๐€๐‹๐–๐€๐˜๐’ ๐€๐๐ƒ ๐…๐Ž๐‘๐„๏ฟฝ...

By _mrsmikaelson

165K 3.7K 4.6K

[๐–ฎ๐–ญ ๐–ฆ๐–ฎ๐–จ๐–ญ๐–ฆ] โ ๐–บ๐—…๐—๐–บ๐—’๐—Œ ๐–บ๐—‡๐–ฝ ๐–ฟ๐—ˆ๐—‹๐–พ๐—๐–พ๐—‹? โž โ–ƒโ–ƒโ–ƒโ–ƒโ–ƒโ–ƒโ–ƒโ–ƒโ–ƒโ–ƒโ–ƒโ–ƒโ–ƒโ–ƒ ๐—‚๐—‡ ๐—๐—๐—‚๐–ผ๐— ๐– ๐—…๐—…๐—‚๐—Œ๐—ˆ๐—‡ ๐–ฅ๐—ˆ๏ฟฝ... More

๐€๐‹๐‹๐ˆ๐’๐Ž๐'๐’ ๐๐Ž๐–๐„๐‘๐’
๐๐€๐‘๐“ ๐Ž๐๐„
01. sixties dance
02. the enchantress
03. really sexy babies
04. I am not 'your love'
05. the ritual
06. kidnapped
07. she lost control again
08. I promise we're not serial killers
09. ray sutton
10. theodore?
11. I can't kiss you, klaus
12. noah ortiz
13. a tampon, really?
14. rebekah mikaelson
15. does that mean I can fuck bex?
16. dead racoon
17. what's up, babe?
18. finally free
๐๐€๐‘๐“ ๐“๐–๐Ž
19. senior prank night
20. please remember me
21. first day of senior year
23. you never told me you were gay
24. birth family
25. astrid emerson
26. mikaelson past
27. you only seem to care about yourself
28. In love with klaus mikaelson
29. prom
30. I'm a petrova, not stupid
31. mikael
32. he tried to kiss me
33. spilling secrets
34. klaus is your romeo
35. pregnant with a square baby?
36. a birthday funeral
37. kidnapped for the third time
38. parents aren't supposed to outlive their children
39. mikaelson ball
40. always and forever
41. the original snogger
42. old friend
43. first kill
44. unlink
45. alaric killed dad
46. twenties dance
47. crazy vampire alaric
48. I'm gonna lose everyone
49. wickery bridge
๐๐€๐‘๐“ ๐“๐‡๐‘๐„๐„
50. the purple poison
51. whitmore college
52. birthday
53. promise ring
54. what are you?
55. miss mystic falls
56. the truth about lily
57. all my fault
58. ted petrova
59. cancer
60. beatrice emerson
61. my side of the story
62. to the moon and back
63. portend
64. follow your heart
65. haven't I given enough
66. see if you have it on
67. dormant
68. the death cure
69. just wake up soon
70. the funeral
๐“๐‡๐„ ๐‹๐„๐“๐“๐„๐‘๐’

22. a life without you in it

1.3K 31 33
By _mrsmikaelson


Allison parked up the car after a rough ride. Actually that was an understatement. It was an atrocious ride. They all came out of the car, with a heavy sigh. Their hair stuck up in the wrong places and they looked as if they were electrocuted. Caroline groaned and shunned at the same time if that even was possible, "No, my hair!"

Theo looked pissed, "I look like fucking Albert Einstein."

Allison chuckled and they all glared at her. "Well do something then." Theo and Caroline said, looking blanking at her.

"Alright, Alright. Usque ad." She clicked her fingers and within seconds, their hair went back to normal and they no longer looked like three mini electrocuted Einstein's.

"Bye, losers." Theo stuck his middle finger at them as he walked off to go to his friends.

If he even had friends.

And Caroline and Allison went to find Bonnie and Elena. The outside of the school was filled with hormonal teens, excited to see their friends and ready to start the new school year.

The four of them stood together in a line. Bonnie's arms on her hips, Elena clutching her bag tight. She was wearing a scarf around her neck to cover the bruise that was left when Stefan bit her the day prior. Allison stood next to her sister, a look of boredom evident on her face and Caroline admired the moment. "Here we are... senior year."

"Anyone else think this should feel slightly more empowering?" Bonnie asked, her hands still glued to her hips.

Caroline looked at everyone's bored faces and sighed, "Okay, so prank night was a bust but we are accepting it and we're moving on." She said in a cheery voice making Allison groan and her enthusiasm at this time in the morning.

"How are you always so awake in the mornings?" Allison yawned, placing her hand over her mouth.

"Coffee. A lot of it." Caroline replied shortly.

Bonnie went back to the conversation they were having before, "You're right. Why should I let the fact that my boyfriend is seeing the ghost of his girlfriends hinder this experience?" Whilst Allison was in Chicago, she broke up with Jeremy over text and he agreed, they were better as friends.

Allison was shocked, "Wait, he did what? I'm going to kill him." Bonnie smiled at her caring friend.

Caroline said sarcastically, "Yes and why should I let the fact that my boyfriend was turned into a hybrid put a damper on an otherwise fabulous day?" Allison rubbed Caroline's shoulder comfortingly as they walked.

"Yeah and why should I let the fact that my brother hates me and that ran for my life to escape the bitch who kidnapped me bother me?" Allison smiled sarcastically as the three girls look at her with sad eyes.

They continued to walk. Allison looked behind to see that Elena stopped, "Today's our anniversary." The rest of them turned around with confused looks, waiting for her to continue, "Technically, Stefan and I met on the first day of school last year." They all gave her looks of sorrow.

"Yeah, you win." Caroline said sadly.

Bonnie gave her best friend a look of sorrow, "Are you sure you wanna be here?"

"If you want to, I can drop you off home?" Allison offered.

Elena flipped her hair back slightly before answering confidently, "I have to be here. I have to put it behind me. New year, new life." She quoted making the other three girls smile.

"Yeah." They smiled before catching up to Elena who was ahead of them now.


First period flew by quickly, since it was an enjoyable lesson and the Bell rang for second period. The flock of students entered Alaric's classroom in a worry to not be late.

They all took their seats and settled down. Tyler and Theo were talking, confusing both Caroline and Allison. The sisters took a seat next to eachother whilst observing their brothers actions. The newly turned hybrids and their brother weren't friends so how come they were talking?

Alaric picked up his chalk and dragged it along the board, writing down the title. Elena, who was next to Caroline, smiled at the Forbes girl. They smiled back. The tension rose when Stefan entered the room, his eyes cold.

The seat next to Elena was occupied by Robert. Stefan stalked over to him, "You're in my seat." Robert stood up and grabbed his things without hesitation. The vampire slapped his back as he left. He smiled at Elena as he sat down, "Hey, you."

The class finally fell silent and Alaric gave his attention to the class of chatty teenagers, "Welcome back, seniors. Let's uh, turn our brains back on, starting with this country's original founders."

Allison kicked Caroline slightly to grab her attention, "Hey, what's Theo doing with Tyler?" She whispered, eyeing her brother and sisters boyfriend tlaking quietly.

"How am I supposed to know?" Caroline responded.

"Oh, I don't know, he's only your boyfriend." Allison sarcastically said as Caroline rolled her eyes at her. Their attention went back to the teacher. Allison was still unsure of why her brother and Tyler were speaking though.

Alaric finished his sentence, " The native Americans."

Everyone's heads snapped to the voice coming through the door, "What about the vikings?" Rebekah walked in with her head held high. Tyler's eyes widened and Theo hit his shoulder for answers.

"There's no evidence that viking explorers actually settled in the United States." Alaric answered her question. Stefan sighed, Elena's jaw dropped and Caroline scoffed. Allison was staring into space whilst chewing on her pen.

Rebekah took a seat in front of Allison, making her groan, "You have got to be kidding me." The Enchantress whispered to Elena and Caroline.

"Who are you?" Alaric asked.

"My names Rebekah. I'm new and history's my favorite subject." Her fingers rested under her chin as she flashed the history teacher a smile. She turned around, her blonde hair hitting Broady's face before turning back around, this time, her hair hitting Allison's face and sending her a small smile.

"Oh fuck this." Allison said aloud before getting of her seat and roughly tucking her chair in. She picked up her bag before narrowing her eyes at the smirking Rebekah and storming out.

She left the building, stopping when she saw Matt and Jeremy outside. "Hey guys, why aren't you in class?"

"More like, why aren't you in class." Jeremy snorted.

"More like why aren't all of you in class." Matt, Jeremy and Allison all turn around the see the headmistress with her arms crossed and her lips pressed together tightly.

"Run, Allison, run!" Matt ordered as Allison sprant away as fast as she possibly could. When she was as far away as possible she sighed in relief, holding her chest to calm down her heart rate. Her head tilted upwards as she looked up into the sky.

She was in the park just in front of grill. Her eyes caught a dead plant next to the bench she was approaching. Making sure no one was around to see, she stopped before it and gentally held one of its leaves. The dead flower rose up magically and its colour went back to its majestic, royal purple. She smiled to her self before leaving the park.


After running out of school, Allison had called her mother to pick her up. The sheriff made no move to ask her why she'd left school as her daughter was obviously in an irritable mood.

The ride back home was silent until Allison's phone vibrated in her hand. She unlocked it to see a message from Klaus.

"Oh my God." She groaned, not wanting to deal with the irritating man she had a crush on.

Liz furrowed her eyebrows in question and glanced to the side to see Allison's face, "What's up?"

"Klaus is texting me." The werewolf rolled her eyes, just knowing he was going to ask for something.

"Why's he texting you?" Liz became a little overprotective, "I swear on your grandma if he says anything to you I will shoot him without hesitation." She snapped. From what she heard from everyone, she pieced together that her daughter had been kidnapped — not long ago — and forced to stay with the monster who had a knack for decreasing the small towns population.

"Geez, calm down mom he just said hi." Allison thought for a second,, trying to think of some of the many reasons of why he'd say hello, "So he's probably trying to annoy me because he's bored or he wants something from me.

"Well, don't do anything for that monster." Her mother said, giving her another warned before focusing back on the road.

"Not making any promises mom." She dragged on playfully before opening up the messages she had received from the hybrid.

From: Nik the dick with a hairy bum 🐺

Hello, love.

To: Nik the dick with a hairy bum 🐺

What do you want, Klaus?

From: Nik the dick with a hairy bum 🐺

Well, for starters I would love it if you wouldn't be so rude and just say hi. And you don't have to call me Klaus anymore since we're, what do they call it? Ah, besties now.

To: Nik the dick with a hairy bum 🐺

I wanna throw up right now. 🤢

From: Nik the dick with a hairy bum 🐺

You're showing symptoms of being pregnant. Didn't your mother ever tell you to use protection? Wrap that willy before you tap it.🤰😈

To: Nik the dick with the hairy bum 🐺

I don't have a willy, dumbass.

From: Nik the dick with a hairy bum 🐺

Correct, you have a vagina. 😀✔️

To: Nik the dick with a hairy bum 🐺

Please, stop talking.

Allison sighed, her fingers resting on her right temple, already done with the man, "This stupid man."

"He's annoying you, right?" Liz asked. She could tell when her daughter was annoyed and this was one of those moments.

"Yes." She stated before looking back at her phone. They were about five minutes away from the house.

From: Nik the dick with a hairy bum 🐺

Now, shall I tell your mother about the naughty activities you do in your free time? 🤔

To: Nik the dick with a hairy bum 🐺

You remind me of those old people who discover what emoji's are and then never stop using them and I'm a virgin, you dick.

From: Nik the dick with a hairy bum 🐺

That's great.

To: Nik the dick with a hairy bum 🐺

Why, weirdo?

From: Nik the dick with a hairy bum 🐺

No reason. Now, I need your help with something, I need you to do a spell for me so I know where all of the wolves are. It's not that easily to find the broody lot.

To: Nik the dick with a hairy bum 🐺

Now way, I'm helping you kill wolves. They're our family. Go do something better like adopt a puppy.

From: Nik the dick with a hairy bum 🐺

No, love. You're just helping me find them. Will you do it, for me, please? 🥺

To: Nik the dick with a hairy bum 🐺

Fuck off, Klaus. Seriously.

From: Nik the dick with a hairy bum 🐺


To: Nik the dick with a hairy bum 🐺

Fine then, Nik the dick with a hairy bum. 🐺

From: Nik the dick with a hairy bum 🐺

When are you going to stop calling me that? I don't like being bullied. 😖

To: Nik the dick with a hairy bum 🐺

Never, so deal with it. So, if I do this spell for you, what's in it for me?

From: Nik the dick with a hairy bum 🐺

Well, you are texting the Klaus Mikaelson the superior hybrid so what else could you possibly want?

To: Nik the dick with a hairy bum 🐺

A life without you in it.

Allison closed her phone to see that they were finally at home. Her phone kept vibrating in her hand and then began to ring.

"You gonna get that?" Liz asked her daughter as she unbuckled her seat belt. She looked at the caller ID. Her eyes went wide, "Who's 'Nik the dick with a hairy bum' wolf emoji?"

"Oh, that's Klaus. Don't ask." Allison sighed before opening the car door and exiting the vehicle. A few seconds later her mother got out.

"I have to go back in an hour so will you be fine alone?" Liz asked her daughter as she opened the house door and stepped in, Allison following close behind.

"Mom, I'll be fine. I'm not a kid anymore and you've left me home alone a numerous amount of times." The Enchantress placed her bag on the shelf beside her as she removed her trainers from her feet.

"I know. I know." Liz exhaled, "But I don't know what could happen. Like if that witch, Beatrice swoops in and kidnaps you or something or does a spell on you to hurt you. I don't want you to get hurt, your still my little baby."

"Mom, don't worry. I'm more than capable of protecting myself. It's you that needs protecting. If Beatrice ever comes she can kill you in an instant, because you're human." Allison looked down at the hard floor as she imagined Beatrice killing her adoptive mother.

She'd already seen Beatrice kill her birth mother in that terrible witchy dream she had. She couldn't bare to see her other mother get killed in front of her too, "I'm gonna head upstairs." She said before jogging up the stairs and entering her room.

As she closed her door, Liz stood there speechless. She was her mother. She was the one who had to look after her not Allison. The sheriff sighed before going into the kitchen to make something to eat before heading back to work.


A few hours later, the sun vanished and the moon rose. Allison and Caroline were in their beds, on their phones, exchanging a few words every so often.

Caroline sighed, getting up from her bed and throwing her pillow at her now sleeping sister. Allison was knocked out on her bed, her face facing the ceiling. She stirred awake after sister came up to her and hit her with the pillow again.

"Seriously? Is that all you do?" Allison groaned, her voice slightly croaky from just waking up.

Caroline simply rolled her eyes at her and spoke, "We and going to the bonfire tonight." She insisted.

"Oh, come on. Do I have to? I'm tired."

"Yes, you do. It's tradition." She started to ramble about how they went to it every year since 9th grade and how this was the last one they'd ever go to so they had it make it count, "Now get up." Caroline grunted, using her vampire strength to drag her sleepy sister off the bed, "Now go to the bathroom and wash your face so you wake up a little bit."

The Enchantress slugged the the bathroom slowly, "Okay mom." She commented sarcastically, closing the bathroom door before she could get hit with the pillow Caroline threw. She chuckled as she heard the vampires defeated sigh.

Allison opened the tap and turned on the warm water so she could wash her face with it. She then flicked some cold water in her face to wake her up. When she felt something cold go down her nose, she brought her hand up to touch it. She looked down on the top of her finger to see blood. She looked up in the mirror for a second, seeing something.

Jet black hair, pimpled face, black mole on her left cheek, black sparkling mask and blood curdling smile. We all knew who it was: Beatrice.

Her heart stopped, eyes widened and mouth opened when she looked back to see that she was gone. She knew that Beatrice was always watching her and there was nothing she could do.

She grabbed her face towel from the side and wiped her face with it. She got out of the batch room as quickly as possible. Caroline, her sister, seeing that she was distressed walked over to her with her brows furrowed in concern, "Ally, you okay?"

Allison's eyes averted from the beige carpet to her sister, "I- I saw her again. She won't leave me alone. Why is she always there. Doesn't she have anything else to do!" Allison snapped.

"Who?" Caroline asked clueless to who the person bothering her sister was.

"Who the fuck do you think it is?" She lashed out at her sister, making the blonde flinch. Allison's mouth reached the floor by now as she realised what she had done. She had scared her sister.

"Caroline... I'm so sorry. I- I didn't mean to take it out on you. It's just that..." Before Allison could finish, Caroline smiled.

"It's fine, Ally. Now let's forget about that bitch." She figured out who it was by her sisters reaction, "She seems desperate." One thing Caroline Forbes was good at was making people laugh, especially her younger sister. She was only a few months older but couldn't stop rubbing it in her face just like Theo and the fact that he's like ten minutes older than Allison.


"Now let's get you ready for this par-tay." She shook her sister before grabbing her makeup and making a stand on making her sister look like a barbie doll.


As Caroline touched up her lipstick, she complained about how Rebekah stole her popularity, cheerleading team and now maybe her boyfriend. Allison zoned out in the middle of the conversation, thinking about Rebekah. She looked in the mirror, her hand on her neck. It felt empty now without the best friend necklace Rebekah had bought her on their first day of them being friends. It was odd but she didn't blame her because she's never really had any friends.

She just wish Rebekah had apologised and then they could be friends again. Maybe. They had only been friend for a a couple of days but knew each other so well, thanks to the deep conversations they had shared.

"Allison? Allison." She snapped out of her trans when she heard her name being called by her sister. She turned her head to look at Caroline, responding with a little 'hmm?', "Are you even listening?"

"I'm sorry, I just zoned out." Allison sighed. She was beginning to develop a habit of doing that and she had the break it before it got to her.

"What we're you thinking about, Allison?" The vampire tilted her head to the side slightly, pushing a strand of her golden locks behind her ear.

"Rebekah." With that one word, Caroline let out a gag of disgust, "What?" She looked at the blonde with a confused look.

"Why are you thinking about her for?" The Forbes girl questioned.

"Because we used to be best friends back in Chicago." Allison responded to her sisters question.

She received a confused look from the vampire, "Didn't you know her for like a day?"

"Yeah, but we got really close. She even gave me a friendship necklace that was gold plated but I gave it back to her."

"You're using her for her money aren't you? So you get get whatever you want. I mean, she's rich, isn't she?" At this, Allison playfully slapped her sister on the shoulder.

"I am not using her for her money."

Caroline held her hands up in surrender, "Okay. Alright. Calm down. All I was trying to say was that if I were you I'd totally do that."

Allison rolled her eyes playfully, "You are such a gold digger."

"I am not, I can compel my own money whenever I like but I choose not to because it feels wrong." Caroline said, making Allison chuckle. The werewolf went over to her bed and picked up the beautifully picked out outfit she chose to wear.

Thank God she didn't let Caroline pick her outfit other wise she would've left the house looking like a pink magical explosion like she did this morning.

★ 𝖠 𝖫 𝖫 𝖨 𝖲 𝖮 𝖭 ' 𝖲 𝖮 𝖴 𝖳 𝖥 𝖨 𝖳 ★

She got dressed into a red, fluffy jumper and a pair of beige pants to match.

"Now this looks way better than that pink bubbly explosion you forced me to wear." She looked at her self in the mirror, twirling around. She sat down on the bottom of her bed and slid on her white air forces.

"Hey, I want that dress back by the way." Caroline rolled her eyes. Allison snapped her fingers as Caroline furrowed her eyes brows, not knowing why she did that.

"It's on the bed." We're the only words Allison had said before Caroline spoke again.

"No it's no-" She turned around to face her bed and rolled her eyes when she saw the dress laying on her bed. "I want powers like that."

"You have powers, you can compel people to do whatever you want!" Allison protested as she let her hair loose and combed the knots out of it.

"Fair." Caroline said as she slipped on her shoes on too. She got the can on hairspray from the side of Allison and opened it up, spraying a little on her dirty blonde hair.

Allison put her hair up into a ponytail before waiting for Caroline to finish. The door opened slightly and Theo's head leaked through the door, "Wait for me guys, I'm coming too." The sisters groaned in annoyance.


Word count: 3585


My babies Ally, Theo and Care and finally seniors! I feel like a parent watching her kids grow up except for the fact that they're not my kids.

Rebekah and Ally hate each others guts right now but trust me when I say there going to be a lot of character development and bonding between the two of them!

So don't worry because their friendship is 
gonna get repaired by the amazing Ayesha the builder! 👷‍♀️

Okay I am the most cringest person I know so I think I should stop now.

I'm so exciting to write season three with all of the Mikaelsons coming, it's going to be a blast!

Anyways, remember to vote comment and share, have an amazing day, love you guys bye!

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