
By sairenepogue

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"Druig, yes, he controls minds. But Brelione, well she controls everything else." This is almost entirely bas... More

Guide to This Book
he knows
berry picking
tell me
Silent Goddess
flatter me
perfect team
the human party
play nice
smelly europeans
doggy paddle
(not part of story)
white at the wedding
(not part of story)
rewrite the stars
pretty boy
the frustration of commuication
what is happening to me?
made to fail
told you
sinking ship
last night alive
sharing the end of the world
light weights
a life worth living
the greatest tragedy
through the eyes of another
purple wax
body heat
the explorers
Very Good
Cant Stay Here
(A/N) Lets Talk
love, love and more love
The Demon
Eternal Love Doesnt Die
Brief Update
Alone Again
If Anyone Can
New Book and Tiktok


305 7 15
By sairenepogue

from druigs perspective, might cause some sadness <3 (also rather short)

i've never believed life to be fair. i don't think anyone has, especially not ikaris and especially not me. but this, this has to be the greatest pain i've ever felt. greater than the burn of ice, greater a slice across my skin, greater than the pain of watching humans kill eachother. because all those things, they were temporary, they could be fixed, healed. but my brelione, nothing can fix her. i could not, ajak could not, arishem could not.  i had so much hope until today, that it wasn't mahd wryry.

none of us have seen it before, it could've been anything else. i've studied the humans, their minds, how they become exhausted and crumble. and i was so sure that it was something like that, that when she was free she could heal from the stress of being an eternal. stress and exhaustion, those can be healed. but mahd wryry, that's carved into stone and soul. i always thought, for some centuries, that this could pass, that it could be well to avoid the future, to help her grow.

but with every year that has passed i watched as the life left her eyes, coming back on some bright nights only to be long gone by morning. faded out and begging for air, the way she moved was dragged and with pain, she could hardly stand anything anymore. the sounds of voices, the colors that manifested before her eyes, the feel of fabric against her skin. just a few hours ago, i had touched her shoulder. and she couldn't bare it. i can feel it still, the pain that had hit my skin as her eyes were rolled, lines of gold across her face.

under her skin, holding on. and when my head hit the ground, blood pouring from my chest, i swear i could see the grip of a gold hand. holding her down, holding over her head and covering her eyes as ice came through the air. as fire consumed land with a hiss, how heavy the wind felt. it was what control looked like, it almost disgusts me, my grip on these people. all having golden hands of their own covering their eyes. because watching her lose herself was like looking into hell. maybe after my selfish acts i deserve it, to go to the place below the earth that does not exist.

and knowing that i may be the one at fault, that was a new hell. the warnings, the visions, the way to stop it all from happening, it was all there. how i could be so stupid as to ignore them, to not believe that i could be the one causing it. how could i be so oblivious? i was the one hurt, i was the one that was causing so much stress on her, bringing her closer and closer to the edge. brelione, she was so close to the others, easy targets. but i remember, i saw the shaking of her hands, how her lips moved in a mumble. i couldn't hear her, i could only do my best to read her lips.

i think it was something of saying something failed, something about a century. maybe it was my fault, maybe i was the memory that brought her down. and because i didn't want to lose her, i stayed. i stayed when i should've left, she would be better off that way. and now that i have, i can at least sleep knowing that my family will be angry with me and not with her. because now i will always be to blame for bringing the eternals apart, for refusing any other ideas, for causing a scene.

the one that went against the mission on purpose as she had not, that's how i'll be remembered. arishem, the judge will put me on trial. maybe in front of the entire galaxy, my death voted on by magic. but it is all so worth it, to know that though she hurts now, she is free. free to have her farm, her fields of lemon trees and makberries, hundreds of cats, chasing the clouds. and i will wait, i'll wait for the time when our eyes meet again. and with some struggle and some anger, we'll be back together again. maybe not on this planet, maybe not for hundreds of years.

but we will be back together. to tell the tales of all the time we missed, to make new memories, to argue for hours over our much hated departure. but to argue with her is a blessing, to know that she'll have the energy to be angry, to stand up for herself. my humans, they walk with me, mindless and calm, minds embedded with knowledge i put there myself, of brelione, of peace, of the others, of the creation of the world.

they'll learn to be right, to be perfect. as perfect as humans can be, with good intention and intelligence. and they'll come to learn and discovery, to live in peace without bigotry. maybe it'll take some time, but i'll make us the perfect world. batch by batch. and all of them will know her language, her face, of her creations.

so that when the day comes that we come back together, maybe she'll come here. and she'll be treated proper.through the deepest parts of the woods, i wait. i keep walking when i realize she isn't by my side, she's not going to tell me if the forest spirits are present.

she's not here to admire the trees, to fix the ones that are paled with illness. she isn't here to bring light in the dark, to help build this world that i always thought we'd lead together. i am alone. fully alone, how i'll live is something i don't know. my tears still stain my face, the wind so soft that it almost feels like the caress of her hand against my cheek. i look at the bright colored flowers, how the trees are strong but not too thick, the light of the stars hitting the ground. with confidence, i can say that she would like it here.

the humans fall to sleep, across the ground, leaving me alone with my thoughts. i can let go, they stay covered by exhaustion, eyes closed and bodies with guards completely down. i shouldn't, i shouldn't look to her, i shouldn't read her. she'll feel the presence, she'll know i'm there. but i cant resist the temptation, head against the bark of a tree, closing my eyes as i see her face. erasing the image of her fallen figure, i think to how lovely she looked at the human party. her hair in curls soft and dark, how she laughed and shook in excitement as she dragged me along.

how her hands danced so delicately as the sand went with her, bringing me forward. but i find nothing, no presence, no thoughts of hers in my head. an ache comes into my head, one that becomes unignorable as i come to the horrific realization. she's out of reach, gone from my space, gone from where i can reach, my eyes covered in tears as i can feel my hands shake. ajak wasn't stupid enough to leave her alone, no. that woman, she is so many things but stupid is not one of them. the pain doesn't calm, refocusing my attention to the other eternals. sersi, ajak, makkari.

they must be with her, one of them if not sprite. they would not leave her alone either, i would not leave if she was not in smart, good hands. makkari, she would make sure she was well. but when i find myself in her eyes, i see my lover nowhere. but i see a room, in the domo. and i see sersi, the two are in phastos' lab. it makes me so uncomfortable, to see the place that was home for so long. i have to touch the dirt beneath me to remind myself that i am not here. i pull myself away, to ajak. she too is alone, no brelione in sight, only a city so far away, stone and brass, the sun is rising there. i cannot see my lover going with kingo, nor phastos who has always desired being alone.

not with any thinker, but ajak... no. she couldn't have, she would not. frantically, more worry in my heart now than before, i take in a deep breath as i find the eyes of ikaris. he's on the ground, the sky is just starting to turn here, morning just around the corner. he's standing, he's looking up. making him turn around, my heart pounds in my chest. because if she's not with him... if she's not with him she isn't here anymore. but thankfully, i can see her. tired and tear stained but very much alive, she's inspecting the life here, the barks of the trees.

and she's so very alive, her hair messy and eyes puffy, she takes twigs in her palm like they are hands, bringing the trees to shimmer with magic. she looks so lovely, so in need of sleep, so free. suit torn and near discarded, she looks to the sky, head tilted just a bit. she's okay. she's with ikaris, who has so much hate from me but so much respect, he's strong.

he's strong and clueless, dumb and dull but he can keep her well enough company. never did i believe that his love for her could be so helpful, such a saving grace. and although i wish it was me with her now, i can let go of him, coming back to this place in the woods with a hundred sleepy warriors, sad smile on my face. she's free.

i hope you enjoyed this, love you all lots. also, READ THE DRELIONE CHRONICLES. xoxo-H.
also, please share this link if you can <3

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