The Wizard and The Prince

By McStario

103K 3.5K 365

He felt like he never belonged. He felt out place among the like's of Men. But when he is asked to help out t... More

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By McStario

It wasn't deep into the woods that Thorin decided to lead along side Veryan, and the Human didn't mind it at all. His magic has tuned in the moment they stepped into Mirkwood, sensing toxins in the air that it tried to repel from Veryan's body. He was glad for it too, since he could see the Dwarves blinking more often than not, however, little has changed from when they entered. They have once or twice lost the path, but it was quickly found under some dirt and leaves.

The complaints started to come too. Didn't have enough air to breathe, or their head was spinning like crazy. Veryan couldn't blame them though. He didn't. He also couldn't relate, so he tried to keep everyone together as he lead on the group.

"We found the bridge" Bofur called out as they walked up to a broken brick bridge, which was supposed to lead them to the other side.

Veryan silently cursed to himself as Bilbo looked down at the black waters "We could try and swim it"

Before Veryan could fix Bilbo's thought, Thorin cut him to it "Didn't you hear what Gandalf said? A dark magic lies upon this forest. The water's of this stream are enchanted"

"Doesn't look very enchanting to me" Bilbo retorted as he looked back at the prince.

Veryan shook his head at his friend's unusual carelessness, and with chatter behind him, he walked around the place, looking for some way, any way, to get across to the other side without having to touch the water.

"Hey, over here!" He finally called out to the other's as he came across vines.

Kili jogged up to him and took the vine, pulling a bit before turning to the other's "These vines are strong enough"

The Dwarf was about to climb them, when Thorin stopped him. "We let the lightest first" he ordered as he glanced over at Bilbo.

Everyone turned to Bilbo as the Hobbit turned to him. He first adored a shock face, before it quickly went to a annoyed one, too used to this treatment.

He took his first step onto the vine, and heard Veryan call from behind him "If anything happens, I will be right behind you" 

With a couple of trips, almost a plummet to the water bellow, and shaky limbs, the Hobbit finally made his way across the jittery vines. He breathed in relief as he lied there. 

Veryan sighed in relief as the Hobbit finally made it, and with steady feet quickly jumped from vine to vine, getting to the other side in minus seconds. Bilbo just gawked up at him, quite surprised the Human made it to the other side almost effortlessly.

One by one the Dwarves piled up onto the vines, much to Bilbo's dismay as he was about to say something. He stood up as soon as Thorin jumped up to him, unconsciously moving closer to the other. Veryan smirked as he saw this, but it was quickly replaced by a frown as he saw Bombur fall asleep on one of the vine's. 

Bilbo and Thorin on the other hand, saw a white deer. It stopped further away from them, starring intently. Bilbo looked over at Thorin and knotted his eyebrows "What are you doing?"

His question fell upon def ears as Thorin shot his arrow at the dear, making it run off in fright. The two argued a little how it was bad luck, before a huge splash cut them off. Bombur has landed into the water, snoring away.


It wasn't in their list to carry someone, but there was no other option. It wasn't like they were just going to leave Bombur behind, so they made a make shift carrier and the strongest of the Dwarves carried the sleeping one.

It was also apparent to Veryan, that the Dwarves have finally started to fall upon the influence of the woods. They became loopy. Stopped once in a while only to stumble and blink rapidly. Veryan himself felt a slight nauseous feeling, but it was barely apparent due to his magic. At one point they've even started to talk to themselves.

It was also not in Veryan's power to command the 13 Dwarves, he and Bilbo were only 2 against 13 stubborn Dwarves. So it was no surprise it was the Dwarves that lead them astray from the path they were supposed to follow in their dazed state, and there was nothing the two could do but follow the unfortunate group. It was only apparent when it was too late, that they have been walking in circles. 

Veryan couldn't help but let out a loud groan at the situation he was in. He was about to ask Bilbo what they could possibly do, when he saw the other going twords a tree. It suddenly clicked for the Heterochromia male. He ran up to Bilbo, and with a yelp of surprise from the other, helped him climb onto the first branch. Somehow, without falling, Bilbo made it to the tree top's, which made Veryan very happy. Bilbo could lead them back onto the path.

His happiness didn't last long however. From up front of him, Veryan saw the tree branches being moved erratically, being pushed by quite the force. He did turn to warn the other's, but they were already being attacked by the creature's Veryan feared they were. Spiders

He growled as one of the creature's lunged for him. He quickly pulled out his weapon, and as his two-sided blade's shot up, he sliced the beast's head clean off as it jumped for him. Another came for him, but it too met a sticky fate as Veryan twirled around and stabbed it right through it's head. He took a glance twords the other's, and when he saw them being dragged away, he backed away, quickly making his way up a tree to hide.

His breath came out rigged as he watched the spiders move around the trees. His mind was telling him to help the other's. He knew he could, he knew he was capable. But his body failed to respond to his command to move, he was frozen in his spot, solid. It didn't help that the use of his magic was slowly sucking out his energy, and his glowing eye's were bout to give him away in the grey woods.

He took in a deep breath, and turned to jump off the tree, only to see Bilbo killing one of them head on. He froze in his place. Bilbo did it. He killed one of them. Veryan couldn't help but feel disappointed at how he acted like a coward. Here he was, an experienced traveler hiding from a mere huge spider, where's Bilbo, a simple Hobbit, killed one head on, no fear present on his face.

That was the push Veryan needed, as he jumped from tree to tree, landing right next to Bilbo as he sliced the Dwarves down, helping him out. Before he could jump down to the Dwarves, a spider jumped up, quickly attaching itself to Bilbo. Veryan swung his weapon down and pierced the creature, merely missing Bilbo as he did. The Hobbit took a sigh of relief, before the body rolled to the side. Veryan was too slow to grab Bilbo as he, along side the Spider corpse, collided with the ground below.

He looked down, and when he saw Bilbo was just fine, he breathed a sigh of relief and quickly jumped his way down to the Dwarves.

As soon as he did however, a hoard of spiders came their way. Veryan quickly split his double sided blade for that of 2 twin sword's, and swung at the first spider that came bolting to him, killing it moment's later by slicing it's head off. The other he jumped on top of, and pinned it's head right again'st the ground, swinging the other blade at the third Spider that decided to jump onto him, and impaled it right through it's chest. He slid the body off of his sword as he pulled the other from the head, jumping off the corpse to follow Thorin.

Another spider came their way, and Veryan was just about to throw his sword at it, when from above a person slid down one of the Spider webs, sliding beneath the one in front of them and quickly getting to his feat, pointing his bow at Thorin's head. Other's swooped in and pointed their own weapon's at them.

Veryan quickly tuned in his magic, not wanting to expose himself in front of the other man. He looked down, not once lifting his eye's to look at the other.

"Do not think i won't kill you, Dwarf. It would be my pleasure" the man in front of them spoke. Veryan glanced up as much as he could, and saw blonde hair lying across the man's chest. He guessed he was one of the Mirkwood Elves.

Shout's soon came from around them, as Kili shouted for help.

"Kili!" Fili yelled to his brother, but the other only kept shouting for help.

A red haired Elf soon came swooping in. Killing the Spiders around herself and Kili, including the one that attacked the Dwarf. 

"Search them" the blonde man ordered. Veryan willingly extended his hand's for a check up, but the other Elf looking around didn't find anything important. The blonde man looked at the willing Human, only to see him arguing with one of the Elven guards. It seemed like the other didn't want to give something away.

"What's going on here" the blonde man called to the man, staring dagger's at the Human in front of him.

"He isn't willing to give up this black case, prince Legolas" the guard answered as he pointed to the case still on the man's back.

Legolas's eyes hardened as he walked closer. "What have you got in there that's so important?"

Veryan straitened up, but didn't dare look up "My violin, my prince. I care about it dearly, and i don't want it damaged"

Legolas's eye's softened up at Veryan's words, but he was more surprised by the fact that the other knew Elvin. That did not however make his mind change about taking everything. He extended his hand in front of the other "I promise to carry it with the upmost care until we get back to the castle"

Veryan sighed. He couldn't defy the prince. It did put his mind somewhat at ease, knowing the prince to be far more careful than any guard could.

He slowly unbuckled his case, and dropped the belt onto Legolas's hand, making the prince nod, which Veryan obviously didn't see.

Legolas gently dropped the case over his own back, his gaze once again as hard as steel as he stared at the Dwarves. A guard walked up to him and handed him a sword "This is an ancient Elvish blade. Forged by my kin" he spoke in Elven, admiring the handy work, before coldly speaking to Thorin "Where did you get this?"

"It was given to me" Thorin simply answered. Legolas didn't believe a bit of it, and placed the tip of the blade against Thorin's neck "Not just a thief, but a liar as well" 

His attention was quickly brought back to Veryan, as a yelp came from the direction. He looked over and found one of his guards square on the ground, arrow's being pointed at Veryan's head on every side. Legolas slid the blade into his sheath and pushed through the guards, glaring at the shorter boy "What did you do?"

Veryan shook his head, his expression staying fully covered by his hood. "He'd chose to touch me, take my hood off. I simply defended myself"

Legolas looked between the guard and the Human, before raising up his hand, signaling for the bow's to be lowered. He stepped closer to the figure, leaning in if just a tad bit "What is your name?"

Finally Veryan decided to show the bottom part of his mouth so he could see the person in front of him. His breath hitched when his eye's landed upon the other. His icy blue eye's seemed to sparkle against his fair skin. White as snow hair gently falling over his shoulders, seeming to glisten in the overly grey woods. The Elven prince was a beauty, no one could say otherwise. His chin chiseled, cheek bone's looking soft to the touch, and lips so close to his own. A soft blushed covered Veryan's cheeks as his heart picked up speed. 

The Heterochromia male once again dropped his head fully, as he chose to answer "Veryan. My name is Veryan"

Legolas nodded, pleased with the answer. His eye's softened as he glanced up and down the man, before turning to the Dwarves, his face expressionless, no emotion that was previously shown present. In an instant Veryan was pushed along with the other Dwarves after Legolas and the red hair women, who took her place beside's him as the two lead them through the forest.

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