āœ“ | š’šØš®š„š›šØš®š§š ā™” Jasp...

By -ruffierosefanfics

322K 10.2K 1.3K

š—™!š—¢š—– š˜… š—š—®š˜€š—½š—²š—æ š—›š—®š—¹š—² Annabeth Swan moves to Forks, Washington with her older twin sister, Isabell... More

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š€šœš­ šŽš§šž
1.1 | Forks, Washington
1.2 | The Cullens
1.3 | First Impressions
1.4 | Creating Bonds
1.5 | Second Impressions
1.6 | Car Incident
1.7 | Field Trip
1.8 | La Push, Baby
1.9 | Truth's Out
1.10 | Together
1.11 | Their Past Lives
1.12 | Baseball
1.13 | The Hunt
1.14 | James' Game
1.15 | Prom
š€šœš­ š“š°šØ
2.1 | Birthday Promises
2.2 | Control Is Overrated
2.4 | New Bonds
2.5 | The Pack
2.6 | Grandma Rose
2.7 | Attacked
2.8 | Alice Cullen
2.9 | Volterra, Italy
2.10 | Magnolia Clave
2.11 | Reunited
2.12 | Mutual Understanding
š€šœš­ š“š”š«šžšž
3.1 | Days Go By
3.2 | Stranger
3.3 | Gran's Visit
3.4 | Her Real Story
3.5 | Graduation
3.6 | Weakened
3.7 | Jasper's Past
3.8 | Snowy Battle
3.9 | Silence
3.10 | Transition
3.11 | New Species
3.12 | Ireland
š…š¢š§ššš„ š€šœš­
4.1 | Bella's Wedding
4.2 | Peaceful Days
4.3 | Bella's Pregnant?!
4.4 | House Divided
4.5 | Anna's Warning
4.6 | Labour
4.7 | Transitioned
4.8 | Colorado Trip
4.9 | Irina's Mistake
4.10 | Uniting Friends
4.11 | Special Gifts
4.12 | The Night Before
4.13 | The Big Fight
4.14 | Era of Peace
4.15 | As Time Goes By
The End

2.3 | Day By Day

5.6K 205 22
By -ruffierosefanfics

⊱ ──── {⋆☂ ❉ ☽⋆} ──── ⊰

Annabeth stretched her arms out, and a few clicks and cracks sounded as her thighs ached, a smile on her face as the memories of the intimacy between her and Jasper flashed through her mind. "Jasper?" Annabeth spoke softly as she looked around for the Southern vampire, she noticed he wasn't nearby and assumed he was talking with Carlisle about Bella's incident last night.

Annabeth pulled the sheet around her as she padded her way to the bathroom, turning the shower on to soothe her aching limbs. She closed her eyes as she let the hot water drip down her body, she ran her fingers through her hair letting the memories of the night before replay over and over again. It was her first time and was everything she'd dreamed it to be, she ran her fingers across her side before wincing slightly at the light bruises on her fair skin but that didn't deter her smile.

Wrapping the towel around herself, she turned the shower off and stepped out before facing the mirror where her smiling reflection looked back at her. "I hurt you," Jasper's voice was laced with remorse. "I barely feel it... I'm certain that if bruises showed on your porcelain skin, you'd be sporting a few," Annabeth teased bringing a smile to Jasper's face. "You won't even let me feel remorse, darlin'," Jasper whispered as he wrapped his arms around her waist.

"You don't need to feel remorse. You'd be surprised by the number of couples who leave marks on each other," Annabeth assured her Southern charmer, placing a gentle kiss on his cheek as he turned her around. "Get dressed... I need to talk to you," Jasper told her, a sudden frown resting upon his face. "Okay..." Annabeth answered before she kissed him, the vampire deepened the kiss almost as though it might be their last. "Meet me outside," Jasper said softly before he left the room.

Annabeth pulled on some jeans and one of Jasper's sweatshirts before slipping on her vans. She made her way down the stairs, tying her hair back in the process before Rosalie suddenly hugged her. "Woah, Rose. I'm not going anywhere," Annabeth assured the blonde vampire who only tightened her hold slightly before letting go. "I know but... I just want to embrace the moments we have," Rosalie told her before she was pulled away by Emmett.

"Where's Edward? I wanna annoy him later," Annabeth asked the family, they laughed at her comment before frowning. "He's with Bella," Esme informed the blonde before she lead Rosalie and Emmett out of the room. "Oh-kay," Annabeth breathed out before making her way outside where Jasper was standing with his back. "All right, what is going on?" Annabeth asked Jasper, he held his hand out to her, to which she hesitantly accepted.

⊱ ──── {⋆☂ ❉ ☽⋆} ──── ⊰

Jasper and Annabeth stopped at their favourite spot in the forest, the cliff edge before the reservation. Jasper let go of Annabeth's hand before focusing his pained attention on the cliff edge while Annabeth tried to understand why Jasper and his family had been acting so strange. "We're leaving Forks," Jasper suddenly said pulling Annabeth from her thoughts. "Wait, what?" Anna asked as she stepped closer to the man she loved.

"Edward wants us to leave... After Colton's incident along with my almost slip up, it isn't safe," Jasper explained, not once did he turn to look at the woman he loved. "So you're leaving... just like that?" Anna asked in a quiet voice, she could feel her heart breaking. "Yeah, darlin'. It's better this way," Jasper told her but Anna shook her head. "For who? Edward? That's his choice to leave," Anna replied before walking closer to Jasper, she stood right behind him.

"When will you return?" Anna asked softly, Jasper closed his eyes as he felt her sadness radiating off of her in waves. "Not in your lifetime," Jasper answered with the same soft tone. "I refuse to believe this is the end of us, Jasper Hale," Anna told him, the vampire turned to her. "You need to accept it. I'm dangerous, darlin'. This is─" Jasper was cut off by Anna kissing him, he wanted to pull away but he couldn't bring himself to do it.

Jasper lifted Annabeth from the ground, and she responded by wrapping her legs around his waist before he moved so her back was pressed against a large boulder, trapping her against him. Their mouths moved in perfect sync, the two sharing every emotion they felt for each other sending them into a euphoric state due to Jasper's abilities. Remembering that Anna needed to breathe, Jasper reluctantly pulled away from his soulbound, smirking when she leaned back in to continue the kiss.

"That was not how this was supposed to go," Jasper told her as he rested his forehead against hers. "When does it ever go the way you originally plan?" Anna asked with her own smirk knowing he had initially wanted to keep her at an arm's length to ensure she was safe. "You have that effect on me, Annabeth Swan," Jasper told her with a small smile. Annabeth closed her eyes knowing that this didn't change the decision that had been made without her.

"I... understand. I hate it but I understand why you have to leave," Anna whispered to Jasper in a sad tone. "But... when I graduate, I'm coming to you and you can show me the world," Anna told him sternly, the Southern vampire couldn't help but chuckle at her words. "Alright, darlin'. You have yourself a deal," Jasper replied to her before letting her lean in for a more delicate kiss that left their promise accepted and locked in with no chance of backing out.

⊱ ──── {⋆☂ ❉ ☽⋆} ──── ⊰

After saying her goodbye to Jasper, Annabeth had made herself comfortable in Bella's room awaiting her return knowing that she would not be one to handle this well. But as time went by, she began to realise that Bella was not returning any time soon and that concerned the blonde. And so, deciding enough time had passed, she told Charlie and the two tried contacting Bella by phone but with no luck and that began to worry Anna and Charlie.

Soon enough, a small search team was in place as night fell and the air became cooler. Anna stood with Embry, Quil and Jacob as they waited for any news about Bella's whereabouts. To say that Anna was angry with Edward would be an understatement, she was furious with the Cullen vampire and the next time she saw him, she was gonna give him a piece of her mind. Hell, she was gonna kick his ass the moment she had the ability to do so.

"I'm gonna try the Cullens place again," Charlie told everyone, worry pooled within his eyes. "The Cullens left town, Charlie. Good riddance," Billy told his best friend. Charlie looked over at Annabeth who looked down, her heart aching for the man she loved. "Where'd they go?" Charlie asked but got no response. "We'll find her, Charlie," Harry assured the older man as Embry rested his arm around Annabeth noticing her distant expression.

"Thanks, Harry," Charlie replied to the man before focusing his gaze on his blonde daughter, the blue-eyed girl was beyond worried about her sister but something told her that her brunette twin was okay. "Charlie!" Sam Uley's familiar voice caught Annabeth's attention, she looked up to see the shirtless man carrying Bella toward the group. "She's all right," Sam assured Charlie as he passed Bella to her father. "I got her. Thank you, Sam," Charlie told Sam before carrying his daughter into the house.

"Where was she?" Annabeth asked Sam as she approached him. "In the middle of the forest, extremely vulnerable," Sam answered before bowing his head slightly and walking away. Annabeth let out a slow breath before saying goodbye to Embry, Quil and Jacob. She went into the house and up the stairs where Bella's voice caught her attention. "I just want Anna..." Bella pleaded to Charlie, the man nodded before turning to see Annabeth standing in the doorframe.

"I'm gonna stay with her, dad. Get some rest," Annabeth assured her father, kissing his cheek before closing Bella's door behind him. "Why'd they leave? Why did he leave me?" Bella whimpered to her sister. "I don't have the answers you want, Bell. But this is what I can tell you," Anna began as she crawled into the bed, resting Bella's head on her chest before running her fingers through her brunette locks.

"It's gonna hurt for a while, you'll feel like you're drowning... But you are gonna get through it, we'll both get through this together," Anna assured her older sister before wiping a tear of her own. "We'll take it day by day," Anna added before closing her eyes, Bella's arms wrapped around her younger sister's waist as she cried for her lost love. The twin sisters found comfort in each other that night but not for the nights to come. While one begins to drown in sorrow, the other learns to survive through the pain.

⊱ ──── {⋆☂ ❉ ☽⋆} ──── ⊰

It's been almost two months since you left...

Nightmares plague my sister's sleep, she rarely sleeps through the night these days. Whatever Edward said to her has left her broken and distraught. Is this the pain of rejection between fated mates? Is this what would've been my fate had I not known you more than myself? I would not know. I feel it. Everyday. It's like a part of me has been torn from my heart leaving me with this small void that threatens to secure what's left of the pieces as its own shadow.

I said I understood. We made a promise to find each other again. I know I did not say the words that mattered most in our goodbye nor did I let you say the words for yourself. I truly believe they should be shared once we are reunited again. My love, my life, my light, my moon. You are the stars in my velvet sky and yet without you, I only feel the darkness around me.

Those strange thoughts, images and flashes of past, present and future have begun to return in my times of loneliness and heartache. But it's more than mimicry of Edward's telepathic abilities or Alice's foresight in the future. It's almost like something underneath is begging to be released and yet, I have no idea what. I'm sure one of these days, it'll reveal itself in a true time of need... or so I hope.

Despite the fact that you'll never receive these letters that I write, it helps me feel at ease. I can only hope that Alice is keeping you updated with my life but if not, I hope you aren't drowning in memories. I truly do believe that our time will come, my Southern love. You must believe so too. Till our time comes...

Love, Annabeth

⊱ ──── {⋆☂ ❉ ☽⋆} ──── ⊰

⊱ ──── {⋆☂ ❉ ☽⋆} ──── ⊰

Rosemary Speaks
This one's slightly shorter but I wanted to get an update out. Anyway, what do you think of that?

I didn't want Annabeth and Jasper to part similar to Edward and Bella so, that's their goodbye for now. Did you like it?

See you next chapter!

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