The Awakened One, Book 1: Rem...

Galing kay Nentai96

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Earth is an incredibly peaceful and beautiful World home to the amazingly intelligent Humans that live upon i... Higit pa

Chapter 1: Armageddon
Chapter 2: Battle Of Wills
Chapter 4: Awakening
Chapter 5: Awakened One
The Public Service Announcement
Chapter 6: The Queen of The Amazon
Chapter 7: Vampire May Cry
|^{PSA II}^|
Chapter 8: A New World
Chapter 9: A New Companion
(A/N): III
Chapter 10: A Chance Encounter
Chapter 11: Lovers
*!Status!* II
(A/N): IV
Chapter 12: Vale
Chapter 13: A Night in Vale
(A/N): V
Chapter 14: Rest and Relaxation
Chapter 15: Training Begins
Chapter 16: A Mysterious Figure
Chapter 17: Scars
(A/N): VI
*!Status!* III
Chapter 18: Glynda Goodwitch
Chapter 19: Ice Queen
Chapter 20: Ozma
(A/N): VII
Chapter 21: Thief in The Night
Chapter 22: The Reaper
Chapter 23: The Xiong Family
Chapter 24: A Woman's Curse
Chapter 25: Spiders
Chapter 26: Foundation
(A/N): IX
Chapter 27: The Disciplinarian
Chapter 28: Jacques Schnee
*!Status!* IV
Chapter 29: Despair
*!Status!* V
(A/N): X
Chapter 30: Thicker Than Blood
Chapter 31: Taking Out The Trash
Chapter 32: Red Like Roses
(A/N): XI
Chapter 33: I Burn
Chapter 34: The Demon Clan
Chapter 35: Preparing For Victory
(A/N): XII
Chapter 36: Conquering Vale's Underworld
Chapter 37: Aftermath
Chapter 38: A Newer Companion
Chapter 39: Mirror Mirror
Chapter 40: Who am I?
Chapter 41: A Fateful Meeting
(A/N): XIV
Chapter 42: At Last
Chapter 43: The White Fang
Chapter 44: Forever Fall Forest
(A/N): XV
Chapter 45: From Shadows
Chapter 46: To Light
Chapter 47: The Snake And The Tiger
(A/N): XVI
Chapter 48: Fairy Tales
Chapter 49: Moving Forward
Chapter 50: Towards The End
Chapter 51: Of The Beginning
Chapter 52: The Summer Tournament
Chapter 53: Finalists
Chapter 54: Finale
Chapter 55: Finished
Chapter 56: Finally
Public Service Announcement
Chapter 57: Initiation
Chapter 58: Act 2
Chapter 59: Knight Ceremony
Chapter 60: Alpha Megoliath
Chapter 61: Power Leveling
Chapter 62: Total Recall
Chapter 63: System Update
Chapter 64: Divided
Chapter 65: Upside
Chapter 66: Downturn
Chapter 67: The Meeting
Chapter 68: Vacuo
Chapter 69: Tribes of The Desert
Chapter 70: The Desert Kreeps
Chapter 71: The Desert Walkers
Chapter 72: Desert Faunus Alliance
Chapter 73: Disappearance
Chapter 74: Unfortunate Circumstance
Chapter 75: The Mysterious Hunter
Chapter 76: Desperate Invaders
Chapter 77: To Protect
Chapter 78: Running Out Of Time
Chapter 79: Mistake Driven Turmoil
| Where TF Have I Been? |
Awakened Organization: Closure {A Loving Summary}

Chapter 3: Hell On Earth

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Galing kay Nentai96

As (Y/N) watched with an enraged mind and balled fists as the Behemoth charged through numerous vehicles and concrete borders to get to him, and with every bound the beast made the previously calm and content man's rage only grew further. 

Blinded by rage and fueled by hatred, (Y/N) took meaningful determined steps towards the approaching doom, hoping that the beast might meet him with its jaws and forfeit its existence over to him. He didn't have to wait long as the Behemoth and the human met one another a few yards (meters) away from massive crater that (Y/N) had risen from, and the beast wasted no time, immediately diving down on its target with its super-heated jaws wide-open.

As the Behemoths massive jaws opened wide, shooting forward, and completely engulfing (Y/N)'s standing form, and in an instant bladed teeth sharper than spears and molten saliva hotter than melting steal, closed with immense strength onto the humans already beaten and bloodied body. It had to be over, the Behemoth completely encapsulated its target in the flaming iron-maiden that was the beast's jaws. 

The muscles of the Behemoth's powerful maw flexed hard, bulging and pulsing rapidly as they worked to close shut, the beast clenching its jaw with all its might; however, something was keeping the iron-maiden from shutting. The beast's slitted crimson eyes began rapidly twitching around, peering in every which direction as if the answer to its silent question was somewhere to be found in the sky or around the parking lot. 

But, in truth, the answer the beast was looking for was located within the super-heated, daggered maw of the Behemoth itself. Standing tall, with red and black energy flying off him in waves, was a man like no other. Arms stretched wide, muscles bulging with power, body steaming with heat, and a maniacal grin plastered on his beautiful face was THE (Y/N) (L/N).

With pure strength, (Y/N) had his hands gripped tightly around two massive teeth, one on the bottom jaw the other on the top, in the interior of the beast's flaming maw, holding its jaws wide open, keeping himself from danger. The molten saliva from the beast's mouth dripped and drooled all across his body and the bladed teeth cut deep gashes into each of his hands, but the pain from simple cuts and burns had long since left his body. With an excursion of insane force and power, the enraged super-human yelled, "FUCK OFF!!

With the rage induced roar, (Y/N) forced his feet into the concrete below him, crushing the durable material, as he lifted the massive Behemoth over top his head, holding the massive Dragon high in the air with its jaws still opened wide. The Devil's mount stayed suspended in the air for what felt like an eternity as (Y/N) held the animal like a trophy, proof of his immense strength and worth, all the while he stared down the Demon across the parking garage. 

(Y/N)'s piercing glare was an intense message that the Devil received instantly, 'fight me one on one', and with the Devil's warrior pride on the line, the Demon reciprocated the message by putting its katana down to its side and waiting for the human to end the life of its beast.

Once the exchange was completed between (Y/N) and his nemesis, the enraged hero gripped the Behemoth's jaws tight enough to crack its bladed teeth, and then with all the built-up power and energy that had weld up inside his body, (Y/N) slammed the Dragon-Wolf beast down into the crater that he just risen from, shattering every scale on its body on impact! 

The already crushed and hardened concrete instantly buckled under the mighty force, shattering the entire crater, and quickly giving way for the Behemoth to fall through to the floor below the roof. However, (Y/N) held on tightly to the beasts jaws, lifting the Dragon into the air once more, and slamming the Behemoth atop a line of parked vehicles, crushing the cars, and forming another crater, creating a stone coffin for the beast to finally die in.

The Behemoths body was a mess of broken scales leaking black blood, broken horns, snapped claws, and shattered bones. Its breath slowed to a crawl and steam no longer blew from its maw with each exhale, and the hell spawn laid barely clinging onto life, in wait to reach the afterlife. Luckily for the Behemoth, (Y/N) was feeling merciful enough to ensure that it didn't have to wait for death, and the rage driven man took a step towards the dying beast and took hold of the top and bottom of the beast's massive jaws. 

After lifting the massive head slightly off the ground, (Y/N) then twisted his arms in a counterclockwise motion with incredible speed, wind kicked up intensely from the rapid motion and the quick action causing the Behemoth's head to twist a full 180 degrees on its axis. The vent scales on its underbelly cracked and shattered releasing a fume of orange steam that engulfed the area in its heat, black steaming blood erupted from every exposed orifice on its neck, and this dastardly act caused the Behemoths neck to snap with a sickening CRUNCH. Instantly ending its life. "Fuck you" the man spat out at the corpse of the formerly powerful beast, unceremoniously kicking the dead body in anger before opening its jaws.

After killing the animal that toasted him alive with a brutal neck snap, he entered the corpses now open jaws yet again, this time looking for something specific, and once he found what he was looking for, he grabbed hold of both objects strongly with both hands. (Y/N) then tore two large, hard, and sharp fangs from the Behemoths enflamed carcass, ignoring the shooting black blood that sprayed out after his action. 

Once he acquired his new weapons, (Y/N) leaped out the concrete coffin, landing angrily in front of his nemesis, with the dagger like fangs in each of hands. As he stared at the Devil across the parking garage, the veil of rage began growing into a calamity of clashing dark reds and powerful blacks, and (Y/N)'s bright red eyes stared holes straight through the Devil. Feeling the weight of his enemy's bloodlust, the Devil shifted his stance from one of comfortability, into another poised to kill, and the battle between the two demons was about to end.

The two gazed at each other, standing perfectly still for a quick moment, before (Y/N) launched forward with an angered roar, booming his voice across the campus, as his body began absorbing the aura around him and converting it to rage energy, he used to fuel his next strike. With his newly acquired rage-based energy, (Y/N) dashed directly into the Devil's slashing range without care. 

The Devil wasted no time, instantly cut downwardly in a lightning-fast strike, planning on ending this fight with a decisive first, and fatal, blood. However, the Devil's sword clanged loudly against a metallic dagger, as the katana was parried upwardly with unrivaled strength by (Y/N)'s fang as he swung upwardly with his newly acquired weapon. 

Immediately following the parry, the Demon was attacked by a second fang that rapidly approached its vulnerable side in a hook like motion. The left-hand fang, carried by an enraged (Y/N) pierced through the air and stabbed deeply into the Devils right side, causing the jawless demon's rotting face to scream with pain. 

Feeling searing pain for the first time during this battle, the Devil leaped backwards trying to gain some breathing room from his opponent, but (Y/N) was far too strong and fast. As soon as the Devil jumped back (Y/N) was already in hot pursuit, slashing at him rapidly before he even had a chance to land, attacking relentlessly, swing after swing the Devil barely had time to defend let alone prep a counterattack.

With every hard right swing the Devil defended, an even faster left stab immediately followed, and with every stab he received his strength drained, leaving the demon even more vulnerable to further attacks. The Devil simply couldn't defend against the bombardment of powerful, speedy swings with the blade like teeth, and the situation only continued to worsen for the demon. Slash after slash, some defended better than others, the Devil's wounds become more and more gruesome. 

The gashes on the Devils body were bleeding black blood profusely and the wounds were only becoming more numerous, and showing through these wounds, was the true form of the Devil. The black armored exterior of the demon was not just fused with its body, it is the Devil's body. The previously mentioned armor was acting as the Devils skin, underneath the skin armor was a conglomerate of black and red muscle that flexed, morphed, and bulged with every movement as the Devil worked to remain alive for moments longer. 

These exposed flexed muscled suddenly insighted the Devil to attempt a counterattack in hopes of turning the tides of battle, and instead of blocking the thousands of slashes that bombarded its body one after another, the Devil allowed (Y/N) to land a mighty overhead stab that struck the Behemoth fang into its upper shoulder. The fang jabbed deep into the space where its neck connected to its body, a devastating, but non-lethal, blow.

Blood shot from the wound and excruciating pain instantly spread throughout the demon's body, but the Devil ignored the unguarded strike, bringing its long katana across its body rapidly, slicing speedily in a horizontal motion hoping to finally end the Devil's weakened nemesis. However, as quickly as those hopes rose, they died almost instantaneously, as his blade was stopped just short by the second tooth that (Y/N) held firmly with his left hand. 

(Y/N) face flashed with a maniacal grin as he tore out the tooth that was lodged in the Devil's shoulder and redirected it into an upwards stab that viciously pierce the Devils stomach, but he wasn't done and (Y/N) began dragging the fang upwardly through the Devil's exposed chest, starting to tear the demon's torso wide open. 

The Devil began panicking as his mind raced for any solution to come out on top, but before anything came to mind, (Y/N) began his preparation for his final strike. He packed his arm, hand, and the left tooth full of his rage and rose it from its position defending the katana. (Y/N) then swiftly switched his grip on the fang to thrust the blade in an overhand stab, aiming directly for the Devil's forehead and brain. 

His motion began violently, and his enemy was perfectly in his sights, the dagger sliced through the air with immense speed, and it seemed as though there was nothing that would stop the fang from reaching its destination, however right before the fang could connect with the demon's head, the Devil suddenly disappeared in a red streak.

The Devil opted for an escape using its signature teleportation ability, disappearing from (Y/N)'s clutches, and teleporting far away from the enraged man, landing itself a little in front of the Behemoth's lifeless corpse. (Y/N)'s body filled to the brim with rage greatly surpassing all the anger he felt before. Seeing the Devil disappear from his grasps using the same technique he used to best him multiple times sent the man far over the edge! 

He refused to let the Devil get away, he refused to allow his nemesis to escape, he refused to let the Devil remain alive. (Y/N) utilized all the strength, power, and speed from his overhead strike, instantly spinning his body around as he continued the momentum of his piercing stab and aimed the long fang towards his relocated target. 

"Not today You FUCKING BASTARD! DIIIIIIIEEEEEEEE!!!!!!!" (Y/N) used all of his built-up momentum, energy, will, and rage to launch the fang through the air at an unmeasurable speed, spinning the dagger like a rifled bullet, rocketing the weapon directly at the Devil's head. The Devil managed to widen its eye sockets a nanometer before the rifled fang penetrated deeply into the demon's skull, stabbing directly through its armored skin and the hardened bones beneath it, piercing directly into the mushy flesh that was defended by the layers of armory. 

The demon's feet flew from underneath it and the Devil's body was launched backwards, soaring through the air, from the immense force of the fang connecting with its body, and landing the dying Devil crashing harshly into the Behemoth's concrete coffin.

Breathing heavily from the exertion, (Y/N) put his hands on his knees as he tried to recover any sort of energy his body provided him before, but it was nowhere near as easy coming as it was previously. His body no longer felt invincible, all the gashes, scorches, and bruises began throbbing in pain yet again as if they had never left. 

The agony of each wound was tens of times worse than before due to him aggravating them with his ferocious assault and the final attack, but at least it seemed to be over. "It has to be over. No way that bitch can survive all that" was all he managed to think as he began walking over to the, hopefully, corpse of the Devil, but as he took his first sluggish steps, he looked up to see the sky opened up and began raining a tar like substance all over the roof top. 

The pits quickly pooled up all across the roof of the parking garage, and out of all of these tar pits came, not monstrosities, but numerous red and black orbs that seemed to hover in the air for a moment before gravitating to the coffin that laid to rest the Devil and its beastly companion.

For half a moment the sight confused him, but he quickly realized exactly what was occurring and that revelation shook him into action. "Oh fuck! This can't be happening" he yelled out loud, his walk quickly turning into an injured sprint towards the stone coffin. "I have to hurry up and double tap this bitch before these orbs reach them!!" (Y/N) began sprinting as fast as he could towards the pit that the invisible, glowing orbs were floating towards, but unfortunately it was far too late. 

A massive shockwave of blood red energy exploded out from the pit, forcing (Y/N) tumbling backwards, rolling across the ground, completely helpless to stop the phenomena that had occurred within the depths of the stone coffin. 

(Y/N) laid silently on the hard concrete ground as he stared at the pit where the energy bursted from, waiting nervously and with bated breath for something to appear from the coffin, and it didn't take long for another horrifying sight to appear yet again. Out from the pit rose something that (Y/N) had yet to see, the Devil appeared yet again just as beaten, ravished, and bloodied as before, but the demon was riding a top a beast that was clearly not the Behemoth.

This new mount was nowhere near as intimidating or massive as the last, but it looked just as fierce and quite possibly even more hot. The mount appeared to be a wolf that looked as if it was born from the mating of a volcano and the hot magma that flows within it, and from this conception formed a 6-foot-tall (2m) infernal wolf that drooled magma. 

Instead of fur it hard stones that looked to be coal that covered its body and in between each of these stones showed hot lava that flowed through the rocks like blood through veins. With each step it took, concrete began to melt under its retracted clawed paws and sitting atop its back was a badly injured, near-death Devil. 

The demon had wounds covering its entire brutally battered, near armor-less body and each of these wounds cried tears of black-blood out of their orifices. Riding up its chest was a fang that had clearly gouged out a mass of flesh that was dangling from its body and the weapon was shoved so deep inside its body that only a small fraction of the tooth could even be seen. To top all of that off, protruding from its bulbous head was a large, flaming, white-fang that appeared like a horn, making the demon look like a true Devil. 

The mount and its master stalked slowly up to the laying form of (Y/N), looking down upon him yet again, and watching him slowly bring himself back to his feet. "He has more pets! How is that even possible. This guy is too damn powerful!" (Y/N) thought as his life seemed to be coming to an end yet again.

"tcepser ym evah uoy taht rof dna ,selbuort fo stol em nevig ylurt evah uoY" As the demon spoke, its mount got closer and closer. "EfIL RuOy PeEk Ot EvReSeD dNa TaBmOc Ni Em DeTsEb EvAh UoY" At this point, (Y/N) was crouched on his knees looking up at the Devil and the flaming wolf, listening closely and intently as the Devil continued to speak. "LeUd RuO eKaSrOf TsUm I nOsAeR tAhT rOf Os ,TpEcCa NaC i GnIhTeMoS ToN sI eRuLiAf ,ReVeWoH" In the distance a loud CRASH could be heard as The Devil repeated the same motion he had all those times ago.

As the demon did so, (Y/N) stood confidently on the tips of his toes. Seeing this, the Devil continued with, "!eRoFeB eNoD sAh GnIeB rEhTo On TaHt GnIhTeMoS eNoD eVaH uOy Sa LlAt DnAtS ,tHgIr S'tAhT" With that shout, the demon pointed his sword to the sky and yelled, "!NiS gNiK nOiGeL eHt NeTaEb EvAh Ot EnO EhT eRa UoY" then bringing the katana down heavily to the Earth, landing its tip on the forehead of its victim.

"!hTaEd S'rOiRrAw DnArG a UoY tNaRg WoN lLiW i TcAf SiHt Fo EsUaCeB .eM dEsSeRpMi ...UoY nAmUh CiTeHtAp A rOf ,DnE yReV eHt Ot YlTnAiLaV tHgUoF yLuRt UoY" Time moved to a crawl as the nemeses stared each other down, the Devil with the eyes of a sorrowed victor and (Y/N) with fiery eyes of determination, but this moment of acknowledgement between warriors lasted for only an instant as the Devil ended it all with a simple command. "MIH LLIK!

As soon as the Devil shouted its command, the demon's newest pet opened it flaming jaws, revealing its short sharp teeth and drooling magma that slithered in between its teeth, but before the wolf could eviscerate its target the entire parking garage building that they stood on shook violently with the force of a powerful earthquake. "It's about damn time!"

As soon as (Y/N) saw the wolf's legs buckle slightly from the sudden violent quake he quickly dashed as fast as he could, launching himself off the tips of his feet, and immediately jetting towards the north side of the trembling 10 story parking garage. The instant the Devil saw (Y/N) move to escape, it immediately ordered the wolf-beast to give chase, but it was far too late as the wolf's legs gave way to the immense vibrations of the collapsing building. 

The wolf-beast toppled over with the Devil on its back, forcing the demon to watch helplessly as its opponent sprinted as fast as his legs would allow him to towards his safe haven. The massive Olympic sized pool building.

On the bottom floor of the parking garage a cataclysmic chain reaction began as the vehicle closest to the structural pillar next to the entrance of the Pool building suddenly exploded violently in a ball of flames and burning shrapnel. The flaming heat and rocketing debris flying off the intense explosion ignited the air and caused the vehicle next to it to explode with even more intensity. 

This duo of immediate chain reactions caused that structural pillar to quickly collapse, destroying one of the structural supports that kept the building standing. Across the entire bottom floor of the garage this chain reaction happened repeatedly and with insane speed, forcing car after car to explode, and pillar after pillar to collapse until the entirety of the bottom floor could no longer support the immense weight of the numerous floors above it. The massive structure rapidly gave way after the pillars on the bottom floor collapsed, and the second floor of the building fell fast, directly onto the first.

On the top floor, The Devil tried to force his mount forward to catch up to his prey that was escaping, but the animal was not fast to its feet, and once it had gained back its footing and started to give chase, it was already too late. 

With a leap of faith, (Y/N) flew from the roof top, his survival no longer up to him but to the whims of gravity and the forces of Earth as he slowly began his 100 foot (30 meter) descent. The Devil soon realized that killing the enemy was now a lost cause, so the bloodied being quickly tried to find an escape route to allow it to survive, however it was far too late for that as well.

Suddenly the floor beneath was no longer stable and the Devil and the lava wolf, began falling quickly to the ground below them that wasn't even a floor at all since that level had fallen to the one beneath it as well. Concrete fell heavily on top of various vehicles, crushing cars with insane force and pressure causing them to explode violently, sending even more flaming concrete, metals, and other debris flying around in all directions, which in turn caused even more cars in the full garage to explode with even more violence. 

These reactions continued happening one after another until they seemed to hit a critical mass, as the entirety of the collapsing building suddenly flare up in explosive flames. The world was still for a moment, before the mass of rupturing concrete turned nuclear and all it took was one last spark for the whole of the toppling building to erupt like a volcano. 

The former massive parking garage turning into a flaming, active volcano and with the numerous explosions happening simultaneously, a gargantuan atomic like explosion sent debris everywhere at ridiculous velocities and insane temperatures, leveling the structures surrounding it and turning the area into a massive ball of flame. 

(Y/N)'s free falling body was not immune to this reaction, as his body was forcefully ejected forward, sending him soaring through the air from the intense force of the explosion. In defense, he quickly curled up into a ball, protecting himself as much as he could, and in his protective state, he began thinking over his violently explosive plan to send his enemy to high heaven.


As (Y/N) entered the garage, he had plenty of time to get to work; so, he zipped open his bag and grabbed two of the six kitchen knives that he packed inside, and with one in each hand he stalked the floor for his targets. On the base floor of the parking garage, (Y/N) went underneath various cars located in main structural points of the building, mainly the pillars, and cut open the gasoline tanks located in the rear bottom of the vehicles. 

This was fairly easy since the entire garage was filled to the brim with cars and there were no open spaces for parking, this meant that the garage was essentially closed until any of the current guests left. This left the entire ten floor building completely barren, giving him more than enough discretion to execute his plan. 

Not only did he go around slashing gas tanks, being very careful to not let anything spark, he placed his various lighters and remaining kitchen knives and silverware underneath the rear tires on numerous cars that had cut fuel tanks, more specifically the ones near the entrance to pool building got the lighters and the cars further back in the garage got the extra metal utensils.

After setting up the main event, the smell of gas very quickly filled the entirety of the garage and gave (Y/N) only one more job to complete. Stall for as much time as possible when fighting the demon and his partner, if it's possible to kill it then do so, but if not just ensure that battle last as long as possible. 

The idea was simple, in his last life after the invasion began and he doubled back to the garage trying to escape, the base floor of the parking garage was a complete wreck, a literal catastrophe waiting to happen. 

Crashed vehicles, spilled gasoline, and human corpses littered the level, and it was a miracle that none of the cars sparked up in any way or it could've been a huge disaster. Obviously, the Behemoth managed to spark it by opening its mouth, but up until then it was miraculous that the building hadn't exploded. All (Y/N) had to do was undo that miracle and make the entire building go boom boom, and at the same time he would escape via the massive pool.

The lighters would easily ignite the leaking gas under the chosen cars as soon as the driver unknowingly drove over them in the panic and a similar thing would happen with the knives, and silverware except it would be caused by the intense sparking of metal scraping against the ground. 

This would cause massive explosions and eventually have the ground floor of the garage collapse in its entirety, and after the ground floor collapsed, every floor thereafter would do the same, leaving the Devil, simply put, dead as fuck. His que for knowing when the explosion was about to occur was the loud crashing of glass as the monstrosities broke into the pool that originally caused the people to stampede in the first place. Everything had gone perfectly for the most part, however, what (Y/N) did not expect was the volcanic eruption that all of the cars would cause after blowing up at what was essentially the same time.


(Y/N)'s free falling form soared through the sky, rolling rapidly as it made its rapid decent towards the ground, all the while flaming concrete slabs of massive proportions flew passed his body, just barely missing him with every rotation. In his cocoon, he silently hoped for his safety as the hard ground got closer and closer and pretty soon, he was going to crash harshly against an incredibly solid floor. 

His rotation suddenly stopped when his body made hard contact with something that felt much harder than concrete, the thing his body crashed against slapped the exposed parts of (Y/N)'s body with insane force, knocking the air from his lungs. 

However, the solid tension of this insanely hard substance broke fast, giving way to incredibly cool, nursing, soothing sensation that instantly began nurturing his many wounds. Water. He had landed perfectly in the deepest area of the pool, slamming hard against its surface and quickly hitting the bottom of the 16ft (5m) deep pool. 

As his feet crashed harshly against the tiled floor of the pool, (Y/N) opened his eyes in the blood red water and a wash of relief covered his body as he held what was left of his breath in the amazing feeling liquid. But his body quickly began pleading for air, so he used the rest of his energy to swim his way back to the surface, unhindered by concrete, corpses, and any other debris that surrounded the pool water but remained unobtrusive to him.

Once he broke through the waters tension once more, he took in a massive gasp of the charred, metallic, smoldering air, allowing the horrible tasting and smelling oxygen to fill his lungs and refresh himself with life. (Y/N) then quickly wiped the red water from his eyes so could look at the mass of destruction that he caused, and what he saw frightened him slightly. The building, no, the volcanic mass of ruble that actively exploded, crumbled, and rumbled in front of him left words far from his mind. 

It was in every way, a man-made volcanic eruption and the mass of rubble piled up high with red and orange flames covering its entire form was the proof of that. Hell was once what he used to describe the look of the invading force that came from the sky, but that was now just an afterthought, the true hell was unfolding around him. 

The reddened sky was now just a backdrop, the structure in front of him was officially the center-piece, and he was the cause of it all. Burning flames, melting metals, active explosions, a never-ending smog of black smoke, and the numerous hordes of charred corpses that could be seen everywhere he looked, it was pure chaos, but somehow, he managed to survive.

Amongst concrete slabs falling from the air like meteorites and all the destruction that surrounded him, all (Y/N) could think about in that moment was the Devil and whether that demonic entity had truly kicked the bucket. "I don't care if it's the last thing I do. I am going to double tap that fucker!" With that mental declaration, (Y/N) used every ounce of strength left in his body to swim his way to the edge of the pool, easily avoiding the rocks, corpses, and other debris that consumed the blood red pool. 

He quickly pulled his way out of the water and slowly began making his trek up the flaming mountain. The intense heat of the pile of rubble had no effect on him as fire no longer felt hot enough to even so much as singe his skin, the black smog the filled the air did nothing to effect his lungs, and pain was a simple afterthought after he received his first near fatal blow. At this point the only thing that could stop him from reaching the top of the mountain was the Devil himself.

The mass of concrete was easy to climb, (Y/N) rapidly pulled himself past jagged rocks, kicked away flaming corpses, dodged the various small explosions, and evaded the falling rocks as he quickly made it to the top of the wreckage. Looking over the top, he was able to view exactly what became of the roof of the parking garage and it was truly a sight to behold. At the very top of the mass, the center of structure suddenly caved inward, creating an arena like concave that was smoldering with flames, car-parts, and, most importantly, black blood. 

The entire ground looked like the body of the Wolf mount he saw early, except the ground was mostly grays instead of blacks, and the flames were flowing like lava instead they were just being rapidly stoked by the surrounding air and fuel that kept them burning. However, as the survivor continued peering over the arena like divot, (Y/N)'s eyes suddenly widened as he saw who crashed in the center of the flaming pit. "Devilman?"

Fear had long since left his body as (Y/N) approached the Devil that had been sprawled out along the flaming ground, appearing to be very much so dead, but (Y/N) remained cautious as this being could easily pull out another attack that he had yet seen. As our hero strode towards the body, he also noticed the wolf beast not too far from the Devil's 'corpse' and its body was worse for wear than the demon across from it. 

(Y/N) decided to first confirm the death of the beast, and more importantly, confiscate any weapon that may have been protruding from its apparent corpse. "Ooooohhhhhh. Damn" he said as he approached the body. "You're dead as fuck!" The corpse of the Wolf beast was littered with oozing magma that it appeared to bleed, and the entirety of its form was also mangled beyond recognition, its legs were either completely torn from its body or twisted and broken in so many different ways that you would probably want them to be gone. 

Its head was smooshed flat, so there wasn't a fang he could take, and the only things that was identifiable from its head was a single tooth that stabbed back inwardly through its own body. "You really did get the short end of the stick lava-wolf, sorry about that bro" he thought, turning his attention back to the main attraction.

(Y/N) stalked forward towards the other body located in the center of this volcanic structure, deeply analyzing each and everything about it before he completely made his approach, and what he saw put a smile on his face. 

The Devil's body was absolutely demolished. 

The demon's armored black skin was almost completely gone, there were a few bits and pieces of its metal like skin in random spots, but overall, the devil was completely skinless. Its body was a mess of black veins and red muscles that still pulsated with life, making (Y/N) wonder, "How are you still alive?

The Devil was sprawled out in a starfish pose, black blood pooling underneath its arms and legs, and Behemoth teeth still lodged in its forehead and chest. However, still fused to its hand in a solid, unyielding grip was the Devil's katana. 

The both of them knew that this beast was going to die soon, it was inevitable, but the fact that this demon managed to survive through an explosion of that caliber was insane and for that feat alone the entity gained a little respect from the human.

(Y/N) walked over to the dying demon and squatted himself over the Devil's clenched right hand, and as he stared into the vacant eye sockets of the Devil he softly said, "I'm sure you don't mind me taking this." Instead of simply grabbing the blade from the Devil's iron grip, (Y/N) placed on of his hands over the fist and the other on its wrist, and with all the strength he could bring to his body, (Y/N) pulled to separate the Devil's hand from the rest of his body. 

As (Y/N) pulled harder and harder the demon groaned in pain, but that didn't stop the revenge driven human from continuing his tug, and soon the sounds of tearing flesh grew louder than the bellowing flames that surrounded them. The Devil's muscle tissue spread thinner and thinner until it gave under the intense strain, spurting its steaming blood into (Y/N)'s tight grip but he still kept pulling. Quickly the last remaining obstacle that kept the demon's hand attached was a powerful black bone that connected the two. 

"This one might hurt a bit" with a bellowing CRUNCH, (Y/N) snapped the bone in two, finishing off his delimbing with a quick pull, releasing the Devil's hand from its body. As the hand was removed, the Devil groaned loudly, but that's all the reaction it could manage, it became rapidly apparent that The Devil was already just barely clinging on to life, and (Y/N) quickly realized this.

"Woah, hold on Devilman, don't die on me just yet, hang in there a bit longer." Now that the demon's hand was separate from its body, (Y/N) easily pried its fingers from the crimson hilt of the katana, holding the blade within his own hands and taking a few practice swings soon after. "Wow, this thing feels amazing, I can definitely see why it's your go too weapon of choice. Although, for some reason the hilt is burning the fuck outa me, but it doesn't really hurt much" he said while he repositioned himself by the feet of the Devil's body. 

Once in position, he stood over the soon to be corpse with a deathly smile on his lips, and with both hands firmly attached to the Devil's blade, he raised it high into the air, pointing perfectly towards the heavens. Clearing his throat, he began "You ordered the Behemoth to take my life on three different occasions, and two out of the three were successful. One when I was a bitch and another when I was a rising star, although I believe that I had originally won that encounter of ours."

(Y/N) held the blade with insane amounts of confidence and he could feel the strength returning to him just for the purpose of ending the life of the demon before him. "I didn't like dying at all and because you caused it, I am going to kill you. Brutally. You have caused me more pain than I could have possibly imagined, but at the same time you pushed me to heights unimaginable. So, in a way I guess I should be thanking you, so for my thanks I'll be granting you a death by my hand. Your welcome. However, I hate your fucking dragon, I hate your fuckin sword, and I really, really hate you! I don't know how to put these into words that you'll understand but I'll try my best... !!!!OUY KCUF" (Y/N) then brought the blade down with an incredibly powerful swing, the blade cut right through the fang implanted into the devil's forehead allowing it to insert itself deeply into the skull of the demon. The tip of the blade touched the concrete underneath the devil's corpse as it made its way complete through the now lifeless body. The swords speed did not waver even for a second as it slice from head to crotch, completely bisecting the devil right down the middle in spontaneous fashion.

As soon as the deed was done (Y/N)'s body began to feel insanely heavy, it was as if all of the fatigue, blood-loss, and intense burns were starting to eat away at his body, and the numbness that he experienced, after the fireball, launched itself back into his body, causing his legs to crumble underneath him. Even amongst the numbness, he gripped hard onto the katana that he killed the devil with, and his body fell hard on its back, pointing his face up at the sky. (Y/N) watched as the fractures and cracks in the sky began to slowly dissipate, closing the large red mouths, letting cracks of blue in through the blood red sky, allowing the Sun to shine down on him once again. 

Once the Sun appeared through the disappearing cracks in the sky, a small smirk made its way across his lips, as he thought, "welcome back" greeting the Sun on its return. (Y/N) them began chuckling slightly, although it his body would barely allow any noise to escape his closed lips. "Did I just save the whole world, on accident? Shit, that's kinda crazy, I wonder if any of the other monsters died as well. It would be kinda nice if they did because I don't think Imma be making it out of this one." The feeling of his life slipping away started to set in yet again as he laid back on the burning concrete and with each passing second death overwhelmed his mind.

"I really don't think Imma make it back this time, it doesn't quite feel the same way as it did before." The thought that his life was truly leaving him had begun to set in, "I guess I'm really just gonna die here, not being able to really do anything with my life. 18 years on this planet and for what? 10 years that I don't remember and 8 more spent in isolation. A shitty ass, nothing, trash, fucking life." As that thought crossed his mind an unusual smirk grew across his numb face, "well that's not entirely true. I accomplished what I came to do, I killed the literal Devil and a Dragon, and trampled over, decimated, and straight-up fucking conquered the biggest obstacle that anyone could ever face! On top of that, I saved the fucking world! Your welcome Earth-chan, your boy had your back" he thought with a small mental chuckle. 

"Plus, I had the most action-packed adventure out of anyone that has ever lived on this fucking planet, and even if no one knows about it, that's not important. What matters is that I did it. On my own, by my lonesome, I picked myself up time and time again, and I never gave up on the objective that I set for myself. Lowkey, I'm the Fucking best." And with that thought, his body was no longer functioning, his heartbeat began to slow, and each breath he took was further away from the last. His eyes got extremely heavy, and his head got woozy. (Y/N) could feel it coming, for he had experienced this twice before, but this time it was different, this time it felt permanent. Death was knocking at (Y/N)'s front door and he had no choice but to let him in. Life slowly slipped away from (Y/N)'s fingertips, as Death opened the door taking his soul one final time.








"Huh?" An all-encompassing endless black void with the only form of light being a (F/C) that illuminated the space around (Y/N), this was the sight that he awoke to immediately following his apparent death, or 'death' rather. "Is this heaven?"


You Defeated: Legion King Sin!

*Kill Completion Rewards*: Essence of Animus | Race 'Awakened One' | +1,000,000 Exp | +100 Attribute Points | + 100 System Points | +10,000 Avatar Crystals | + $100,000 Augmented Gold Coins | 100 Skill Points |

*New Titles Acquired*: Mentally Untouchable, Beast Master, Unbreakable, Berserker, The One Last Standing, Unkillable, Unshaken by Agony, Immovable by Flame, Speed Demon, Mana Expert, Mana Flow Master, Sixth Sense Master, Limitless Potential, King Slayer, Beast Slayer, Savior of Earth, Awakened One, Killer Instinct, Bare Knuckle Master, Weapon Crafter, Improvised Weapon Mastery, Body Strengthening Master, Natural Evader, Martial Prodigy, Intellectual Prodigy, Master Mind, Adonis!

Quest: 'Awakening' Completed

Quest Rewards: A new life awaits you

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