oops! (L.S)

By Justchaos0

96.8K 1.9K 4K

What happens when you develop a crush on your brother's best mate and it just can't seem to go away? Will it... More

chapter 1
chapter 2
chapter 3
chapter 4
chapter 5
chapter 6
chapter 7
chapter 8
chapter 9
chapter 10
chapter 11
chapter 12
chapter 13
chapter 14
chapter 16
chapter 17
chapter 18
chapter 19
chapter 20
chapter 21
chapter 22
chapter 23
chapter 24
chapter 25
chapter 26
chapter 27
chapter 28
chapter 29
chapter 30
chapter 31
author's note

chapter 15

2.5K 48 87
By Justchaos0

"Louis, come out please. You can't just stay in there forever." Harry gently knocks on Louis' door.

"I don't wanna listen to any of you. Just go away!" Louis says annoyed.

"It's just one visit Louis. Nobody's forcing you to go there again if you don't want to. But atleast give it a shot before turning it down." Liam says.

"Oh my god! How many times have I got to repeat the same thing for you to understand it!? I told you I'm not gonna go talk to a random stranger about my life and shit."

"But she's really looking for to meeting you." Zayn says.

"I said I don't wanna see her!" Louis yells from the other side of the door, clutching the pillow in his hand harder.

Liam takes in a deep breath and goes downstairs, Zayn and Harry following him suit.

"Has he been in there since breakfast?" Zayn asks.

"Yeah, he won't come out."

"I think it's best if we let him be, let him take his time and then try again." Harry pipes in.

"I've had enough for this day." Liam says angrily, his hands forming into fists as he goes upstairs to Louis' room.

"If you want to stay in there, fine! Don't come out then. But I'm telling you that you will go to see that therapist and you're starting school next week."

"Wha- No! You can't do that and I'm not going to school or seeing a therapist! Can't you see I'm fine!?"

"Don't give me that bullshit Louis! You're clearly not and I think we both know that. You won't eat your food and you won't sleep till late. That's not normal."


"I don't wanna hear another thing!" Liam says with finality in his voice. Zayn has honestly never seen this side of Liam before and it's kind of scary.

"Liam, babe you didn't have to do that." Zayn says trying to cool Liam's anger down.

"Yeah I don't think that was a good idea Li. He already has a lot on his plate." Harry says.

"And you think I don't!? I lost my mother too! I have a minor to take care off, a company to run and a million other things but since all you care about is Louis, you can go kiss his ass." Harry is taken aback by Liam's words. He's never been like that.

"Liam where is this coming from?" Zayn asks serious.

"I can't do this anymore! I know I'm supposed to be the responsible older brother but I can't keep being that when I'm breaking inside too. It's difficult not having mum around to constantly ask advise for." Liam says frustrated.

"Why didn't you tell me?" Zayn asks.

"You know you can always talk to either of us anytime you want and we'll be there, no matter what." Harry tells him.

"But I'm supposed to be the level headed, always knowing what to do kind of person."

"You don't have to be every day." Harry says. "And as far as Louis is concerned, he's always been the more sensitive and emotional one. You on the other hand, have always been good with dealing your emotions in a healthy manner. But there's nothing wrong with letting lose once in a while."

"Yeah, he's right Liam. We'll always be there to catch you if you fall." Zayn tells Liam, gently caressing his cheek.

"Was I too harsh on him?" Liam asks finally coming back to his senses.

"Yeah, a little." Zayn says.


It has been an emotional rollercoaster ride for the past week for Louis. He has slept like shit and he's dreading the fact that he has to go back to school from tomorrow and he hates Liam for that. He cannot sleep well because every time he does, he has the same recurring nightmare and it's starting to effect his normal life, if there was one to begin with.

Liam and Zayn cannot stop obsessing over if Louis has eaten something or not and it just gets super annoying for him which eventually leads to him getting in a fight with either of the two, slamming his door and not coming out until the next day to get some water, that is if he gets thirsty.

On the bright side though, he gets to see Harry every evening which is kind of refreshing for him since he doesn't breathe down Louis' neck every other hour asking Louis if he's hungry or not like Liam or Zayn do.

"Excited for school Louis?" Zayn asks.

"Why can't I do it online? Do I really need to go back there?" Louis wines.

"For starters, Niall cannot wait to see you back there and it's gonna be good for you to go out, interact with your classmates. You've been cooped up in your room since last week, which is going to end, starting tomorrow." Liam tells him.

"If you haven't got the signal, I'm still not talking to you." Louis rolls his eyes.

"Louis I-" Liam starts.

"Come on, no fighting during dinner time, please." Zayn says before Liam can open his mouth again. "Besides Liam's starting work again tomorrow, if it makes you feel any better."

"Whatever, I'm tired. I'm gonna go sleep." Louis says, getting up from his seat at the dinner table.

"You didn't even taste the food." Zayn says.

"I'm not hungry okay?"

"It's not ok to waste food Lou." Zayn tries.

"The go feed it to the fucking dog, I don't care."

"LOUIS language!" Liam says putting his cutlery down.

"You're the one to talk." Louis scoffs.

"What the fuck has gotten into you huh!? Since the day you got here, all I have experienced is the disrespect you give us! Is this any way to talk to someone!?" Liam snaps.

"Fucking disown me then! Why even bother paying for my shit!?" Louis says, matching Liam's tone.

"Stop being an ungrateful fucking brat Louis! I swear to god I'll drop you off on a street or even better, foster care."

"Do it then! Send me to foster care since that's all you've wanted to do since I got here!"

"Liam, come on. You don't mean that, he's just a kid." Zayn tries to stop their quarelling session.

"No Zayn, you don't get to say anything. I've had enough of the disrespect."

"When the fuck did I ever disrespect
you!? You always do things to piss me off when you know damn well I'm not gonna like them." Louis says.

"Like right now!? What the fuck is wrong with you Louis!? You were never like this before."

"I'm sorry to burst your little bubble brother, but a lot of things have changed since mum died." Louis says, holding the eye contact with Liam.

"I was the one who had to pick up your pieces and I'm still picking them up! So don't you dare use that on me!"

"Or what? You're not the only one who lost their mother."

"Why are you using that card!? Stop playing the fucking victim and own your shit!"

"That's a fucking low blow." Louis scoffs, breathing heavily.

"Enough! You're grounded." Liam says.

"I'm so sad Liam, please don't ground me. Oh look, I'm crying now." Louis says without the slightest bit of expression on his face.

"Starting now. You're gonna finish your food."

"I won't. I'm not hungry and I've told you a thousand fucking times but it's hard getting that through your thick skull, isn't it?"

"You will and I don't give a shit if it'll take the whole night for you to do the same."

"Too bad then." Louis turns around on his heels and is about to go upstairs to his room but Liam grabs him by his bicep.

"You're not going anywhere young man. Sit here and finish your food first, then you're free to do whatever the fuck you want." Liam says authoritatively.

"No thanks, I'm full." Louis tells him keeping up his gaurd and going upstairs but Liam has a strong hold of him. "Leave my arm."

"I won't until you eat something first."

"Liam come on, leave it. You can't force him." Zayn says.

"It's none of your business Z." Liam says coldly and yanks Louis down the stairs and to the dinner table.

"It's hurting Liam, leave." Louis says as tears start to pool in his eyes. He tries to loosen Liam's grip but is unsuccessful.

"I said finish your food first." Liam says without a single ounce of emotion.

"Liam don't. You're hurting him." Zayn tries to interfere.

"Stop taking his side Zayn!"

"Liam can't you see that you're hurting him!?" Zayn raises his voice, snapping Liam out of his angry outburst. Liam finally loosens his grip on Louis as he realises what he's done.

With tears in his eyes, Louis says holding his bicep with his other hand, "Maybe you're the one who needs therapy."

"Louis I didn't mean to-" Liam tries but Louis cuts him off.

"You're fucking dead to me Liam."

Silence surrounds them as Louis storms upstairs to his room and closes the door shut, locking it. He drops to the floor and is unable to control himself when the tears come streaming down his face.

A wave of nausea hits him and sprints to the bathroom and throws up. Nothing much comes out other than liquid as he hasn't eaten anything. It hurts his arm to support himself up and the fact his head is starting to spin doesn't help his situation much. And before he knows it, Louis has already passed out with his head on the toilet seat.

"Liam don't, it's better if we go to bed." Downstairs, Zayn stops Liam from going into Louis' room.

"I don't know what came over me. I'm really sorry. I didn't mean any of that." Liam says worried.

"I know you didn't mean anything but now's not a good time to talk to him. Get some rest." Zayn says guiding Liam to their room.


The next day Louis wakes up all sweaty. His muscles ache probably because of the position he fell asleep in. The toilet seat clearly isn't a good option to fall asleep on. It's like his neck is gonna fall off his shoulder.

"Fuck." He breaths out as he tries standing up.

After a few tries he finally manages to stand on his feet and splashes some cold water on his face. He feels disgusted and can still get a whiff of the unpleasant smell of puke all over his shirt and hops in the shower. He washes himself thoroughly and gets out, wrapping a towel around his waist.

He puts on some fresh clothes and checks the time on his phone. It's a little early and then he remembers events from the previous night.

"Shit." He sighs as he remembers he'll have to go back to school today. He's not ready, even in the slightest bit. He doesn't want to go back there but knowing Liam, he'll probably drag him to school.

Louis grabs his backpack and puts the few items he can remember that one takes to school with them. Just as he closes the zipper, his phone starts to ring. It's a call from Niall.

"Hey." Louis greets him.

"Hey man! Can't wait to see you today! Oh and you're picking me up."

"And when did we discuss this?"

"Now." He hears Niall say from the other side of the line. "Alright then, see you at school or in the car. Bye!"

"Bye." Niall hangs up the call before Louis does. He genuinely thinks where Niall gets this type of energy this early in the morning.

Louis checks the time again and there's still a few minutes. He decides to scroll through social media to pass the time.

"Shit, I'm late." He says to himself as his eyes dart to the clock on his nightstand. "Stupid phone."

Louis rushes downstairs, putting his vans in the process.

"Careful Louis, you're gonna trip." He hears Harry tell him.

"Are you taking me to school today?" He asks.

"Yup." Harry answers.

"Great, let's go!" Louis tells him.

"Not so fast. Eat some breakfast first. You're gonna need it for the day." Zayn says pouring Louis some milk over the coco pops in his bowl.

"It's way to early." Louis complains.

"Come on Lou! They are your favourite." Harry tries.

"Yeah but it's literally seven in the morning."  Louis argues.

"Fine, but promise you'll have lunch." Zayn gives in.

"Yeah, I will." He says. Zayn hands Louis a few dollars as lunch money which Louis refuses to take.

"I'll eat with Niall. I don't need the money." Louis says.

"But it's good to have some money on you, just in case." Liam says entering the living room.

"We're gonna be late and we have to pick up Niall on the way. Can we go now Harry?" Louis asks trying to avoid Liam.

Harry looks between Louis and Liam. Zayn filled him up about yesterday and though Harry's furious at Liam for forcing Louis to eat, he knows Liam would never want anything bad for him and he just got caught up yesterday.

"Sure, let's go." Harry says. Louis grabs his backpack from the chair and follows Harry outside to his black range rover. He hops in the passengers seat and buckles himself in.

"We have to pick Niall on the way." Louis informs Harry.

"Yeah no problem." Harry smiles at him as he puts the key in the ignition and turns the car on. The drive to Niall's is silent but it is a comfortable one which Louis doesn't mind.

Louis rings Niall up once they reach his house. Niall practically sprints to the car.

"Harry what's up?" Niall asks getting in the backseat.

"I'm good. How are you?" Harry replies.

"I'm great!"

"I think you're forgetting someone." Louis clears his throat.

"How could I!?" Niall fake gasps and hugs Louis from behind. Louis flinches at the touch but thankfully nobody seemed to notice it.

Harry looks at Louis with slight worry but doesn't say anything. Upsetting Louis is the last thing he wants to do right now.

They reach school and Louis thanks Harry for the ride.

"Louis!" Harry calls Louis as he's walking away, effectively stopping him in his tracks and turning around to look at him.

"Don't worry okay? You're gonna have a great day." He smiles at him. Louis feels a sense of comfort wash over him and without even realising it, a small smile creeps its way onto his face.

"Thanks. I will." Louis smiles at him and follows Niall into the school.

Chapter 15!
Did you like it!? :)

How are you luvs? Are you hydrating yourself and getting enough sleep and have you eaten today? If not, then go eat something!

I hope you have/had a wonderful day!

Stay safe and healthy luvs!💛

Thanks for reading and I'll meet you in the next one! <3

Lots of love! xx

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