evolve// 5SOS

By 5sosxruel

107K 3.1K 792

With Gabi and Luke being practically inseparable, they really were 'like father like daughter'. They'd always... More



1.4K 44 19
By 5sosxruel


With Gabi fast asleep, I scrolled aimlessly through social media, enjoying the comfort of my own bed.

She'd sent off her application just to see what could happen, but I knew deep down she was really hoping for at least an interview.

Ever since she was little, she had always been fascinated by Ashton. His stethoscope, the posters in his office of brains, the little models and all the names.

As she grew up, she used to beg and beg to watch his surgeries, but of course she couldn't, so Ash used to come over and tell her all about it instead.

But as she got more serious about it all, and her health began to decline more, she said she would settle for something like general surgery- or no surgery at all.  And she pretended that she didn't care, but we all knew she did. The four of us had grown up with her being absolutely fascinated with the brain and one day she just shut it all off.

I hoped she would get an interview just to reignite her love for it, because perhaps she couldn't be a surgeon, but she would be a bloody amazing neurologist.

A year out wouldn't hurt her, I'd let her work and she could pursue her hobbies. But, she wanted this and she deserved this. Plus, having her at home would be good for both of us, and it would comfort me knowing how she was. I knew I was overprotective but I had good reason.


"Yes darling,"

"My IV is out,"

"You got it out earlier, you're home now,"

"Oh yeah. Sorry. I got confused,"

"That's okay, shall we get you back in bed?"

"I'm so tired," she yawned, "I forgot we came home. I panicked,"

I took her back to bed and tucked her in, then kissed her head and she was out again like a light.

As I got back to my room, my phone began to ring, and I answered a face time to Sierra. She was home, also in bed, with a big smile on her face.

"Guess what?"


"We have a date tomorrow,"

"Do we now?"

"Yes. The guys are keeping Gabi company while we go to a drive in movie,"

"That's amazing, thank you,"

"You've been cooped up in hospital too,"

"I know, I know,"

"Are you getting an early night?"

"Yeah, I'm not sure how she will sleep,"

"I'll leave you to it then, hopefully you both sleep well. If you need anything at all, like some shopping or medicine, or a cuddle, give me a call. I love you,"

"I love you too. Goodnight,"

It didn't come to my surprise at all that Gabi had another shitty night. She ended up in my bed, propped up on pillows and buried in blankets. She was asleep for a few hours, but then it got to about 10am and she gave up.

She looked at me with teary eyes and sighed, then rested in my chest, and sighed again.

"Can I have medicine to sleep?"

"No, but just wait here, I will see what I can do,"

I left her in the bed and went downstairs, making us both some oatmeal and getting out some berries. I'd done a small food shop while she was on hospital, so we were okay for a few days.

I heated up some warm milk for her too, and got some water, taking it all up on a tray. Then, I got her medication and sat beside her as she took it.

"So, Sierra has planned something with me, and all the guys have offered to look after you tonight. Is that okay? If you want me home I will be home,"

"It's okay, you can go,"


"Yeah, I will be okay with three people watching me," she laughed, "Go,"

"It's not right now, calm down,"

"I know!"

"You're eager for me to go,"

"Because you almost look as pale as me, you need to see some sun. We both do,"

"We can go on a walk today,"

"You can walk, I will be in the wheelchair please,"

"Of course. I think Cal would murder me if I let you start walking everywhere,"

"I'm surprised he didn't murder you already,"

"For what?"

"Being annoying,"

I punched her arm and she giggled, then put her empty bowl in mine and slipped out of bed.

"Aren't your tired anymore?"

"We are walking,"

"Right now?"


"Let me get dressed then,"

She was entertained by it all, so I couldn't say no, even though I was shattered.

I put on jeans and a tshirt, then she came back in leggings and a sweatshirt, toothbrush in her mouth.

"Can we get coffee?"


"But I am better now,"

"You're not better just yet, and I need you to sleep, not stay awake,"


"Ugh," I mocked, "Do we need to drive somewhere for the walk?"



"Get ready,"


I brushed my teeth and then carried her downstairs, helping her in the wheelchair. I put a blanket over her and gave her a bottle of water, then we locked up and went outside.

She put her arms out as if on a rollercoaster, and leant back, though there was no wind so it was a little anti climactic for her.

Then she put her headphones in and just rested, looking at everything on the street. She was a pretty social person, or at least she liked to be around other people, so I knew she appreciated it.

I decided to take us through town a bit, and we just looked in all the windows and enjoyed the warmth.

We agreed to shop another day, but then five minutes later we were in the book shop. Then I got her a new video game, and we got her some new leggings because jeans weren't comfortable right now.

"I'm hungry,"

"What do you fancy?"


"Let's go and find soup,"

We ended up finding a small cafe and got a table for two, folding her wheelchair and propping it on the table. Once she had chosen what she wanted, I ordered for us and brought the drinks over, our phones in the middle.

"I got an email to say they got my application,"


"What if I am just not smart enough?"

"You are,"

"Maybe I have mums brain too,"

"You're nothing like her. If you had her brain no one would be your friend,"

"You were in love with her,"

"I thought so. Sierra has showed me I never was. You showed me I never was,"


"I know it's a different kind of love, but I had never felt so strongly protective and connected to anyone. Then you were born and I didn't want you out my sight. I would take a bullet for you, and it dawned on me I never would for her. I mean, obviously, because she put us in danger but... ," I said, scratching my cheek, "Trust me. You are nothing like her,"


"Why does that worry you so much?"

"I don't wanna remind you of her,"

"You don't, you make me so happy, and proud, and I love being a dad. I don't know what I did before I was a dad!"

"Went out, had a life, only went to hospital to work...,"

"Shut up,"

She smiled and ate some soup, cringing when it was too hot, and I ate my salad. The crappy hospital food had made me feel tired and gross, so I was glad to be eating something remotely edible again.

Gabi, on the other hand, had thoroughly enjoyed the crappy hospital food and I wasn't sure she'd be too happy with anything green I gave her.

"What are you doing with Sierra?"

"A drive in movie,"

"That's so cool,"

"If it's good, the three of us can go another time,"



"It's just weird that it's the three of us,"

"It will take some adjusting to,"

"We have to do things just us two though,"

"We will, just like I am spending alone time with Sierra, and you two will probably spend alone time from me. Maybe,"

"If she hurts you I will kill her. I am not lying,"

"Oh, I believe you. But that won't need to happen, Sierra won't even hurt a fly,"

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