Parallel lives [COMPLETE] [BX...

By DarkAquariuswriter

529 66 0

Three young men of different ages begin to discover love, and all that it entails. Numa, Lucas and Leon have... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47 - Part II
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
Chapter 50
Chapter 51
Chapter 52
Chapter 53
Chapter 54
Chapter 55
Chapter 56
Chapter 57
Chapter 58
Chapter 59
Chapter 60
Chapter 61
Chapter 62
Chapter 63
Chapter 64
Chapter 65
Chapter 66
Chapter 67
Chapter 68
Chapter 69
Chapter 70
Chapter 71
Chapter 72
Chapter 73
Chapter 74
Chapter 75
Chapter 76 - The End

Chapter 37

9 1 0
By DarkAquariuswriter

Saturday night and the atmosphere at Doble Sense nightclub was very different from Friday. Leon smiled to himself, this was paradise, he was behind the counter, and although the work was hell in terms of stress, he loved it.

How many numbers has he collected on Friday? Some people recognized him as the politician's son, but he didn't mind it at all. He only hoped the press would find out soon so he would receive a call from his father and he could insult him.

The training has been going wonderful, he already got the job, however the former bartender was asked to work another weekend to wrap up the training. Leon already knew most of the drinks, the only challenge remained the fruit cocktails, which were impossible for him to memorize.

The owner already said he was happy with him: he was nice, attractive, had a good image and above all he knew how to work.

The only thing Leon didn't like very much was the uniform, the bartenders wore black leather pants and a blackshirt slightly open at the chest.

The leather pants were really impressive, they fit him well but for work they were a bit annoying, probably because he was not used to them.

The previous bartender gave him a couple of instructions on who to flirt with and who not to flirt with. Generally his classifications were divided into 3 groups: "He's a nice guy, leaves a tip" "leaves a tip but wants to get his hand in" and "wants to get his hand in and doesn't leave a tip" the last one was usually followed by words such as: bastard, fucker, creepy old man. But what really surprised Leon was the realization that the guy was not gay. He looked at him quizzically at one point in the evening.

"Holy crap, have you figured it out ALREADY? It took our boss almost 6 months," added the young man whose name was Rodrigo.

"Let's just say boys are my forte. Are you bi?"

"Nope, straight 100 percent," added softly.

Leon let out an exclamation of admiration, how has a straight guy survived so long in this place?

"I don't even know myself."

Through him he found out that Doble Sense was not as new as he thought, the place had another branch in the central part of the city, but it remained exclusively to a certain group of people. This new branch was more open to the general public. Rodrigo has been working as a bartender for a year while living with his parents, so he saved a lot of money.

"You are lucky, at least now there are not as many dirty old men as in the other place, that was hell and even more if you were straight."

"And you haven't tried it? Never...?"

Rodrigo let out a mischievous laugh.

"Let's say that once I couldn't resist."

They both laughed, it was obvious that he probably fucked someone for money, from the tone in which he made the comment.

The strong point of the night was between midnight and two in the morning, although after that there was a lot to do, people already seemed to know what they wanted to drink and therefore, although the quantity demanded was still important, the work flowed more lightly.

Leon made himself a vodka and lemon and stood at the end of the bar to look at the people, that night there were so many beauties around that he didn't know where to start.

So engrossed was he in his thoughts that he didn't even hear the shout of one of his customers.

When he finally noticed the young man in question looking at him, he was obviously annoyed. He approached him.

"I'm sorry I didn't hear you. What do you want?"

He looked at him for a few moments, he was a kid! What was a boy of his age doing in a place like this?"

"A whiscola."

Leon looked at him in surprise.

"Identification, please."


"I'm not going to serve you anything with alcohol if you don't show me your ID, I don't believe you're of age."

He noticed the angry expression on his face, if he had been older, it wouldn't have taken him long, maybe 5 minutes to take him to bed. He was his ideal type: light blue eyes, blonde hair, slender type, he was a real beauty although he didn't look very tall.

"You'll have to believe it because I forgot my ID at home. I'm 18."

Leon looked at him sideways, he didn't believe it.


The blonde guy looked at him with a satisfied face, Leon opened the fridge, prepared a drink and came back to him.

"Here's the coke, when you bring me your ID, I'll pour you the whiskey, okay?"

The blonde let out a grunt.

"I can't believe how hot you look, and how unfriendly you are."

Leon looked at him thinking he heard wrong. But he soon found out he hasn't.

"What's your name?"

Leon started to laugh, was he trying to pick him up?

That was funny.

"It seems to me, you've got the wrong person, AND also the wrong role, babe. Take your cola and go home to sleep."

The blonde smiled at him defiantly when he was expecting him to get angry.

"I don't care what you say, what's your name?"

"Leon" the truth is that he was finding that little game, fun.

"Leon, nice name, and are you a shrew too?"

There he touched his pride, that kid, he would give him a shrew.

"Show some respect kiddo."

The blonde gave him a provocative smile.

"Maybe you should teach me to respect you," he narrowed his eyes in a feline way.

Leon looked at him thinking he was hallucinating. 

"If I were to teach you to respect me, you wouldn't be able to walk properly for three days," added Leon as he came dangerously close to his face. The blonde blushed intensively at his comment but still responded, in a cool way.

"Whenever you want Leon," he whispered with reddened cheeks, "now pour me the whiskey."

Leon closed his eyes and bowed his head while he laughed amused, and went to the other end of the bar to continue serving people. When he finished he discovered that the blonde was watching him, he called him with his hand.

"I'm not going to give you any alcoholic drinks."

"Not even a beer?" the blonde asked, evidently resigned.


Leon looked at him again, he was a kid barely over 15 years old but how even got in?

"So, can I have your number?" the question surprised him.

"No way, sweetheart..."

"Then, can I have a beer," he smiled sweetly.


"Is this your last word?" asked the blonde seeing the affirmative movement of the bartender, winking at him while he added,

"Then I'm going to get it somewhere else, Leon."

Leon shrugged his shoulders but couldn't help but follow him with his eyes. He was an interesting and funny guy, it was the first time that someone faced him that way, the truth is that it had surprised him.

About 2 hours passed and the young blonde has not reappeared. Leon took a break while the other bartender took care of his work, the club was still almost full, he crossed the dance floor and an image caught his attention, there was the blonde dancing with a man of almost 30 years old, he was about to approach but he remembered that it was better not to get involved, so he turned around and continued his way. He sat in the locker room, thinking about Numa, that boy reminded him a lot of him.

After the break he returned to the bar, looked back to where he has seen him dancing but he was no longer there, neither the boy nor the man.

When he returned to the bar he saw him sitting there, in the corner. Seeing him pass by, the blonde raised a bottle of beer in the air defiantly. He brought it to his lips to run his tongue boldly along the spout.
Leon thought about it and signaled his partner to cover him for 5 minutes. He rounded the outside of the bar and approached the blonde to look at him for a few moments.

"A drink?" the blonde asked defiantly.

"And your friend, where did you leave him?"

"I don't know, he left, he wanted to take me to the reserved areas but I didn't want to. For a beer I won't give up this beautiful body" he looked at him intensely "well, it can be yours for nothing" gave him a provocative smile.

"Didn't you drink too much already?"

As an answer he felt the young man's lips on his urging him to kiss him. Leon was about to respond but opted to push him away. He liked that he took the initiative but he didn't want anything with him, he was too young, and maybe he was even under the age of consent which was a big no.

"What, you don't think I'm cute? It's a pity because I like you a lot," he winked, Leon stared at him, he already said it several times but it didn't seem to affect him.

"Yes, more than cute, you are hot but I'm 23 years old and you're barely 15, you even look like a virgin and I have a rule not to sleep with any virgin"

The young man lowered his eyes evidently embarrassed, he only said it to emphasize his young age, but apparently he was.

The young man left the bottle of beer on the bar, raised his head to smile at him.

"Well, that has a solution. Have I already told you that I like you?

And before he could add anything he kissed him again and slipped out of his sight.

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