evolve// 5SOS

By 5sosxruel

112K 3.1K 795

With Gabi and Luke being practically inseparable, they really were 'like father like daughter'. They'd always... More



2.3K 59 10
By 5sosxruel


"Dad, I don't wanna go to school tomorrow,"

"That's okay, we are both going to stay home. You have an ultrasound at 11 with Cal,"



"I don't care anymore,"

I twisted my lips and looked at her slumped against the car door, twisting round a bobble.

"Would you like to go to the movies?"

"I just wanna go home and see all the guys,"

"Okay, I will see who can come,"

"You don't have to stay off tomorrow,"

"I'm not fit for working right now. Besides, you come before absolutely anything, and I am not missing your appointment,"

"I'm gonna shower when we get in,"

"Okay darling... you know you can tell me anything? You're allowed to be worried or upset,"

"I know. I don't have tears right now,"

"Okay... I will call the guys,"

We got home and went inside, Gabi dropping her coat on the floor, heading up in her shoes. I hung her coat back up, then took mine off too.

I asked the guys to come over, then went to the kitchen and cleaned up the broken plates, hoovering all around. Gabi was really worrying me.

As I finished, she came downstairs and curled up on the sofa, so I joined her, cradling her in my arms. She let one small tear slip, but then that was it- still, it was enough for Petunia to plod over and lay beside her.


Ashton slipped through the front door and took his shoes off, then held up some ice cream and went to the freezer.

Gabi didn't move her head off my chest, but she did move her eyes towards him as he came in, and he blew her a kiss.

"Can I get you any medicine, or a drink, or anything?"

"No. I am just sad,"


"Maddox can still come over tomorrow, right?"

"As long as you feel okay I have no problem with that. I might have a sleepover with one of the guys,"



Calum and Michael both came in carrying food, Mike with takeout, and Calum with something he had cooked for Gabi. She may get annoyed by him being all doctor on her, but he really was her biggest supporter and did the best he could, even if he was firm on her.

"What's this then? Movie night? Games night? Pass Gabi round and cuddle night?"

"That one," she mumbled, "Cuddle and a movie,"

"Perfect," Michael said, putting everything down on the table for us, "Calum made you food, it smells so good,"

"Not hungry,"

"You've gotta eat,"

Moodily, she sat up straight and began to eat what Calum had made, stabbing it with her fork. The rest of us tried to ignore it and ate the take out, but everyone's eyes kept going back to her.

She took it to the kitchen after she was done, then stayed in there for a bit, before she came back out with tear stained cheeks and sat with Ashton.

"Thank you Calum. It was nice,"

"You're welcome, there is more in your freezer,"

"Maybe we could watch a movie,"

"Sounds good to me!" Michael said, "What are we thinking?"


"Mkay, cheesy romance?"


"Let's see what we can find,"


As usual, Gabi ended up falling asleep, so I took her to bed and then the guys left. Once I had cleaned up, I went upstairs and had a shower, then called Sierra as I was changing.

"I've been waiting for you to call,"


"How is she?"

"Very upset, not sure which bit it's about,"

"Oh bless her. If we need to wait a bit... that's okay,"

"There's never gonna be a good time, I need you,"


"I really need you," I said, my voice wobbling.

"I'll see you somehow at work tomorrow, okay? I promise,"

"This sucks. I'm sorry you have to hear all this,"

"Luke, that's what partners do. We listen and we support each other because we love each other. You deserve someone to listen to you, Luke,"

"You're right. Thank you,"

"Are you coming over tomorrow night still?"

"As long as Gabi is safe, and Maddox knows exactly what to do, then yes,"

"Okay. I am gonna sleep now, Luke. Will you be okay?"

"Yeah. Thank you for today,"

"I hope you sleep well. Goodnight,"

Not long after I got into bed myself, Gabi wandered through slightly disoriented, stumbling into my bed. I wrapped my arms round her and snuggled with her, waiting for her to sleep before sleeping myself.

Both of us slept in in the morning, but I woke up first, so I got up and made us both some oatmeal. We didn't have too long before we had to leave, so I got her medicine and took it all upstairs for us to eat in bed. And, I took her enough water for her appointment.

Carefully, I shook her awake and sat next to her, giving her a cuddle before she decided to tuck into breakfast. She looked as though she had slept quite well which was a relief.

"So, Maddox can come over later, but I am leaving a list of emergency contacts, and I want to make sure she knows what to do if you feel sick,"

"She knows,"

"Okay, but still. I am going to trust you and go and stay somewhere else, but if you need to use me as an excuse to call the night off then I will come straight home,"

"Thank you,"

"Of course sweetheart, I've got your back,"

Once she had finished breakfast, we freshened up and got in the car, heading to hospital. I took her to my office while we waited because she hated waiting rooms, and she sat in my arms.

Her hair was greasy and knotted, and her room this morning had been a tip. In my head I planned for her to have a shower and leave me to clean her room for Maddox to come over, then would pre cook some food for the week and hoover.

I knew having a friend over would lift her spirits a lot, but right now she was clearly struggling a lot and I wanted to help as much as I could.

"Good morning," Calum said, entering the office, "Are we ready?"

"Yeah. I need the toilet,"

"Come on then,"

We followed him down to an ultrasound room and Gabi took off her sweatshirt so Cal could do it. He cranked the heating up since she was just left in a sports bra and shorts, then waited for her to tie her hair up and lay on her stomach.

I sat by her head and held her hands that were raised above, her fingers locking with mine.

"Do you have any questions, Gabi?"


"Okay. I am just gonna be touching here, and here,"

She flinched when he lightly touched her back, and took a deep breathe, nodding.

"You're gonna be okay darling, it doesn't hurt. Would you prefer a gown? Or a towel over your back?"


"Okay, I will begin then. Why don't you tell me about Maddox coming over?"

"There's nothing to tell,"

"Nothing?" he asked, wiping the gel on her which freaked her out again, "It's okay sweetheart. I need you to stay still, so are you sure there's no questions? No question is stupid,"

"Does it hurt?"


"What if something is wrong?"

"I will fix it,"


"You're doing great, just try and stay as still as possible. You've done this before, I know you can do it again,"

I placed a gentle kiss on her head and then watched as he did the ultrasound, making her also lay on her front. Then he sent her to the toilet and looked again, but her breathing was starting to get shallow so I was glad when it ended.

Most things here she was okay with, but ultrasounds and waiting rooms really freaked her out. Everyone had something they were scared of, though, so we didn't make a fuss.

She sat up and looked at me with annoyance, then looked down and swung her legs.

"I can't see any abnormalities like masses, which is a good sign, okay? On Monday we should get all your labs back, and we can discuss anything they show,"


"How are you feeling sweetheart?"

"I wanna go home,"

"That's fair enough. I am so proud of you, if there's a special treat you want then let me know," he said, giving her a hug, "I've got you, okay?"

"Okay. May I have a new necklace?"

"Send me the link, and get your ass back home. You my friend need some rest,"

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