Illicit Love

Por SecretWriter2022xx

1.9K 81 3

♡︎♡︎ How can love be so easy for some and not for others? Can you meet someone who truly feels like 'The One... Más

Authors note
Seventeen - wedding
Thirty one


48 4 1
Por SecretWriter2022xx

Third Person Pov

Theo steps out of the little room with a smile on his face at what Amelia pulled. Though he knows she was joking it still made his heartbeat quicken.

Once he makes his was through the bar he comes to a halt when he sees a man guiding Amelia to the dance floor. Anger shoots through him as he watches her giggle at something he said before they begin dancing together. 'She is fucking mines' he growls to himself.

"Theo stop" Kai shouts over the music into his brother ear "you can't do anything stupid"

"She is mine" theo growls

"No she isn't theo" Kai growls shoving theo away from the crowd "are you forgetting that you have a fucking fiancée? You made your bed now you lay in it"

"What's going on?" Luciano asks walking up to the brothers after watching there heated exchange

"Theo isn't happy that the girls are dancing with guys" Kai mutters

"They made us promise to let them be tonight. I don't like watching them dancing with strangers either but they are 21 so not much we can do but keep and eye on them" he tells them before looking at theo "Whatever feelings you think you have for my little sister theo forget about them" he says shocking them

"What?" Theo mutters

"I'm not fucking stupid theo I know you like her, as much as this may shock you both but even though I don't believe anyone is good enough for principessa you and your brothers are the few guys I wouldn't mind because I know you would look after her. Not saying the rest of the family would agree but that's beside the point, theo you are with Tiffany so forget whatever it is you feel for my sister."

"Luciano" Theo starts

"I don't want to know because I have a pretty good idea what you feel for her but keep my sister the fuck out of that shit or me and you are going to have serious problems" Luciano says seriously "she is never going to be someone's side piece, she deserves the world. No matter how close we are I would happily blow your brains out for my sister. Any of you, capisce?" He growls

"Of course not man" Kai agrees

"Will you let go of it theo?" Luciano asks

"Fuck" Theo growls punching the wall in front of him

The two men watching him can't help but feel sorry for the man as they watch him let out shaky breaths

"Your in love with her" Luciano states shock clear in his voice even though his face gives nothing away.

Theo freezes not sure how to react to that but decides it's best to be honest.

"More than you could ever know" theo says looking into one of his oldest best friends eyes. "Fuck, I'm sorry man I didn't expect this to even happen but...."

"But it did and you can't help who you love theo" Luciano tells "but if you love her so much then you need to let her go and not drag her into the shit with you and Tiffany."

"I agree with him theo, as much as I feel for you both nothing good will come out of it." Kai says softly

"I know. Fuck I know" theo says before looking at Luciano "you have my word, I'm going to leave tonight"

"I can take a guess what happened between the two of you but for the sake of you staying alive I would rather not but from now on keep away from her Theo" Luciano says before giving them a nod and walking away.

"Wow" Kai says "Luciano just said he would've been okay with one of us and Lia."

"Yeah then said he would shoot me" Theo chuckles before letting out a sigh

"You okay man?" Kai asks tapping Theo's back

"Nah but I will be. I'm going to say bye to the girls then leaving, he is right and I need to do this properly not for me but for her" Theo says before walking away.

Both girls see theo walking over to them making their eyes widen.

"Hey sorry to interrupt, I just wanted to say congratulations to you both and sorry about the meal." He says shocking them both then takes his sister in his arms giving her a hug

"Be safe okay" he tells her "look after Amelia"

"Theo are you okay?" She asks worriedly as he pulls away

"I will be" he tells her then turns to take Amelia into a hug holding her tightly

Amelia feels a lump in the back of her throat as she wraps her arms around him

"I'm so sorry for everything Amelia  but you deserve the world and I can't give you that" Theo mutters into her ear "everything thing is over for us and to make it easier I'm going to keep away. Goodbye spitfire" he says shakily before kissing her cheek

"Theo" Lia tried as she feels like her heart is being shredded into a thousand pieces.

"Goodbye Amelia" he says with a small smile before walking through the crowd and out of the club.

"Theo" both girls shout worriedly trying to stop him

"What did he say to you?" Cara asks turning to Lia

"Goodbye" Amelia says with sad eyes making Cara look up to see Kai and Luciano watching them.

"You girls okay?" A voice asks startling them

"Yes, sorry" Amelia says letting out a breath

"Let's dance" Cara says before pulling Lia further into the dance floor

"What do you think that was about?" The guy who Cara was dancing with asks his friend who is still watching Amelia.

"Don't know" he says "let's go get the girls" he says with a smirk making his friends chuckle.

"I don't like the look of this pricks" Kai growls to Luciano as they watch over their sisters

Taking his phone out Luciano dials a number "find out who the guys are that's dancing with Lia and Cara" he says before hanging up then looks at Kai "neither do I"

They watch as Cheryl one of the woman who works for Luciano in another club walks up to the third male who is standing alone.

"You think it will work?" Kai smirks already knowing it will.

"Si, it always does" Luciano says chuckling under his breathe "you think theo will be okay?" He asks thinking back to the look on his friends face.

"I'm really not sure " Kai says softly then looks at his friend "he really does love her Luciano, like for real. He just didn't want to upset anyone and he feels obligated to keep up with Tiffany not wanting to upset her. But I mean if you lost out on a girl like Lia would you be okay?" He mutters without thinking about the last bit

"Did you just ask me what I would do if I lost as girl like my sister" Luciano shivers in disgust

"Oh fuck off you know what I meant" Kai groans " like a beautiful kind funny strong good girl?" He mutters making Luciano narrow his eyes at him

"Do I have to worry about you with my sister Kai?" He growls

"Nah man, if I was wanting to settle down?" Kai asks "absolutely but I'm not so no" he smiles widely

"I can't even hit you it would feel like I'm hitting a fucking child" Luciano groans shaking his head

"What?" Kai asks shocked "I don't look like a child I will show you my dick to prove it" he smirks

"You are one weird fucker" Luciano states unable to hold the laugh in before it abruptly stops when he hears a knock on the door.

"Come in"

"Boss, Kai" Cheryl greets walking inside shutting the door behind her.

"What did you find out?"

"They are from LA, said they are here for work. The one who was dancing with Amelia seems to be the boss And his name is Bryson Taylor, the one with Cara is Lewis Andrews and the other Levi Andrews."

"Brothers?" Kai asks


"What do you think?" Luciano asks Cheryl's opinion

"Not sure, Levi seemed okay and that is there real names as I checked but I can't put my finger on it something just felt off" she says "he also couldn't keep his eyes off Amelia" she mutters nervously

"What?" Luciano growls before walking over to the window looking over the club. Once he spots his sister his hands clench into fists as he watches the man he now knows as Bryson pull Amelia closer

"Enzo is going to lose his shit" Rocco walks into the office

"For fuck sake" Luciano growls before storming out to the VIP area seeing Ricardo and James trying to calm his brother down

"Move out my way before I shoot both your asses" Enzo shouts angrily.

"What the fuck is wrong with you?" Luciano asks

"Oh fuck no" Giovanni growls from beside them making them look at him only to see him grab his gun and rush for the stairs

"Where the fuck are you going!" Luciano shouts grabbing his arm

"He is touching and kissing our sister, you may be okay with that but I'm not" Gio states trying to push his brother away

"Kissing?" Luciano asks now looking towards the floor angrily once he sees

"Boys" Cheryl yells loudly making them look at her "sorry no disrespect meant but you can't go down there all guns blazing. How about I get the girls and Kai and James can take them home?" She asks hoping they agree and don't turn on her for how she spoke

"On it" the Miller brothers agree as they now see their sitting kissing some punk making them angry

"Get her out of here now" the Romano brothers growl simultaneously

"Rocco go with them" Luciano demands making him nod.

"Hey girls it's been a while since I've seen you?" Cheryl says with fake excitement pulling both girls away from their dance partners. "Sorry girls but you need to leave now" she whispers nervously

"What?" They both ask confused

"The bosses seen you Amelia and they are ready to come down guns blazing" she says making Amelia look up nervously to see her very angry looking brothers "James, Kai and Rocco are waiting outside now hurry" Cheryl mutters giving them a quick hug

"Sorry but we need to leave now" Cara tells the men they met tonight

"Why?" Bryson asks curiously

"Brothers are waiting for us" Lia says smiling at each of them "it was nice to meet you"

"We never got your names" Lewis shouts

"If we see you again maybe you will" Cara smirks before rushing out behind Amelia

"Get in the cara" Rocco demands once he sees the girls

"Rocco..." Lia starts

"Get in the car now Lia. What the fuck were you playing at?" He growls

"Trying to have fun" she growls back angry for the uncalled for drama.

"In a club that your brothers own and knowing they were there" he says sarcastically as they climb in the car.

"Vaffanculo" Amelia shouts angrily now pissed off for how they have acted.

Yes maybe it wasn't a good idea but it's not as if she planned it. She just wanted to forget all about Theo after he said bye. She wanted to forget everything and have fun but as usual something always fucks it up.

"Lia..." Rocco starts now calm after seeing his cugina's face.

"No Rocco, I know I messed up ok! I don't want to hear anything else about it" she mutters softly wiping a stray tear "I just wanted to forget" she whispers

"Forget what pincipessa?" He asks softly

"Nothing, it doesn't matter anymore" she says with a sniff making the miller brothers look at each other knowingly.

"Can you drop us off at my house Rocco?" Cara asks while taking lias hand into hers.


"Rocco" Kai mutters sending him a look.


At the millers home
Theo is in the office looking through a box he had actually forgot that he put in the safe. The box containing documents to be kept safe but once he empties it he finds some pictures he forgot he kept, picking them up he lets out a sigh ask his thumb traces the photo.

"Fuck" he mutters to himself clenching his jaw. He looks at the photo of himself and Amelia cuddled up together both looking so happy.

The next photo is of Amelia laying in bed looking flushed as she smiles shyly up at him

Theo flash back

She is so fucking beautiful

Our lips connect softly giving her a chance to pull away but instead she whimpers before putting her hand into my hair making me groan.

The kiss turns rough and full of unexpected passion, pulling on onto my lap so she straddles me she lets out a loud moan as my dick rubs against her pussy, the only thing in the way his her panties and my jeans.

"Theo" she moans and fuck if it isn't the sexiest thing I've ever heard "lock the door" she whispers

"What?" I ask her confused

Instead of answer of answering me she walks towards the door locking it before turning back slowly.

"I want you" she whispers nervously before taking a deep breath then grabs the hem of her dress and slowly pulls it off so she stands in front of me only in a small sexy thong

"Fuck" I groan as I watch her walk over to turn music on "Lia what are you doing" I question huskily.

"You have two choices theo, you can leave now and we will never mention this again." She says softly as she walks back towards the bed before crawling on it "or you can take me right now and no one will ever find out" she says breathlessly as her hand trails over her stomach and slowly slides down to the top of her panties.

"Lia" I groan as my dick behind to her due to my hardness. I stand up now fully facing her, "We shouldn't be doing this" I mutter as I begin stripping myself of my clothes.

"Probably not but right now I don't care" she says with a moan as I reach down to my briefs pausing I look back up to her face checking if this was really what she wanted "please Theo"

Chase walks into his office shocked to see his first born already there looking lost in thoughts.

"You ok son?" He asks him making theo break out of his thought. "What you got there?" He asks taking the photos from Theo's hands.

Once he sees that it's Theo and Amelia he looks back at his son now noticing the sad look in his eyes while the rest of his face just looks blank.

"Luciano somehow knows I'm in love with Amelia, he said he would've been fine with it if I wasn't already in a relationship and engaged" Theo states letting out a fake laugh "told me to leave Amelia out of this shit or we would have problems"

"Theo" chase starts but Theo continues talking

"That she wasn't going to be anyones side piece and he was right" Theo mutters looking at the pictures again. "Amelia deserves the world, I can't keep drag her into this shit. She hasn't even been back 2 weeks and I've hurt her. He was right when he said if I love her so much I need to let her go"

"What happened Theo?"

"I gave my word I wouldn't drag her into my shit anymore then walked to Amelia who was dancing with some prick and said I was sorry and goodbye" Theo mutters making Chase frown

"What do you mean goodbye? You are still going to see her"

"I'm keeping away from her from now on. I'm going to get married to Tiffany and let Lia live a happy life with someone who won't keep hurting her. I'm leaving tonight how long I will be gone this time" Theo says looking his dad in the eyes

"Theo you can't just leave.." chase growls

"I have to dad, neither of us will be able to move on if we still see each other" Theo shouts "I need to let her go and what better time than when I'm due back on base"

"How fucking stupid can you be" someone yells from outside the office

"How was I being stupid?" Cara shouts "I'm trying to cheer Lia up"

"By passing her off to a fucking stranger not only that but in a club own by her mafia leader brother and other brother who are in the fucking mafia while they are there?" Kai growls

"Stop just stop" Amelia lets out a cry "I'm sorry it's my fault just please stop. Don't blame Cara it was my fault"

"Lia" Cara starts

"What the fuck is going on?" Theo asks once he and chase exit the office.

"Nothing" Kai groans now looking sadly at Lia

"Bullshit" He growls then looks at Lia who is already looking at him sadly "tell me"

"We were dancing with guys as you know, they ended up kissing us but lias brothers saw the guy kiss her and were ready to shoot the guy. Kai is pissed because I encouraged Lia to keep dancing with them because she was sad so I wanted to cheer her up" Cara snaps glaring at both Kai then theo  knowing it was him that somehow affected lias night.

"What?" Theo mutters before looking at Amelia who now had tears rolling down her face as her bottom lip wobbles.

Theo feels like someone is squeezing his heart in their hands.

"Fuck" he say's hoarsely rubbing at his chest looking at Amelia again he send her a sad smile and nods letting her know everything will be ok.

Everyone else is watching the pair trying and failing to hide their pain. Cara bites on her lip hoping to stop it from wobbling at watching the sight in front of her.

"Well I'm glad you are all here" Theo says clearing his throat "I am leaving tonight and I'm not sure when I will be back." He tells them then looks at Lia who is trying to stop her tears.

"Fuck this" Lia says with a shaky voice then turns away away and running down the stairs

"Amelia" chase calls "I will get her you all talk" he says with a sigh before rushing after her.

"Amelia stop" chase growls making the girl freeze as she reaches the side of the house. For some reason this causes a smirk to appear on his face, shaking head head to clear his thoughts.

"Where are you going" he asks her

"I don't know" she mutters letting out a sigh.

"He is doing it for you mostly you know" chase says softly as he gets closer to her, he lets his eyes trail over her and his mind flashes back you hearing her moans
"Fuck" he mutters to himself quietly shaking the thought away.

"No, he is doing that for himself" she snaps then leans against the wall closing her eyes. "I don't know what happened but he was fine when he apologised about the meal then suddenly he comes up to me apologising for everything and says goodbye"

"He knows neither of you can move on if you are around each other, he wants you to be happy Lia" he says softly walking closer before stopping a few steps in front of her. "He loves you Lia"

"Well I guess that too little too late then" she scoffs "we could've been happy together but he left two years ago not wanting anything to do with me then I come home he fucks me because let's be honest that's all I was to him and bam he is leaving again" Lia says letting out a fake laugh before shaking her head "sorry for speaking like that to you Mr Miller"

"It's fine" chase smirks as she looks at her feet "I'm sure it was a great fuck" he says huskily making her look at him in shock as he steps closer.

"W-what are you doing?" She asks with a stutter.

"That's what I would like to know" Theo growls making chase step back.

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