Maybe This Time

By jadeycaneee

273K 9.1K 3.2K

Book 1 "Two old friends meet again Wearin' older faces And talk about the places they've been" Y/N Y/L/N liv... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 42

Chapter 41

3.8K 119 66
By jadeycaneee


I wake up with a massive headache like someone's banging my head with a hammer. I groan and reach to my side. And I feel a cold side of the bed. I slowly open my eyes. The room is dark since the blinds are close.

I stay there since the banging of my head is getting worse. My headache is getting terrible and I want my wife. A whine escapes my lips.

"Scarlett?" I soft whimper are escaping my lips as I massage my temple. I'll never drink again, in a grave that to a stone.

"Hi mama, good morning" Olivia greet me, I hum in recognition. I open my left eye and saw Scarlett holding a tray, I can smell the chicken soup making my stomach grumble.

Olivia jump to the bed, placing her little hands on my forehead, "are you sick mama? How do you feel?" She asked me and looking at me worried, I found her cute.

"Just a little headache, baby but im okay," I told her. Scarlett walks towards us holding a tray. "Eat up, baby. Then drink this pain reliever" she said and I did.

"Where are you last night, mama?" Olivia asked as I sip a hot soup and drink water. "Your uncles and I have get together for our mom and I wedding. We played some games that your Uncle Robert and uncle Mackie planned. And I, your uncle Chris and uncle Paul ended up drunk. That's why I get a bad hangover" I told my child. She knows it already so I didn't explain for more.

Time by time I shared my meal with Olivia while Scarlett drink her milk for our baby and her. Olivia gets up and gives me another glass of water. "Thank you, my sweet pea," I said and plant kisses around her face making her giggle.

As we cuddled, I lifted Scarlett cause a squeak left her lips making me and Olivia giggle. We both place kisses on her, a soft chuckle from her encouraging us to make her happy more. As I place my head a move from her belly making me startled.

"Do you feel that?" She asked me smiling at me. I nod, she lifted her shirt so I can place my hand on her baby bump. It's getting bigger time by time.

And another bump on my hands came again, she smiled again. "You having fun their on mommy's tummy?" I asked the little one as if they going to answer me. But then another kick came, Scarlett and I make eye contact and giggle.

"What's going on? Why are you two smiling like that?" Olivia asked frowning at us, I smiled at her.

"Your sibling is kicking, here-" I said and get her hands and place them on Scarlett's belly. We wait and wait, "the baby wants your voice, love," Scarlett said.

"Hey there buddy, are you happy wandering around?" I said Olivia and I look at each other when we feel something is moving and another low kick came.

"WOAAAAHHH" Olivia yell happily when she feels her sibling move. "That's clearly mama's girl or boy," I said smirking at Scarlett, Olivia is a mama's girl too. "Definitely, they move yesterday when they feel your hands on my tummy when you're sleeping. They only move when they heard your voice" she said. My smile even more grew wider.

"I can't wait to see them!" Olivia squeal then another move from the little one making us stop and chuckle, "well they also love their big sister's voice" I said making my wife pout.

"They have some favoritism." She said and frowning. "Hey their buddy it's mama, mommy is pouting cause she thinks you have favoritism and you didn't move at her voice. What do we do about that little one?"

I place her hands on her tummy, "do your magic, little one" I whispered. I left her hands, let the baby feel her warm hands. "Oh my God," she said and she feel our baby move. Another hard kick from the baby made her giggle, "okay baby mommy is not jealous anymore."

We spend our time cuddling and feeling the family we have. I'm content with what I have and I don't ask for more. Just them to be safe and okay. That's the only thing I wish for them. To grow our little human beings to be good and well manner. Scarlett to be safe and our life will be happy.


Sarah, Hunter, and Lucas came into the house with a lot of magazines and folders. They sit on the couch like it's their house.

"What do the three of you want from me?" I asked while I pushed Lucas on one couch and take the sit.

"Well, we're here for the invitation, the design of your suit and Scarlett's gown. And for the design of the church. The food tasting will happen next week." Sarah said and give me the invitation.

I made that and grab your invitation ;)

"I told you we dont like to have that so many guests. You know what happen last time." I said. And looking at the invitation. Our wedding is themed with white and forest green to match her eyes.

"Yes, we only have 200 guests. From both of the parties and your friends and colleagues." Lucas said as give me the list of guests. I nodded. "And for your assurance; police and guards are all over the place," Hunter adds. I nodded in agreement.

"Hi, uncles and auntie Sarah" Olivia greeted them and give everyone kisses on the cheeks. They reciprocate the love that the little girl shows. Scarlett followed and greet them too. She takes a sit my lap and looks at the invitations on my hand. "This is so elegant and neat," she said and mesmerize at how simple yet so gorgeous this invitation is.

Scarlett and I look for the suit im going to wear and she finds a simple gown, not that showy and tight since her baby bump is noticeable. She picks a suit for me, and I pick a gown for her.

Your suit

Scarlett's gown

"I love that gown," she said and smiled at me. "You have a good taste in suits for me," I said and peck a kiss on her cheeks. "Of course I am," she said smirking.

"For the catering, the food tasting will happen next week so I would love it if you were free that week cause if not you better be," Sarah said. "The church designs and decorations are already set up and the venue of the reception is already settled. The only thing we need to do is to set up your clothes, from groomsmen and brides made." Lucas said and show me another magazine full of gowns designs.

"I don't know what should I pick, why not ask them? So the gown they choose is comfy for them. I'm not really into gowns or dress, guys you know that" I said and handed Scarlett the magazine. She looks at the design while we talk. Olivia is also busy looking at the pictures.

"We're all the guests are sure they going?" I asked.

Lucas nods, "yes, they already have the invitations. We made sure they were already sure cause we only have limited guests for safety purposes."

"So the agenda for the week is for the fitting of our suits and gowns? Then the food tasting?"

Sarah nods and gives me the schedule, "yup. Then you two can visit the reception and the church if you want something to change with the decoration or get rid of something you two don't like"

I nod. I didn't know that planning this wedding is this hustle. I mean I already did this but Scarlett did all the work, im just nodding and saying yes since im busy with my fellowship.


After the talk with the three, we decide to wander around the city since both of them are bored. Scarlett wears a yellow long dress showing her baby bump. Olivia wears a yellow sunny dress too to match her mommy. I wear a yellow button-down shirt with a pair of jeans and white shoes.

"Ready girls?" I asked them both. I get my keys, wallet, and phone and placed them in my pocket. I help Scarlett walk, carry her purse with Olivia's little hand on my left side.

I tucked Olivia on her booster seat and secured her seatbelt. Then I assist Scarlett in her seat too. A car with our bodyguards is escorting us.

"Where are we, mama?" Olivia asked as she get out of the car. Scarlett's face light up at the sight. Our men are just outside, securing the place.

"This is where mama and mommy should the wedding happen but some bad guys ruined it," I said and carry her. Scarlett's hands are on my waist and my free hand is on her shoulder as we walk inside the church.

"Those bad guys are the ones who get me?" I nod and we take a sit in the front seat. "This church witness everything that your mama and I get through" Scarlett mumble and look at the altar.

"Like what, mommy?" Olivia innocently asked.

"Well, this is where I go when I dont know what to do like the time im paranoid to ask your mommy for a date, and im asking for a sign if I should do it. The time when we get into a big fight, I didn't go anywhere but here. Asking for guidance and enlightenment. When we have a date, we go here first. Going to the first mass of the day. God knows everything because we talk to Him every day, asking for help, looking for a sign, and thanked him." I told her.

"It's nice to see you both together again" a man's voice gets our attention.

"Father Patrick, it's nice to see you too" I greet him and hug him. He's been a father figure to me. He gives me every knowledge I should know, from little things to the big things I need to think about and make good decisions.

Scarlett did the same, "and what's the name of this lovely child?" He asked and look at Olivia. "Go ahead, bubs, introduce yourself" I cooed and give her the assurance he's a good guy.

"Hi, im Olivia" she shyly said and hid her face to my neck. Father Patrick chuckle. "She has Scarlett's features," he said. "Oh trust me, Father Patrick. Olivia may have my features but she Y/N carbon copy" Scarlett said making me giggle.

We talked and catch up with our lives. Olivia started to trust him and they talked too. Olivia being my carbon copy, she talked about everything, and father Pat has nothing to do but listen to her.

Then an idea pop up in my head like a bulb on the cartoons we watched in the middle of the night just to get us to sleep.

"Let's get married" I uttered and look at her. She chuckle but it didn't last long when she sees it seriously. "What? We're getting married on October 24, baby" she said staring at me confused.

"I know, but let's get married, here. To continue our wedding that didn't happen because of that crazy bitch" I said.

"Are you serious? How about the ring?" She said.

I tap my pocket and pull the ring that resting there, "I always have this on my pocket, every day. Hoping I find a good time to put this to you"

"Let's get your mama and mommy married" father Pat said and walk to the altar. Olivia agreed and a young man give her a basket of flowers. I get up and run outside as fast as I can to get her a bouquet. I feel my adrenaline rush through my veins. Excited yet nervous.

I finally have the bouquet and I run to the church. I handed the little boy the ring since he going to be the ring bearer and Olivia as the flower girl.

I take a deep breath and watch them walk to the aisle as I wait for my bride. My heart beating so fast, my hands and knees are trembling.

The gate of the church slowly opens and her smiling trying to contain her tears are there. She's here. Finally.

I feel tears slipping down, im happy that she's finally here, that is supposed to be a wedding five years ago is happening right now, without someone or something hindering it.

She walked down the aisle with scattered petals, smiling so bright at me. I take her hand, escorting her to the altar. "Let's do this?" I asked. "Let's get married," she announced.

"Im happy to see you both again, that you found your way to be with each other. I witness your love story, on how you two came to me asking for advice that you two gladly take it. From the moment you asked me to be the one who tie your knot. And now we're doing it, with your little ones." He started.

"We won't go that long knowing Y/N is an impatient kid-" he said making me giggle.

"We come now to the words Y/N and Scarlett want to hear the most today...the words that take them across the threshold from being engaged to being married.

A marriage, as most of us understand it, is a voluntary and full commitment. It is made in the deepest sense to the exclusion of all others, and it is entered into with the desire and hope that it will last for life.

Before you declare your vows to one another, I want to hear you confirm that it is indeed your intention to be married today.

Y/N, do you come here freely and without reservation to give yourself to Scarlett in marriage? If so, answer "I do"

"I do, father. Without a doubt" I said. He nod and smiled.

"Scarlett, do you come here freely and without reservation to give yourself to Y/N in marriage? If so, answer "I do."

"I do, father, with all my heart"

I can't help but smile and cheer. Causing the people around us to laugh. The men are also watching us. They are all happy and want to cry, making me giggle.

"Calm down, Y/N. We're not done yet" father said and I nod and "sorry, father. Im just excited" I said

"Y/N and Scarlett, having heard that you intend to be married to each other, I now ask you to declare your marriage vows.

Please face each other and hold hands."

I hold her shaking arms, stroking them gently, and give her a reassuring smile.

"Y/N please repeat after me...

I, Y/N take you, Scarlett to be my wife. I will share my life with yours, and build our dreams together, Support you through times of trouble, and rejoice with you in times of happiness. I promise to give you respect, love, and loyalty. This commitment is made in love, kept in faith, lived in hope, and made new every day of our lives."

"Scarlett please repeat after me...

I, Scarlett take you, Y/N to be my wife. I will share my life with yours, and build our dreams together, Support you through times of trouble, and rejoice with you in times of happiness. I promise to give you respect, love, and loyalty. This commitment is made in love, kept in faith, lived in hope, and made new every day of our lives."

The little boy who have our rings walked to us and stood in the middle of us,

"Your wedding ring is the outward and visible sign of the inward and invisible bond which already unites you two hearts in love-" father said and mention me to get the one ring.

"Y/N, place the ring on Bride's finger and repeat after me....

I give you this ring. Wear it with love and joy. As this ring has no end, my love is also forever."

Father mentioned Scarlett to get the other rung and he speak,

"Scarlett, place the ring on Bride's finger, and repeat after me....

I give you this ring. Wear it with love and joy. As this ring has no end, My love is also forever."

"May the wedding rings you exchanged today to remind you always that you are surrounded by enduring love."

"You may speak your own vows to each other" Father said. "Y/N go first"

"I've been waiting for this moment since I don't know when, I lose the track of time. I have had this promise since I met you at your work and you've been injured. So- I let my heart speak for me. Since the day I land my eyes on you I can't find myself not thinking about how your forest green eyes captivate me, taking all my breath, skipping my heart a beat. Making me all nervous when you are near to me. Since that day I told to myself im going to protect you, take care of you, devote myself to you. Since that day, im fallen in love with you. Cheesy may it sound but it's all true. I promise to love and care for you and I will try in every way to be worthy of your love.
I will always be honest with you, kind, patient, and forgiving. But most of all, I promise to be a true and loyal friend to you. I love you. I promised to take care of you and our little pumpkins. I promised I will stay until you allow me to. To love you, to cherish you, to tell you everything you derisive to heard, to give you everything I can, to love you until you want me to. And if I hurt you, im sorry and I do better next time so that mistake won't happen again.

I love you, Scarlett Ingrid, I always have and I always will until eternity."

Tears on her eyes falling, I wipe it with my thumb. Caressing her cheeks, admiring her. Taking every moment to my memory.

"I don't know what to say but I love you, with all my heart. You are my best friend. Today I give myself to you in marriage. I promise to encourage and inspire you, to laugh with you, and to comfort you in times of sorrow and struggle. I promise to love you in good times and in bad, when life seems easy and when it seems hard, when our love is simple, and when it is an effort. I promise to cherish you and to always hold you in the highest regard. These things I give to you today, and all the days of our life. I humbly give you my hand and my heart as I promise my faith and love to you. Just as this ring I give you today is a circle without end, my love for you is eternal. Just as it is made of incorruptible substance, my commitment to you will never fail. With this ring, I thee wed.

I love you Y/N and our kids. I love you until eternity"

Applause from the few people around us with tears in their eyes. Olivia is crying as she witnesses her mama and mommy promise each other their undying love.

"And so now by the power vested in me by the Lord, it is my honor and delight to declare you as wife and wife. You may seal this declaration with a kiss."

"Just a peak since we have kids watching," Scarlett said, I chuckle and nodded. And our lips touched.

Our first kiss as a married couple. This one is different, a quick but passionate kiss. Showing our love and devoting ourselves to each other.

"I am pleased to present the newlyweds, Mrs. Y/L/N-Johansson!"

We all cheered. At last, our love is sealed, no one gonna break it. Olivia runs and hugs us so tightly. "CONGRATS MOMMIES! IM SO HAPPY!" she said while sniffing.

"Congrats ma'am!" The men shouted and cheered. We thanked them, they wiped their tears. Our love makes strong men cry.

"Congratulations to the both of you" father Pat said and hug us.

"How about the wedding we planned?" Scarlett asked. I smiled at her, "someone will get that." I said. "Who?"

"Lizzie and Robbie," I said. Robbie talk to me a week ago about her proposal to Liz. He asked when he can do it. Well, im not a fortune teller to give him the exact time. I told him, when you feel it's the right time, don't waste it and do it.

This is the only wedding I want, just us and nothing more. I don't need people to witness the love we had, Him is already enough and Olivia.

"God, I love you so much" Scarlett exclaimed and hug me tight. "And I love you more that I can't even form a word," I said and hug her back. "I love you two, mommies" Olivia joined.

I had a wonderful moment with the wonderful people I shared with, and this memory is already in my core memory.

Third Persons POV

She came back to the house where all the laughter, giggles, and memories can be found in every corner of the house. The house that once to be her home. Now it's nothing but heart-rending silence and dust.

As she walked to the hallway, touched the dusty furniture. All the moments they shared flashed to her mind. A single tear escapes her eyes.

"What happened to the two of you?" A voice asked from behind. She didn't dare to look back. She continues to walk as the memories play.

"I don't know. One time we're happy, complete, and okay then I found myself broken again. I thought everything is alright as it's going so smoothly. We're okay. We're fine. Then- I wake up lost again. I feel incomplete, missing, and miserable. It's like fate loves me to see in this state I am. Desperate for more, asking for one more, begging as my eyes tired from crying."

"How is she?"

"I don't know too. She didn't speak to anyone. Her name is the only thing she always says. Crying if she didn't see her. Then her cries turn into sobs to whimpers and snores. She sleeps while crying"

She didn't speak anymore. Continue to walk on the house until she bumps into a small picture frame on the floor. Glass shattered to the floor with their picture.

She can't control it anymore and break down, hugging the picture. The only thing that's left to her. Broken sobs accompanied by whimpers echoed in the hallway of the house.



Last 2 chapters. Be ready. Let me know what do you think the ending will be, comment it down. And who's POV is that. It's been a long journey for me. And im ready for more.

Hold on tight.

See you in the next chapter.

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