Dean's Dixon

By TatteredSoul_88

84.3K 2K 209

June Dixon was just doing her best to survive the end of the world, following her brothers lead and keeping h... More

June, meet the apocalypse
End of the freaking world
Trying to fix things
It never ends...
You can always count on chaos
The Calm
The Storm
To the end of the line
Just one big mess
Never again
Favorites and Firsts
Just trying to feel something
Do better
A shallow apology is better than a shallow grave
The Dixon Lead
Three little words
The Impala
A reason to celebrate
A familiar face
The Choice
O Negative
They call that being in love
Her favorite color
Merle's kid sister
Final goodbye
Best friends
How far they'll go
Hanging on by a thread
The wrong people
The road so far
Hurt people, hurt people
Explanations and introductions
Finding where to fit
This is us trying
Old habits
A part to play
Fall into me
Battle for Alexandria
Different Vibes
Something's coming
You make me brave
The line between good and evil
Questions and answers
Beginning of the end
It doesn't define you
Help from Jesus
Sick of saying goodbye
The deal
Make it real
Only love can hurt like this
Ready or not
More than a friend
You lose

Learning to trust

3.5K 78 2
By TatteredSoul_88

Merle had been less than thrilled when he walked back from the woods and saw his baby sister with the new kid. He'd wanted to go over and get her or even call her back to their space but Daryl had told him to leave her be, explaining that he'd told her to go help with dinner and Dean had tagged along. He was leaving out the whole middle part where he was pretty damn sure June was interested in the guy, but that was just a can of worms he didn't want to open.

June had glanced over at her brothers a few times during meal prep and thought Merle looked like a caged animal with the way he was pacing. She couldn't hear what he was saying but was sure Daryl was getting an ear full about her being so close to Dean. Still, she was impressed that they stayed by the tents... at least until Carol announced dinner. She'd barely gotten out "Din" when the Dixon men were already halfway over.

It was a normal, every day occurrence for her oldest brother to say something snarky or even down right mean, but June hoped that just this once he'd let shit go and shot him a pleading look as she handed him a plate. Always his weakness, those baby blues of hers, so he forced himself to zip his lips. But just because he wasn't gonna say shit, didn't mean he was going to sit around and socialize with these people. She considered this progress for Merle so when he motioned for her to follow she did, not wanting to push her luck.

"Goodnight" she whispered, her eyes going to the ground instead of where they actually wanted to look... at Dean.

"Oh come on June, stay." Lori pouted, ignoring the glares the Dixon men were shooting her. "You helped make it, you should stay and eat with us."

"Um..." she looked over her shoulder but the moment she saw Daryl shake his head she knew her brothers were at the end of their patience and that she was expected to follow orders. "Maybe next time."

"You sure June? There's plenty of space next to me and Sammy."

Lord how she wanted to stay, not so much for the others but for Dean. He'd made her laugh today, albeit a quiet one, but a laugh none the less. He'd told her stories she wasn't entirely sure were real just to get her to smile and it was more fun than she'd had in a very long time. She was a Dixon though so when Merle hollered she backed down.



The group watched as she walked away not missing the way Daryl put his arm around her shoulder. Dean knew the move, it was one he'd done on his own brother and it told him that Daryl didn't trust any of these people enough to leave his sister in their care. He'd recognized the signs of abuse right away, the way she often kept her head down or the subtle way she flinched when someone moved too quickly around her... Dean didn't blame her brothers for being overprotective, although he wished Merle wouldn't be such a dick about it.

"They always eat together?" Sam asked, breaking into his thoughts.

"Yeah." Lori sighed, "Her brothers are a bit... protective."

"That's putting it mildly" Andrea scoffed "I was shocked Daryl let her go with you earlier"

She was pointing her fork at Dean and he did his best to hide his smile, the thought that her brother trusted, well maybe not trusted, but hadn't beaten him to death made his day. If the Dixon brothers were as scary as these people were making them out to be, he was sure he would simply shoot him if he thought he was out to hurt June.

"Guess I just have a face you can trust."

"Nah, that ain't it." T-Dog teased, getting a small laugh out of the group.

"What's their deal?" Sam hadn't meant to ask it out loud but when Dean elbowed him, he realized his mistake looking up and seeing all eyes on him. "I uh... I just mean... isn't June an adult?"

"She's 27." Carol and June had bonded over some heavy shit, both of them victims of abuse and both of them wanting to shield Sophia from it. Which was why, other than her brothers, Carol was the ONLY person in camp that knew things like how old June was.

"Right so... why do her brothers control her every move?"

"I have a theory."

"Yeah and I know what it is." Lori shot back, giving Shane her best death glare "If you know what's good for you, you'll keep it to yourself."

"I'm just..."

"Not. Another. Word."



The brothers had been with the group for a few weeks now and while both Sam and Dean wondered what Shane's theory was, neither of them asked him anymore about it. June had tried going back to sticking with her brothers but there was something about Dean that had her finding excuses to be around him, things Merle and Daryl wouldn't complain about.

"I'm gonna go help Dean chop some wood. We're runnin a bit low and Lori said I could take half for helpin."


Daryl managed to hide his smirk, knowing damn well what his sister was up to. He'd watched Dean with her and could tell the crush wasn't one sided, the oldest Winchester was pretty taken with the only Dixon girl. It was why he'd started covering for June whenever Merle got his panties in a twist and why he was trying to get to know the kid, well... sort of. He would help Dean work on some of the cars, usually the RV, still his normal gruff self but attempting to be less of a dick. He'd ask him questions here and there to figure out what kind of man was hanging around his baby sister and so far there hadn't been any major red flags. Merle though... Merle was back to using pretty regularly and was going between high highs and low lows. He'd started back up picking fights with Shane and while that took the focus off her crush, it was causing problems in camp.


"Hold up a second." She'd only just turned around when she stopped and looked at him, worry clouding her features when she noticed something hiding behind his eyes. "I uh... I'm takin Merle huntin for a few days. He's been drivin everyone nuts lately and I think it best ta put space between him and the others."

"Alright, when are we goin?"

"I was actually thinkin you should stay here. I already talked ta Carol and she said she'd keep an eye on ya."

"I'm 27 Daryl, I don't need a babysitter."

"No but it'll put my mind at ease knowin someone's around if ya need somethin."

"You're really gonna let me stay behind?"


It was a big step for her brother, hell it was a big one for her as well. Since she was old enough to remember it had always been her and Daryl, especially when Merle wasn't there. Daryl was her unspoken protector, the ever present big brother and she knew damn well this wasn't easy for him to do... leaving her without him. She went over and put her arms around his neck, kissing his cheek for good measure, a moment of genuine of affection between siblings.

"Thank you Daryl."

"You'll be careful? Remember what we taught ya about fightin, just in case."

"I will and I do. Ya ain't got nothin ta worry about."

"I dunno about that." He grinned, looking over her shoulder and nodding toward Dean. "I think he's sweet on you"

"and with that I'm gonna go."

"Love you June bug."

"Love you too."

Dean noticed the lightness in June when she came over, she was hiding a smile and the expression on his handsome face told her he had questions.

"What's got you lookin like a ray of sunshine?"

"I can't be excited ta chop wood?"

"I mean, you can but I'm gonna tell you it's weird." He teased, handing her the axe and setting up the first piece.

"Daryl and Merle are goin huntin." She swung and answered at the same time.

"And you're goin with them?"


Mystery solved. Daryl was giving her some space, a break from the ever present shadow of her brothers. No one had figured out the family but while Sam had heard a few nasty rumors from people like Ed, he had a hard time believing Merle was the reason June was so jumpy. He was a complete asshole to everyone else but both Winchesters had seen his softer side when it came to his sister. He just went about trying to keep her safe by controlling a lot of what she did, a form of abuse in itself but one they were sure felt safe to her. June was waiting for Dean to set up another block of wood, her hands on her hips when he just stared at her slightly stunned.


"Sorry, I'm just shocked. I was under the impression your brothers liked to keep a close eye on you."

"They do but Daryl knows when I need a break from Merle. He's on coke right now and that's the one that makes him the most unpredictable."

"I wondered what was going on with him."

"Yeah... everyone's got their way of dealing with shit and drugs became Merle's."

"What about you and Daryl?" as soon as the question was out of his mouth, he realized this was none of his business and immediately felt like an ass. "I'm sorry June, I shouldn't have asked."

"It's alright Dean. I ain't mad." She gave him one of her shy smiles and when he relaxed she answered his question, knowing he'd been curious about her family like everyone else. "Daryl tried a few things but somethin happened his last high and never touched the shit again."


"Nope. I saw what it did ta Merle and didn't really feel like going down that road."

Dean wasn't really sure what else to say, he thought a 'good for you' would come off as condescending so he just smiled at the pretty brunette and put another block of wood up for her.

"This is a pretty big deal then?"

"For them it is. I'm sure you've noticed that my brothers are a little... overbearing."

"No! Not them!"

June rolled her eyes at his sarcasm, a small laugh escaping her lips. The Dixon brothers had been a lot worse since all of this happened but she knew they had their reasons. She went to say something back when Merle stormed over, Daryl hot on his trail and she handed the axe back to Dean and braced herself for this new outburst.


"I'm right here brother, ya ain't gotta shout."

"Grab your shit. You're comin with us!"

"No I'm not."

"Excuse me?"

"Daryl said I could stay behind, Carol's gonna be here with me and I... I wanna stay."

Merle's gaze shifted to Dean and it was filled with absolute fury. Even high he'd noticed his sister getting close with him and his brother, but it was the way Dean looked at June that made him uncomfortable.

"And I say you're comin with us." He hissed, locking eyes with his sister. "Get. Your. Shit."

"Uh-uh. Not this time."

Merle took a step towards her and she backed up closer to Dean, a reflex but one that spoke volumes. She was afraid of her brother, at least that's how it looked to Dean and everyone else that was watching their showdown. Daryl knew he wouldn't hit her but Merle turned to intimidation when he wasn't getting his way and by the tears building in June's eyes he knew he had about 30 seconds to diffuse this situation before she conceded.

"Merle, June's stayin here."

He went over and placed an arm over her shoulder, kissing the side of her head for good measure and whispering that he'd handle this.

"The fuck ya mean she's stayin? You stayin too then?"

"No and neither are you. She ain't 9 years old no more Merle and it ain't like we're leavin her all alone."

"Merle, we'll watch out for June." Lori interjected, having been standing to the side to make sure he didn't hurt his sister. "she'll be safe with us."


"Merle I wanna stay... please?"

She was looking up through her lashes and those baby blue eyes of hers made his coke addled brain sober up enough to see what she was really asking for: them to learn how to trust

"You stay close ta camp, don't go nowhere alone. Got it?"


"Come 'ere" she stepped out of Daryl's embrace and into Merle's "love you Junie."

"Love you too."

He placed a kiss to the top of her head, stepping back and giving her one quick smile before walking back to the tent to grab his gear.

"Come on little brother. We're burnin daylight."

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