Ayla [WWE]

By veenavathani

35.6K 626 2.4K

Ayla, a little girl was helped to fend off a few kidnappers by a few wrestlers whom she had no idea who they... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
Chapter 50
Chapter 51
Chapter 52
Chapter 53
Chapter 54
Chapter 55
Chapter 56
Chapter 57
Chapter 58
Chapter 59
Chapter 60
Chapter 61
Chapter 62
Chapter 63
Chapter 64
Chapter 65
Chapter 66
Chapter 67
Chapter 68
Author's Note
Author's note
Author's note
Author's Note: Book 3!!!

Chapter 26

459 10 147
By veenavathani

"Hey Shawn. You okay, man?" Kid asked.

"Huh? Yeah, I'm okay. Is she alright?" Shawn was anxious. He hadn't even realize she was awake.

"She's fine. You should go in" 

Shawn sighed. "I can't face her, Kid. I feel so guilty" 

Kid put an arm around Shawn's shoulder. "Nah, don't be. She ain't mad either. In fact, she wants to talk to you now" 

Shawn couldn't believe it. "Really?"

"Really. Go on, off you go" Kid pushed Shawn a little, nudging him into the room.

Shawn was hesitant but decided to go in anyway. She let out a deep breath before pushing his way in. The room wasn't crowded like before. Only Ayla was on the bed. The balloons the boys brought in were tied to the end of the bed and the couch was full of teddy bears and gifts.

"Hey Shawn" Ayla greeted him chirpily.

Shawn gave a small smile as he stood beside the bed. "Hey"

"You want some chocolate? Taker brought loads of them" Ayla asked, handing him a piece of chocolate from the box she was holding.

Shawn took it but didn't eat it. Ayla set the box at the side table before turning back to him. He didn't have his charming smile like he always used to which kinda creeped her out. She sighed before pulling his hand so he would sit on the bed, which he happily obliged.

"Hey, are you okay?"

"Uh yeah, yeah, I'm good, fine" Shawn gave a smile, a rather awkward one.

"Shawn, what's wrong?" 

"Nothing, no nothing's wrong"


"Seriously nothing is wrong"


"Everything's fine"


Shawn stopped blabbering and looked at her, letting out a huge sigh. Her round innocent eyes was full of concern which he finally gave in.

"Sorry, I'm just, I feel so guilty. It's because of me that you're in this situation. It's all my fault. I'm sorry" His eyes begin to damp up to which caught Ayla off guard. Shawn was being too sweet.

"Shawn" She hugged him. She doesn't care about the twitch in her head, all she knew that the man before her needed some comforting words and she loves her favorite boii.

"Hey, it's okay, alright? It isn't your fault, Shawn. It was mine. I was the one who forced you to bring me there without understanding the seriousness. I'm sorry, Shawn" She looked up at him. He still didn't seemed convinced. Even his hug was loose which so wasn't Shawn The Great Hugger.

"No, you're a kid and I understand that you wanna go out. It's just that, I should have been more alert about the situation and brought you along when the tech guy said Hunter was looking for me. And as a grown adult, I should have tried my best to convince you to stay at home with me. I was careless. It was my fault" Shawn spilled out, making her heart overwhelm. 

"Hey, it's okay. I should have been more careful too when the tech guy said Stephanie was looking for me. I should have just waited for you to return to Hunter's office. It was my fault as well" 

Silence filled the room. Shawn seemed a little less tensed as he was just now. Ayla decided to make him feel better.

"You did everything you could to protect me, Shawn. You are the best uncle a girl could ever have. You're a sweetheart" She smiled to him.

And to that, a wide grin cracked out of Shawn, that charming smile was back along with soft giggles. "I am?"

Ayla nodded with so much of enthusiasm, making him chuckle.

"Yep, and you are also my favorite boii" Ayla bopped his nose making him laugh out loud and hug her hard. Ahhhh yes, the warm Shawn hug.

"And you are my favorite pretty little beast" Shawn ruffled her hair and pecked the top of her head, making Ayla giggle. She sighed in relief in her heart after she saw him back to normal. The cheerful and adorable Shawn that she loves.

He lifted his hand, the one with the chocolate that Ayla gave him earlier. He brought it close to her mouth, to which she took a small bite and he ate the other half, exchanging smile with her.

They stayed in a hug for quite sometime. Ayla kept her head on Shawn's chest, listening to his peaceful heart beat. They didn't speak a word, just enjoying each others company before the door swung open to reveal Taker and Kev.

"Hey little one. You guys made up?" Taker asked.

"Yep, she definitely made me feel better" Shawn said.

"Thank God. Finally. I didn't want to handle another Shawn Tantrum which was worse that a 10 year old kid" Kev sighed making Shawn roll his eyes.

"You don't have to, Kev. Cuz I've got my baby girl here to take care of me and guess what, I am her favorite boii" Shawn smirked.

"Hey!! What about me?" Kev asked, his hands on his waist as he stood beside Shawn and Ayla who was still seated on the bed in each other's arms.

"You're my favorite Big Boii" Ayla giggled, making Kev roll his eyes. Kev is so possessive, she finds it cute. Oh come on, Ayla, you find everyone cute!

"Eyy, I thought I was?" Taker fake pouted, making Ayla giggle.

"You're my favorite Big Guy" Ayla said, making Taker giggle. 

"You sure have a lot of favorites there, Horsy" Kev rolled his eyes, giggling along.

"A girl can have more than one favorites, you know?" Ayla winked, making the others laugh. Kev pulled her nose, causing her to wince.

"Ouch, Kev. Watch it" Ayla swatted his huge hands off her nose. 

"Ooops, sorry kiddo. Forgot about the cuts" Kev rubbed the back of his head, flashing all 32 teeth of his.

"Hands off the merchandise" Shawn laughed, making the others to laugh hard, remembering the joke the other day. It never gets old.

They laughed too loud until a nurse came in and warned them. Oops, they forgot they're in a hospital. Oh well....


That night, Hayley and Taker were left to take care of Ayla. Shawn insisted that he'd stay but Hunter convinced Shawn that he needs to sleep after having a sleepless night the day before when Ayla was kidnapped.

Taker took a seat at the bed while Hayley dozed off at the couch. She barely got sleep too the night before.

Taker opened a packet of chips and shared them with Ayla. The two settled in for some random cartoons. The hospital tv didn't have much channel choices. They were lucky enough they got a fancy suit, or else it would be super duper uncomfortable.

"What cartoon is this?" Ayla asked when she heard Taker chuckling from a scene in the cartoon.

"Oggy and the cockroaches" He replied.

He does seem to know a lot about cartoons.

"It's a little deja vu, don't you think?" Taker asked out of the blue.

Ayla chuckled. "It is, isn't it?" 

"The cartoons, the two of us" Ayla said.

"And the chips"

"Yeah. Just that I didn't have an IV sticking out on my hand that time" They both chuckled.

They settled in for a while before Taker finally spoke. "You remember when I told you that I've been married thrice?" 

Ayla nodded. "You told me about your first wife the other day"

Taker nodded. "You wanna know what happened next?" 

Ayla was speechless. He was actually offering it? He actually wanted to do it himself? 

"Whenever you are ready, I'll be honored" 

Taker smiled slightly. He lifted her head a little before placing his arm under her head and wrapped his arms around her, bringing her close to him. She happily snuggled into him, feeling his warmth. The comforting warmth.

He let out a deep breath. He was ready to get everything out of his chest. He knew he had to get it all out one day, just that he didn't know to whom he should take it all out for all these years. So, he decided that he'd trust the girl in his arms and share every bit of his bad times with her. Finally, it was time. Partially, he was happy he was gonna share everything, and partially he was nervous. 

"My second wife's name is Sara. She was a wrestler too. A talented one that too. We met at a gym. That time I was a little depressed since my first marriage failed. I was a mad prick that time. People hated me because I was a little too windy all the time. I don't usually talk to people that much except for Kane and Vince. People didn't dare to talk to me either. Sara was the first person to ever come and talk to me in months. She was one of the most fearless woman I've ever seen." Taker smiled a little.

"We started to date. She helped me out of my depression. She joined the WWE, we both traveled together and one day we decided to get married. She would be my valet when I took on the American Badass gimmick. We had 2 beautiful daughters. Gracie and Chasey"

"We were so happy that time. Until one day, another wrestler named Diamond Dallas Page came in. We all call him DDP. He was a talented wrestler, no doubt. But he was after Sara. He constantly harassed her. At first, I thought it was just him. But little did I know, she was well..." 

Taker gulped. Ayla rubbed his chest, trying to sooth him.

"Let's just say, DDP wasn't really clapping on one hand. Sara was interested in him too. The three of us had a storyline together. I've seen them speak with each other a few times but I thought it was all just for the storyline and I didn't really assume anything. At first, she hated that DDP harassed her but little did I know, she stated to have feelings for him. One day, I caught them together. On the bed" Taker's voice started to shake.

"She tried to talk to us to get back with me but it didn't happen. We broke up on live TV and got divorced a few weeks later. DDP also left her after a few months of relationship. Sara got custody of the kids." Taker sighed.

"It's just that, she came in when I was heartbroken. She mended my heart with love. I was so emotionally attached to her. When I caught her cheating, it hurt me more that ever. I loved her so much. I even had a tattoo of her name on my neck" Taker pointed to the center of his neck. Ayla leaned closer to get a good look but it doesn't seem like a tattoo of Sara's name at all.

"The break up effected me a lot. I wasn't the same guy I was. I became more and more violent in and out of the ring. Everywhere I turn, it always reminded of her and how she cheated on me. Especially this tattoo. Vince told me to get rid of this tattoo, so I changed it into a chain symbol. The pain on my neck was nothing compared to the pain in my heart. It hurts more" His eyes welled up a little.

Taker couldn't continue anymore. It still hurts him up to date. He tighten his arms around her when he felt her caressing his arms.

He laid his head on the top of hers, burying her head into his neck. The two stayed like that for quite some time.

Just a question that has always been on his mind for years, kept repeating in his head. Why? Why him? Why does he have to get hurt like that? Why does he needs to be cheated on? Just, why him?

He silently wiped out the tears at the corner of his eyes, trying his best so Ayla wouldn't notice. But Ayla was quick enough to notice. She reached up and wiped off his tears, his cheeks were a handful of her tiny hands. 

She gave him a comforting smile and patted his shoulder.

"It's okay, Taker. I'm right here" Ayla comforted.

He didn't know why, but when she said that, it made him feel like all of his problems run away. It wasn't much, but it was enough to make him calm and feel well... safe? 

It was a weird feeling for Taker. He didn't know why but he trusted the girl. He loves the girl. She's like.... a daughter to him.

Ayla kissed his cheek and buried her face in his neck again. Slowly, both of them drifted into sleep in each other's arms.


"No! You'll hurt your head if you fall like that! Tuck your chin in" Shawn held his waist.

"Watch closely"  Shawn spread his hands out and fall on his back, tucking his chin in.

"Saw that? There's a difference. If you fall like you did before, you'll end up in a hospital again and I ain't gonna visit your ass anymore" Shawn sassed, getting up on his feet.

Shawn is a sassy bitch when he trains his students. But it was so adorable. God Ayla stop it!!!

Ayla chuckled. "Yes, Shawneyyy" Ayla said, making Shawn roll his eyes.

Ayla did exactly like Shawn did. She looked up to Shawn who then nodded.

"Excellent! Now there is another way of falling properly" Shawn continued his lessons.

It has only been three days since Ayla got out of the hospital and she was adamant that she'd started her pro wrestling training already. Shawn was more than happy to oblige although Hunter wasn't really a fan of her decision. This girl just got hospitalized three days ago and she was already taking bumps. One word, crazy. She hadn't healed 100% yet, her bruises were still there but she was more excited to start her training than worrying about her injuries.

It was Shawn's session to train her first. Ayla would be training in ring performance lessons with Shawn while she'd be training physical fitness with Taker. Taker would also be advising her on all her fitness needs and would workout with her. Shawn would train her wrestling techniques and trash talking which Shawn is most expert in.

Ayla had a three hour session with Shawn. A very exhausting one at that.

Shawn just had to polish a few of her moves because most of it she already had it in her. He couldn't believe how such of a fast learner she is.

"You did great, sweetie. Just work on you side fall. It's good but you still seem a little awkward with it. But its okay. You've done great for your first session, baby girl" Shawn wrapped his sweaty arms around her, which she didn't mind. She was already used to all the sweat smell of these huge ass wrestlers. She's been living with it for the past three weeks. It smells like, well, home.

"Thanks Shawneeyyy" She bopped his nose. She spotted Kev walking in the house gym.

"Hey Big Kev" She greeted.

"What, no hug for Big Kev?" Kev extended his arms out.

Ayla chuckled as she kicked off the ground and wrapped her hands around his neck. Kev giggled and wrapped his arms around her, supporting her weight before twirling them around. 

"Had fun with Shawn?" Kev asked as he placed her down.

"Sure did. Shawn's really sassily adorable in the ring" Ayla said.

"How on earth can someone be sassily adorable?" Shawn frowned.

"You are! You're sassy, but you are adorable at the same time"

"You girls are weird species" Kev joked.

"See! She thinks I'm cute" Shawn smirked.

"So do you" Ayla mocked. She looked at Kev, both exchanging stares.

Shawn sighed. He knows what's coming up next. There we go again.

And in




"HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA" the gym was filled with laughter from you know who. There we go again. They can never get over it.

"Oh, oh Shawn

I think I'm cute.
I know I'm sexy.
I've got the looks,
That drive the girls wild
I've got the moves, that really move 'em.
I send chills up.
Up and down their spines.
I'm just a sexy boy,
Sexy boy
I'm not your boy toy,
Boy toy
I'm just a sexy boy,
Sexy boy
I'm not your boy toy,
Boy toy
I make 'em hot.
I make 'em shiver.
Their knees get weak,
Whenever I'm around.
They see me walk,
They hear me talk,
I make 'em feel,
Like they're on cloud nine
I'm just a sexy boy,
Sexy boy
I'm not your boy toy,
Boy toy
I'm just a sexy boy,
Sexy boy
I'm not your boy toy,
Boy toy" 

Kev got onto one knee and made a guitar screeching sound and his gestured into random like he's playing a guitar. 

Scott walked in with Kid and Hayley, vibing as well. " Eat your heart out, girls" Scott sang

Kid rubbed Shawn's chest, to which Hayley swatted his hand playfully. "Hands off the merchandise"

And Kev's guitar screeches continued.

Hunter then walked in, causing everyone to freeze. Silence. Hunter walked in with a dead serious face, making his way all the way to Shawn.

"Finally! You came here to save me. These people trying to make me strip out" Shawn rolled his eyes.

He unexpectedly held Shawn's hand and twirled him around. "Dance for me, boy toy" Hunter said and everyone hauled. 

"Gosh! Not you too" Shawn whined but vibed along anyway. He did his famous male stripper dance at the ringside, although it does seem a little cranky now, but no kidding, he still got it!

Everyone danced along around the gym as Kev continued to make the guitar screeches of Shawn's theme song.

"I'm just a sexy boy, (Scott)
Sexy boy (All)
I'm not your boy toy,
Boy toy
I'm just a sexy boy,
Sexy boy
I'm not your boy toy,
Boy toy"

Kid twirled Hayley as they swayed side to side while Ayla and Scott were jumping around with their hands up in the air like a bunch of maniacs. Shawn and Hunter waltzed around the ring, with Hunter's hands one around Shawn's waist, another holding Shawn's hand, doing a really weird vibe of a waltz. It was hilariously cute. Is that even a thing? Haha....

"I'm just a sexy boy,
Sexy boy
I'm not your boy toy,
Boy toy
I'm just a sexy boy,
Sexy boy
I'm not your boy toy,
Boy toy"

As the song came to an end, everyone burst into laughter and sat around in the ring. Hunter continued to tease Shawn as he pinched Shawn's waist and kissed Shawn on the cheek, making the others to laugh harder.

"Gay community is back!" Kid yelled, laughing his ass out.

"Shawn is gay! Shawn is gay! Shawn is gay!" They begin to chant as Shawn hugged Hunter from the back, squeezing Hunter's man boobs. 

"Yow!!! Keep your gay horses to yourself! Keep it PG over here" Scott warned, laughing along with the others.

"I can't! My work wife is too hot!" Shawn teased Hunter as Hunter smug.

"Can't agree more, girlfriend!" Hunter said, causing a pinch from Shawn on his man boobs.

"Eyy, watch it! I worked hard on these babies" Hunter rubbed his man boobs, over Shawn's hands.

Ayla just wished she hadn't hear any of these dirty jokes. Disgusting, but funny. There goes her innocent brain. But then, they were too adorable together so it was worth it. Hehehe...

"What on earth are you guys doing?" Taker came in the house gym, his eyes widen from looking at Shawn and Hunter.

"Shawn is trying to get Hunter laid tonight" Scott laughed while the others howled.

Taker shook his head as he walked near the ring. 

"Y'all cracking dirty jokes with a child around?" Taker held Ayla and Hayley's hands, dragging them out, causing all of them to stop laughing.

Ayla wasn't able to protest or anything. Taker was too fast and strong for her that her little feet had to give a little run while going out of the gym, being dragged by Taker.

"What's wrong with him?" She heard Scott say as she they left the gym. Exactly her thoughts. Why was Taker so moody?

Taker dragged them both to their rooms, leaving Hayley in her room before bringing Ayla to hers. He closed the room door, taking a seat on the bed, running his hands through his hair with a heavy sigh. 

Ayla was a little scared at his sudden change of mood. Taker was never like this. He seemed so pissed off!

"Taker, are you okay?" Ayla got all the courage in her and asked him. She knew Taker would never hurt her.

Taker didn't answer. He stayed at where he was, not even a little flinch.

Ayla slowly walked up to him. She was partially afraid of Taker's silence. She kneeled down beside him, placing her hands on his thighs. She breathed a relief when he didn't move. 

"Are you okay?" Ayla questioned. Although she can't see his face as they were buried in his palms, she still looked at him, trying to make eye contact with him.

"What's wrong?" She asked, slowly reaching for his hand. 

Her eyes widen when she got a clear view of his knuckles. They were....bleeding?

"Taker! You're bleeding!" Ayla said as she pulled one hand of his out of his face and brought it near to her so she could get a better view. She examined his knuckles. It looked like he's hit someone. She looked at him, Taker still refused to make eye contact with her. He kept his head hung low. 

Ayla went on to grab for the first aid kit before kneeling beside him again. She begin treating his wounds, to which he didn't refuse.

"How did this happen?" Ayla asked, careful to not make Taker even mad.

He didn't answer.

"It seems like you've punched someone" She voiced out her assumptions.

Still there weren't any answers. He didn't deny neither did he agree. But then, he's silent. Which means....

"You did punch someone?" Ayla's eyes widen, she paused her treatment on his hands.

Taker sighed. She was smart. He closed his eyes and gave a slight nod.

Ayla was speechless. Who was it? She couldn't think of anyone that Taker could have punched-.... wait a minute. Don't tell me....

"Dolph Ziggler" She concluded. Bingo!



Seriously I'm so in love with the Kliq. I really enjoy writing them. I love them so much y'all they so kiuttt❤️🥺

And we'll there you have the second part of Taker's life. My poor big guy was cheated💔. Again, a reminder it is totally fictional. It doesn't resemble the real life of Taker.

And bruhhh Taker just beat up Dolph for Ayla🥺❤️😭. Good gawd he's so sweet.

And seriously I can't help myself from shipping Hunter and Shawn. Seriously😂

What do you think about this chapter? Do drop down your comments and votes.

Signing out,


(Word count: 3870)


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