Souls Of The Fateless (FGO x...

Autorstwa BahamutSilva

35.2K 531 827

Silva, your name, and the only precious thing you remember. Waking from a centuries-long slumber with scatter... WiΔ™cej

OC Update/ Character Sheet
Additional Characters
Holy Grail
Empty Darkness
The Meaning of Being Human
Ignorant Emotions
Dance Number
Tide of Extinction
Picnic Stories
Okita's Shinsengumi
First Mission
Jaguar vs Shinsengumi
Ascension 1 Powers and Abilities
Temple of Venus
Another Slice of Heaven
Operation: Taming Jaguar (Part 1)
Operation Taming Jaguar (Part 2)
Operation Taming Jaguar (Fin)
Memories Sealed by Land
Departed Souls
Girl Swap
Two Sides, One Coin
Bring Heaven to Hell
Divine Temptations
Illusionary Hero
Battle Like Hell
The Scuffle Against the Third Goddess: Victory Awaits... Who?
Burning Aftermath
Fallen Hero?
The Dragon's Masked Scars That Ran Deep (Trigger Warning)
Escalating Promise
Harbinger Of The End: I
Harbinger Of The End: II
Harbinger Of The End: III
Public Announcement
Harbinger of the End (IV): Silva v. Death
Harbinger of the End (V): Hero's Darkest Hour
Of A Feather
Ever After...What Comes After?
Nobody Voted

Another Goddess

385 7 41
Autorstwa BahamutSilva

I woke the following day, my view obstructed by white fur and a small weight resting on my head as its breathing kept steady.


Carefully fazing through Fou, I catch him before he lands on the covers, gently carrying him in my arms as I walk out the door.

I'd begun frequenting Nero's living space sleeping there instead of my usual cave as per her request. Doing a quick round of the building, I find it empty, choosing to head into Uruk with my sleeping friend.

Hordes of soldiers rush past as I step through the south entrance, the army running deeper into the city with great urgency, hauling weapons and quickly fastening their armor.

(It must be another battle, the opposition must be increasing their efforts after yesterday's battles)

Treading deeper in the city myself. A loud explosion rocks the town as pebble-sized debris rains from the sky without warning. From the corner of my eye, I see movement in the sky, a giant golden bow arch through the clouds at incredible speed, disappearing far into the distance.

Murmurs ring from among the people, some of them pointing at the stairs to the throne room where shadows of people quickly run up the staircase.

(Atalanta and the lancer and assassin from that day, something major just went down.)

Still carrying my incapacitated companion, I catapulted over a blacksmithing tent atop a small building hopping from rooftop to rooftop until landing through the hole in the roof of the throne room.

All the servants were present as the throne room lay in tatters with broken treasures and shattered windows. Hanging from the roof I watched the sight below conveniently from above as a heated discussion took place.

"That was her second attack this week, she's becoming more and more of a menace with each passing day," Gilgamesh addressed, his eyes never prying away from the two stone tablets grasped in either hand.

"It is a problem, we can't keep diverting our forces towards calming her down every time she visits."

"Yes, I must agree with Merlin, every moment I'm not spending training or fighting with the soldiers is precious time wasted on ensuring their survival. I realize how ironic this sounds coming from a descendant of a god of war but it's detrimental we calmly fix the threat she poses."

"Leonidas correct. Citizens worried. Scared. Need to. Keep spirits high. Must calm angry goddess.", Nezha added on earning the agreement of everyone present.

Gilgamesh set down his stones rubbing his temple in annoyance shooting Siduri a silent gaze, the two having a conversation with their eyes before he leaned back in a huff.

"......There is one idea I've been sitting on. There is one non-lethal weakness Ishtar has yet to overcome even after becoming a heroic spirit, that being... her obsession with gems. Usually she'd receive such gifts as offerings, but recently nobody's been making any to her. "

"Obtaining the jewels by her lonesome is impossible because she lacks what's called the Golden Rule, it's rather jokingly pitiful; so we'll use her greatest desires to bring her crawling over to our side."

Gilgamesh gave an unmissable chuckle keeping his clasped hands in front of his face to obstruct the faintest smirk he was hiding quickly clearing his throat before continuing.

"Chaldea, I'll leave this task up to you with Merlin and one other person I have in mind. Take extra servants if you feel the need. However, don't propose the gems like it's an offering. We're not pledging fealty to Ishtar."

"...Then what are we doing?" Gudako's head tilted in question, looking at Gilgamesh.

"You're buying me a goddess."

"Wait on the steps to receive the treasures I'll have Siduri and two guards roll them out to you. I'll have the extra help I mentioned earlier meet you there as well. As for the rest of you, just go about how you normally combat the beasts."

Signaling the meeting's end Gudako, Merlin, and the other servants filed out while Siduri headed down a hall in the opposite direction. Gilgamesh once again began reading the tablets he set aside earlier examining them in silence.

Following the crowd, I moved silently on the roof heading out the same way I got in.

Gilgamesh POV

"Leaving so soon, is it a class thing or do you always leave without indulging in pleasantries?"

He had been watching the meeting for some time with no intentions of saying anything. I called out to him not taking a look from my stone tablets as he landed sitting on the floor.

"Didn't know you wished for conversation, King of Heroes. I must warn you; I'm not very good at it."

"I merely find the idea of uninvited guests dropping by and leaving so suddenly disrespectful, but this saves me time looking for you."

"I can't imagine why you'd have any words for Fou or me for that matter."

"Don't be rash. What I'm about to say concerns you a great deal Silva Azrael."


His hands stopped petting the white creature moving to set him down in his lap, Azrael's eyes regarding me intently as he leaned forward, resting his elbows on his knees.

"I figured you knew my real name. You and Merlin possess powerful precognition, but what else are you hiding from me?"

"...What if I knew how you could recover your memories and power exponentially faster?"

"I doubt that comes for free, don't tell me you need this Ishtar goddess killed?"

"She might be a pain but as someone who's watched after Uruk before, I can't cut ties with her. Rather, I want your assistance in my plan to destroy the Goddess Alliance. It requires a delicate role I think you're suited to play."

"So hired help, like Ishtar."

"Not necessarily. The deal I'm proposing to you is mutually beneficial, much more like an equal partnership instead of hired muscle. Your reason for being summoned here lies in the earth itself, sealed away by the power that first birthed this land."

"Get it? The three goddesses of the alliance each control an aspect of the land because that's what summoned them here. For every goddess you take down whatever aspect of the land they rule over should return fractions of your sealed power and memories. An easy task for Greek mythology's god-killer."

"...And what do you get from this partnership, King Gilgamesh?"

"What more than the fact Uruk survives. That and, with third-party servants like you and Ishtar hopefully joining our side, it greatly lowers the possibility of you joining the alliance and becoming enemies later down the road."

"It's like I said a win for us both..., so, do we have a deal Dragon King Silva?"

I threw out my hand watching him with patient eyes as he contemplated leaning back on his elbows staring at the clouds through the hole in the roof.

"...Consider it done."

Taking his hand, he pierced the skin under his right arm taking out a pearly white object; one of his dragon scales, a symbol of loyalty amongst dragons in Greek mythology. Tossing it into my hand he turned flying out of the throne room without another word.

"Never thought I'd receive a treasure I've never had before as a servant, I guess even you're full of surprises Azrael, or maybe I should call you by your official title-"

"Evil of Humanity: Beast VII, Dragon of Infinity Silva Azrael."

Gudako POV

I yawned, stretching my arms above my head, incidentally kicking a pebble laying on the ground before me. I was sitting on the steps with Merlin, Mash, and Atalanta with a big cart of jewels loitering beside us as we waited for the mystery member of our party.

I gazed around hopping off the stairs watching some of the kids play games on the street corner. They were bouncing a clay ball and counting with great amusement as they watched the girl pick up objects off the floor.

"Who do you think the servant will be, master?"

I turned to face Mash whose eyes were watching the same scene with a warm smile, "I don't have a clue, there are a lot of allies we can rely on unlike when we first arrived." I sat back down next to my kouhai leaning lightly against her as I felt the lids of my eyes droop close against the gentle wind blowing through the city.

It was a minute of peaceful serenity in the sun before I was blown onto the rocky floor, a brief violent gust rushing down the stairs making me shiver and close my eyes.

"I'm afraid the title of mystery servant belongs to me. Hope you're not too disappointed, human."

(That voice)

I sit up dusting myself off at the faint recognition of the voice. With Mash's help, I'm lifted off the earth immediately looking up, peering at the shadow looming over us like a hawk.


"That is me. Sorry if you were expecting Zeus."

"N-No I'm just a little startled and surprised. So, you're venturing with us to Ishtar's temple?"

"More or less. I'm to step in negotiator in case you screw up, I've been known to have a little bit of a silver tongue. That and, I have a little something that might help things go smoother."

"And by that, he's referring to his treasury, Fujimaru," Melin whispered in my ear urging me and Mash forward as Atalanta who was eating an apple slowly brought up the rear.

"...I can hear you, Merlin."

Bahamut glanced back starring daggers at Merlin who quickly ducked out of sight moving behind Atalanta. Picking up the cart with ease he began moving through Uruk calling back, "We should get a move on, it'd be best to get you back before dark."

Being pulled from behind by Mash to not fall further behind we passed through the city walking out the back gates on course for Ishtar's temple.



Hey, author-san here with a short chapter. Silva's class has finally been revealed, now we start getting into the deep nitty-gritty of the story. I hope you guys are ready for what comes next!

I'll see you guys next time Auth-

"Wait a second!"

"...Huh? ...Okita?"

"You forgot something important, author-san. ...You list Silva's deck build during the last chapter!"

"...That's all?"


"That's not relevant to this chapter in the slightest, or even inportant!"

"But how readers going to know what brave chain he performs." Is he buster heavy or quick oriented?"

"Does he have one art card or two, these things matter!"

"She's right author-san. Okita asking big-brained questions."

"What are you doing back here Silva?! You haven't appeared in four chapters!"

"...Been busy. Okita had me stock up on dango."


"Don't talk with your mouth full!"

"She said to have some dango... as well as, Okita's Daishouri!"


NEXT: Temple of Venus

Czytaj Dalej

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