Set To The Sky

By YunaYukimura

9.3K 259 348

Misaki Sakusa has finally reached a new level of popularity. Everything seems to be going good. Then she goes... More

Characters of The story
Chapter 1: OH SHIT
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Mother's Day Special (LEMON)
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Father's Day Special'
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Not a chapter
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Character Contest!
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17 (BackStory of Azami Sano)
not a chapter
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
🍋Bonus Chapter for 2.5k reads🍋
Chapter 23
Chapter 24

Chapter 22

179 6 17
By YunaYukimura

Misaki was getting up earlier than she usually did in the morning, Atsumu coming in to hand her a coffee, decked out in his jogging clothes. A soft smile plasters to his face as he takes in her sleepy form. "Yer up earlier than I thought ya would be," he comments, watching her nose scrunch up in delight at that first sip of piping hot hazelnut coffee. 

"Mmm," she hums happily, toes curling in happiness. "Ya really love yer coffee," Atsumu shakes his head with a small laugh, Misaki nodding in agreement. "Always. Coffee is one of the best things to wake up to," she agrees. A buzzing comes from Atsumu's phone and he smiles, typing a reply back on it. "Bokuto said that Nariko has settled in and would like to meet us. Should we tell him we will be over today?" he asks, looking up.

Misaki thinks about it for a second before nodding. "Sure, tell him we will bring lunch too," she agrees, biting her lip slightly. Being nervous to see people was normal after what she had been through, but Misaki knew she couldn't live like this forever. The thought of meeting someone new was scary, but Atsumu would be right there for her. As he types a reply on his phone, agreeing to meet up, a cry sounds from the nursery, Atsumu gesturing to Misaki that he had it. 

"Just worry about yerself. I got this," he grins confidently, backing out of the room to attend to the needs of the ever growing twins. They were almost four months old now. Both had personalities that were beginning to blossom and shine. Nozomi was a laugher, and Kaen smiled at everything. He seemed to take after his father. Misaki smiles at the thought as she gets dressed.

Brushing out her hair took some time, the singer messing with the strands thoughtfully. When Atsumu comes back in, she looks up and smiles. "They seem content this morning." "Kaen lost his pacifier," Atsumu shrugs with a small smile. The little man was attached to the thing in ways that Nozomi wasn't. 

Her daughter was the one to sleep peacefully and not cry much at all. Kaen was the opposite, he was noisy and loud just like his father, looking just like him. Misaki felt a small twinge in her heart, knowing that time passed by quicker than she wanted. But today was a new day and a new beginning. And maybe she would make a new friend, at least she hoped. 

When time seemed to fly by, it was as if one moment, she was doing ordinary things around the house and then she was getting ready to leave. Slightly nervous, Misaki had no idea what to expect. All she knew was the small bit that Atsumu had told her, making her sure that Nariko definitely needed someone to be there for her. 

Every woman could use a female friend. So when they loaded up the twins and took off for Kuroo and Bokuto's, Misaki spent the entire 10 minute drive wondering how she should introduce herself. Before this point, Misaki had gained back a lot of confidence, but therapy helped her at least when it came to making peace with herself and being around others.

The main helping factor was that Atsumu didn't push her. He went entirely at Misaki's pace like everything was normal. And because of this, Misaki was learning to be okay. When they pulled into Kuroo's driveway, Misaki takes a deep breath in, before letting it go as she gets out of the car and takes one of the twins who had slept the entire way over. 

It seemed so short, the time that they were getting out until they were welcomed into the house, Bokuto giving warm, friendly hugs and gushing over the babies as they were led into the lounge room.

A woman with long black hair appeared nervously, her eyes slowly shifting back and forth until she decides to settle into a chair, casting a curious glance at the babies in their car seats. "Wow, they're beautiful," she finally speaks, taking a closer peek. Kaen was wide awake, Nozomi sleeping peacefully as usual. 

Atsumu and Misaki introduced themselves and the twins, offering to let her hold the currently smiling Kaen who was wide awake and full of energy. "Sure, but are you sure that it's okay?" Nariko asks softly, getting a nod from both parents. "He loves meeting new people," Misaki smiles as she passes her son over to the unsure woman before her. Nariko takes him into her arms and a small smile overcomes her face as Kaen wraps his hand around her finger.

After a short while, a discussion was set between the five adults, babies passed around from lap to lap. Bokuto would sulk every time it was his turn to pass the baby, the dogs curiously sniffing the newcomers until they were satisfied. Lunch was served, the five of them sitting down to eat. Talk was easier once they got to know one another. Now, with no barriers they chatted amicably.

"So what did you do for a living?" Misaki asks curiously. Nariko smiles. "I teach little kids volleyball... But for now I might have to find a different profession," she sighs. Misaki nods understandingly. "What about just being an assistant coach for now?" She wonders out loud. Misaki could tell that the woman was tempted by the thought. "I mean... I don't want to sit here and do nothing," she nods. 

Misaki understood, having been on rest almost her entire pregnancy with the twins. It was boring and frustrating, leaving you with nothing to do but sleep all day long. "I'm sure that Atsumu can find something in the area. Schools are always hoping to have them put on volleyball clinics," Misaki smiles. Out of the corner of her eye, she could see Atsumu feeding his daughter, his large hands swamping her still tiny body in a way that makes her smile.

This does not go unnoticed by Kuroo, Bokuto or Nariko, the other three just giving slight smiles. After all, to a woman there was nothing sexier than watching the man she loves be an amazing father to her children. After a short while, she sighs, finishing her lunch. The topic then turns to her. Bokuto was angry at what had happened to Misaki. Kuroo was catching up on it. It was two months already and nothing had proceeded yet other that the fact that the man who survived was being held without bail until trial. 

Talking with her lawyer, Misaki knew he would be going away no matter how court turned out. But a small pang of sadness was left in her heart. She had watched her enemy take a bullet and die for her. There would never be any closure for her. And as she expressed this, tears snuck from the corners of her eyes. The last seconds of that woman's life, Misaki had been able to look into her soul and there in the vestiges of her last moments was a deep trauma and sadness that made her wish she had never looked.

She never wanted to understand what drove Azami to be the person she was. But part of her wished for the closure. And as she expressed this, she suddenly realized she was crying, apologizing as Bokuto offers her a tissue. There was nothing that could be done and that also kept her wondering, How could it have gone different? But Misaki knew she should not blame herself when she had done nothing wrong. 

After hearing part of her story, Nariko's eyes meet hers as she reaches a hand across the table to touch hers. "He will get everything he deserves. Karma only exists to punish the wicked," she breathes, giving Misaki a second air of calm as she wipes her eyes and nods her head. "You're right. Regardless of the pretense it happened. Now all that's left is to send my torturer where he belongs," She nods.

For the first time in a while,  the feeling snuck up on Misaki. She had made a new friend. And she could use all she could get. The support that surrounds everyone is what helps determine how fast a person recovers.

(sorry, short chapter. I am currently in the hospital and will be over the next 3.5 weeks. My baby will be coming early. I just wanted to get something up so I don't feel so guilty for leaving everyone hanging. hope all is well!) 

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