Sparks In Our Love [Duncan Ro...

By silverhanyougirl

24.1K 1K 85

Just an unusual love story between a boy, who is struggling to fit in with his peers and a girl who likes to... More

A New Friend
A Not So Normal Teenage Stuffs
Meet Margaret
Blindly Taking Chances
All The Wrong Timings In The World
An Heir to The Throne
What Am I?
Wouldn't Change A Thing
Unintentional Little Accident
Missing the Check-Up
That Moment When There is Only You and Me
Homecoming Preparations
The Homecoming Drama
Fire in Our Hearts
Battle on the School Grounds
Meeting Mr. Belloc
Learning Things the Hard Way
Fight it Till You Make It
Catch You When You Fall
Our Choices
Clearing Things Up
Back to School
The Training Begins
Father's Big Surprise
Where I Belong
Growing Pains: Part 1
Before It Happened
Growing Pains: Part 2
Back Again Together
A Dream Or...Was It?

Getting Back On Feet

780 32 2
By silverhanyougirl

Hey guys! I haven't written here for a while and I just saw that a lot of people haev asked me whether I'll continue writing Fire Breather or not and I am seriously really happy to see that you guys enjoy reading this so far.

And yes, I'll be continuing this book. I apologize in advance to all of you that it may take me some time to update, but I'll try my best to update as often as I can and I hope you guys enjoy them.

For now, pls stay safe. Take care. I love you guys so much and thank you so much again for your support💞💕!

P. S. I hope you guys enjoy the references I've put in the previous chapter. Huge points to the readers who can recognize them.

(Y/n) hummed softy as she rang the doorbell of the Rosenblatt's family. "Coming," she heard Margaret yelled from the inside as she waited. Not a second or two later, Margaret opened the door and her eyes lit up with delight as soon as she saw (Y/n) standing in the door way with a smile. "Ah, (Y/n). Good morning, dear! Lovely weather today, isn't it? Come on, in. You're just in time for breakfast!" she said, letting (Y/n) into the house as she closed the door behind her.

"Thank you, Margaret. Good morning to you too! Indeed, it's a lovely weather today," the (h/c) haired girl greeted back, returning the warm smile as she stepped into the house, taking off her shoes. "Is Duncan up yet? I hope I didn't come here too early," she said, making Margaret smile as she shook her head. "No. No. You came with perfect timing, dear. I suppose Duncan isn't up yet. Apparently, he's been doing some late night flights the past few day, testing out his new wings I think. I heard that the two of you are going to Kenny's house today," Margaret said, making (Y/n) smile.

"Yes. Duncan and I thought that it'd be nice to go and check in on our friends since we don't have any school until next week. Do you need any help in the kitchen?" she asked, attempting to follow Margaret into the kitchen to help prepare for breakfast, but Margaret smiled and shook her head at (Y/n), waving her hand slightly.
"That's very nice of you. No need, dear. I've got this. Could you go wake Duncan up for me if you don't mind? I think he's still asleep in his room."

"Oh, okay."

"Great! His room is just down the hallways, I'll call you guys when breakfast is ready!" Margaret said happily as she headed back into the kitchen while (Y/n) smiled and started heading down the hallways to her boyfriend's room.

Your pov,

I walked down the hallways like Margaret said and not too long after I reached to Duncan's room. I knocked onto his door softly while trying to be careful not to startle him in case he was still asleep. "Duncan, are you awake?" I called.
No reply.

Is he still asleep? 

I opened the door slightly and peeked into his room, quietly calling out his name once again. "Duncan?" Oh, his room is tidier than I thought it would be. My eyes shifted around the room until my eyes finally landed on the bed where I see my boyfriend still deeply asleep in his slumbers. I smiled and quietly walked up towards his bed.

"Duncan~" I called once again, sitting down beside his bed.


"Duncan, wake up."


"Wake up."


"I'll eat all the breakfast if you don't wake up~"


I couldn't help, but chuckled quietly. He didn't even budge. I looked at his sleeping face. He looks so peaceful when he's sleeping. He's gone through so much since the Homecoming. Talking with the M.E.G.T.A.F and trying to arrange everything peacefully and coming to an agreement with both Mr. Belloc and the agency must be exhausting with just the thought.

I wouldn't blame him for wanting to sleep a few days peacefully without worrying about a Kaiju attacking him or the agency watching him. I gently brushed a strand of his hair away on his forehead as I called out his name once again, "Duncan~"

Perhaps he heard me calling his name in his sleep, he groaned softly and soon he slowly open his eyes, adjusting to the light in the room. His eyes scanned around the room drowsily until they found mine that were staring at him. Duncan's amber eyes shot open in surprise as soon as he saw me and he immediately plopped himself up, halfway out of the bed. "(Y/n)! H-hi. Wait...Is it already time? Oh man, sorry. I oversle-" Duncan started bubbling out in a hurry as he tried to get up. I chuckled as I got up and made him sit down again, trying to calm him down. "No. No. We're not late, D. Relax. We're just going to downtown to get some of Kenny's favorite cupcakes, remember? Besides, Isabel's also staying at Kenny's palce to check on him every hour. We have plenty of time ahead of us. I just came in a bit early that's all. No need to rush," I said and Duncan smiled as he relaxed. "Whew. Thank god, for a second there, I thought we were running late because of me. Did you have breakfast?" Duncan asked with a smile as he put a few strands of my hair behind my ear while I stood in front of him.

"Hm um. Not yet. I thought that I'd join you and Margaret for that today. I didn't feel like eating alone," I said and smiled nervously. Duncan smiled and slightly pulled me closer to him from my waist. "(Y/n), I told you, you can come over anytime you want. No need to be nervous. Besides..." he paused for a moment as he stood up, his figure hovering over me a little since he was much more taller than me. He raised my chin gently to meet my gaze while his other hand went to my waist. "It kinda feels good to see you by my side as soon as I wake up," he said, cupping my left cheek.

Before I could say anything or react to his words, Duncan bent his head down, stealing a quick kiss from my lips. I felt my heartbeat quickened and I felt my cheeks burn as I watch Duncan pulled away and smiled at me, looking into my eyes. "Morning," he said, playfully. Damn. That smile...I felt my cheeks burned even more as I looked away, shyly. "M-morning."

Just then, we heard Margaret called for us from the kitchen.

"Duncan! (Y/n)! Breakfast's ready~!"

"Coming, mom!" Duncan called back out before he turned back to me. "You go ahead, first. I'll wash up real quick and follow right after," Duncan said. I nodded and Duncan smiled as we headed out of his room. Speaking of which, that was the first time I've ever been in his room though. We passed by the bathroom and just as I was about to continue to walk towards the kitchen, Duncan stopped me as he gently grabbed my hand, making me turn back to him.

"What's wrong?" I asked, wondering if something was wrong. Duncan only smiled at me as he pulled me towards him from my waist once again and kissed the corner of my lips. "Just wanted to make sure I'm awake," he said and I smiled. Ever since I've told him that he can kiss me as he like at our last date, Duncan's become more confident in surprising me with his kisses and of course, I wasn't complaining. "Wash up real quick then. I'll give you another one to show you that none of this is a dream," I said playfully and kissed his cheek back before continuing to walk towards the kitchen with a big smile on my face.

I walked into the kitchen to see Margaret setting down three plates on the table. "Hello, dear. Is Duncan up?" Margaret asked, seeing me walk into the kitchen. "Yes, he's washing up real quick in the bath room," I said as I reached to where she was standing. "Great! Would you like orange some juice, dear?" Margaret asked, taking out a jar of orange juice from the fridge as she slightly rose it in my way. "Thanks. I'd love to," I said and Margaret smiled as she started pouring two glasses of orange juices together on the counter. As I moved myself towards the table, my eyes landed on a plate with a small pile of coal which made my eyes widened in surprise a bit.

Coal?? On a plate?

"Duncan eats coal most of the time than a normal food since you know, he has his father's appetite," I heard Margaret said, making me look up to see her setting down two glasses of orange juices on the table. "Oh," I said as the two of us sat down together, face to face. "What else does he like? Does...charcoal grilled chicken works?" I asked, making Margaret slightly surprised. "You don't think it's strange or weird at all??" she asked slowly and I shook my head as I smiled at her, knowing what she was worried about.

"Not at all. In fact, I feel a little guilty since Duncan knows me so well, but..." I trailed, my eyes moving back to Duncan's plate of coal, "I know so little about him."

"Listen, dear. I know you and Duncan have started a special kind of relationship and believe me, I've never been so happier, but you know it won't be easy, right?"

I looked back into her eyes and smiled at her, "I know," I said calmly as I looked down with a smile. "I am quite aware of the fact that Duncan and I are very different. Even so, I still want to be by his side. Of course, like you said, it won't be easy. But that's okay. We'll take it one step at a time just like we've always done and...this may sound a bit silly, but I want to be a part of his world somehow in any way I can and be there for him when he needs me. I know it's not going to be easy, but..." I trailed once again as I see Duncan coming out of the hallways. Our eyes and a warm smile immediately appeared on his face as he started walking towards the table.

"I'm prepared to face it together with him," I said, knowing all too well about what I'm talking about. I'm choosing to be with Duncan, a guy with the blood of a Kaiju in his body. Not to mention a Kaiju could come after him any time and a lot of dangerous things can happen, but hey...danger is my middle name.

"Hey. What are you guys talking about?" Duncan asked, giving my shoulder a small squeeze before he took a seat beside me. "Oh, nothing much. (Y/n) and I are just sharing a little secret with each other. Aren't we, dear?" Margaret said, giving me an approving smile as she winked at me. "Right," I said with a small chuckle. Duncan smiled and turned to me while Margaret got up to fetch something from the cupboard. "Oh, uh..." I heard Duncan muttered to himself and turned to see him looking at between me and his plate as if he was looking for the right way to explain it to me. And he was. With a smile, I leaned towards Duncan and kissed his cheek to make him stop thinking about it, causing Duncan to freeze up before he finally looked back at me. "You don't have to explain anything to me, Duncan. Just be yourself when you're with me, just like you always do," I said, gently giving his hand a small squeeze as I smiled at him.

"Besides, you know I love you no matter what," I said quietly, trying to ignore my burning red face as I glanced at Duncan who was still frozen while he listened. His cheeks reddened slightly and Duncan looked away with a sheepish smile. I heard him mumbled a 'yea.' And my heart skipped a beat when I felt Duncan put his hand over mine and gave it a squeeze on the table just like I did a few seconds ago. Our eyes met again and the two of us stared at each other with smiles on our faces. Gosh, was his hand always this warm and big?

Only when we heard Margaret speak, we broke our intense eye contact with each other, "Duncan, (Y/n), remind me what's today's date again."

"If I remembered it right...I think it's November 18. Today's Thursday, right?" I asked while Duncan nodded. Margaret smiled happily as she glanced back at the calendar that was on the wall nearby.

"Oh, would you look at that? Your birthday is just around the corner, Duncan!" she informed excitedly, calmly sipping on her orange juice while my eyes widened at her words and I started choking on my own orange juice hard.


"Oh dear!"

Time skips,

"(Y/n), wait!" Duncan called out as he picked up his pace to catch up with the (h/c) haired girl who was walking fast ahead of him in silence ever since they left his house with her car. "Hey, slow down. What's the rush? I thought you said we had plenty of time ahead of us before we visit Kenny's place." Duncan jokingly asked with a soft chuckle, finally catching up to (Y/n)'s side as took her hand in his which made (Y/n) finally snapped out of her thoughts. She smiled apologetically at Duncan, holding his hand back tight. "Sorry, I was just thinking about your birthday. I can't believe it's coming so soon. I mean, don't get me wrong. It's a good thing, but why didn't you tell me that it was in this month?" she asked, looking into his eyes with a small playful pout on her face. Duncan smiled sheepishly at her question as he started scratching the back of his neck nervously while glancing at here and there.

"I...didn't think that it was important," he said, making (Y/n) paused for a second before she smiled and stopped walking which made Duncan to look back at her in confusion. She took a step closer to him while still holding his hand tight. "Well, how about this then? It is going to be the first time we'll be celebrating your birthday together. Not only as friends, but also as a couple," she said with a smile as she held out their intertwined hands in front of Duncan. "Is it still not important now?" she asked and Duncan's cheeks slightly reddened at (Y/n)'s words as he stared at their intertwined hands. "Y-Yea, it is now," he stuttered, making (Y/n) chuckled. She gently pulled their intertwined hands towards her and landed a soft kiss on Duncan's hand which caused him to freeze up and blush even more at her bold move.

"Besides, I'll be making something special for you so, look forward to it, okay?" (Y/n) said, playfully smiling at him which Duncan couldn't resist her adorableness for one bit. "Y-Yea. I...can't wait," he said with a dorky smile, making (Y/n) giggle as she started walking once again, this time holding Duncan's hand, "Come on, let's go get some cupcakes that Kenny likes before that guy over there give us a parking ticket."

Duncan laughed as he let the (h/c) haired girl lead him away to the bakery shop with a happy smile, the warmth of her lips still lingering on his hand as he did so.

Perhaps, this year's birthday won't be so bad with (Y/n) by his side, he thought. After all, he could definitely get used to being like this if it was with her.

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