The Awakened One, Book 1: Rem...

By Nentai96

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Earth is an incredibly peaceful and beautiful World home to the amazingly intelligent Humans that live upon i... More

Chapter 1: Armageddon
Chapter 2: Battle Of Wills
Chapter 3: Hell On Earth
Chapter 4: Awakening
Chapter 5: Awakened One
The Public Service Announcement
Chapter 6: The Queen of The Amazon
Chapter 7: Vampire May Cry
|^{PSA II}^|
Chapter 8: A New World
Chapter 9: A New Companion
(A/N): III
Chapter 10: A Chance Encounter
*!Status!* II
(A/N): IV
Chapter 12: Vale
Chapter 13: A Night in Vale
(A/N): V
Chapter 14: Rest and Relaxation
Chapter 15: Training Begins
Chapter 16: A Mysterious Figure
Chapter 17: Scars
(A/N): VI
*!Status!* III
Chapter 18: Glynda Goodwitch
Chapter 19: Ice Queen
Chapter 20: Ozma
(A/N): VII
Chapter 21: Thief in The Night
Chapter 22: The Reaper
Chapter 23: The Xiong Family
Chapter 24: A Woman's Curse
Chapter 25: Spiders
Chapter 26: Foundation
(A/N): IX
Chapter 27: The Disciplinarian
Chapter 28: Jacques Schnee
*!Status!* IV
Chapter 29: Despair
*!Status!* V
(A/N): X
Chapter 30: Thicker Than Blood
Chapter 31: Taking Out The Trash
Chapter 32: Red Like Roses
(A/N): XI
Chapter 33: I Burn
Chapter 34: The Demon Clan
Chapter 35: Preparing For Victory
(A/N): XII
Chapter 36: Conquering Vale's Underworld
Chapter 37: Aftermath
Chapter 38: A Newer Companion
Chapter 39: Mirror Mirror
Chapter 40: Who am I?
Chapter 41: A Fateful Meeting
(A/N): XIV
Chapter 42: At Last
Chapter 43: The White Fang
Chapter 44: Forever Fall Forest
(A/N): XV
Chapter 45: From Shadows
Chapter 46: To Light
Chapter 47: The Snake And The Tiger
(A/N): XVI
Chapter 48: Fairy Tales
Chapter 49: Moving Forward
Chapter 50: Towards The End
Chapter 51: Of The Beginning
Chapter 52: The Summer Tournament
Chapter 53: Finalists
Chapter 54: Finale
Chapter 55: Finished
Chapter 56: Finally
Public Service Announcement
Chapter 57: Initiation
Chapter 58: Act 2
Chapter 59: Knight Ceremony
Chapter 60: Alpha Megoliath
Chapter 61: Power Leveling
Chapter 62: Total Recall
Chapter 63: System Update
Chapter 64: Divided
Chapter 65: Upside
Chapter 66: Downturn
Chapter 67: The Meeting
Chapter 68: Vacuo
Chapter 69: Tribes of The Desert
Chapter 70: The Desert Kreeps
Chapter 71: The Desert Walkers
Chapter 72: Desert Faunus Alliance
Chapter 73: Disappearance
Chapter 74: Unfortunate Circumstance
Chapter 75: The Mysterious Hunter
Chapter 76: Desperate Invaders
Chapter 77: To Protect
Chapter 78: Running Out Of Time
Chapter 79: Mistake Driven Turmoil
| Where TF Have I Been? |
Awakened Organization: Closure {A Loving Summary}

Chapter 11: Lovers

2.5K 46 118
By Nentai96

"(Y/N), are you alright?"

"Hey pretty boy! You havin a fucking stroke or something!" Neyah waved her hand across is eyes hoping for him to come back to his senses. While Nix poked and prodded at the mans body hoping to invoke any reaction in him.

 Neither of these attempts were fruitful, as (Y/N) remained still, as an infinite number of thoughts shattered his consciousness to pieces from the revelation. "I think he's havin a fucking stroke" Neyah exclaimed. 

Byakko, that was previously sitting on his lap, got up from her preferred position and began exploring the room with renewed interest. Even going as far as, walking outside the room, exploring the surrounding area past the building.

Nix and Neyah ignored the actions of the pet, choosing instead to focus on the frozen man. "No, I think he is just overloaded at all the information that we just provided him with. After all, no one really knows of the true history behind the Great War, and the discovery of Dust."

"What the fuck do we do then? Leave him?"

"No! Absolutely not! I believe that if we wait for a moment he will eventually come back to his senses."

"Wait! What if we like threw cold water on him! Or like punched him or something! He would have to wake up if we did that right?"

"Not either of those things, but we could do something that would invoke a strong physical reaction in his body. It would be like a jolt of energy, forcing him out of his stupor, but what could we do?" The two sat for a moment, both thinking of solutions to the problem at hand. They sat like this for a moment before a lightbulb suddenly went off in Neyah mind.

"I got it!"

Nix looked over to her sister expectantly, "What should we do?" She asked innocently.

"Something like this!" Neyah suddenly perked her lips and slammed them roughly against the side of the frozen man's face. After the impact of lip to cheek, (Y/N)'s head moved slightly, rocking gently in the opposite direction of the kiss. This rocking continued for a moment before his head gently returned back to its original position. "Damn. I guess I didn't kiss hard enough."

A look of shock covered Nix's face as she witnessed her sister's action. The words left her for a moment before she managed to recover and formulate a complete thought. "Wha, wha, wha, wha, what are you doing!?!?!?" A red flush found its way back on to her face as she replayed over and over the image of her sisters' lips slamming against her savior's cheek.

Neyah looked over to her sister innocently, "what do you mean?"

"Y-yo-yo- you kissed him!"

"Huh? Yeah, you said that we needed shock him, I thought kisses did that to people."

"Well... I mean, I think they do, but not like how you did it!" Nix became more and more flustered with every passing second.

"Well how am I supposed to know. I aint never kissed somebody before, but since you're so knowledgeable why don't you do it." Neyah face shifted into a pout, slightly peeved that she failed in her goal. However, it was at this same moment that Nix's face exploded in redness, leaving her smoking from an overload of embarrassment.

"I... uhm...I can't, I mean... he wouldn't... uhm." Nix fumbled over her words, unable to create a finished thought from her fluster. All she could manage was a compilation of half thoughts with no ending, and a mess of fiddling with her tail as a nervous habit.

Neyah's face turned from pout to mischievous grin as she came to a rare understanding of her sisters' emotions. She read the vibe of the room and chose to push the issue further. "Well, if you can't do it, I guess I'm gonna have to try again. Huh, I wonder how I should kiss him this time? Maybe..." Neyah looked up feigning a thinking expression, "maybe I should try... the lips."

Nix somehow instantly recovered from her mess of incomplete thoughts, "No! Absolutely not!"

Neyah flinched back surprised at the intensity of her refusal, but her mischievous grin continued. "Well, if I can't do it then maybe you should. I mean you are far more knowledgeable about this sort of thing than I am" Neyah spoke.

In response to this, the timid Nix began internalizing the thoughts to come up with an answer on whether she should do such a thing. "I mean, I definitely shouldn't, we should just wait until he wakes of his own will. However, what if Neyah doesn't listen to my request and kisses him again anyway? I can't let that happen, he's mine.

Nix flinched back slightly at the thought, "No, no, no, no, he is not mine, he is a person that has his own feelings and can make his own decisions on who he is attracted to. Matter a fact, I am not even attracted to him in the slightest, even if I did kiss him I would only do it to help break him out of his stupor. Definitely not because I want to.

Her mental argument became more and more convincing as the self-conversation continued. "Exactly. If I don't kiss him then Neyah will do it, and it could bring harm to him. As long as I am the one that kisses him, he will remain safe, and I'll be able to wake him easier. Low risk for a great reward. The reward being bringing (Y/N) back to his senses, nothing more." Bringing herself out of her thoughts she looked over to her sister who was smiling wildly.

"So, you gonna fuckin, do it? Or am I gonna have to give (Y/N) a fat smooch on the lips for you."

"No, I will be the one to wake him from his senselessness. If you were the one kissing him, it would only involve unnecessary risk that could do more harm than good."

"Ok then big girl, go for it." Neyah said while holding in her laughter.

Nix skootched her way into the front of the handsome man and rested on her knees to have her head on the same level as his. As soon as she looked deeply into his eyes every pour on her body began oozing sweat simultaneously. 

Her tail swished wildly back and forth and the panther ears atop her head perked up in hypersensitivity. Every sound around her was echoed loudly in her ear drums, the whistling wind outside, Neyah's chuckling breath behind her, debris rolling across the empty floor of the collapsed building, and the slow, easy gentle breath that escaped from the closed lips of the Adonis in front of her. 

Her heart beats rapidly in her chest, bursting with every repetition, threatening to break free from the shackles of her ribcage. In that moment she steeled her resolve and puckered her lips, awkwardly, to present her first kiss to her savior. She slowly moved forward fully prepared to contact the pillowy lips of (Y/N).

"Holy shit, holy shit, holy shit, what the fuck does this even mean? If I am in the world of Rwby, Remnant, then what kind of implications does that have on the story line that I know? Is this just the world of Rwby so it's like the show, or is it deeper than that? Are all the characters still the same? Will I meet Ruby, Yang, Blake, and Weiss and all of them? Or will those characters be obsolete, and only a figment of the fiction that Rooster Teeth created. Is this what it means to be Dues-Humanus like Kaizer said? Either way this shit is CRAZY! Wait, what about Salem and Ozpin and the gods n shit. Oh shit! I know Salem exists because of Salem's influence, so does that mean that the world is still in danger some what? Doesn't that also confirm that other characters exist because Salem exists? But wait, what if this Salem isn't the Salem that I know from the show, couldn't she also be like something else? It did only say Salem's Influence not Salem's essence or anything like that. Damn there are so many questions! Wait what if-"

All of (Y/N)'s thoughts suddenly came to a screeching halt as he felt something warm, and soft against his lips. "Huh?" He was brought completely from the inner most parts of his mind by the presence of a gorgeous Faunus girl in front of him. As the warm sensation continued, he felt himself naturally leaning into the feeling, instinctually replicating the exchanging except with far more skill and finesse. 

As their lips held on gently to one another, Nix could feel her mind melting into the touch of her partner, no longer able to think of anything but him. However, the chaste kiss was suddenly broken by (Y/N)'s sudden realization at what was going on.

He flinched backwards breaking the kiss, "Woah, what the hell just happened?" (Y/N) frantically looked around the room for answers, but the only thing that he found was an entranced Neyah, and an Estrus stricken Nix.

Nix was a mess, in the best way possible. Her eyes were lacking in the gently luster that they glowed with before, now filled with glowing vibrant lust that manifested with icy blue rings that spiraled out from the pupils of her eyes. 

Her mouth was a gape and long strands of cool saliva drooled from her lips incessantly. With every deep inhale her body arose with cool air, and with every exhale steamy air escaped from her lips pushing drool further and further from her gape. 

Hot air radiated from her form as she sat there breathing heavily from the small kiss. For a moment time went still, as (Y/N) watched the previously timid girl waiting for someone to come and make sense of his current situation. 

That person never came, since he watched in confusion as the previously noble beauty began slowly stalking forward on all fours. Slowly placing each hand in front of the other, prowling every so creepily towards the savior, while never allowing, even for a moment, the eye contact between the two to break. 

(Y/N) began feeling a bit nervous in his current predicament, finding that he no longer felt in control. He was a gazelle in the claws of a lion, a water buffalo in the jaws of a tiger, a antelope in the sights if a Panther. He was prey. It was that moment that he made one move to escape, planting his left hand on the floor behind him, he attempted to stand himself up. That was a mistake.

"MINE!" The instant his palm touched the floor, the predator pounced on its prey. Nix landed harshly on top of (Y/N), pinning him under her surprising strength. As soon as she gained control, straddling his waste with her hips, she pressed her lips back onto his in an hot and sloppy kiss. The instant their lips met Nix aggressively slid her tongue into the mouth of her victim, viciously exploring, tasting everything her rough appendage could touch. 

Although the sensation was more than welcome to the Awakened One the image of a gorgeous Amazonian Queen suddenly appeared within his mind and guilt immediately burdened his mind. (Y/N) then steeled his expression and used all of his strength to shove the Faunus woman from atop his chest. 

"Woah, back the fuck up Nix" he spoke as he shoved her from his chest. The forceful movement wasn't aggressive, and it only managed to move the woman a few feet from himself, but it was effective enough to get both Nix and Neyah's attention. "Neyah what's going on with your sister?"

As he asked the question, he wasn't nearly safe enough to let his guard down as the motion wasn't nearly enough to get Nix to regain control of herself. Without warning the estrus-stricken Faunus woman screamed "MINE" once more and launched herself at her mate once more, attempting to tackle him to the ground. (Y/N) was somehow able to dodge the incoming strike, swerving out of the way of her arms.

The simple dodge wasn't enough to deter her at all though as she attacked him once more, but he simply dodged yet again and turned his attention to Neyah to ask, "Neyah! Yo! Get your Sister!"

Neyah replied with a confused, "Huh?" The comment only brought a bit of irritation to (Y/N) as he continued to dodge each of Nix's attempts at his body, slowly losing his patience for the situation.

"Ugh, I said, what the fuck is happening to your sister!?!"

Neyah's face turned from confusion to realization, "Oh right. I think she found her mate or whatever. It has to do with our clan, the Panthera Clan." Neyah suddenly stopped in her explanation, not feeling as if she needed to explain further.

"Are you fucking kidding me?!? That's it!" As she left him with a much less that desirable explanation (Y/N) ducked underneath one of Nix's tackles. As she flew overhead, he suddenly gripped her over extended arm and threw the rabid woman to the other side of the room. 

Nix crashed relatively harmlessly against the wall, but the attack seemed to put her out of commission for a moment. "Well, do you think you could elaborate a bit more! I'm not tryna be pushy or anything, but I'm kinda fending off a previously well-mannered girl who seems to be intent on committing less than consensual actions!" Neyah avoided looking into his eyes as she responded.

"Well, I guess we owe you some kind of explanation, especially considering you are Nix's mate now. It started when- "

"Wait! You kinda just skipped over the whole 'mate' part. What exactly do you mean by that?"

Before Neyah was able to respond to his question Nix launched herself from the wall while shouting, "Your mine! Stop moving!" She was moving at a speed seemingly much faster than before.

It was too late for him to dodge the attack and he didn't desire to get tackled and assaulted by the woman once again, so he made the difficult decision to take a bit of offensive action. "Angered Roar" with the Skill activated, Mana instantly rushed to fill his vocal cords. Once the preparations were complete the Awakened One planted his feet into the ground below and glared his eyes into the charging woman. 

"STOP!" His voice roared throughout the room, echoing endlessly off the concrete walls of the building. The moment his voice boomed into Nix's ears her body loss all movement capabilities and a fear that she had only felt once before shot through her body. Mid-flight her body suddenly went limp, it was almost as if consciousness completely left her body as she crashed harshly against the ground, unable to move.

As Neyah wasn't the main target of the roar, she managed to remain mostly unaffected, but seeing the effects that it had on her Sister left her livid. "What the fuck did you just do to my sister!" Without warning Neyah suddenly created spear out of what Aura she had left and threw the sharpened weapon at the man.

Seeing the spear flying at him (Y/N) quickly thought, "Parry Strike, Dragon Punch." The two skills activated instantly and once the spear reached him, he uppercut the spear with immense strength and subsequently sent the blade flying back towards the sender. Neyah dipped under the attack with swiftness, ignoring the sound of it shattering like glass as it slammed into the wall behind her. 

"Natural Evade, Wait! Neyah she's not hurt!" The Faunus woman ignored his words and attempted to rocket her fist into (Y/N)'s face, but he quickly swerved out of the way of the swing. After his swift dodge Neyah followed with another flurry of jabs and kicks, slowly pushing her opponent closer and closer to the wall of the room. "Listen-" he said before dodging another attack, "I- Did- Not- Hurt- Nix."

The angered Faunus didn't want to hear anything of what the man was saying, instead continuing to attack as she yelled, "Shut the fuck up!" Once his back was to the wall, Neyah felt confident finishing her opponent, pulling her spear from her back and aiming the weapon's tipped head directly at the center of (Y/N)'s chest. "DIE!" 

As she let out her final battle-cry (Y/N) slipped by the attack with inhuman swiftness, simultaneously gripping the shaft of Neyah's spear. From there he used his immense strength to pull Neyah into his previous position against the wall and pin her using her own weapon.

He shoved the weapon up against her neck and stared at her deep into her eyes as he said, "Stop, Neyah. I understand why your angry, I would be to. But I promise you I did not hurt your Sister. Got me?" As he looked deep into her eyes Neyah suddenly became weak at the knees and her desire to fight quickly left her body.

There wasn't anything she could do to come out on top in this scenario, so she tried her best to look away from the man's eyes, stifle a blush that was forming across her ears, and say a muffled, "fine. I got you."

Seeing her sudden expression change brought confusion to (Y/N)'s mind, but he shrugged it off in the moment. "Aight, so we're cool right? If I let you go you won't swing on me?"

Neyah rolled her eyes, "yeah, we're cool just stop lookin at me! Fuckin dickhead!"

(Y/N) chose to take her at her word and release her from the hold, watching carefully as she fell to the ground. "So, do you think you could tell me what happened to your sister now?"

Neyah rolled her eyes once more and began looking at the ground below (Y/N) as if there was something incredibly interesting there. "Sure.... though It's pretty fuckin obvious, I said what I meant. You and Nix are fuckin mates now, even if you managed to avoid getting claimed for now." At the thought of (Y/N) and Nix becoming lovers, Neyah began to get extremely aggravated for some reason. 

For her sister and her new mate's sake she took a deep breath to calm herself before beginning to explain her clan's history to its newest member. "I guess I gotta start from the very, very beginning now which is extremely annoying, but whatever, I guess. You remember the quick little history lesson about the girl who discovered Dust while on the frontlines of the battle against the Grimm right?"

(Y/N) nodded his head in confirmation "I figured you would. That girl just so happens to be the original ancestor for the Clan that me and Nix came from. We are called the Panthera, and she founded the Clan. After the discovery of the usefulness of the Dust, she went back home to her mother and asked her a multitude of questions, like 'where they find it,' or 'how'd they get it' and blah blah blah. I'm gonna skip over the boring stuff and just tell you the main shit."

"Basically, she ended up finding the dust, hording the fuck out of it, and studying it to make cool shit. They say that once she met her mate, she was overcome with intense lust that she couldn't control, and after she fucked the shit outa him, aka 'claimed' him, they were declared lovers, mates, whatever the fuck you wanna call it."

"This is what we call the Panthera's Heat, like Nix would say 'It's not all Faunus that exhibit the animalistic traits of seasonal mating, and the heat that comes with it. The Panthera are special in that manner.' We don't get horny as fuck when spring comes around or come puberty time wanna fuck everything that moves. Instead, we only are attracted to the one we love physically, emotionally, and sexually. And since it's only the one person we are attracted to, we tend to get a tad bit intense when we find them. It's a family trait that manifests only in the Panthera born woman, not the men interestingly enough." 

(Y/N) took in the story with great interest, while simultaneously checking the status on the passed-out girl resting close by on the floor. He noticed how her breathing was now even, no longer ragged like before. Not so even and slow that she would be sleep, but just enough to show that she was finally at peace, conscious enough to respond.

Neyah continued with her explanation, ignorant of her sister's awakened status. "Well anyway, back to that whole ancestor business, with her mate she had 7 children, all girls that took the Panthera name, continuing their mothers practice of refining the uses of Dust." 

"Weaving it into special cloths made from the stuff, some pretty dope shit. After the 'Great War' was one by the Humans and we were awarded with the worlds shittiest, smallest island continent the Panthera Clan made the island their base of operations. Blah blah blah, time pass, blah blah blah, dust improvements, blah blah blah, clan goes to shit, blah blah blah, and now we are here." After finishing her explanation, Neyah slumped down comfortably in her position, head titled downward avoiding eye contact with (Y/N).

Said (Y/N), watched Neyah with a curious eye easily noticing the shift in body language. Before, Neyah was fierce and direct, not afraid to meet his gaze and return that gaze with another of equal strength. 

Now, she was slightly more timid, just as direct, but refused to look him in the eye. He was going to question her about it, but the resting beauty rose at the ending of her sister's history lesson. "Clan goes to shit" she repeated the line her sister spoke. "Neyah it's a lot deeper than that. I believe we owe my mate an explanation. But first."

Nix suddenly turned to (Y/N) with a somber expression. She then sat on her knees and tilted her head down in submission before saying, "I deeply apologize for that unsightly showing. I am so sorry for putting you in a situation like this without any knowledge. Although this heat was beyond my control, I should've never assaulted you in that manner. You are my mate, and I should have shown you that respect even whilst in that state. I apologize. I hope you can find it within yourself to forgive me Baby."

Nix's sudden apology caught (Y/N) off guard, not because an apology wasn't needed, but because of the casualty in which she issued it. It felt... off, but sincere none the less. "Apology accepted, but how are we exactly still mates? Aren't you supposed to claim me before that shit is official or something?"

At the comment Neyah and Nix shared a look before the calmer of the two sisters replied with, "I... can't say I know either. This is a situation that has never occurred in our Clan's history. Whatever you did to me seems to have fended off the heat, if at least temporarily, so I guess it will not become official until my heat returns. Regardless, as of now, you are now a part of the mighty Panthera Clan." Nix said with a sweet smile.

Neyah scoffed at her sister's statement, "The mighty Panthera Clan" she chuckled slightly at the thought. "I Didn't know that mighty clans only had two members. Oh sorry, I meant three." After hearing Neyah's sarcastic rebuttal.

"The number of members doesn't matter right now, we can repopulate the Clan, and make it stronger than it ever was! Isn't that right baby?"

(Y/N) looked down into the pleading girls' eyes for a moment, before turning back to Neyah who ducked his glance. "Uhm, yeah... I mean no, no, no, no. Thanks for the opportunity I guess, but Firstly, I'm already in a committed relationship in the future so I don't think this whole mate thing is gonna work out. I'm not really tryna ruin the first real relationship I've gotten in, and plus she's like a goddess no less." 

"I really like you, honestly, I do, but I'm not interested in inquiring the wrath of the Amazonian Queen. Also, what happened to our, I mean your, Clan. It seemed legendary, at least that's what I got from your explanation." Nix smiled at his rebuttal, lifting her head from its place on his neck to place a chaste kiss on his lips.

"Firstly babe, commitments don't matter to us once you are claimed, or marked, you become theirs, no exceptions."

"Ha, unfortunately, there is gonna have to be an exception now since this shit aint happening" he replied with a bit of a chuckle. "There isn't anything I can do about it, plus I can't be in a relationship with two different people. And even if I could I'd need to talk with her about it first, which probably aint possible right now." Nix looked at (Y/N) in confusion.

"Of course, you can be in a relationship with multiple people. The Panthera Clan is no stranger to polyamorous relationships. In fact, Neyah's and my parents were in such a relationship, it is not uncommon. When I say that you become mine, I simply mean that you are the only person that I will ever be attracted to, romantically or sexually, for the rest of my life. Of course, you can try to refuse, but I will hunt you down and force my love upon you if necessary" Nix said with a bright smile on her face.

"What the fuck am I supposed to do here? I raised some kind of Yandere flag on this pretty lady, which is great and all, but I already promised myself to Shiva. I don't wanna be a fuck up, and I really don't wanna mess things up with Shiva in the future, but I don't want to lose out on this opportunity either.

The twins watched as (Y/N) suddenly sat down with a huff of breath, rubbing his temple as he considered his options. "I can't. Not right now at least. I need to find a way to contact Shiva and here her out on things first. No forcing will be necessary, but I can't really be in a serious relationship with you yet. I'm still already committed to someone else, and I don't wanna break my promise that I have with her over something like this. I'm sorry, but your gonna have to wait a while."

Nix's eyes lit up, gleaming with excitement. "Really? So, you're willing to be in a relationship with me?!?"

"Did she not hear the first part? Yeah, mos definitely. You are a beautiful girl, super strong, and I find that even in our short meeting I love having you around, so I have absolutely no reason to say no. But I can't right now since I have someone already, maybe in the future shit can get serious, but as of right now you'll have to consider your love one-sided." As the words left his mouth, it was as if Nix only heard the first part of his sentence and she leaped on him once more, cuddling his arms.

As her arms wrapped around his, she unleashed her excitement onto him with her words. "Thank you, thank you, thank you so much! I love you baby, I'll follow you to the ends of Remnant, no to the end of existence! Wow I can't believe this is happening!"

The man once again started to push the girl from his side as he said, "did you not hear me Nix? I'm taken, why are you so damn happy?"

The Faunus looked up happily at the man and said, "Huh, do you not understand? I don't care whether or not your committed to someone else, my love for you doesn't change. The fact that your only grievance with copulating with me is the fact that your committed to another makes me extremely happy! I don't mind if you don't love me back, as long as I can stay by your side and support you in every way possible, I'm more that satisfied!"

Nix's words touched (Y/N) in a different kind of way, bringing a warmth to his chest that he only felt once before, and that was with Shiva. It was a welcomed feeling that he never experienced before leaving earth and it was a feeling that he never wanted to leave. "Maybe... this wouldn't be too bad after all." He didn't let the thought linger and he quickly shook it from his mind. "Yeah, that's great and all, but do you think you could, you know, let go?"

Nix looked at her baby with a confused expression, "is this wrong? I just want to give you a bit of warmth, after all the sun is going down and it tends to get very cold around here at night. Would this be too much of a problem for you?" The adorable Faunus girl looked up to the man with her enrapturing eyes, locking him between a rock and a hard place. Her enamoring expression mixed with the warmth of her words created a combination that which nobody could say no too.

"I love Shiva." He thought to himself as he felt the girl's warmth seep into his skin from her clinging on to his body. "Fine." He caved. "Just, try to tell me about that thing you were talking about before."

"Oh, I apologize baby, I got a little distracted." Nix raised her head in a thinking pose before a lightbulb suddenly went off in her head. "Oh yes, our Panthera Clan was quite a force to be reckoned with. With the multitude of advancements made to Dust, we made special clothing, and weapons from the Ancient Dust that our ancestors acquired. While on Menagerie, we were looked to as a sort of religious group. Not worshiped by any means but revered by many. Any conflict that arose from prideful or greedy individuals was quickly put down by the Clan, and as such, we were left to our own devices by our fellow Faunus."

"It was our Clan that originally formed the White Fang as a co-ops group to move in silence, assisting the Faunus from the shadows to create save havens and eliminate threats to Faunus life on the Main continents. I'll explain the story of how the White Fang became what it is today another time, but that's a simple enough summary of the Panthera Clan administration and purpose. All these affairs were kept in order and going perfectly until one man ruined it all. Our Father, Nevada." As soon as the name was spoke, the vibe of the room turned hostile. Neyah shook furiously in anger, and Nix's glowing eyes disappeared, shadowed in grief.

"Nevada was a born Panthera man, birthed by one of the stronger warriors in the Clan. At birth everyone knew he was quite different from the rest, especially for a man. The men in the Clan are strong, but they were naturally timid, submissive, and kind. He however was ruthless, extremely aggressive, and had strength unseen." 

"When he reached adulthood, he claimed two powerful sisters, both from the Clan. It was unheard of, he had his own heat, it was almost as if he was a powerful Panthera woman born in the body of a man. Usually, an offense like this wouldn't be accepted and some punishment would be administered, but the sisters reciprocated his heat with their own, and they claimed each other consensually." 

"It is because of this that everyone looked over the event as an oddity, but nothing to be considered about. These two women were our mothers, Neyah and Nieva. My mother was Neyah, she was an incredibly strong, the true symbol of a Panthera woman. She loved me dearly and taught me everything I know about physical combat."

"Nieva was the mother of Neyah, I know it is kind of confusing but try your best to follow along, she was more on the timid side, still incredibly powerful and confident. She was the lead priestess for the clan and the most proficient with Dust. She was essentially a second mother to me, and she treated me like another daughter, she taught me all I know about priesthood."

Neyah decided to speak up, joining into the conversation, "like she said, my mother treated her as she would another daughter, the same was true for her mom to me. Neyah treated like her own and taught me how to become a true warrior. She unlocked my aura and taught me how to use my semblance as well as I can use it today."

It was then that (Y/N) decided to chime in with a question, "I thought that you both were twins, how did that happen if you had different mothers?"

Nix responded quickly, "while we are not twins by the technical definition, our mothers got pregnant and gave birth on the same day. At birth we were inseparable, and we naturally grew closer as we got older. Our mothers were as close to each other as me and Neyah are today, that is the main reason why we were named after them in the first place. That is the general reason why we were regarded by the rest of the Clan as twins."

"I get it now, please continue."

Nix cleared her throat lightly as she began, "Our relationship with our father was not horrible, but not the best either. He refused to train us, didn't take part in any birthdays or other celebrations, and was often cold. However, he taught us a lot about life, who not to trust, to never forsake the ones you love, the importance of appearances, and the virtue of patience at all times. He valued intelligence, thinking far beyond that of your enemies and he made sure that we kept that strategic mindset."

"He was also very overprotective in a seemingly loving way, if we ever got into any fights with older kids he would step in, showing no mercy to even children who hurt us in anyway. It was a good life full of love and happiness, but all that changed when we turned thirteen. We... we...uhm" Nix got choked up, tears began welling up in her eyes and they dared to fall with every passing moment. (Y/N) immediately responded by wrapping his arms around her body, bringing her in for a warm, comforting embrace.

Seeing how her sister wasn't going to be able to continue, Neyah picked up the story where she left off. "We had a big celebration for our 13th, because this is the day that we officially became 'adults'. Adults in the sense that we could officially play a part in the Clan, no longer learning general combat and Dust utility. Towards the end of the celebration, we were assigned to the two most honorable positions in the Clan, Panthera Priestess and Panthera Warrior." 

"I didn't notice it then, but that was the moment that Nevada's face shifted from even to cold to malicious. These two positions were assigned not based on current strength, but on potential, so we could be trained specially in our roles to become stronger than those before us. Nevada knows this, but for some reason this didn't sit right with him and that night everything changed." Neyah clenched her fist at the thought, but she continued through the anger. 

"While we were busy being put to sleep by our mothers, the alarm suddenly rang throughout the compound. A commotion of clashing swords, booming bullets, and slicing flesh was heard coming from just outside our fucking door. Mom ran out the door, warning us to stay put until she found out what was happening. I-" 

Neyah stopped for a moment to recuperate, reliving the experience, "I was scared. Shaking in my boots like a fuckin pussy! Mom told me everything would be ok that stupid liar. She calmed me down and gave me her golden barrettes telling me that she would be back to retrieve them. Aunt Neyah said something similar to Nix as she ran towards the commotion fearlessly. Me and Nix sat in the room for a while, holding each other, trying to reassure each other."

Neyah took a deep breath before continuing, "After a while it was quiet, too quiet. The clashing of blades was gone, the anguishing screams of the dying Faunus were silent, and we thought we were safe. Seeing as neither of our mothers had returned, we decided to go out and look for them, and what we found outside was a horrifying battlefield. Bodies littered the ground and the scent of blood hung toxically in the air, suffocating us with each breath. 

The air was freezing with the residue of blue dust and the various buildings were in shambles from the destruction of the fight. We looked around for a moment, trying to find any evidence of where our family was. The only thing we found was a trail of bodies leading up to the elders building, and so that was where we decided to go. As we approached the building, the air got colder and the stench of blood grew thicker, but we continued onward, holding each other the entire way." Neyah's body began trembling with every word she spoke, slowly becoming unable to speak.

Seeing her sisters trembling state, Nix got up from her comfortable spot on her mate's chest and walked over to her sister. As she reached her, she wrapped her arms around her in a comforting embrace, holding her the same way they held each other on that fateful night.

(Y/N) sat up, looking at the sisters from a distance, hoping that they would be alright. The sister held each other for a moment, leaning on each other's warmth and comfort before Nix brought Neyah to her feet, and began walking her over to (Y/N). 

As Nix approached, she looked into his eyes in a pleading look, requesting something from him. Somehow, (Y/N) instantly understood her request and as Neyah was crouched down by her sister, (Y/N) wrapped his arms around her, bringing her into him softly. The instant his arms touched her form, she reciprocated the hug, wrapping her arms tightly around his warm body. 

Neyah hugged tightly into his body, leaning her head into his nape while sniffing slightly, taking in his comforting scent. The two laid slowly back onto the cool ground, cuddling into each other, Neyah refusing to let go. Nix, not one to be left out, laid back onto the opposite side of (Y/N)'s body, laying her head on his chest listening intently to his gentle heartbeat.

After cuddling comfortably with one another, Nix decided to speak up, "what we found in the audience chamber of the Elders Council was our Father. He was standing in the center of the chamber, sword in hand, all around him were the corpses of the Elders. His sword was piercing the chest of a woman, and in his other hand was the broken neck of another woman." 

"Her body was suspended in the air swaying lightly in the still room, his hand was dug deep into her broken neck crushing it under the force. The woman who had her chest pierced was bleeding profusely across the ground, her blood formed a shallow pool that spread with every new drop of the red substance. In his hand was my mother, Neyah, on the sword was Neyah's sister Nieva." Nix stopped, letting the words sink in.

Neyah then picked up were she left off, "the fucker dropped the bodies once he noticed us, and they hit the floor with an echoing thud. I lost my breath, I didn't know what to do or say, so I just froze. He walked towards us, sword in hand, and towered above the two of us. He stared deeply into our eyes and said 'The Panthera Clan is no more' and walked past us out of the building. I was speechless as I watched him walk away, but Nix managed to scream 'Why' at him. Nevada stopped walking for a moment and turned around to look us both in the eyes one last time, and he said, 'It shouldn't have been you'. And with that he walked away."

Nix decided to wrap up the rest of their history by adding, "it truly was the end of the Panthera Clan. The surviving members had no leader to follow, and we were too young and inexperienced to take that role, so they left. Most ended up wandering Menagerie, or maybe even the main continents, others joined the white fang to continue upholding justice and equality for the Faunus, but we were left with nothing but each other. After the massacre we stayed for a while, collecting, cleaning, repairing everything we could before leaving."

"We decided to take revenge on our father for what he did to our family, our Clan, and so we left to get stronger and investigate his whereabouts. After wondering for quite some time, we decided to take our chances becoming Huntresses at Beacon Academy, getting stronger while gaining contacts to more information. To hopefully find some answers to our questions."

"We arrived on the continent by boat, but our ship was running off course by a large Grimm, forcing the vessel to change course landing on the southeastern tip of Sanus. The crew and others aboard the ship chose to make quick repairs before getting back on course heading towards Vale, our original destination, but we instead thought it would be faster on foot. We continued north until we hit this place, and got attacked, and then... well you know the rest baby." (Y/N) looked over the twins as they cuddled deeply into his chest and neck, trying to figure out what to say.

They had been through so much, and he was left speechless at their story. He racked his brain for anything to say, but he came up with nothing. All of the words of comfort he thought of, he felt, didn't do enough to warm their hearts from their cold pasts. 

Instead, he chose to embrace the both of them with all the warmth and comfort he could manage while saying, "you guys have been through a ton, but I promise that I'll ensure nothing that painful will happen to either of you ever again. Ill make sure of it." And with those words spoke, the sisterly duo cried softly into his form, letting go of their horrifying past and embracing the hopeful future.

Nix and Neyah cried until they couldn't cry anymore, the overflowing tears released all the pain and sorrow that had welded up in them since the tragic event all those years ago. After the tears came rest and the two girls fell into a deep sleep while cuddling the man, they called their savior.

(Y/N) however, remained wide awake, using his sixth sense to analyze his surroundings ensuring their safety. The sleeping girls had left him time to think about his current situation and where to go from here. "Rwby huh? I have nothing but time to spare, and I don't want to separate from the twins, so I'll head to Beacon. Either way it'll help me confirm or deny my suspicions about Remnant and its relation to the Rwby show that I know." After coming to a decision, he decided to move onto other matters that he thought important. "Now time to read all the notifications that appeared while I was conversating with Neyah and Nix"

Quest 'Lover of the Faunus Twins' Complete!

*Quest Rewards*: Faunus Race Crystal Shard!

*New* Titles Acquired: Perfect Lover, Sexual Savant, A Shoulder to Cry On, Master of Comfort, Loved by All, Panthera Clan Head

(Y/N) had a visual reaction to the notification, "Ayo, Meta, I thought I said that I wasn't in a mutual relationship with Nix or Neyah? What's up with this quest line?"

[Meta believes that it has to deal with the Panthera Clan's relationship beliefs! You all are already lovers in both the eyes of the System and the Twins!]

"Damn... I'm a piece of shit" he thought with Shiva in mind. "Aint nothin I can do about it now. Shiva, please forgive me." He said a silent prayer to the first woman that accepted him before continuing to read through his notifications. 

"I don't know how many of these shards it'll take to make a crystal. Not that it's something that I need to worry about right now anyway, the next thing I need to peep are these titles. Most of them are just descriptions and hove no effects whatsoever. Perfect lover is self-explanatory, Sexual Savant means I can instantly pleasure any sexual partner I have which is convenient. I can instantly comfort those who need a shoulder to cry on, or a hug or embrace and I am loved unconditionally by those who naturally fall in love with me.... All these shits are odd as fuck, but I'll take what I can get I guess The only one of these titles that has an importance would be Panthera Clan Head but..."

Panthera Clan Head- You have become the head of the Panthera Clan, and with this new position comes great power. You are extremely influential amongst the Faunus of Remnant and are one of the few that have unlocked the truth of your race's potential; Fully Unlocked Faunus Potential.

"...I'm not a Faunus yet. This system needs to get its shit together, it keeps giving me skills and titles that I can't even use yet." At the thought, (Y/N) exhaled a deep breath, opening his eyes to take a view of the room he was in. It was dark, nighttime was approaching and with that came the Grimm. He wasn't worried about them being in danger, however he did want to know how long they would be pinned down in the abandoned building. 

As he continued thinking through his current situation, his heart suddenly dropped into his stomach as he realized who was missing. "Where the hell did Byakko go!?!?" He panicked slightly, looking and sensing around the premises trying to find his furry partner. 

Looking at the single entrance to the building, he was relieved to see an elegant black and white tiger cub waltz back into the room. Byakko approached him quickly, excited to see her master again after their short separation. She reached his head and curled up beside it, placing her lower jaw on his forehead. 

With her new comfortable seating she began purring slightly at the warmth she received from just his head. "Where did you go Byakko, you scared me half to death." Instead of responding with words, information suddenly popped into his head.

| Byakko |

Grimm Assimilation Rate (7.3%)

Name: Byakko

Age: 0

Race: Celestial White Tiger

Titles: Celestial White Tiger, Goddess of Righteousness, Queen of Animals, Guardian of the West

LVL: 8 (23.7%)

HP: 5400/5400 {+1100}

MP: 3450/3450 {+638}

AU: 490/490 {+78}

Bond Lvl: MAX


STR; 112, {+28}

END; 62, {+15.5}

DEX; 149, {+37.25}

VIT; 88, {+22}

INT; 102, {+25.5}

LUK; 53, {+13.25}

"So, you were out killing stuff? Why?" Byakko thoughts and intentions were transferred into (Y/N)'s head as he asked the question. "That's pretty dope! You cleared out the Grimm surrounding us and found a way outa here! Byakko, I love you deeply and dearly, you are the G.O.A.T!"  Byakko purred deeply into her master at the compliment, meowing quietly enough for only the two of them to hear. 

After he was finished praising the adorable cub, he closed his eyes entering the deepest parts of his mind. "Ever since I awakened, I haven't felt the need to eat, sleep, or drink, so what am I supposed to do in times like these? I may as well chill in my head until the time passes, and I'll get up whenever Nix and Neyah do." With his decision made he joined the rest of his comrades in rest, and while they slept, he recovered from the crazy events that occurred on his first day in Remnant.











The three sleeping girls cuddled closely against the hunk of warmth and comfort that laid in between them. The room was no longer dark and cold, instead the sun had risen, letting in its bright and warm rays onto the group. 

Shifting at the appearance of the sun was Neyah who felt the suns rays beaming onto her face, waking her from her deep slumber. As she began to wake, she fought off the feeling by cuddling closer into her warm pillow and spouting, "gimme like 5 more minutes Nix." 

At the mention of her name, Nix awoke from her sleep, rising up from her cuddled positioning. She stretched and yawned, looking around the sunlit room as the memories of yesterdays events poured into her head. She looked down at the Adonis that she used as a pillow the night before, staring at his peaceful face as he slept.

"Good morning baby" she whispered to the sleeping savior as she bent over to place a quick peck on the slumbering man's cheek.

As he felt the lips touch his cheek (Y/N) allowed his eyes to open suddenly, and once he looked over to the waking woman, he said a soft "Good morning." His voice seemed to wake the other twin as Neyah roused to comment on her sister's showing of affection.

"Oh wow, first thing in the fuckin morning, nasty." Neyah said as she watched her sister kiss (Y/N) on his cheek when he was apparently sleeping.

"You could always join in sister, I don't mind, and I know that (Y/N) doesn't."

"Aint nothin to join in on" (Y/N) thought as he slowly began relieving his arms from being wrapped around the Faunus twins.

"I think I'm fine, but thanks for the offer" she said as she reluctantly let go of her source of comfort. At the same time, Byakko got up from her master's forehead, stretching her limbs from the comfortable sleep.

Nix chose to do the same, and she stood up from straddling her man's lap, simultaneously grabbing on to his freed arms, lifting him up from the ground. As the group stood, they all went through regular stretches and yawning until they felt limber enough to begin moving. 

As she finished her morning stretches, Nix let out a loud yawn, opening her mouth wide revealing her fanged teeth. The yawn left little tears in the corner of her eyes that she wiped from them, turning her head over to her mate. 

"Babe, what are we going to do now? We were originally planning on heading to Vale to get to beacon, but we are lost and stuck in this collapsed city. Plus, I don't know if you want to apply for beacon or not anyway, I would hate for you to waste your time traveling with us."

(Y/N) looked back at her as he finished his morning yawn and said, "Nah I wanna go to Beacon as well. Becoming a hunter seems like a good use of my time, and I'll do anything to help you both accomplish your goals. There is nothing that could be considered a waste of time as long as I am with you both." His response made Nix smile greatly, causing her to run over and hug him tightly with happiness. Neyah on the other hand blushed slightly keeping her eyes to the floor, refusing to meet his eyes.

(Y/N)'s confusion was slowly turning into irritation as Neyah refused to look at him. He decided quickly that he would just ask instead of bearing it for the remainder of their trip. "Hey Neyah, why won't you look at me? Even yesterday you were like this, what's wrong? Is it something I did? Am I ugly? What happened?"

Neyah continued to look down, but the blush grew across her face, making its way to the tips of her ears. She began closing her fists tightly as she spoke through clenched teeth, "Fuck. There are hella fuckin reasons I cannot and will not look at you and none of them are because your ugly" she reddened even more as she spoke. 

"One is because you have already been mated by my sister and Clan rules say its disrespectful to look another woman's man in the eyes. Two is because if I look you in the eyes then you'll look me in the eyes, and I don't want you to see them. Three is because when I look at your eyes and the rest of your face, I-I-I...feel weird. And I don't like feeling weird." The first thought that crossed (Y/N)'s mind was how brutally honest Neyah is. Even in situations where she is embarrassing herself and it's a topic that she clearly wants to avoid she still tells the absolute truth.

"What the fuck did 90% of that even mean." He turned to Nix for answers, and she quickly read his facial expression.

"Traditionally in our Clan once a man has been claimed it can be seen as rude or disrespectful to look their man in the eyes in a dominating or intimidating fashion. This is generally seen as a threat and a challenge to the Panthera woman. However, this doesn't apply here at all since (Y/N) is just as much your mate as he is mine Neyah."

"What?" (Y/N) asked, clearly confused at the revelation.

"Yes, Neyah is your mate as well babe. That is the reason why number three is occurring. Every time she looks at your gorgeous face, especially the eyes, she begins her heat. I could smell it before, and I smelt it again this morning, Neyah wants to claim you." (Y/N) looked over to Neyah who was an entire tomato from her intense blushing. She resorted to the childhood tactic of cuffing her ears with her hands to avoid listening to Nix's explanation.

"Well, what about reason two?" he asked.

"That is a personal issue that Neyah has dealt with for some time. She is incredibly self-conscious of her eyes because they give off a threatening look and she doesn't believe that she is attractive with them. Also, her eyes are very reminiscent of our father, so she doesn't like them very much." As (Y/N) listened to her reasoning, he couldn't help but want to do everything in his power to get rid of her self-esteem issue. He walked over to the cringing girl and gently placed his hands over hers, removing them from her ears.

"Get the fuck away from me! I-I- don't want you to see them. I don't want you to be scarred of me!" Neyah shut her eyes and shook her head violently back and forth, refusing to let (Y/N) see them.

(Y/N) moved his hands from her arms to her neck, gently caressing her neck and ears. An overwhelming calm covered her as she felt his soft hands rubbing around her head, forcing her to stop the violent shaking. As she leaned into his touch, she remained steadfast keeping her eyes closed. 

This resistance did last long as (Y/N)'s sultry voice reached her ears, "there is nothing you could do to ever make me scared of you Neyah. You are drop dead gorgeous and your eyes only multiply that beauty a hundred-fold."

Through her closed eye lids, tears began building up, lining the rim of her closed eyes. "Can I please see that beauty one more time, those gorgeous eyes that left me so enamored the first time I saw you." At his words of comfort, she had no choice but to oblige as she slowly lifted her eyelids. 

The instant he eyes opened, they were greeted warmly with (Y/N)'s warm, comforting stare. They looked at each other deeply, viewing each other's souls through their eyes before (Y/N) suddenly spoke. "Just as gorgeous as I remember" was all he said and that was all Neyah needed to hear.

It seemed as if that was all Neyah needed to hear as the sharp brightness suddenly disappeared from her eyes to give way to immense lust and her breathing became incredibly ragged with steamy breaths escaping from her lips. She slowly became a mess, in the best way possible. 

(Y/N) immediately recognized what was going on with the Faunus and he quickly activated the needed Skill, "Angered Roar, Chill!" his voice rang out in the same way it did before, stopping the woman in her tracks and causing her to begin falling to the ground. He saw this coming, so he quickly caught her within his arms and held her until the stun and fear effects wore off.

Nix was watching from her position next to the chilling Byakko, and she chose to comment on the exchange she just witnessed. "Congratulation's sister!"

Neyah's face turned red in embarrassment as she shot back harshly, "shut the fuck up! But thank you" she said to her sister. The three lovers then got together in a cuddly group hug where Nix and Neyah both gave (Y/N) a chaste kiss on the cheek, certifying themselves as lovers. 

The sweet moment was suddenly interrupted by Neyah's realization, "hey so how the fuck are we supposed to get out of here Darling? I don't even remember how we got in, and we still gotta find our way to Vale. None of that sounds very easy."

"Oh yeah, Byakko told me that she would lead us out of here. While we were messing around last night, she left to go scope out the area and she found a pathway out, we just must follow her. However, I don't know how close to Vale she'll be able to get us, but it's a helluva lot better than nothing."

Nix turned down to Byakko, giving her a gentle rub on the head, "good girl Byakko, you are such a great help." Byakko let out a loud Mwrah, and with that the lovers followed her out of the collapsed building and into the sunlight, leading them towards Vale.

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