Illicit Love

By SecretWriter2022xx

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♡︎♡︎ How can love be so easy for some and not for others? Can you meet someone who truly feels like 'The One... More

Authors note
Seventeen - wedding
Thirty one


50 1 0
By SecretWriter2022xx

Amelia Pov

Both myself & Cara are lost in our own thoughts as we get home to our apartment.

I walk into my bedroom letting out a tired sigh at the thought of everything going on, I thought things were finally getting better but how wrong I was.

The first night of Theo being back home he tells me that he's going to be a dad, then hours later we end up in bed together and let's not forget this is only a couple of days ago.

Now today being his wedding to Tiffany, after agreeing with Theo that I would leave straight after the ceremony though I didn't plan on finding out that Tiffany cheated on Theo a few months ago or so.

I wasn't actually planning on telling anyone about what I was told, well not today at least as I didn't want to make a scene.

However as usual I can't hide anything from Cara and in the end the scene I didn't want to happen did but thankfully it wasn't a large one.

I did not agree with them telling Theo anything today and that's why I walked away. I couldn't even look him in the eye because from what Jordan said with the timeline there is a chance the baby might not be his.

I feel terrible for him, not for her cheating since he also cheated with me but the fact she hasn't told him about the baby.

I need to get away from here

I don't want to be dragged into the mess between Theo & Tiffany due to the drunken mistake we both made.

To be honest I'm just tired

For the last 5 months its been constant working at the hospital, at Caramella Queens, studying & tests.

But where will I go and for how long?

My face light's up when I remember a conversation Cara & myself have had quite a few times recently.

"Hey what's got you so smiley?" Cara asks curiously as she walks into my room.

"Well you know how we have been talking a lot recently about opening another CQs somewhere else?" I ask her


"Well.."I start before pausing because I'm unsure how she will take what I'm going to say "Cara I need to get away, I need a break away from everything and everyone. I thought I was over your brother but clearly we keep ending up together no matter how much time apart. Then finding out he is going to be a dad but what we found out today god only knows what is going to happen. But either way I have no strength to stay here watching his baby growing inside his wife" I say with a fake laugh.

"So what are you saying Lia?"

"Well what if we decide on a place and I move there to watch over everything" I say

"You want to move?" Cara asks looking sad

"Not forever but I just need a break away from everything and I also don't want everyone knowing where I'm going..."

"You mean you don't want Theo knowing where you will be"

I let out a sigh giving her a small smile "yes, I just think the less Theo & I know about each other the best.  To be honest I don't really want to see Theo or Tiffany for at least for a couple years" I say with a chuckle "I need to get over him Cara, since we have been home he has been in my head constantly except the last few months but as soon as he is back it happens again"

"Well I will come with you?"

"Don't be silly I can't ask you to do that" I say shaking my head "my plan to is that if we decide on a place I will hand my notice in once we have got somewhere."

"What about your job as a nurse?"

"I've decided I'm going to take a 6-12 months break from nursing and concentrate on CQs. That will give me enough time to catch up on my sleep" I say with a chuckle "also to concentrate on opening another place and maybe help clear my head."

"Are you sure?" She checks

"Yes I'm positive this is what I want to do" I tell her making her nod.

"Well for one I'm coming with you" she states giving me a look "we will put things in place for someone to watch over CQs here while we are away, I can also fly back anytime if needed. To be honest I think you are doing the best thing for you and also it will be good for our business meaning it makes us richer"

I laugh as she rubs her hands together excitedly, we continue chatting about random things before an idea comes to mind.

"What about Georgia?"


"Georgia? Not too far away and not too close for our families to pop up every day" I say with a laugh.

"Yes" she squeals "what about Atlanta?" She asks making me laugh

"You're only saying that because of you're addiction to love&hip hop Atlanta" I tell her. 

"Of course" she says nodding proudly making me chuckle. "No but seriously how good would that be? I would happily move to Atlanta"

I think about what she said

"Why don't we have a look now see if we can find places that may interest us then we will, and if we do we can maybe book for viewings then we will take it from there and make a final decisions." I say "but I'm more than happy for us to open up down there"


Its been 2 weeks since we both arrived in Atlanta and 3 weeks since the day I decided to go away and Cara decided to come with me.

We arranged a meeting with both our parents the morning after and told them our plans, we did tell them that we were looking at Atlanta and told them we didn't want anyone else knowing at the moment.

Of course that caused a lot of questions to be asked which I decided to tell them I fell in love with someone it didn't work out so didn't want anyone knowing though I didn't tell them who it was with.

After a couple of hours going back and forth they agreed to keep it to themselves for now and also they want to invest in this place. So they decided to join us t a day or two later.

We ended up finding a place last week which is a very large and very expensive lot. We all liked it straight away and new this was the place for us.

However it was two different owners we had to buy from as one person owned the bar while the other owned everything else on the lot.

Previously the top floor is used as an lofts and office conversion, the ground floor used to be a restaurant/bar and the lower floor was a bar/ events hall.

To be honest we have been lucky in the sense that the lofts was only recently renovated so we will be able to live there which will save us money in renting or buying somewhere else. The main level is where our bakery/coffee shop will be which will of course be called Caramella Queens and since everything the owner has done previously it's now just a blank canvas so we only need to decorate and buy the equipment  and a adjacent building which will hold the restaurant will be called La Regina's. The lower level is the bar and a venue hall that's the area that will be more time consuming, we decided that will be called Regina's. However my dad along with chase sorted out contractors who started yesterday ripping everything out. We are anticipating that we will be completely done and open to the public in 2 months at the most.

We were so lucky that all the checks were fine due everything really does come down to interior designs. It bakery/coffee shop it's only myself and Cara who chose what we wanted it to look like which he went to order today. Though the lower level we are all going to have to discuss and come to agreements together, same will go for the upstairs whenever it comes a time when we want to decorate.

Yesterday all the furniture was delivered for the lofts and tonight myself Cara and our moms are staying in loft two as we have our office and the security in loft one as they flew back down today and our fathers flew back to NY yesterday.  Our moms made arrangements so they could stay down here with us for a week and then our fathers are going to come back down the week or so after to check in with the contractors.

Yes I said security, of course our fathers couldn't let us be here alone. *eyerolls*

I'm not going to lie I am even more stressed now than I was before we came but I am hoping it all pays off in the end.

Though I do have that small bit of doubt that  we will be able to do it all on time and whether this turns out to be a good investment or a waste of millions of dollars.

Im sure you could imagine how much this gated lot came I said millions.

There is no way that myself & Cara would've even looked at this place if our parents weren't investment because it was so far out of our budget and I couldn't be anymore thankful, I just hope it works out and we make our money and more back in the long run.

We hired the company my family has used before to advertise and get us out there to all. That should start going out with week or next.

Please god let this work out for us because if it doesn't I am completely at fault as it was my decision that made us come here.

This next week  consists of meetings and shopping for what we want and the first lot of interviews starts tomorrow as we posted job adverts everywhere hours after we signed off on everything and the lots became ours.

We knew we had to do it quick as we know if everything goes the way we are hoping we will need at least 25 employees split up between the areas. 

We were shocked by the sheer amount of applications we have received in the space of 1 week and 1 day.

"I think this was one of the best choices we made" Cara says with a wide smile.

"I have to agree, I'm so proud of you girls" mom says proudness written over her face.

"Me too, group hug" Justine squeals making me giggle as I throw myself towards them.

"I love you all" I tell them feeling emotional all of a sudden making them aww.

"Love you too"

"So ladies...oh this my song" Cara squeals jumping up turning the volume up as Ed Sheeran Shivers comes on. "Get up girly" she says pulling me up making me smile.

She begins singing and dancing towards me making me giggle.

"Shake those hips Lia" she shouts over the music making our moms laugh.

I begin to slowly move my hips pretending I don't want to then shake my head, just as she begins to protest I begin dancing properly to the song

"Yes bitch" She yells excitedly making me laugh.

Wrapping our arms around each other we both begin belting out the song causing our moms to giggle. The next 20 minutes go pretty much the same way except our moms join in.

"I'm too old for this" Justine says as we all throw ourselves down on the couches

"Me too" mom agrees "but then I can't remember having that much energy when we were their age either" she huffs before laughing at the look Justine is giving her.

"Yeah right" Justine scoffs making mom giggle as me and Cara watch them curiously

"What?" Cara asks impatiently "was Alessia wild?"

"Yes" they answer in unison making us laugh.

"I needed this" I say smiling at them all making them nod


Hope that was ok, it was more just a filler chapter.

Until next time ✌🏼

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