
By sairenepogue

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"Druig, yes, he controls minds. But Brelione, well she controls everything else." This is almost entirely bas... More

Guide to This Book
he knows
berry picking
tell me
Silent Goddess
flatter me
perfect team
the human party
play nice
smelly europeans
doggy paddle
(not part of story)
white at the wedding
(not part of story)
rewrite the stars
pretty boy
what is happening to me?
made to fail
told you
sinking ship
last night alive
sharing the end of the world
light weights
a life worth living
the greatest tragedy
through the eyes of another
purple wax
body heat
the explorers
Very Good
Cant Stay Here
(A/N) Lets Talk
love, love and more love
The Demon
Eternal Love Doesnt Die
Brief Update
Alone Again
If Anyone Can
New Book and Tiktok

the frustration of commuication

640 14 26
By sairenepogue

the wedding must be perfect. because if it's not then we will have to do it all over again. and of course ikaris is late, running me twelve minutes behind schedule. he runs in, covered in sweat as he wipes his eyes, apologizing.

the wedding is next month, you cannot be late anymore.

he smiles, licking his lips as he messes with his bracelets.

i'm serious

"i know, i know. i- what am i doing?"he asks. it's a task, to explain that he must be in nothing but pants so that his top will fit perfectly. druig and makkari are being done later today, now that i've finally found the perfect obsidian fabric for druig, who cannot be seen wearing bright and frivolous colors. but he doesn't need to know that black will only be the accent color. and makkari, a rosy gown with gold along the neckline and sleeves.

flowy of course, it must look good when she runs. like a running flame. he's just as red as her fabric as he stands, refusing to look at me as i take my measuring string. "could you not have the assistance of humans, you do not have to do all this work yourself."he says. he just doesn't get it, how big a deal it is. and like he's responding to my thoughts, he says something out loud that i wish he had kept to himself.

"what is such the huge deal of marriage anyways?"i cannot prevent myself from slapping his shoulder, making him chuckle, eyes closing as he smiles. "oh, i'm ever so sorry for not understanding such a human concept."he says, dragging his words out, watching me. he's trying to annoy me for a reason that i don't know. but for now, i stay civil. though i know my face doesn't show it. i hope that he feels lucky that it is not i who shoots beams of cosmic energy from my irises.

is it so human if we do it too? you tell me that you never want to marry?

he doesn't reply, watching as the measuring string wraps around his arm, eyes glued on me and refusing to move as i scribble down the measurements.


i wonder if he could ever see himself with sersi, if he intended to have a long term relationship. but i suppose when you're as old as us everything is a long term relationship. "marriage is never something i thought of, but i'm sure you have. you and druig."he says. cutting the piece of fabric is easy, calling upon birds that lay in distant trees to come along and hold the fabric for me as the scisssors glide against it.

i hear what sounds like a chuckle come from ikaris' throat, making me turn to him. he just shakes his head as the fabric drops into my hands. i look at him, raising an eyebrow. "i just think it's funny. i mean, you've believed yourself to be unremarkable when this entire planet bends only to your will. i would bet so much to say that this planet was created only for you. i suppose that it's your world and we are simply living in it."hes trying so hard to flatter me and to my dismay he's succeeded.

how he's managed to remember my complaints is something that is a mystery to me. it's such a shame that he becomes so bored that he must entertain himself from the conversations of others. i can only hope that one day he finds a friend in the eternals. and if he doesn't than i might just have to be that friend in order to keep everyone else from feeling such pain. and how he's managed to compliment me so well is nothing but another mystery.

he knows how i love praise, not responding as i hold the fabric to his body, gripping his arms and moving them to my liking.  "do you deny it?"he asks as i move a pin through the fabric. of course he would ask that if me, he wants me to feel flustered. i wonder if he's studied the way that druig speaks for it sounds like something that would come from him. it's odd, throwing me off as i look at him. i cant exactly deny it thought i'm sure that if i agree i would be deemed conceited. but conceited is who i am, so with a smile i shake my head.

i couldn't agree more.

he chuckles, watching as yet another pin pierces the fabric. and from my tiredness of sewing and pining for hours on end, i don't pay as much attention to the pointy object as i should, stabbing it's tip directly into my finger. i don't show much reaction besides an initial jump, pulling my finger away before i move to grab another.

his hand grabs my wrist, displeased expression. he turns my hand, seeing the bead of blood that leaks from my finger. "you've pierced yourself."he says. i take my hand back, wiping away the blood with ease on my simple gown that is made for things like this. to wipe things on since it can be washed out so easily.

you do not say.

he sighs, watching me. "you need a break, you've been working for hours."he says. "it can't be good for you, you know."he says. clearly this man knows nothing about hobbies or excitement.

it's not work, it's simply a hobby. i'm sure you're unfamiliar with such things.

his eyebrows raise, tilting his head. "you have many hobbies, brelione. and none of them should end with your finger impaled by this thing."he says, pointing to the metal.

this thing is called a pin. i reply. he truly knows nothing about humans, at least that is how he acts. i believe that it's a character, he acts as if he knows nothing in order to get more attention. because if i know sersii know that she has told him endless things about humans. and i know sersi.

and compared to your hobby of picking fights and tearing deviants to shreds mine is harmless.

it's this that finally gets him to stop, not saying anything as i continue my work, moving to a needle as i sees up the sleeves, pressing my hand against his chest as i remove a pin. he watches me so intently that it worries me, it reminds me of that day thousands of years ago. that day that just seems to continue to embarrass me every time it comes to thought. unfortunately, it seems that such a memory hasn't left his mind as he begins to speak.

"can i ask something?"he speaks as i tie the thread, the left side of the shirt completed along the sleeve. i nod, smoothing the fabric with my hands. he pauses, smiling as he looks away, embarrassment covering his face in a blush. no. no. no. not this. why can't this just be long forgotten as everything else from that time? why must he mention something so ridiculous? "do you... well, do you remember that moment some thousands of years ago? i know it's ridiculous to bring up, i'm so very aware but i must know. i figure now is a better time  than ever to bring up such an unfortunate thing. unfortunate for you, not me, no, unfortunate for both of us. um, well, now is good since your uh-your- since druig isn't here."he says, letting out a slow breath. he doesn't look at me, he can't.

and it's funny to see him so embarrassed, empowering really. to know that making me feel awkward has affected him in such a negative manner. "i remember it, i didn't intend for it to happen. i was ever so impulsive back then, i'm not sure. i believe that it was the way that the light had hit you and the adrenaline that caused me to do such an unacceptable thing."he rambles.

you're right, i do deem it ever so unacceptable. i also deem it funny, i've let go of it so long ago. it hasn't found its way into my mind until mention.

he lets out a sigh of relief, one that merges into a forced chuckle. "good, good. i just wanted to apologize without causing a fight."he says.

you love fights.

he nods, muttering a 'yeah'. by the time i've stitched the other side of the jacket, pulling it from his skin, it is time for makkaris gown. and as she is, she is perfectly on time, hands full of jewelry and a smile on her perfect face. ikaris looks afraid, knowing that if he says anything wrong he will be pounced on before he can even apologize. and ikaris, he says a lot of things wrong. so he says nothing at all, flashing a grin as he leaves, redressing himself as he leaves in such a hurry that makkari struggles not to laugh.

he looks absurd! all flustered.

conversating with him is beyond frustrating , i feel as though i need a drink.  its not that i hate him, i do not hate any of the eternals. but communicating with him when he is playing his serious role is so frustrating. i like him much more when he is not trying to sound so proper, when he is funny and foolish. when he likes himself least is when everyone likes him most. how odd that is. and if anyone were to tell him that he'd declare it to be so ridiculously human to suggest. i think he just labels anything he doesn't understand as human. but that would make everyone human i suppose. in his eyes, at least.

gold and stone tumbles against the table like music, golden light following her as she leaves. the door has not even had time to shut before she's through it again, placing glasses down as she opens a bottle of wine that she must've swiped from some poor fellow. though he must not be so poor if he can afford such things. pouring me a generous glass she smiles, patiently waiting for details to come. the details are long awaited as i swallow the thick, velvet like liquid. although i'll never experience human intoxication, the placebo effect still makes me calm. head against her hand, she watches.

he mentioned that incident

her eyes widen, not replying as she stares.

tell me this is a joke
i fear it is not
what did he say?
he's apologized, he's embarrassed.
as he should be
i feel like i should feel bad
for what? for standing and being kissed during a fight?
i'm not sure, it's stupid guilt. but i don't feel too bad. though i'd wish he didn't mention it
and druig is unaware?
he is, and it will remain that way.

she nods, taking a sip from my glass before the jewelry hits my table, dark eyes stuck to me as she awaits my approval. it's a massive mess of tangled chains, though they don't remain that way for long. pendants, pearls, thick and thin chains. but one stands out. it's simple, very simple. thin gold chain with a gold oyster shaped piece hat holds to it. so simple but so stunning. perfect for thena. makkari moves down, at the same level as the necklace in my hand.

i see the gears turning

it makes me smile, nodding as i put it aside. aside with the folded pile of beaded, beautiful white fabric that is yet to be perfected.

have you thought about your wedding?

of course. but she mustn't know of that, i'll never be told the end of it. she knows that the thoughts have been put in my head, with the help of dreams that she helped to write.

wait, brelione. have you put any work into your own dress?

oh. oh no.

hope you all enjoyed the chapter!! let me know your predictions and thoughts <3 xoxo-H.

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