The Awakened One, Book 1: Rem...

By Nentai96

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Earth is an incredibly peaceful and beautiful World home to the amazingly intelligent Humans that live upon i... More

Chapter 1: Armageddon
Chapter 2: Battle Of Wills
Chapter 3: Hell On Earth
Chapter 4: Awakening
Chapter 5: Awakened One
The Public Service Announcement
Chapter 6: The Queen of The Amazon
Chapter 7: Vampire May Cry
|^{PSA II}^|
Chapter 8: A New World
Chapter 9: A New Companion
(A/N): III
Chapter 10: A Chance Encounter
Chapter 11: Lovers
*!Status!* II
(A/N): IV
Chapter 12: Vale
Chapter 13: A Night in Vale
(A/N): V
Chapter 14: Rest and Relaxation
Chapter 15: Training Begins
Chapter 16: A Mysterious Figure
Chapter 17: Scars
(A/N): VI
*!Status!* III
Chapter 18: Glynda Goodwitch
Chapter 20: Ozma
(A/N): VII
Chapter 21: Thief in The Night
Chapter 22: The Reaper
Chapter 23: The Xiong Family
Chapter 24: A Woman's Curse
Chapter 25: Spiders
Chapter 26: Foundation
(A/N): IX
Chapter 27: The Disciplinarian
Chapter 28: Jacques Schnee
*!Status!* IV
Chapter 29: Despair
*!Status!* V
(A/N): X
Chapter 30: Thicker Than Blood
Chapter 31: Taking Out The Trash
Chapter 32: Red Like Roses
(A/N): XI
Chapter 33: I Burn
Chapter 34: The Demon Clan
Chapter 35: Preparing For Victory
(A/N): XII
Chapter 36: Conquering Vale's Underworld
Chapter 37: Aftermath
Chapter 38: A Newer Companion
Chapter 39: Mirror Mirror
Chapter 40: Who am I?
Chapter 41: A Fateful Meeting
(A/N): XIV
Chapter 42: At Last
Chapter 43: The White Fang
Chapter 44: Forever Fall Forest
(A/N): XV
Chapter 45: From Shadows
Chapter 46: To Light
Chapter 47: The Snake And The Tiger
(A/N): XVI
Chapter 48: Fairy Tales
Chapter 49: Moving Forward
Chapter 50: Towards The End
Chapter 51: Of The Beginning
Chapter 52: The Summer Tournament
Chapter 53: Finalists
Chapter 54: Finale
Chapter 55: Finished
Chapter 56: Finally
Public Service Announcement
Chapter 57: Initiation
Chapter 58: Act 2
Chapter 59: Knight Ceremony
Chapter 60: Alpha Megoliath
Chapter 61: Power Leveling
Chapter 62: Total Recall
Chapter 63: System Update
Chapter 64: Divided
Chapter 65: Upside
Chapter 66: Downturn
Chapter 67: The Meeting
Chapter 68: Vacuo
Chapter 69: Tribes of The Desert
Chapter 70: The Desert Kreeps
Chapter 71: The Desert Walkers
Chapter 72: Desert Faunus Alliance
Chapter 73: Disappearance
Chapter 74: Unfortunate Circumstance
Chapter 75: The Mysterious Hunter
Chapter 76: Desperate Invaders
Chapter 77: To Protect
Chapter 78: Running Out Of Time
Chapter 79: Mistake Driven Turmoil
Awakened Organization: Closure {A Loving Summary}

Chapter 19: Ice Queen

1.5K 34 48
By Nentai96

"DARLING! WHERE THE FUCK ARE YOU AT!" The woman that entered the room was none other than one gorgeous, but very angry, Neyah Panthera. As she walked into the room after brutally kicking the door open, she was yelling curses as she looked around the large room attempting to find her Darling.

"Oh my gosh who is that?"

"Who let her in here?"

"Is she a fighter?"

"I hope to god she's not a student."

"Jeez, they really do have no class."

"Why's she so loud."

"Obnoxious, Faunus."


(Y/N) couldn't help but face palm at the racket she was making, but he still loved her, and so he responded to her in an equally loud and obnoxious way. "HEY BABE! WE'RE UP HERE! HURRY UP AND BRING THAT SWEET ASS OVER HERE!" He yelled while swinging his arms back and forth to signal his currently location to the panther Faunus.

Neyah quickly spotted him after his loud display, and her face lit up as she sprinted up the stands and leaped into his arms, pelting his face with a barrage of kisses. "How are you, Darling? Did you miss me?"

"I'm doing great! And of course, I missed you. How'd your equipment registration go?" At the question, Neyah's mood instantly soured as she recounted the events.

"It was fucking awful! The second we got there they separated me from my sister which already pissed me off and then this ugly ass man said he needed to take my weapon for 'examination'! I was like, are you fucking kidding me? Hell, the fuck no! Like hell I was gonna let them take my shit somewhere I wasn't. So, they said that they'd save the examination for last so I could watch them do it, but that wasn't even the worst part."

"Some lady took me to a private room for 'physical examination' and this Bitch tried to touch me! Can you fucking believe it! She tried to touch the body that I had given to you! She even had the nerve to tell me to remove my chest wrappings, that fucking slut wanted to see my tits! So naturally, I defended what was yours and she ran away crying like the cowardly cunt that she was. After that, they brought Nix in with me and had her do the physical thingy with some weirdo doctor bitch and Huntress lady watching her do it. It was annoying as fuck, and it took goddamn forever, but I'm just so happy that its finally done and I can be with you again!" Neyah then hugged tightly into her breasts as she completed her story.

"Wow" was all he managed to say as he mentally exhaled a deep sigh and held in a chuckle at her story. As his face was still engulfed in her boobs he muffled out "soh, whm dahz thha mahh strrt? (So, when does the match start?)"

"When I left, they said soon, but I don't know when. We can just cuddle until then!"

"Snndz gaahhd thhm mhe! (Sounds good to me!)" The man, woman, and tiger then sat and idly chatted as they waited for the matches to begin. Turns out they didn't have to wait long at all as around 5 minutes later a young man, that looked like a student, with a black suit on walked to the center of the stage and began speaking to the audience.

"Ladies and Gentlemen, prepare yourself for the first invigorating battle of the 26th Pool of the Novice Huntsman Summer League!" The announcer paused for a moment, waiting for the applause to die down. 

"Now let us give a warm welcome to our first competitors! On my left we have the number one seed, most favored to win this pool, the master of the War hammer, the hottest of the Hot, you know him, you love him, iiiiiiiiiitttttttttttsssssssssssss JULY AUGUSTINE!!!!!!!!!!!!" At the announcement, the crowd when absolutely buck wild. The people in the stands were on their feet yelling and cheering his name as they saw July walk onto the stage.

He was an incredibly large guy, probably around six foot seven or eight, weighing around 270 pounds in pure muscle. He had short blonde hair flowing hair with a douchie smile to back it up and wore silver armor that boosted great defense. The armor covered his chest, knees, arms, and back leaving only his joints exposed. Over his left shoulder was a large silver and gold War hammer that was similar to himself in stature.

The announcer waited a moment for the cheers to die down before continuing, "And on my right, we have the B-Rank, Panther Faunus, Nieva Panther!" The reveal was considerably less exciting than it was for Mr. July, and the audience reflected that with their pitiful claps. However, the cheering and applause was far louder than it was for Augustine due to two people and a tiger screaming their lunges out.




"Damn Byakko isn't that a little too aggressive?"

Nix couldn't help but feel embarrassed by her family's cheers, but they gave her an incredible amount of energy and confidence as she prepped herself for the fight. The announcer stepped off the platform, and asked both fighters "Are you both ready?" They both nodded their heads in affirmation, ready to begin the battle. "Ok, when you hear the bell sound, you are free to attack!"

Nix shifted her weapon from bell to dagger as she anticipated hearing the bell to begin attacking. On the other end of the platform, July stood with his War hammer resting over his shoulder thinking, "this should be a very easy fight. All I gotta do is hit her once and its over. She's clearly a ranged fighter which is why she's tryna fake me out with the dagger. So, the plan is to simply rush in before she can take advantage of the space between us and crush her with my beloved hammer." Nix's mind was empty as she had absolute focus on the person in front of her, and she patiently waited for the sounding of the bell.


As soon as the bell sounded it was off to the races, July took one big step forward and prepared to raise his hammer into the air for a crushing blow, but before his foot even touched the ground his opponent had vanished. "Huh?" This was the only thought that managed to cross his mind before he suddenly felt a stabbing pain in his chest. 

He didn't feel a slash against his Aura, or even the pressure that came with metal clanging against his armor, he felt the skin on his chest be sliced open. After his realization, his body suddenly went flying backwards, soaring off the perimeter of the circle platform, and crashing hard against the ground as his body skipped and rolled, coming to a stop by slamming harshly against a wall.

In the short moment since the ding of the bell, the only thing that the majority of the audience experienced was the sound of glass shattering, and the clanging and clattering of July's body being rag dolled across the ground. 

However, (Y/N) and Neyah saw exactly what happened. The instant the bell sounded she dashed incredibly quickly onto July and using the momentum of her sprint she cut a vertical slash deep into the chest of Mr. Augustine. The sound of glass shattering that the crowd heard was actually July's Aura being broken so quickly that instead of slowly fading out, it shattered under the intense pressure of Nix's swing.

The entire room fell eerily silent as time seemed to stop for the audience members. Then suddenly a quiet voice coming from the center of the gym shattered the silence with the same strength and impact of her initial swing. "Oh, I apologize, it seems I used a bit too much of my strength."

Silence rang for a moment longer, before the announcer suddenly yelled "Medic! Medic! He needs medical attention immediately! He's bleeding!" The crowd remained silent as medical personnel began rushing into the room carrying July's unconscious body from the room.

On the other hand, (Y/N), Neyah, and Byakko erupted in cheers and praise at Nix's amazing performance. "GOOD SHIT NIX! THAT'S HOW WE DO IT!"



"Byakko must get really into events like this, that language is borderline uncalled for."

The crowed remained unbothered by the three's chanting, as they were still in complete shock at the event that they had seen. This shock and silence slowly started to wear off as the next match was announced and the two fighters fought in a even battle, with neither of them even coming close to drawing blood. 

The audience continued to get warmed back up until Nix was getting announced yet again, standing quietly on the right side of the stage. For a moment, the crowd remained silent, however as her name was announced that crowd began clapping, and a few even cheered for the quiet girl. 

This match went the same way as the previous one did, except this time Nix didn't even pull her weapon. As soon as she heard the ding she dashed up and one punched the lights out of her opponent leaving them out of the ring, out of Aura, and out of consciousness.

By the time she came out for her final match of the day, the crowd was roaring with cheers, some of the audience members even tried to out cheer the trio, but of course they didn't let that happen. 

Nix's last match went the same way, her shattering her opponents Aura with a bare fist and leaving them borderline dead on the floor. The only difference with this match was the amount of cheering and praise she got after the punch.

The announcer man then came back on to the stage to announce Nix as the winner of the battle and tell the crowd about her entry into the top 8 matches that would take place the following day at the same location. 

Nix then walked off the stage, ignoring the man's announcement, to a barrage of claps and cheers as she destroyed her competition and changed the people's opinion of her in the short amount of time.

(Y/N), Neyah, and Byakko followed her as she exited, ignoring the rest of what the announcer had to say. They were quickly able to catch up to her quickly, and (Y/N) gave her a tight hug from behind, lifting her up as he did it. "Congratulations! You did so well!"

Neyah corroborated the opinion, "Yeah Nix, you fucked that first bastard up! These pieces of trash aint nothin compared to us!" Byakko had a similar opinion, but she was much quieter with her Mwrah's than she was during the actual matches.

Nix hugged her lover in return, but she remained humble throughout the encounter, "I really was not that impressive, my opponents were weak. I ended up overestimating the first mans abilities slightly and I severely hurt him because of it. I need to learn how to better evaluate my opponent's strength, I would rather not get disqualified from the tournament, or worse expelled from the school, because of accidentally killing another student."

"Well either way, you had an incredibly impressive showing of strength today" (Y/N) started. "I am extremely proud of your confidence in your close-range strength, especially because of how you were before."

Nix blushed slightly at the praise, "it was truly all thanks to you. None of this would be possible without your assistance."

While he couldn't completely deny that fact, he didn't really believe that it was completely due to his intervention. "Nah, I'm sure you would've figured it out even without my help." 

The group continued walking and talking as they made towards the main entrance of the building, so they could enjoy the rest of their day, but as they approached the entrance they stopped for a moment. "So, you're saying that the matches didn't scratch your battle itch?"

"Yes, I would still like to improve upon my abilities and those 'battles', if you could even refer to them as such, were exceptionally unsatisfactory" Nix said in response to her lover's question.

"I mean we definitely could go back to training, but there is something that I gotta do first. And before you ask me what, I want it to be a surprise. So, while you two occupy a room, Imma go handle my business and I'll catch up with you both later. I promise it'll be fast, and trust that I'll be able to find the room you're in very easily. Alright?"

Nix and Neyah looked at their man questioningly, but they whole heartedly trusted anything that he said. And because of that they quickly agreed to his proposition and the group separated for the second time that day.

(Y/N) walked back to the front entrance with Byakko in hand, and as he approached the front desk, he smiled at the receptionist as he passed. "Thanks for the map, it helped out a ton!" The receptionist looked a bit nervous as he said it and she remained silent as she watched his silhouette retreat into the brightness of the day.

"Now I just gotta find my way to the 'Hope' building, and Glynda said that I couldn't miss it." He then looked up, searching around for the massive clock tower that he figured was where Ozpin's office was located and, unsurprisingly, he found it almost instantly. Even from where he was standing, at the front of the Battle Arena, the clock tower looked impossibly tall, and it towered over everything in the area. 

Even on a clear sunny day like today, the very top of the tower still appeared to be shrouded in translucent clouds. "Yep, definitely unmissable." He then walked towards the massive building, thinking all the while. He wasn't exactly familiar with the layout of the building, or the admission process, so he was interested in what he would be going through.

Thoughts like these made their way through his mind as he walked down the long path that led to the buildings massive wooden entrance. As he entered the building, he was immediately welcomed by someone he recognized. "Welcome to the hope building (Y/N)." The girl that welcomed him into the building was none other than a gorgeous woman who was a stunning beauty. She had long, flowing red hair, with glowing emerald eyes. 

Adorning her shinning hair was a bronze circlet with a pair of tears drop shaped emeralds connected by a small chain. She had similar accessories in her ears, as tear dropped shaped emerald earrings hung from each ear lobe. Across her forehead was a golden bronze headpiece with another green emerald in the center of it. 

Her skin was a slightly tanned white, and she was very tall standing at about 6'3''. She wore a standard Beacon Academy uniform even though it was the middle of the summer and most of the students walked around in casual clothing. The woman's uniform included a short red plaid skirt, dark brown blazer like jacket, with a white cotton shirt underneath it. 

The shirt flared up into a collar and tied around the collar was a customary red ribbon. With her uniform, she wore long black stockings that covered her muscular legs, and she wore brown flat foot boots to complete the outfit.

The pretty woman bowed slightly as she greeted him, "I was alerted by Professor Goodwitch that you would be coming, I am the one who will lead you to the headmaster's office. You are welcomed to ask me any questions you may have, and I will answer them to the best of my abilities. My name is Pyrrha Nikos."

Name: Pyrrha Nikos

Age: 20

Race: Human

Titles: Pride of Mistral

LVL: 48

HP: 4080/4080

AU: 3530/3530


STR; 207

END; 202

DEX; 202

VIT; 154

INT; 99

LUK; 50

*Polarity (Semblance)*- Allows Pyrrha to control metal via magnetism. In using this ability, she can freely move her own and her opponent's weapons and other metal objects to manipulate them to her will.

As he was beginning to get used to seeing characters, he once thought were fictional in real life, he wasn't shocked enough to physically react to it. However, he was still surprised to see her this soon; "Nice to meet you Pyrrha, as you know, my name is (Y/N) (L/N). Thanks for going out of your way to help me out."

"It's no problem, I was asked to do this so there is no reason to thank me. And as a fellow incoming first year, it is important to build a relationship with one of my future classmates."

(Y/N) was slightly confused at what she was saying, "future classmates? If she is anything like the Pyrrha in Rwby, then she should be incredibly strong, so she should already be S-Rank and since I haven't been enrolled yet, I don't even know my rank. Maybe she's just being nice or something." 

He stored the thought into the back of his head and decided to learn some more about this development. "Alright, let's not waste any more time chilling around here, we can walk and talk instead!"

As he said that, Pyrrha agreed with the sentiment, and they started towards Ozpins office. He decided to start asking her some questions just to start a conversation with her, "So, what is this building mainly used for?"

The tall woman responded with, "this is the main building that is used to house, teach, and train the top students in the academy. So, there are dorm rooms, lecture halls, training rooms similar to the ones used in the Battle Arena, a large library, and almost anything else a student may need to be successful at Beacon."

"Interesting. So, when you say 'top students' what exactly do you mean? Are you referring to A and S-Rank students?" (Y/N) asked.

"No, this building is exclusively used for S-Rank students only" Pyrrha exclaimed. "It is like this to encourage the Huntsman in training to try as hard as possible to reach this level of strength, with hopes of gaining privileges like this. According to reports, it has been very effective in this objective."

"That makes sense" he said quietly, loud enough only for Pyrrha to hear. The two continued walking for a minute longer in a comfortable silence until (Y/N) asked another question. "I don't really have any questions regarding the school or the building, but I do find myself very interested in you." As she heard what he said, her face turned from stern and straight, to shocked and blushed. She was so surprised in fact, that she stopped walking entirely, but she kept he cool enough to respond without stuttering.

"What exactly do you mean by that (Y/N)? I'm not very interesting at all!" She retreated slightly as she spoke, and started mumbling nervously" I'm not very attractive and I'm too tall, Ihavenorealfriendskindasensitive..." Her mumbling continued, with the only thing that was audible to a normal person being the beginning of what she was saying. However, of course (Y/N) heard every word that came out of the embarrassed girl's mouth.

"Damn, is she really this self-conscious? She is tall, but kinda just adds to her appeal, and she said she's not attractive which is pure cap. Pyrrha, are you alright?"

"Huh?" She was suddenly broke from her stupor, and as she realized what she was doing her embarrassment must've quadrupled in intensity. "I deeply apologize for my actions!" She said as she bowed deeply to the man she was escorting.

"Its really fine Pyrrha, there is no need to apologize. If I'm being honest, it was kinda cute to see you get all flustered like that." He admitted with a bright smile on his face.

As she listened to him compliment her, she couldn't help but feel a little moved. And as she looked at his beaming smile, she was overcome with the need to protect, which even to her felt a bit weird. She didn't understand why she was beginning to feel the way she was, but in the moment she didn't care. 

"Thank you, but I'm not the cute one here." As the words left her mouth, she couldn't believe she had the confidence to same something like that. "Oh My God! Why did I say that!" As she watched (Y/N)'s reaction to her flirtatious comment, she tried to change the topic, "anyway, what were you saying earlier?"

"Oh yeah, I was wondering if you'd be alright if I asked you some questions about yourself?" Pyrrha responded with a small nod, not wanting to accidentally say anything wrong again. "Ok cool! My first question would be, are you an S-Rank student?"

"Yes, I am. I was able to earn that right with my history as a student at Sanctum Academy." Pyrrha puffed her just out slightly in pride of her accomplishment. She clearly worked incredibly hard to get here and (Y/N) respected that.

"Congratulations, I'm sure it wasn't easy to get as strong as you are now." Pyrrha responded to his comment with a small smile, showing that his assumption was true. "I was just wondering because you said that we would be classmates, but I don't even know my own rank yet."

Pyrrha seemed to find interest in his last statement, responding with, "Professor Goodwitch alerted me that you would be one of my future classmates, that is why I addressed you as such. I'm sorry that I don't have a proper satisfactory explanation to give you."

"That's interesting, I guess that's something else I gotta keep in mind. Its fine if you don't know, I was just curious." They continued walking through the large decorate hallways of the building, talking about whatever as they walked, until they reached a large room separated from the rest of the hall via a large glass wall. 

Pyrrha led (Y/N) through the double doors, and inside the large room was 6 decorate, elevator doors with two of them separated from the rest. The first 4 doors were usual silver elevator doors with nothing especially unique about them except the card slot on the side that was clearly used for entry. They were located on the far sides of the room, two on the east wall and two on the west, with the north side designated for these two special elevators. 

Firstly, there was a large wooden desk with a older man sitting behind the desk that was in front of the two doors, on top of that, there were two huntsman guards that stood by each of the special doors. The design of these special elevators was interesting, they were a metallic silver color with an ovular gear shaped arc over top the door.

Pyrrha quickly walked up to the desk, at told the older receptionist who she and I were, and he quickly let the two passes. They walked to the right elevator and the huntsman pressed the button to open it, they then walked in and watched as the door closed. (Y/N) walked to the wall closest to him and leaned on it comfortably as the elevator started rising.

He turned to Pyrrha who was standing in the center of the metallic designed elevator and got her attention to ask another question. "Hey Pyrrha, are you entering, or entered into, the Summer League?"

Said woman turned her attention to him curiously, "I am not involved in the Summer League at all because of my rank, however I will be in the Summer Tournament. Do you mind me asking why?"

"I was just curious because I heard that most people enter in hopes that they can get a rise in their Rank."

"Yes, that is common, but some of the higher rank individuals do so for the glory and popularity that comes with preforming well. I am taking part in it because I would like to strengthen my own abilities by fighting stronger opponents."

"Hm, can people get promoted to S-Rank from the tournament?"

"That is an interesting question since it is one that I do not have the answer to. I believe that it is possible, however I have no recollection of it happening. However, most of the time the Summer Tournament is full of A and S-Rank participants, and its exceptionally rare to see an A-Rank in top 8. So, I'd imagine that if someone wanted to be promoted to S-Rank then they would have to at least reach the top 8. I'm sorry that I'm not able to help you much."

"No, you were an amazing help! Thanks a ton for helping me out, you're the best!" Pyrrha allowed a smile to grow across her face at his compliments. She couldn't help but feel greatly appreciated when (Y/N) spoke, it was one of the reasons she felt enchanted by him.

The two sat in silence looking at each other for a moment longer, until the ding of the elevator was heard, and the door slowly opened granting them entrance to Ozpin's office. "Welcome Mr. (L/N), long time no see." The woman that spoke was deep into the room, standing tall on his right side of the headmaster's long desk.

(Y/N) and Pyrrha walked out from the elevator and into the expansive office. As the pair walked up to the large desk, and the two people by it, the man of the pair began taking a look around the office. "Damn this place is really big, and its hella elaborate. This floor is dope as fuck! And its hella soft! Imma need to get me an office like this." 

After finishing his quick examination of the room, he turned his attention to the busty lady that had been expecting him. "Yo what's good Glynda! How've you been in the few hours it's been since I saw you last."

The woman chuckled at his comments, "I've been absolutely terrible" she said while wiping away fake tears. "How could you have left me alone for so long!" The over dramatic theatrical display of her fake heart break was moving to everyone in the room, all for very different reasons. For both (Y/N) and Glynda, they laughed and chuckled at their dramatic exchange, coming across as incredibly close friends or maybe even closer than that.

Pyrrha on the other hand was moved to confusion, she didn't understand whether or not their exchange, or the professor's exclamation, was serious or not, mainly because Goodwitch seemed to be a very serious, no-nonsense type of person. Ozpin was in absolute, total, incomprehensible shock as he saw Glynda animate in the presence of the mysterious man who was now identified as (Y/N) (L/N).

He couldn't believe the scene that was unfolding in front of him. His mind went totally blank as he saw THE Glynda Goodwitch laughing and chuckling with someone, she had met not even a full day ago. "What is going on here? First Glynda calls me personally and request an audience, which she never does. Then, she advocates the complete innocence of the person that we both identified as a possible threat to the safety of the school. After that, she demanded, not requested, DEMANDED, that he be admitted into my academy and treated with the utmost respect." 

"And then on top of all that, the minute she sees him again she makes a JOKE! The Glynda Goodwitch made a Joke! This impossible, is it possible that this (Y/N) figure has some kind of mind control semblance? That's not a possibility that I can just leave out given the circumstance. I need to remain vigilant, who knows what else he is capable of." As Ozpin finished his thoughts, (Y/N) and Pyrrha were standing in front of his large desk.

Pyrrha bowed slightly to the two adult figures, "I apologize for the delay, as you can see, I have brought (Y/N) (L/N) as you all requested."

As Pyrrha rose from her slight bow, Glynda responded to her introduction with, "thank you for your assistance, Pyrrha. You were a wonderful help."

"The praise is not necessary; I was just doing what you asked of me."

Ozpin quickly chimed in on the conversation, "thanks again for your help Pyrrha. You are dismissed of your duty's, feel free to enjoy the rest of your day" he said with a smile.

At his comment, Pyrrha seemed a little conflicted. It looked as if she wanted to make a request, but she was clearly too nervous to ask. After a moment of confliction, she managed to build up enough courage to speak her mind, "Uhm I'm sorry for overstepping my bounds, but I have a request. If possible, can I remain in the office until (Y/N) is finished with what is required of him. I would like to ensure that he makes his way back to his desired destination without getting lost."

Glynda and Ozpin turned to each other, discussing the request with a single look. The pair then turned back to Pyrrha, and Glynda chose to address her request. "The reason that (Y/N) had been brought to this room is to complete his enrollment process. There may be sensitive, or personal information that he may or may not want to reveal to you. It is because of this that the decision is not up to us, the person you must ask is the man beside you."

Before Pyrrha could even turn to ask him the question, he answered the question he knew she was going to ask. "Yeah sure. I don't really care."

"Well, I guess that settles it, now let's get this done as quickly as possible. As I'm sure you have other matters to attend to Mr. (L/N)" Ozpin said. With that, they began the enrollment process.

It was mostly just an explanation of various expectations, locations, and other need to know information that all the students receive upon being accepted into the school. However, after the verbal orientation, Glynda handed him a brand new (F/C) Scroll, that he of course accepted graciously. 

The rest of the process took place on the scroll, as they went through a lot of electronic registration to get him a proper Huntsman ID and other similar things. Surprisingly to Ozpin, Glynda had already registered her scrolls ID onto (Y/N)'s Scroll, giving him access to her personal line. 

That just added fuel to his mind control semblance theory and gave him more reason to believe that he was threat that needed to be dealt with. Also, it turns out that (Y/N) really was a future classmate of Miss Nikos as he was registered as an S-Rank student. He didn't exactly know why, but he accepted it regardless. 

He was slightly irritated that Nix and Neyah were B-Rank even though he got S by doing nothing, but he let it go since he knew that they would be earning it in the tournament later. After this, the rest of the enrollment went smoothly, with Glynda, Pyrrha, and (Y/N) laughing and flirting with each other all the while.

"You'll be using your Scroll as a temporary room pass that you'll be using for the rest of the summer. We use these to give students rooms before they are put into their teams that they will be with for the rest of their years at Beacon" Ozpin explained. "Your temp room will be located in this building, and I'm sure Pyrrha will have no issue pointing you in the right direction."

(Y/N) looked back at Ozpin, "So, while I am using this temporary room, can I still access the facilities in the Hope building? Like the training room, lunch hall, and what not?"

"Yes of course you can. Just try your best not to shatter any walls in the building." In response to his sly remark Glynda gave Ozpin an incredibly harsh glare, while (Y/N) looked at him in slight confusion.

As the professor finished burning a hole in the headmaster's head with her glare, she politely turned to (Y/N) with a suggestive smirk. "You are free to use any of the rooms available to you, for as much time as you wish. During this time of year its first come first serve, however as soon as you are assigned a team, you'll be given a room that's yours to keep. Feel free to give me a call and I'll gladly come drill you into a fine young huntsman."

"I may have to take you up on that offer" he replied with an equally enthralling smile.

Ozpin looked at the exchange with irritation written on his face, so he decided to interrupt the flirtatious pair, "excuse me Mr. (L/N), but if you don't mind me asking, where exactly were you staying before?"

"Oh, I was sleeping with Nix and Neyah in their temp room. Is that an issue?"

"No there is no problem with that, students are free to have guests in their rooms at this time of year, my curiosity just got the better of me is all." Glynda's patients with Ozpin's personal, unneeded questions and comments towards (Y/N) was beginning to wear extraordinarily thin, but the group continued with their exchange.

Throughout the entire encounter, Ozpins suspicions kept rising, but he kept his easy-going façade on. However, he planned on getting some answers and possible incriminating (Y/N) with his last idea. "Alright Mr. (L/N), your almost done. The only thing that you need to do now is name and register your Semblance." As soon as the words left his lips Glynda went to refute his words, but Ozpin cut her off with an arm and a harsh look.

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