her talking saying he fine as hell remarks and all Chanel did was smile. I was happy to say I was the one who could make her smile like that.

I pulled up to my house and all the lights was still off must of ment YaYa was either gone or still sleep. I walked into my closet stripping off all my clothes and got right in the shower. The hot water felt good as fuck on my body. I washed and hurried up and got out.

Where the fuck was you at last night? YaYa asked coming into my closet. I must of woke her ass up.

Ya please don't start.

Is it a crime to want your man to be home every night like come on Quez! I just feel like you don't love me any more.

You knew what I came with when you decided you wanted to get in a relationship with me dude. You know I run the streets.

Every single night though Quez? Than you never answer your phone at all. How would you like it if that's what I started doing?

Is that what you wanna do? I yelled back. I was getting sick of this bitch. I put on a all black A'different Vibe Reloaded sweat suit and my all white ones. I spayed some cologne on and grabbed a few diamonds.

Where you going?! I'm trying to talk to you!

I'm tired of talking!

You walk out that door Quez and I won't be here when you get back! She blurted out with tears on her tongue. "I love you so much and the way you treat me is unreal!"

How I treat you Yasmine? Cause last I checked it was like a fuckin Queen! You so use to shit going yo way it don't make no fuckin sense bro! Not once have you ever in this fuckin relationship asked about me and how I was doing did I need anything or help with anything. You prance around here with my money driving my cars living in my house. Let's fuckin face it bitch everything you got is cause of me. I put you on! You the baddest bitch cause I made you the baddest bitch! You mad cause I don't come home at night! To keep these fuckin lights on, keep you dripping in diamonds, 30K shopping sprees every other day, driving the best and nicest cars, vacations yeah all that shit on me! I work hard so you could live comfortable and all you fuckin do is nag, piss me off, accuse me of doing shit I'm not even fuckin doin! You wanted to get married I purpose to yo ass you can't never fuckin be happy. If you gone leave than leave. Leave all my keys to my houses, to my cars, all these clothes shoes, and purses don't leave with that I bought you! I yelled at her before walking out my fuckin room. I could hear her breaking down in tears I know i hit a nerve.  My great morning was turning sour as fuck. All I wanted to do was be back in Chanel's presence to make all this shit go away.

I walked into the trap and went straight to my office. I pulled up last nights activity log to see who was here and who wasn't. I ran my payrolls like an  actual business you don't clock in you don't get paid.

Sup brah! Smooth said coming into the office.

Yo bra come here! I yelled back at him.

Yo yo? He said sitting in front of my desk. I dropped the logs in front of him.

Tell me if you see what I see. He picked up the papers and looked them over.

Why is Drose short a stack? And it's the third time this week! I was just looking at his logs last week wondering why he was short a second week. He said putting the papers down.

This yo people's people what you gone do?

I don't think he would steal especially not from me but however you know I don't play that shit. Ima put him on watch tonight. Stick kid on his ass he gone watch him like a hawk not even gone know he being watched. We gone see where our money going.

Ight I really hope his block just a lil slow. I'd hate to have to kill his young ass!

Shit me to but he knew what he signed up for when he got in the game.

Nah dead ass! It can go one or two ways.

Facts brah I'ma see what sticky say and we can take it from there.

Ight blood! He got up and went back into his office.

I finished going through paper work before going downstairs and getting the next few drops ready for the runners.

By the time I was done it was time to run the mid morning meeting. I went into the living room where everybody was waiting for me and Smooth at. I took my seat at the head of the table while smooth started the meeting. It was his day to run it.

"I miss you!"

I looked down at my phone and smiled. My fingers texted back faster than I could process the message. "I miss you to baby girl"

Action! Smooth yelled breaking me from my daze.


Anything else you wanna add?

Oh um runners no speeding! Please do not speed or draw any type of attention to your self while driving. You are carrying my product. You get caught or pulled over by police that creates a huge problem. Do not speed drive normal please I do not wanna have to repeat myself thank you! I said getting up from the table.

The fuck was you smiling at yo phone for? Smooth asked laughing walking behind me.

Wasn't nobody smiling at they phone! I laughed. I grabbed some weed out the weed room and some papers to roll up.

Nigga yes you was you wasn't hearing shit being said.

Whatever Nigga you wanna hit this! I said as I took a puff and passed him the weed.

Hey Action and Smooth can I talk to y'all for a minute in private! Drose said coming up to us.
His voice sounded sad and he was hurt.

Come in the office! I nodded walking towards the stairs. After he came in I closed the door and sat on my desk while he sat in the chair in front of me.

What's up Lil man? Smooth asked. Drose was like 14 years old. A young Lil Nigga.

Look when I asked y'all for help it was cause I didn't have no food in my house and my mama couldn't keep the lights or hot water on. I just wanted to help. I don't think this for me!

What you mean kid? I asked confused.

The money I be making at night.....I got robbed 3 times and last night was one of them times. The money I be having saved at home is the money I use to pay y'all back.

You know who be robbin you? He nodded his head slowly.

It's the same kids that pick on me at school. I figure if I don't sale no more than they can't rob me and I won't lose y'all money. I don't have anything else stashed at home that I could pay y'all with.

You got food and shit at home y'all lights on and gas on?

No sir! I had to pay y'all back this week and last week so I wasn't able to pay our bills!

My heart was torn from everything he was saying right now. "Come on!" I opened the door and they followed me out. "Where you live D?"

Down in the Valley!

Ight get in! I opened my car door and we got in the car. I sped off heading down to the Valley. This was the trenches for real. I'll never forget where I came from. Me and my siblings struggled to make it out of here.

There go them dudes that be robbin me! His name right there is Tae he like they leader. D pointed out. I stopped my truck in the middle of the street grabbing my gun out the compartment and me and smooth booth jumped out.

Oh you Tae right? I asked with a smirk. "You know who I am Tae?"  I asked leaning back on a car that they was standing by. These lil muthafuckas looked like they seen a ghost.

You....you... you Action!

And you know who that is?

Smooth! Y'all Legends around here! He said swallowing hard.

You right but you wrong! We the niggas you been stealing from.

Nawww Mr Action I would never it ain't even like that! He said with a raspy voice like he wanted to cry.

Actually you have the Lil Nigga Drose you been making fun of and robbing you see kid that's my peoples and I don't take that shit lightly! Smooth said standing up getting in his face.

Let this be a fuckin warning to any of y'all little bitches I will come and kill every single fuckin one of y'all, y'all mothers, y'all fathers, y'all fuckin grand parents, y'all fuckin brothers and sisters, aunts and uncles. Everybody you ever fuckin loved! Play with my money again! I yelled putting my glock to this lil Nigga head! "Do I fuckin make myself clear!" I yelled furious. I let him go and they nodded they heads in fear. "Ight good!" I said licking my lips tucking my gun behind my back and getting back in my truck.

Now where you live again D? I questioned pulling off. He pointed to the house and I pulled up.

Go get me any bill information! Whether it's lights, gas, internet, cable, phone! Whatever bring it. He got out the car and ran to the porch. He opened the mailbox and grabbed all the mail and took the big red eviction sign down off the door. He looked crushed. He had tears in his eyes. He came back to the truck like he was being strong.

I pulled off going to the store around the corner. I took the bills from his hand and went in the store to pay all them and back payments. I put 1,000 balances on each bill so they can be auto paid for a while.  I drove to the apartment office and paid they back rent and paid they rent up for 6 months.

D where yo moma?

She in the house.! We all got out the car and went into the apartment. His mom was sitting at her dinning room table with $500 dollars in front of her and a bunch of bills and a calculator trying to figure out how she was gone make something happen.

Ma! D called out. She looked up and looked shock.

Hi Ms. Jones! I'm Action and this is my brother Smooth. D is one of the kids we are mentoring. He told us why he's doing the program to help you.

Yeah me and my brother are all about single parent homes that's struggling.! Smooth added.

I paid your bills and you have a 1,000 balance on each one so you don't have to worry about anything getting cut off for a while. I also paid your back rent and your rent up for 6 months! So you don't have to worry about that eviction either.

And I'd like to give you 10,000 dollars Ms Jones! Smooth said sitting the envelope down on her table in front of her. She started crying her eyes out and so did D.

I'm adding 5,000 to that! I said putting my envelope down as well.

Oh my god thank you, thank you! She said crying so hard. "I was just trying to figure out how I'm going to  pay anything or where we could live or what shelter takes mothers and kids and you to angels walk in my door. Oh my god thank you!" She cried harder. We both gave her a hug in comfort. She was crying so hard. It warmed my heart inside and I smiled. People think we just gang bangers and criminals, but we are so much more than that.

No problem Ms Jones, enjoy! I said with a smile.

Thank you so much Action and Smooth! D said following us to the door.

D your a bright kid this from me and Action.! Smooth smiled handing him an envelope. We both have him 1,500 a piece just to that's to his self.

I want you to stay in school kid get good grades and be great. The streets not for everybody and that's okay! You gone be something else great in life! Stay outta trouble lil man! I said with a smile giving him a pound.

We got back in the truck and I pulled off. "What time is it?" I asked more to myself than to my bro.

Shit like 2:55! He said excitedly.

Fuck ima be late! I said pissed.

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