The Jock, the Nerd, and the...

By laurenkaay

49.9K 2.7K 2.4K

Jerome, captain of the football team at Ruedale High, popular with all the ladies and men, and also happens t... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Poofless Smut (!!)
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Character Ask
Character Ask Answers
Chapter 29
Chapter 30- Epilouge

Chapter 3

2K 134 127
By laurenkaay

Jerome's POV:

I was laying on my bed, flipping through Mitch's notebook. I never knew anything about him, and I go and have a one night stand with him. He's been through terrible shit and to think I thought he was okay...

He also likes me, I guess, or is mad. I read poems and such where is talks about the party and us.. doing it. I didn't know he took depression pills.

I rocked back and forth on my bed, wiping the few tears I had shed. Damn he was good at poetry, I'm jealous. One of my secrets is that I write poetry, so to see someone else I know do it that isn't a female is cool.

My phone starts ringing and I pick it up, accepting the call.

"Yo Jerome! You gotta get over to Missy Striddens, her party is epic!" Preston yells, the music blaring.

"No thanks, I don't feel great. Think I'm sick." I curl up in my blankets.

"Let's hope that man whore didn't give you an STD!" He laughs drunk.

"...Bye Preston." I hung up.

My phone rang again, and I grumbled, answering it.

"Preston I don't want to go-"

"Jerome Aceti? This is Adam Dahlberg. We need to talk. Now."


I drove up to the Taco Bell where Adam told me to meet him. I don't even know what he wants, but my gut said it was important. I grab a drink and a cheese rollup, then get back in my car.

10 minutes later, a Ford Explorer pulls up. I can see Adam in the front, along with two others in the back that I can't make out. They pull up three spots away from me, and get out. Adam walks over to my car, and I see one of the two guys, I think his name is Ty, carry someone else inside the taco bell.

Adam taps on my window, and I get out.

"Hey-" Adam slaps me, quite hard actually.

"That's for fucking my depressed friend and leaving him alone and making him not a virgin anymore." He growls, referring to Mitch.

"I-I'm sorry!" I back up against my car, holy shit he was scary. He is usually so happy and silly!

Adam sighs, pulling out some stick thing.

"Here, congrats you asshole." He tosses me the stick, and I grab it.

It was a pregnancy test..... Which was positive....

"Uh, I don't mean to be rude, but why do you need to show me you are pregnant. We didn't hook up-"

Adam smacks me again, a little softer than the first one.

"No you dumb jock! It's Mitch's!" He is yelling now.


As in.... "He's pregnant...?"

Adam nods, running a hand through his hair. "With your baby."

"..Oh my god.." I whisper.

"He has all the symptoms and his stomach is slightly bigger than normal. You have fucking ruined my best friend!" Adam screams at me, tears running down his face.

"W-What about abor-"

"Mitch said he can't do it. It would haunt him forever. He was almost aborted as a kid you know?" Adam wipes his tears from his face, crossing his arms.

"I kinda did-"

"YOU READ HIS NOTEBOOK?!" Adam shakes me like a mad man, until he spots Ty coming over.

"He passed out after finishing his 3rd thing of nachos.." Ty chuckles softly, holding a sleeping Mitchell.

Adam pulls up Mitch's shirt, and points to his stomach. "Do you see what you have done Jerome?"

I nod, putting my head in my hands.

"Now, are you gonna man up and help raise this kid or be an asshole and abandon the boy you knocked up?"

"I'm gonna stay." I sink to the cold parking lot floor.

Ty comes over to me, and sets Mitch in my lap, dragging Adam away.

I just stared for the first minute. It was a total shock honestly. I lifted his shirt, admiring his body and slightly raised stomach. I frown when I see the boys ribs poking out.

I lean down, kissing his stomach and ribs. I pull the shirt down, fixing his hair and wiping his eyes.

Had I really ruined his life....?

I thought back to the notebook, and all the things in there. I roll up his pants, revealing hundreds of cut lines all over his thighs and sides. I kiss them all, and he grumbles in his sleep.

Adam and Ty come back over, smiling at me.

"We are gonna take him back to my house, you have my number so I'll call if he wakes up and wants to talk." I nod, Adam lifting the frail boy from my arms.

I kinda wanted to hold him longer..

"Okay." I wrap my arms around my legs, resting my head on my knees.

They left, leaving me alone with my thoughts and shocked state.

I'm gonna fix this.


I don't like this one, it feels stupid lol.

Idk. Ehhhhhh.


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