Eva's New Hermitcraft and Dre...

By Meva400

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I've decided to start a new book with my new oneshots, all minecraft related, probably Grian or George focuse... More

Withered Poppies - (Angst - Grian x Etho)
Free the End- (Fluff - Doc x Stress)
Found- (Fluff - Grian - Sibling AU part 1)
Traded- (Angst - Grian - Siblings AU part 2)
My Knight- (Angst - Grian)
My Knight pt 2 - (Hurt/Comfort - Grian x Hels)
Friendemies - (Action - Dream/Grian/Techno)
Anarchy - (Angst - Dream)
Best Friend's Roommate - (Fluff - Dream x Grian)
Returning to the Family - (Fluff - Grian/SBI)
Empire - (Angst - Grian)
Run Away With Me - (Lime - Dream x George)
*name not found* - (Fluff - Dream x Wilbur x George)
The Bidding - (Action - Grian x Etho)
Beauty - (Fluff - Scar x Mumbo x Grian)
One More Year - (Fluff - Scar/Grian/Mumbo)
Undercover - (Angst - Grian)
Adequate - (Fluff - Scar x Grian)
The Dress - (Fluff - Dream x George)
Chasing Cars - (Angst - Dream x George)
The Watched and The Listening pt 1 - (Angst - Joe)
The Watched and the Listening pt 2 - (Angst - Joe)
Tater Tot Bois - (Fluff - Mumbo/Techno)
Step Ladder - (Fluff - Grian/Dream)
One Wish - (Angst - Doc x Bdubs)
Hiding it under the Oak Tree- (Fluff - Techno x Grian)
What Anxiety Feels Like - (Angst)
Copycat - (Angst - Insane Pearl AU part 1)
Doctor - (Angst - Insane Pearl AU part 2)
Bartender - (Lime - Grian x Mumbo)
Mischlings - (Fluff - Tommy/Schlatt)
Legacy - (Fluff - Tribute to DSMP)
Stockholm Syndrome - Rated R

Gitched Romance - (Fluff - Dream x Grian)

626 13 0
By Meva400

AN: I woke up with a nasty headache and fever, barely enough sanity to finished editing the Mumbo/Scar/Grian oneshot which I was editing last night before passing out with my phone still on.

And now here we are with another story, the beginning of which I wrote in a fever dream. It's sorta a part 1 part 2 but I was too lazy to split them.


The beginning of a new Hermit world was often full of glitches and problems and ever since all the glitches in Hermitcraft Season 8, including the return of EX and the glitched chunk that Doc made, the season 9 server was a mess.

It started with lag. Nothing too crazy, just the slight disconnect from the Minecraft hub and the server that occurred once and awhile. Xisuma was bit concerned since the start of a season shouldn't have so much, but he was able to fix it up quickly.

But then a second world border rose, blocking now the east side instead of just the south. Nothing X did could fix it so he had to call on Grian. He hadn't used his watcher power in a year or so, having lost it in the curse of the boatem hole, but after a couple long painful hours he was successful in summoning his wings.

Grian POV-

Pain shot down my spine with each movement, but each pump of my wings helped loosen my sore back. It was such a relief to have my wings back but the reason for forcing it was just annoying... X should be able to pull the world border down easily.

I just sigh as the blue shimmering light caught my eyes. I pull up on my flight into a hovering position, studying the border. Across the other side, I could see the world extent out, but just in the distance I thought I could make out a shape of a player.

I shake my head. No player could possibly be past the world border. I must still be a bit out of it from pain.

The sooner I do this the better.

I closed my eyes, feeling them roll back slightly as my head falls back and the black of my vision becomes a slight purple. Raising a hand towards the border, I grunt as I focus on pulling down the border.

I could feel it melting beneath my power before I was suddenly shot backwards, my concentration broken as green flashed in my eyes, pain shooting through my arm and shoulder that had been stretched forward.

I open my eyes just as I hit the tree below me, feeling the twigs dig into my wings. Above me was a floating green man. No, that wasn't a man.

It was more a white blob with a black simple smiley face. It was surrounded in a green glow that made it look like a man at first glance.

I would get up and fight off this intruder, but my body was weak from the reawakening of my power so I just watched as he floated towards me.

I shoved my hands below me, pushing myself up into a half leaning position just as the green blob thing settled itself on the tree in front of me.

"What do you want with my SMP?" Somehow the thing's voice reverberated around my skull even in the open space.

"YOU'RE SMP? Hate to break it to you but you just broke into the Hermitcraft SMP so I'm going to have to take care of you."

"Are you the god of this Hermitcraft world?"

I blinked at his question. God? Why would we have a god? So I just shook my head, "I'm the watcher."

The green around the blob turned slightly lime colored. Maybe in surprise? But then it disappeared, leaving a man standing on the tree. Like an actual man. He was wearing a white smiley mask and a lime green hoodie.

Well that was new one.

I forced my stiff body to stand up in front of the intruder as he cocked his head slightly to the side. Annoyed that I had to be dealing with this, I just pulled out my sword and readied in front of him.

He just chuckled, pulling out an axe and a trident, dropping them beside him, "I don't want to fight you." His voice was normal, the reverb gone.

"We'll it sure seemed like it 5 minutes ago when you shot me."

He just hums, scooping up his weapons and jumping to the floor. I watch wide eyed as he deftly places a travel bed on the floor, letting him land in a roll on the soft mattress. He looked back up at me, an eyebrow raise.

Rolling my eyes, I dive off the tree, letting my wings ruffle in the free fall before pulling up at the last second, my wings catching the air, flapping once, powerfully making the intruder's blond hair ruffle.

I hover for a moment at eye level with the taller man before settling right in front of him, staring up into his white mask.

He awkwardly takes a step back before stumbling over the bed on the ground. He sits down on it hard before a wheeze escapes his mouth, "omg. You're actually a watcher. I can't believe this."

"What do you mean?"

The blond intruder looked up at me his voice soft, "I've spent most of my life looking for a watcher. Ever since they cursed me, I hope that one could save me if they weren't evil..."

Then his eyes widened and he stood up, green smoke swirling around his his form reverted to the white blob thing. I could sense the rise in magic in the form so I quickly shot into the air, dodging a green blast of magic, hearing a curse from below me.

He must think I'm like all the other watchers and that was answered as the strange reverberations of his voice penetrated my skull, "you are going to remove this curse and then release the players under your rule. Or. I. Will. Kill. You."

I just shot a look down at the 'god' below me as it floated towards me, "Woah buddy. No need to get to hasty. I'm down to help you out."

"Why would you so willingly?"

"I don't know. Maybe because I took down the watchers years ago after they forced me to be one of them and destroyed my friends?"

The swirling green around the blob seemed to freeze for a moment before he lowered back to the ground and changed back to human form his head down. There were so many switches to this guys mood that I swore I was getting whiplash.

I let myself return to the ground as well, "What's your curse?"

He pointed towards his mask, "I can take it off."

I stepped carefully towards the man, "what's your name?"

"Dream" he said as he raised his head to look at me. We were only a few inches away from each other now as I reached towards the mask, my hands glowingly lightly.

"Then Dream. I release you from your curse." And I pull the mask away, snapping it on my hands before glancing back up at the blond.

Tears were streaming down his face, his emerald eyes sparkling in the sunlight. I smiled up at him softly before he wrapped an arm around my waist pulling me into a kiss.

My breath catches in surprise before he pulls back laughing with his hands over his eyes, "I haven't done that in years. Oh my gosh. I can feel my face."

My breathing was jagged still and my mind was reeling at the thought of this hot, powerful stranger kissing me. My wings fluttered as my flustered mind reacted on impulse, a hand covering my mouth.

Dream seemed to notice my silence and he glanced over to me. I just know that my face was bright red as I fought all urges to kiss him again.

A knowing smile twitched at Dream's mouth as he walked back over to me, "oh. Did you actually fall for me when I knocked you out of the sky?"

I just looked up and into the green eyes that were mere inches from me, a hand still covering my mouth.

A hand snuck around my back resting just above my hips, my wings fluttering embarrassingly so I stiffened and caused them to disappear. One of Dream's eye brows just raised, "don't want to lay on your wings when I lay you down hmm?"

My eyes widened at his suggestion only to close in satisfaction as his free hand cups my cheek, "hmm. You don't talk much do you?"

"Funny. I usually do most of the talking."

"Then why aren't you saying anything now?"

"I would rather do something else with my mouth."

The thumb of Dream's hand, which had been tracing circles on my cheek, froze, "oh. Okay."

Dream leaned forward, placing his lips on mine softly as I kissed back this time. It was gentle and careful and after a moment Dream pulled away, his eyes wide with shock as he turned away slightly, "holy heck. What am I doing?"

My heart dropped at his words. I barely knew this man, but my heart throbbed to be with him. Maybe it was because he was the first person I had even met who could match me in power or because he was new. But I almost could see us together for the rest of our lives. He just fit me so well.

Sighing gently, I step back, "s- sorry."

Dream twisted back to me, his hands reaching towards my shoulders, "oh- oh no. It's not your fault. I just realized I forgot to ask your name and just kinda panicked."

I giggled at him, "I'm Grian."

"Nice to meet you Grian," he said as just before kissing me once again.

After a moment or two, we separated, Smiles on both of our faces before I remembered why I was here.

I grab Dream's hand, pulling him towards the border, tapping it lightly, "what's on your side of this Dream?"

"It's my personal server called the Dream SMP. What about your side?"

"Well I think I mentioned before that it was the Hermitcraft server. We just reset and have been having some glitch problems."

Dream just nods, "I can help you fix this glitch. It would be in my best interests as well to not have the two servers colliding."

I glance up at the blond standing beside me. He was gazing gently towards his world, deep in thought.

"Would I ever see you again Dream?"

He glanced down to me, green eyes meeting brown, "of course Grian. There is always the hub and we can whitelist each other. Plus, once we fix the glitch, neither of us are going to be able to do much. You know how much energy this will take."

I nodded in understanding before totally processing everything he said, "Wait. I'm not the admin! I won't be able to whitelist you."

Confusion crossed Dream's eyes, "but you're the watcher?"

"Yah, but Xisuma is the admin."

"Would he mind if I stayed here at least for a couple days then we can see about getting me whitelisted?"

I stuck out my lips as I thought, gently biting on one of them before nodding. A pair of lips hit mine just as I opened my mouth to say something. Dream took advantage of my open mouth to deepen the kiss as I sighed into the kiss.

He finally pulled away, "what was that for?"

"Oh- sorry," his face blushed red, "I just couldn't stop myself with the face you made while thinking. It was too cute."

I chuckle, looking away to stop my blush, "a- anyway, I just won't tell anyone you're here for right now. But promise me you won't make a scene."

Dream smirk slightly, "I can't make a promise I'll probably break."

"Oh goodness," I mumbled, "let's just get this fixed. My back is sore."

Dream just looked at me concerned which quickly turned to fear as I cry out lightly, my wings appearing on my back. Apparently I'm still out of practice.

He gently wrapped an arm around me, pulling me in front of him as he began rubbing up and down my back, paying special attention to the worse spots around my wings' joints.

"Thank you."

"Any time Grian. That's what I'm here for now. Let's finish up quickly so I can help you out more," he said before his arms disappeared from my back only for me to be surrounded by the green smoke, the white blob standing beside me. It looked up at me, it's smile seeming to grow.

With his help, I quickly sent the Dream SMP back to a separate world and removed the barrier.

Fatigue plagued my body and I collapsed to the ground just as the human version of Dream appeared in my sight, "let's get you home."

I felt him lift me into his arms before following my instructions back to my boulder. It took a while to get there as we had to walk and especially since we had to hide a couple times from the other hermits, Rendog almost catching us once. We quickly made our way into the boulder, Dream glancing around as I let myself relax in his arms.

"Grian. Where's your bed?"

"Hmm. I don't have one."

"Grian!" He exclaimed, "oh shoot sorry that wa loud. I'm just going to lay you down on the moss here and I'm gonna go find some sheep."

I just drifted off to sleep instead of responding.


"Why would he open the end portal!"

"We aren't ready to take down the dragon. It might escape and destroy the server."

"Oh my goodness. We are so screwed."

I blink my eyes open at the loud voices outside. I sat up, my body still sore but I was feeling less sleepy so I stood up, rubbing at my eyes and stretching my arms above my head.

Walking outside, I found Mumbo, Beef, Rendog and False all standing around as Xisuma passed back and forth concerned. He stops as he looks up at me.

"Grian? You didn't open the end?"

I just shake my head confused, "what's going on?"

Mumbo looked towards me, "someone opened the end dimension and we are the only ones online right now. We thought it was you, but you're here."

"Yah, and you know that if we don't kill the dragon, she can escape," Ren added.

I nodded, knowing that already. I almost destroyed the server the last season from taking on the dragon alone way to early in the game.

"It must be another glitch. Grian, did you fix the barrier?"

I nodded at Xisuma just before he pulls up his admin panel and begins typing away.

And then it hits me. The barrier. The other SMP. Dream.

Holy. Did he go take on the dragon himself?!

He had had literally nothing but his axe and trident. How long was I asleep? I pulled out my communicator, looking at the time. 2:40 before a text caught my eye.

Went to go find you some stuff to improve your home. I'll be back soon ;)
sent 2:15

He's only been out for like 25 minutes. How did he even get the eye of Enders that fast?

"Guys!" Xisuma turns towards the group in a panic, "we have an intruder. Does anyone have an eye of ender?"

Well, good job Dream on laying low.

Ren pulls an eye out of his pocket, "I've got one. Let's just hope it doesn't break."

And before I could even say a word, we were off trying to fight this so called 'intruder'. Luck was on our side as the eye of ender broke just as False found a sigh with the writing 'stronghold below'. A hole was dug with water to be seen at the bottom.

Xisuma didn't even hesitate to jump in followed by everyone except Mumbo and I. Just as he went to jump, I reached my hand out, "promise me you won't hurt Dream?"

"How would I hurt your dreams Grian? And what does that have to do with this right now? We need to save our server!" And with that he jumped. Oh boy.

I had to follow, worry building for Dream, and soon we were all standing at the entrance of the swirling blue portal.

"I think our best course of action is to take out the dragon first before going after the intruder," Xisuma said, glancing around at us. Everyone nodded before Xisuma raised an eyebrow at me, waiting for a response.

"Why don't you all go after the dragon and I'll take the intruder? I'm the best fighter," I said, hoping to save Dream.

X nodded and it was settled. So now all that was left was to step into the portal. After a count by X, we all stepped in, the familiar twisting of my gut hitting me before I found myself kneeling on the ground with everyone else.

It was a floating entrance so we followed the bridge Dream had made to the main island, avoiding the endermen that surrounded us.

A large shriek from the dragon made me jump and I glance up just in time to see Dream jumping off of the dragon's back where his trident was dug into the creatures neck. He dropped some water on the ground, landing with a splash, his green hoodie soaking up the liquid, making the cotton cling to his form. He ripped it off, facing towards the dragon, his back to us.

He crouched, a soaked, slightly see through, white T-shirt showing off his toned body to us and I couldn't help but let me eyes trace over the muscles of his back and arms.

No wonder this guy was considered a god in his other world. With his body, such confidence in front of a dragon with minimal armor (only a shield, boots and pants), and the magic he held he probably had all the girls tripping over themselves.

Yet he seemed to decided after like 10 minutes of fighting each other that he wanted me. The small winged hermit who really needs a new sweater since this one was now ripped from my wings.

By the time I finished studying my love interest, my entire group at made it to the main island and Dream was running towards the dragon as she perched on her nest, firing acidy breath towards him. He dived to the side, deftly rolling out of the way has he brought his axe up, digging it deeply into the dragons neck as she roared, purple breath spewing out.

It was a moment longer of Dream driving the axe further into her head that she went limp on her nest, leaving her egg and the world unguarded.

"Take him out," Xisuma whisper to us but I was way to distracted by Dream to say anything. The taller blond stood up from the dragon, stretching his back and shoulders before hooking his axe back to his belt and walking towards where his trident was.

And just as he reached for it, Beef, who had made it to him first, raised his sword to slice his back. Without even a pause, Dream ripped the trident from the dragon, spinning around and lunging out to catch Beef's sword in the prongs of the sword.

A dark chuckle escaped Dream's mouth, "took you long enough."

Dream hadn't seen me yet as the other hermits circled him and he back up into the dragon's corpse to prevent from being completely surrounded. I had to do something and just as Dream crouched, his trident raise up to pounce, I rushed forward.

"Dream wait!"

I shove between False and Ren as Dream glances towards me, his concentration hardly broken since he defended his back from Mumbo's attack easily even as his face lights up!


"Oh my word Dream. Didn't I say to not make a scene?"

I had run up to him, all the other hermits having lowered their weapons so they wouldn't hurt me on accident.

"Oh come on babe. I told you I wasn't going to keep that promise."

"But the dragon!!" I lightly pushed him as he doubled over wheezing.

"I- I was- Bored. Okay" he spat out through laughing.

I just rolled my eyes at him, "Dude. I was asleep for 25 minutes max." Dream mumbles something under his breath that sounded like "that took a lot longer than usual."

"Grian? You know the intruder?" I glance over to where Xisuma had just spoke, "why didn't you say anything?"

I huffed as Dream just doubled over wheezing again, "you never gave me a chance." I tossed my hands up for emphasis.

Then arms wrapped around my waist as Dream spun me around and lifted me over his shoulder, "you idiot! Put me down!"

The other hermits had also raised their weapons again, as Mumbo basically growled.

Upon hearing this I just signed, "Dream, your first impressions really could be better." He just shrugs as I stop wiggling in his grasp and instead push off his back so I could look over at the other hermits, "he's fine. Seriously. He helped me fix the world border.

A silence ensued as I just let myself fall back on Dream's back letting my arms trace his back muscles. I'm assuming a stare off between Dream and the other hermits was underway but when Dream unconsciously hummed at my touch he flinched as Ren burst out laughing, "I have no idea what's really going on, but we can get Grian to explain it later. I think these two need some space."

I just flutter my wings in embarrassment as I hear the telltale sounds of the portal being used.

"Okay Dream, you can put me down now."

He just started walking back to his hoodie, grabbing it. I pounded on his back before just flipping my wing into his face which made him jump and allowed me to squirm out of his grip.

Tumbling to the floor, I look up at where Dream was. He held his drying hoodie in his hands a playful look in his eyes.

"Awe. Falling for me all over again?"

I just huff and roll away from him. His voice changed pretty quickly to serious as I ignore him.

"Are you feeling any better? You were pretty out of it after fixing the border."

I looked up at him before sitting up and pulling my torn sweater off my body, revealing a black tank top. "Yah. How were you so fine?"

Dream just crouched beside me, placing a hand on my cheek making me shiver, "I just got a super powerful boyfriend who did all the work as I just guided him."

"That's why you're basically fine! You made me do it all!?"

"No not at all Grian. You just finished every step before I could get to it. You're amazing."

I smile up at him before blinking slightly, "hold up... can I actually... like actually be your boyfriend?"

"Only if you want to." The look in Dream's eyes was indescribable. The green flashed in the darkness of the end, his freckles much clearer in the pale lighting.

I leaned forward, connecting our lips, tasting the sweat from his fight on his skin, "of course I would."

Dream broke into a large toothy grin, before shoving his lime hoodie over my head followed by a high pitched laugh. The hoodie was big enough that my wings didn't even get squished.

"Dream!! What the heck! This is soaked!!"

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