Eternal Blood (1)

By xxxAmy2011xxx

143K 987 130

Some are born evil , and some are born with greatness. Emma has a fate ahead of her like no other . A prophec... More

Dark Nights


3.4K 21 6
By xxxAmy2011xxx


It was cold it was wet and it was windy, yeah typical crappy weather its all I needed. Well wasn’t I happy I had a coat on even if It wasn’t waterproof.

I checked my watch it was nearing sundown now when all the vampires come out to play.

I smirked and walked up Lisa’s path I wasn’t too sure what her mom would say to me but it was worth a try.

I knocked the door three times and waited, the footsteps the other side hesitated like they knew it was me, it swung open revealing a lot of light and a very stressed looking women , lisas mom.

“hi” she stared me down for a good minute before answering.

“lisas not here she’s out with a few friends from school.”

“would that be Beth”

“I think so” I smiled well wasn’t that just lovely I come to see my witch best friend and it turns out she was running with werewolves that happened to be my enemy well wasn’t this a nice turn of events. I nodded my head at her and said my goodbyes which wasn’t returned, felt worse than a smack in the face when she slammed the door shut.

So what now go home and get tormented by Kyle, go to where ever Lisa was and get chased by werewolves or go hunt.

Well checked the first one of my list id rather be eaten by a wolf than sit with Kyle all night an day, and I wasn’t very thirsty which made a change, and I was really itching to see Lisa.

I got in my car and turned the heaters on not like they would make much difference there was no way I could ever be warm.

I clicked on the music and sighed lonestar amazed by you, what was it with love tunes lately when I wasn’t or couldn’t be in love.

I thought of all the places Lisa could be which was a lot, I tried the burger bar, the pub, the park, her nans (not the creepy witch ), her sisters and I even parked outside beths house.

But no she wasn’t at any of them how hard was she to find really, unless she really was at home and her mom lied to me.

It felt like forever as I sat outside beths , to be honest I completely forgot I was here, I revved up my engine and drove off well I guess it was hunting after all, I didn’t feel much up for it but id just go for the kill .

There was nothing better than the cries and screams from your victims.

I drove past a field that was just near the town I didn’t expect to see anyone up there but indeed there was a fire and a group of teens living it large drinking a load of beer.

I watched them dance round like idiots feeling a little resentful I mean that was me not so long back.

It had been four months since id woken up in this life and it still felt like a never ending nightmare.

I lay my head on the steering wheel oh how I wished I didn’t have witches blood or a heart in me, I wish I was cold and evil like I was supposed to be, all this thinking gave me brain ache.

I got out my car and leaned up the lamppost watching them , it wasn’t until ten minutes through I noticed one of them was Lisa well wasn’t that weird.

I checked out who she was with before going over I mean I didn’t want to walk straight into a group of werewolves that wanted to kill me.

They didn’t notice me until I was as close to them as the fire, they all looked me up and down some coming together.

Lisa was the first forward .

“what the hell am you doing here”

she didn’t look drunk as she strolled forward but there was alcohol on her breath.

“well I was looking to spend some time with my best friend but apparently she has other things to do”

I looked over her shoulder at the humans that to me looked like major pot heads.

“oh them there some new people I met at my after school club”

“and what after school club would that be” she frowned before muttering under her breath something that sounded to me like chess.

“oh my god did you just say chess”

“shut up I don’t want you insulting my new friends”

“seriously chess is for complete losers”

“have you ever played it” she put her hands on her hips with the attitude that she’d always had.

“actually no I haven’t but I wouldn’t be caught playing it either, so anyway where’s Beth and her cronies” she shrugged and sat on the grass, I glanced over at her friends that seemed to be now in a circle passing something what looked like a bong to one another , jeez I always thought chess kids were loners and geeks obviously not.

“she’s to busy keeping them away from me just in case you show up unexpected like you always seem to do”

“yeah I don’t really no your number”

“you don’t even have a phone Emma”

“ah that’s where your wrong” I pulled out the phone that used to be Toby’s out my pocket I knew it was top of the range before she snatched it off me explaining how expensive these phones were.

“oh my god you can totally bbm me now we can speak all the time now you have one of these even talk on face book” I grabbed the phone off her in shock really I never thought the phone was that good.

“show me how”

She spent the last hour or so trying to explain how the phone works and all the things it does I mean for a vampire I was thick which she reminded me about a dozen times.

I bbm’d her to make sure it worked when her light flashed red I clapped my hands like a school girl.

Just sitting with her felt right, and in just the hour and half id been here I didn’t feel vampire I felt human, I don’t know why but being round her I didn’t crave human blood which was weird for me.

I smiled kissing her on the side of the cheek she flinched back in shock , I didn’t blame her if I was her and a vampire come at me id flinch back to.

I plced my eye cold lips on her cheek and pulled back watching her body un tense.

“um Emma there’s something ive been meaning to ask you”

“yeah” I fiddled round with my phone listening to her nervous voice beside me.

“where did you get the phone”

I didn’t no how to answer that I mean I couldn’t say oh I stole it off a human who im now keeping locked in my bedroom as a pet.

“um it’s a long story,”

“you killed a person for it didn’t you”

“no its not like that”

“Emma how could you after all my gran told you about your sole” I hushed her to keep her voice down as she shouted the words at me , little did I no we were alone on the grassy hill , her friends must of left ages ago.

“I didn’t kill no one” I hissed at her my voice was cold I felt it and my eyes were going black why did she have to bring out my dark side we was fine just.

“don’t lie to me , why are you lying to me” she screamed the words at me standing up waving her hands around like a raving psychopath.

“you don’t know a single thing that im going through, you think I can just give up blood you think I can live on nothing im a vampire Lisa and I think its high time you accept that.”

“how can you be so calm about this, your not a vampire because it was coincidence you’re a vampire cause it was meant to be and here you are killing innocent people to satisfy your hunger you disgust me”

I stood up now I was just as angry at her I disgusted her , me , she was the one that made me like this it was all her fault anyway with her stupid witch powers and stupid witch blood.

She stood closer to me now her breath and heart beat seemed to even out , she placed her hand on my shoulder looking me deep in my eye.

“Emma please your soul will darken you’ll go over to the dark side do you really want that.”

ii moved back from her shoving her hand out the way.

“im a vampire I shouldn’t have a sole,”

“but you do Emma there’s nothing you can do about that, but with you having a soles a good thing down ruin it just so you can stop your thirst , please just trust me”

“you no your gran mentioned me having powers its funny cause I haven’t seen not one bit of power or strength from me as far as im concerned your all wrong, im a vampire get over it”

She bowed her head in disappointment .

“im sorry Emma I cant be your friend no more”

“fine go I don’t need you , I suppose the next time you see me you’ll bring your wolf friends to finish me off”

she spun round and faced me , it didn’t look like Lisa as her face distorted in anger and fury.

“if you go over to the dark side Emma ill have no choice to kill you”

“and what the hell is that supposed to mean”

“it’s the little bit I failed to mention in the prophecy. “the ones blood that changed her must be the one to conquer her”

“that doesn’t even mean you it means my maker”

“no it doesn’t , it’s a riddle the day I gave you some of my blood was the day everything changed you have witches blood inside you Emma you’re a threat to werewolves, witches and even vampires you just don’t know it yet.

With that said she disappeared yeah that’s right just disappeared in thin air, I knew withes were powerful but I thought they were over reacting I mean jeez to disappear in thin air must be amazing I hope she was right about these powers I really did.

I felt alone as I made my way back down towards my car , everything she’d said to me twisted around in my brain I mean could I really be as powerful as she said it couldn’t be possible I didn’t even feel nothing I felt normal well as normal as I could.

It didn’t take to long to get back home, I wasn’t sure how Toby was going to react being locked away all day, oh crap I hadn’t even given him his medicine well it wouldn’t hurt being a little late maybe it would knock him out.

I opened the door and come face to face with fern she didn’t look pleased as she looked me up and down.

“um fern”

“Emma” she went to walk out the door but I stopped her I didn’t want any badness between us plus the fact that I didn’t want any enemies in the vampire world I had enough of them on the outside.

“how’s Nicole”

she spun round smacking my hand off her shoulder ,

“oh like you care what Nicole’s been telling me , you’ve been frolicking with Scott it makes me sick”

“excuse me no I haunt”

“well he didn’t deny it”

“what the hell are you on about he’s my maker I hate his guts for crying out loud and why would I do that to Nicole”

she seemed to think it over before placing her hand back on the door handle.

“you want to make sure its not true I don’t make a good enemy” with that she walked out the door slamming it shut in my face, well wasn’t I glad it wasn’t true but why would Scott say it was??.

I stormed towards the living room making sure to bang the door open with my fist I had to make a good entrance.

Scott lay lounging on the settee drinking what I could only assume was whisky is that all they drunk in this house.

He looked up at my eyebrows raised.

“what the hell have you been saying to fern about me and you”

“oh that , she was accusing me of all sorts so I kind of just agreed”

“oh you kind of just agreed do you realise what you’ve done”

“not really” he laughed and took another gulp of his drink”

“you’ve jeopardised everything why cant you just leave me out of your love life” I went to storm out the room when I felt scotts cold breath behind me.

“you telling me you don’t want it be true”

“Scott if you don’t move away from me in less than five seconds im going to make you wish you’d never changed me”

he moved back a bit as I turned round coming face to face with him.

“no you’d rather have Kyle wouldn’t you”

“I wouldn’t touch either of you man sluts with a ten foot barge pole”

“that wasn’t what I heard happened the other night”

“that was a mistake to much alcohol”

“yeah a likely excuse, what about your human up there why you keeping him alive”

“he has valuable information”

“well if he carry’s on thumping that door you’ll have a mess to clean up” it was only now that I heard the banging and shouting coming from my room I gave Scott one last look before I made my way up stairs only pausing to take a breath I don’t know why I felt so nervous but I knew one thing I was about to face the Toby with the truth I wonder if he could handle it…..

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