Illicit Love

By SecretWriter2022xx

1.9K 81 3

♡︎♡︎ How can love be so easy for some and not for others? Can you meet someone who truly feels like 'The One... More

Authors note
Seventeen - wedding
Thirty one


103 6 0
By SecretWriter2022xx

Oh my gosh

Why did I do that?

Most importantly why the hell did I give Theo Miller my first kiss when I don't like him that way.

And before you call bullshit, it's the truth. I have never looked at him in that way.

Sure I always knew he was a good looking boy but when he left I was only a little girl that still thought boys were nothing but annoying.

However now he stands at roughly 6'3 with his stand skin rippled with muscles upon muscles. His dark blonde/light brown hair shaved into a buzz cut...

Yes I suppose he is handsome really fucking good looking.

After dropping Cara home, tony brought me home to my waiting family letting me know that the graduation dinner is now going to be at one of my fathers hotels instead of at our house which I was fine with.

I didn't need to ask questions about why the plans changed when knew it was because of our family connections. Do I know all the details? No. Do I know roughly? Yes, my family is tied to the mafia. But as everyone says the less details I know the better.

I don't bother changing and instead just threw myself onto my bed letting out a frustrated scream as soon as my face hides into it.

"Stupido, Stupido, Stupido"I mutter in embarrassment

'I know what I need to do' I think to myself before mumbling "pretend it never happened"

Seconds later I can feel exhaustion pulling me into the land of nod.


"Why can't we have some?" Cara pouts

"We already had one each so you should be thankful they even gave us that" I say with a giggle amused at her antics.

"Dov'è la mia principessa?" I hear the deep voice of my uncle yell making me jump up in excitement (where is my princess?)

"Zio" I say happily as he picks me up in a hug spinning me around.

"Mia principessa mi sei mancata" he says softly kissing the top of my head (my princess I missed you)

"Mi sei mancato anche tu zio, come stanno tutti?" I ask (I missed you too, how is everyone?)

"Right behind you principessa" a sweet soft voice says from behind us making me gasp knowing exactly who it is


"Mio Dio, guarda quanto sei bella tesoro" she says making me blush (my god look how beautiful you are sweetheart)

"Grazie nonna" I thank her with a smile.

"Posso vedere mia nipote ora per favore?" My Nonno says with a huff making me giggle


"Oh where is my little Cara" nonna asks looking around

"Right here nonna" Cara laughs

"We are so proud of you principessa" Nonno says quietly making me smile.

"Grazie Nonno"

After talking for a few minutes nonna pulls away from us "now where is my beautiful daughter in law" she says making me laugh

"Im right here mamma" Mom laughs

Me and Cara walk away leaving everyone to catch up.

"Can you believe we are leaving soon" Cara says wide eyed as though she just realised

"I know it's came around so fast" I say sadly.

As excited as I am but I'm sad at the thought of leaving everyone.

"I know and I know what you are thinking but remember this is what you wanted, at least we are doing it together" she says with watery eyes and a soft smile. "Also we get a break from our annoying brothers" she says making me laugh

"Excuse you" Kai says as we reach the table glaring at his sister. "You know you two will miss all of us"

"Where they going?" Clay asks

"To Italy for a year or so" Lorenzo says sending me a smile but I can see in his eyes that he is sad.

"Cool" Khalan says "well I hope you girls have fun and be safe"

"They are staying with her dads family so they will be absolutely fine" Kai says with a smirk

"Wait so there is 7 of you?" Hunter says loudly making everyone look his way even Luciano & Theo who were talking amongst themselves.


"Damn your parents were busy" he mutters "how many is in your family?" He asks James

"My parents had 5" he says with a shrug

After some more chat everyone takes their seats as the food is served. Our youngest siblings pouting as myself & Cara are given graduation gifts.

"We have also booked a pamper day for you both tomorrow and put a bag with each of your things to stay in the suite tonight" mom says with a smile

"Just the two of us?" Cara asks excitedly making our moms giggle

"Yes dear" Justine says.

"How did you let them allow that?" She says pointing to our fathers.

"Because we found out this is where Theo and his friends are staying" Chase says

"So I have put them on the same floor" dad says with a smirk making our moms roll their eyes.

"I don't even care, I'll take it" Cara laughs making me giggle.

As we are finishing our meals it feels like me and Cara are getting interrogated about our plans for Italy...again!

An hour later and everyone is ready to leave all saying our goodbyes.

I look around the table with a smile on my face knowing this will be the last time for a while that we are all seated together again. My eyes catch Theo's making my heart beat faster, I send him a quick smile before looking away from him sticking to my plan of acting like nothing happened.

"I'm just going to the restroom, I'll be back" I tell Cara who nods and saying goodbye to everyone.

I get up and walk out as quickly as I can without it being obvious that I'm running away from his eyes that seem to have not left me.

As soon as I'm in the restrooms and inside the stall locking the door I let out a breath I didn't know I was holding. It's harder to pretend it didn't happen when he looks so good tonight and my mind can't stop thinking about things it shouldn't.

Quickly doing my business, I unlock the door then wash my hands looking up to the mirror I let out a scream.

"What the hell? How did you get in here? When did you.." I snap making him chuckle.

"Sorry didn't mean to scare you" he says leaning against the stalls.

"What are you doing in here?" I ask looking everywhere but him.

"For that reason" he mutters

"What?" I ask confused looking at him.

"You have been avoiding looking at me all night. Why?"

"Oh I wonder" I scoff

"I'm sorry for how I spoke to you earlier" he sighs making me nod


Before he can say anything else there is two knocks on the wall and before I know it I'm pulled into one of the stalls.

"What.." I start but the rest comes out muffled as his hand covers my mouth.

"Someone is coming in so you have got to be quiet" he whispers lips brushing against my ear making a shiver run through my body.

"Oh my gosh did you see how hot he was" a woman says before giggles break out

I drone out their conversation and look up to Theo's eyes when I feel him pull his hand away from my mouth but rests it against my cheek.

His phone vibrates against my stomach making him take it out of his pocket to check it, turning it around he shows me that it a message from Clayton saying everyone left and he told Cara we went out for air and they are on the way up to our floor.

I nod letting him know I read it, I felt something clench against my hand only now noticing one of my hands are on his chest while the other is against his stomach.

My eyes widen looking up at him as a blood spreads up my neck and face as He is staring back at me with a blank face.

Unable to stop myself I glide one of my hands over his chest and down to his stomach and back up.

'Jesus' I think to myself biting down on my bottom lip making sure I don't make a sound.

"Stop that" he growls only loud enough for me to hear.

I look up at his face agains wondering what he meant

Instead of saying anything he pulls my lip from between my teeth and not even a second later our lips are attached in a heated kiss.

The feel of his tongue wrestling with mines and his hard body against mines I can't stop the moan from escaping me. Lucky for us, the women had just left.

Groaning he pushes further into me letting me feel how hard the kiss made him.

"Fuck" he mutters pulling away from me and unlocking the door "why the fuck..."

I don't let him finish knowing I will just end up feel bad about myself, I mean I understand "it's fine, let's just go" I say after checking to make sure it's not obvious what happened.

"Amelia.."he starts

"Come in Cara is waiting for me" I interrupt him and walk out the restroom straight to the elevator that takes us to the penthouse suites.

It's silent on the ride up but the tension between us is obvious I'm not exactly sure what kind of tension though.

Once we step out of the elevator we see Theo's friends waiting for him, once we reach them I smile at them "it was nice to meet you all and see if I don't see you before you leave then, thank you all for your service and be safe"

"You too" they say sending a small smile my way.

Turning to face Theo "it was good seeing you again Theo, hopefully it won't be another 6 years before I see you again" I say pulling him into a hug "please be safe out there, take care" I whisper giving him a quick kiss on his cheek

"Amelia..." he starts but I pull away

"Make sure you guys don't leave without saying bye to Cara or she will be pissed" I say with a fake laugh before pressing the code to get into my suite closing the door behind me before anymore words can be taken.

Theo Pov

"Cheers man" Hunter says as I hand him the key to get in the suite.

"Fuck" I groan letting out an aggravated sigh rubbing my hand over my face still facing her door.

"You good?" Khalan asks

"Yeah" I say walking into our suite behind them.

"Damn this is nice" Hunter says letting out a whistle

"I'm going for a shower" I tell them as I walk up the stairs to my room not waiting for a reply.

What the fuck is wrong with me?

The hot water cascading over me isn't helping relax my muscles or clearing my thoughts.

The sound of her little moan playing on a loop in my head.

"Fuck" I groan as my cock hardens "not the time" I mutter turning the water to freezing cold.

By the time I go back down the stairs I see my sister sitting with the guys playing cards.

"What you doing here?"

"Well hello to you too brother" she scoffs "Amelia is having an early night so I came here" she says

"Hello" I say sarcastically

"What's crawled up your ass?" She asks raising an eyebrow

"Nothing" I mutter "I need to go out"

"Where?" She asks as the guys look at me "you going for a run?"

"None of your business" I tell her "you guys cool with her staying here?"

"Excuse me, I'm sitting right here" she snaps

"Yeah it's cool" Clay chuckles making me nod.

Leaving the suite I head to the elevator hitting the button the doors open straight away, hitting the ground button the doors begin to close just as I see Amelia coming out of her room with an ice bucket.

Before I second guess what I'm thinking I shove my hand through the doors making them open up again, walking out with a purpose.

"Theo" She gasps when she sees me walking her way.

"I think now would be the best time to have a chat" I say with a serious voice

"Theo we don't need too"

"Amelia" I growl annoyed making her sigh.

"Fine" she mumbles while filling up the ice bucket "I suppose you better come in"

Taking the bucket from her hands I point for her to lead the way.

Once we are inside I put the ice down in the kitchen area

"You want anything to drink?" She asks nervously looking anywhere but at me, I have to force myself not to smile as a blush appears on her face.

"Water please" my voice comes out deeper than usual making me cough to clear my through.

Maybe this wasn't a good idea

Suck it up Theo too late now

Just have a quick talk then leave

"Uh-Uhm-we" she stutters looking at me before letting out a breath "we will need to talk in my room if you're wanting to avoid Cara knowing your here" she says blushing harder.

"Shit" I mutter not loud enough for her to hear. "That's fine"

It's not fucking fine

It's cool she can be on one side and I'll be on the other

"I-okay" she stutters handing me my water before talking her own along with a glass of ice and walking up the stairs.

Don't follow just leave


It's not a good idea

Ignoring the thoughts in my head I let out a breath and follow her up the stairs. Once inside the room I lock the door so if Cara does come back she can't just walk in.

"This shit needs to stop" I groan annoyed


"The silence, not acting normal with each other" I tell her making her scoff and not glare her way.

"What's normal Theo?" She asks putting her stuff down on the unit beside the bed "the last time we saw each other I was 12 and you were 17 Theo. We don't have a normal anymore" she snaps while untying her robe

"Fuck" I groan "can you put that back on" I growl squeezing my eyes closed.

"No" she says stubbornly "I'm wearing close Theo" she scoffs "what do you want to say Theo then you can leave" she sighs

"Ok fair enough what you said is true but if we act like this it's going to be obvious to everyone that something happened" I tell her before opening my eyes trying my damn hardest not to look lower than her face.

"You're right" she sighs sitting down on the bed "I'm sorry Theo, I started it all when I kissed you at the school. I was annoyed at your teasing and wanted to shut you up.." she says trailing off

"I didn't stop you" I tell her before biting my lip as I feel my cock harden as my eyes zero into her braless chest. "I just don't want it to be awkward...fuck Amelia you really aren't helping" I say groaning

"Sorry" she squeaks jumping under the covers making a deep chuckle escape me. "It's not like you're helping either"she mutters clearly not meaning for me to hear.

"What?" I ask with a smirk making her eyes widen

"Nothing" she stutters before glaring my way. "Fuck off you know you're hot" she snaps making me laugh.

"Happy belated birthday by the way"

I chuckle at how random she is but I'm relieved to feel most of the tension leave my body making me sit on the chair beside the window.

"Thanks, you too" I smile at her "so how has everything been?"

"Fine, looking forward to Italy"

"I bet you are" I laugh "not leaving anyone behind?" I ask looking out of the window

"Why Theo Miller" she says feigning shock "if I didn't know any better, I would say that's your way of asking if I have a boyfriend" she says making me look at her

"Maybe" I say making her giggle.

"The answer to your real question is no"

"Really?" I ask shocked "why? You're a beautiful girl"

"Thank you" she says with a blush "I just wasn't interested in having any of them as a boyfriend"

I get up walking towards the bed to sit down beside her to get comfy.

"What about you?" She asks

"Nah I don't have a boyfriend" I say in a serious voice making her laugh as she tries to shove me off the bed but I don't budge "No I not seeing anyone right now, not looking for a serious relationship right now. It's hard to do with the type of work I do" I say kicking my running shoes off.

"I'm sorry Theo" she says softly leaning her head onto my shoulder making me wrap my arm around her.

"Don't be, I'm still young so I've got plenty of time" I say

"Is it scary?" She asks quietly making me sigh knowing what she is talking about

"It used to be, now I just do what I need to do" I say just as quiet.

"Promise me you will be careful" she mutters tracing her finger over my chest

"I promise I will try" I tell her tightening my arm around her slightly.

"So what's changed about Theo miller?" She says with a cute little giggle

That question breaks the serious atmosphere and for the next half an hour we get to know each other again.

"I really did miss you and our chats" she whispers turning her head to look up at me.

"Me too" i murmur looking into her eyes.

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