You are mine | Deku x Ochako...

By That1GirlChloe

20K 295 77

The love story of Izuku and Ochako. They're still in UA This continues after season 4 (I know their will be a... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45 FINALE PT 1
Chapter 46 FINALE PT 2
Extra ❤️

Chapter 47 FINALE PT 3

148 2 2
By That1GirlChloe

A/N: This is actually the last chapter. :( I know sorry. The ending is kinda sad as well. Just enjoy this long last chapter :)


I stretch my arms and feel around the bed for Ochako, Who wasn't there. I squint my eyes and look around my room. The bright morning sun was shining through the curtains.

I yawn and sit up in my bed, I check the time and it read 7:34. I grin and tug the blanket off me. I exit my room and see my mom and Ochako sitting on the couch chatting casually.

"Good morning, Sleeping beauty!" Mom says waving as she sips her coffee. "Good morning." I yawn, Smiling as I leaned behind the couch. "Merry Christmas." Ochako tells me as she tips my head down to kiss my cheek.

"Merry Christmas." I mumble back, Rubbing the sleep out of my eyes. "We all should probably get ready for your parents, Ochako." Mom says looking at the clock. "You're absolutely right. I told them I'd meet them at the train station." Ochako says looking uneasy.

"It's fine. We'll make it in time." I reassure  her while I hold her shoulders. "Okay.." She sighs. She gets up and rushes to my room to change into different clothes. I chuckle as she closes the door and my mom giggles along with me.

"I wish I should get the house ready too." Mom says getting up. "Need any help?" I ask her. "No, Just focus on getting her parents and bringing them home safely." She tells me, Pinching my cheek. "I will." I say.

She walks into the kitchen and digs through the cabinets. I walk to my room and knock on the door. "Ochako? Are you done dressing?" I ask. "Yeah! Come in." She tells me and I open the door.

She brushes through her hair fast and tries to get tangles out. She has a sweater one and a shirt under it. She also has leggings on and fuzzy boots.

"Aren't you going to be cold in leggings?" I ask her closing the door behind me. "No, I'm good." She says as I walk up to her. She continues trying to untangle her hair but I take the brush. "Calm down." I tell her and I brush her hair for her.

"Sorry, I'm just so nervous about my parents coming." She explains messing with her sweater. "Why are you so scared? They liked me." I ask her as I put the brush down. "I don't know. I just have a bad feeling.." She mutters.

"Hey, It's Christmas. Bad feelings don't exist today." I tell her as I walk in front of her and grab her waist. "You're right. Today is supposed to be fun." She says looking up at me. "And I'll make sure it is.." I tell her. I kiss her softly and smile as I look back at her. She chuckles and Buries her face in my chest.

I laugh and kiss her forehead. "Okay, They Should be waiting at the train station. They also said they had a surprise." Ochako adds. "A surprise?" I ask.  "Yeah, I didn't get any details, So It could be anything." She says. I shrug and we continue walking down the sidewalk.

We get closer to the train station and I could see many people walking from it. It seems people are coming in to spend time with their families as well. I see her mom and Dad sitting on a bench as the train leaves. I also see a girl sitting next to them.

"You gotta be kidding me.." Ochako mutters. She stops and glares at her parents. "What is it?" I ask. "They brought my sister.." She sighs. "Oh, I'm sure It can't be that bad." I awkwardly laugh.

We walk closer and I recognize the girl. It was Aimi.

"A-Aimi? You're Ochako's Sister?" I ask looking at the three of them. Her parents seemed confused and turned to Aimi. "Midoriya? You're my sister's Boyfriend?" She asks seeming very confused.

"Wait. How do know my sister?" Ochako asks looking up at me. "After that little accident at the mall, I dumped into Aimi and we became friends." I explain. "She did tell me she had a sister that went to U.A but she didn't say it was you."

"Sorry, I probably should have told you it was her." Aimi chuckles. "I'm glad you two have already met, Now it shouldn't be awkward." Mrs. Uraraka says standing up. "Yeah, We've hung out before." Aimi says smiling.

Ochako stays silent and holds my hand. I look down and notice she is still glaring at her sister. Something must have happened between them.


We all finally make it back to the apartment and I slowly open the door. I push my shoes off and Ochako follows. My mom excitedly rushes over and waves.

"Welcome to my home, Mr. and Mrs. Uraraka." Mom says shaking both of their hands.

"I take it your Mrs. Midoryia?" Mr. Uraraka asks. "Yes, That's me." Mom says smiling happily. "It's a pleasure to meet you." Mrs. Uraraka says cheerfully.

"Hi, Im Aimi. Im Ochako's sister." Aimi says shaking mom's hand as well. "Oh, It's so nice to meet you." Mom says hugging Aimi. Aimi hugs back, Just as excited.

We all walk into the kitchen and I see that mom had finished cooking and had a full meal on the table. She even pulled more chairs for everyone to sit.

We all sit down and begin picking from the food choices. "Mrs. Midoryia, This looks incredible." Aimi comments. "Thank you, Izuku always said I'm the best cook." Mom chuckles.

"You are. Look how good this looks." I laugh. We all finally fill our plates. "I just want to thank Mrs. Midoryia for letting us eat here for Christmas." Mr. Uraraka says holding up his cup.

"Oh, You're too kind. I'm just glad you came." Mom says smiling and waving it off.

"Oh, Mrs. Midoryia, This was so kind of you." Mrs. Uraraka says. "It wasn't really my idea, It was Izuku's." She says waving her chop sticks at me. I blush feeling embarrassed.

"Midoryia, You're too sweet." Aimi says smiling brightly. "Yes, I know you'll treat Ochako right." Mrs. Uraraka agrees.

"Oh, Mrs. Uraraka, Can you imagine a few years from now there will be little Childers running around!" Mom giggles.

"M-mom!" I mutter embarrassed. "Yes, Oh my, I can't wait to see a few Grandkids growing up." Mrs. Uraraka Agrees. "M-Mother." Ochako says, I could see her face was red.

"What? You'll have kids right?" Mom asks turning to us. "Uh, Don't you think it's a little early to be thinking like that?" I ask, Feeling the warmth on my face spread to my ears.

"No, I had you not long after I was married to your father." She comments. "Well, I don't know. We haven't really talked about stuff like that. We are still young." I reassure her.

"Dear, Do you remember when Ochako put my dress on Aimi and pretended she was in a pageant?" Mrs. Uraraka asks her husband.

"I won't forget how pretty she looked with her hair all fancy." Her dad laughs patting Aimi's Head.

"Haha, Very cute." Aimi chuckles and lifts her dad's hand off her head. "Oh, Izuku loved all much when he was little so he begged me to get him all night figures." Mom states laughing. "Mom." I mumble.

Ochako laughs and takes my hand under the table. I look over to her and smile when she threads her fingers into mine.

"That's sweet, Midoryia. I also have a question for you though." Mrs. Uraraka says. "Yes?" I ask. "Have you and my daughter had s-." She is quickly stopped by Ochako, "Alright! Thank you, Mom." She laughs really loud.

"What? Oh come on, Ochako. You're in a serious relationship and you've never done it?" She asks. My face turns red when I realize what she is asking.

"Mom, Please. We've only been together for a little." Ochako states blushing bright red. "Mom, Just leave them alone." Aimi tells her mother.

"Izuku, I'm so sorry that my mom is embarrassing you." Ochako apologizes. "N-no it's fine." I tell her.

"Well, I'm glad you all liked the food." Mom says trying to change the subject. "Yes. I enjoyed this." Aimi says smiling. Mom just nods and stands up.

"Will you be staying or will you be leaving?" Mom asks the Urarakas. "I hoped we could stay a little longer." Mrs. Uraraka says glancing to her husband. He nods and they both stand up.

All the adults head to the living room to chat as Me, Ochako and Aimi stay seated.

"You know, I'm still going out with that cute waiter." She chuckles looking down at the table. "Oh, That's nice. I'm glad you're still seeing him." I reply back.

"What waiter?" Ochako asks. We stay silent trying to explain how we went out to eat without her knowing.

"We met this nice waiter and Aimi have him her number." I tell her. "How did you two both meet the waiter?" She asks.

Aimi just laughs and takes a sip of her drink. I just smile and stay quiet. "Anyways, Did you do anything interesting for Christmas?" Aimi asks Ochako.

"Our class had a Christmas party. It was nice. We also opened presents." Ochako says shrugging. Aimi nods and messing with her hair.

I clear my throat as the atmosphere was very awkward for some reason. "What do you plan for New Years?" Ochako asks her.

"I don't know, Spend it with mom and dad I guess." She says. "Oh okay.." Ochako whispers as she draws circles on the table with her finger.

"I'm.. Really happy that you have Midoryia." Aimi comments. "Why's that?" Ochako asks in a more upset tone.

"I'm just glad you're not alone out here. It's hard to know your sister leaves in another town." Aimi admits. Ochako stops drawing circles and looks up at Aimi.

"How could you say that..?" She asks. Aimi stays quiet and I watch the two. "Look, I know you're mad about what happened. I'm sorry." Aimi whispers looking back down at the table.

"Sorry isn't going to fix what happened." Ochako laughs. "I know. But it's been years. It's time to move on." Aimi states.

Ochako stands up and slams her hands on the table. "SHUT UP. YOU DONT GET TO TELL ME THAT." She shouts at her.

Aimi had sat up taller in her chair with a scared look on her face. Ochako stood straighter and had a surprised face on as well.

Her parents and my mom had looked over to see what was happening. I stood up and placed a hand on Ochako's shoulder.

She pushes my hand off and tears rolled down her cheeks. She ran off and into my room. Aimi only frowned and turned to look away from me.

I sigh and follow Ochako into my room. I close my door and watch as she falls onto my floor next to my bed. She pulls her knees to her chest and cries into her knees.

I walk over to her and sit silently next to her. "What..?" She sniffles. "I don't know what happened between you and your sister but, Just know I'm here for you." I tell her in a gentle voice.

She looks up and I see mascara run down her face. "I-I.. I'll tell you what happened." She says as I move my hand to wipe the black liquid running down her face.

"Take your time." I tell her. She nods and lets me keep my hand cupped to her face as she leans into it.

"It was around middle school. I had been getting bullied around that time. But, One day they took it too far and tried drown me in the school fountain. My sister saw the whole thing, She didn't try to help me. She watched them dunk me under and she watched. They let go of me when I passed out and I woke up on the ground. When I tried to tell my teachers my sister told them I was crazy and I was lying." She explains.

"Then, One day I came back from lunch to see they had wrote on my desk, things like, "K*ll yourself", "Useless", "Stupid" just stuff like that." She continues.

"I couldn't take it and then to make it even worse, My sister joined in the bullying. I can't forgive her for everything she did to me." Ochako says as she holds her head and cries.

I sigh and grab her and pull her into a long hug. She cries in my shoulder and holds me tight, I just hold her and pat her back.

I wait until I hear her sobs calm down. She finally stops crying and is just laying on my shoulder as I hold her head.

"You know, I was also bullied in middle school." I tell her. She puts her hands on my chest as she rises up to look at me.

"You were..?" She asks. "Yeah. And I forgave my bully. He's my friend now." I say. "H-how? Aren't you mad?" She asks.

"I was at first. Now I'm at peace. I'm glad I got over that." I say smiling. She sniffs again and looks down.

I chuckle and kiss her cheek softly. She quickly jumps up and sits in my lap swiftly. It scares me as she wraps her arms around my neck and her legs around my waist.

"O-ochako..?" I ask blushing brightly. "I'm sorry that happened to you as well." She whispers making my skin shiver.

I calm my nerves and hold her in my arms. "It's over now. No use looking back now." I tell her. "You're right. It's done now." She nods.

She snuggled into my shoulder and keeps her hold on me. "I'm going to miss you when I go with my parents." She says. "Yeah, I'll miss you too." I agree leaning into her more."

"I'll call you everyday." She says smiling. "I'll answer you everyday." I reply back.

"I'll miss your hugs, Your kisses, and our snuggles." She chuckles into my shoulder. "I'll miss waking up next to you every morning." I say.

"Y-yeah." She stutters. "Don't miss me too much though. We'll be back in school before you know it." I tell her. "Yeah. Some enough we'll be back in school." She reassures herself.

"I love you, Izuku."

"I love you more, Ochako."

She finally gets the courage to walk back into the living room. I walk behind her and see Aimi on the couch next to her parents. "Ochako." She says.

"I'm sorry for causing a scene." Ochako says trying to smile. "It was very rude to yell, Ochako." Mr. Uraraka comments.

"Dad, it's fine. It makes sense she's mad. It's my fault." Aimi says hushing her dad. "I'm sorry, Aimi. For yelling at you." Ochako says turning away.

Aimi seemed surprised at the comment. But she smiles and a tear forms in her eyes. "W-why are you crying?" Ochako asks. "I'm just so happy." She laughs.


And just like that. I'm walking her to the train station. She's wearing her hair down. It seems a little longer since it's been a bit since he's had a haircut. Her big jacket covers her body.

She holds onto a big suitcase as we walk down the sidewalk. Our hands are laced into each other's. Holding hands one last time before we split up for winter break.

The walk to the train station was silent that it almost broke my heart. I stopped walking making Ochako stop as well.

"Shouldn't we say something?" I ask. "We can when we get there.." She says turning to me.

"I can't do it at the train station." I say holding tears back. Ochako laughs and cups my face. She kisses my lips softly.

"I'm not leaving forever. I'll be back soon enough." She says. I nod as she takes my hand back.

She walks as I trail behind her. I look up and see the busy town and hear the wind blowing against the trees as they swayed.

Soon enough we were at the train station. Her train was due to arrive in 5 minutes. I squeezed her hand one last time as we stood next to her family.

"Izuku, Are you going to be okay?" She asks. "I'll survive." I chuckle awkwardly.

"Oh, Our train is almost here." Mrs. Uraraka says checking her watch. Ochako whimpers and holds my hand tighter as well.

I sigh and try to seem alright. "I guess this is goodbye for now." I tell her. "Oh, Izuku." She says still holding on.

"I'll see you soon." I tell her. I see the train stop at the station and people get off and on.

"I love you, Ochako." I say. I could tell she was on the edge of crying. She nods and hugs my neck and I grab her waist.

"I love you too.." She whispers. "Alright love birds, It's time." Aimi says patting Ochako's shoulder.

Ochako looks up at me and I could see the fear sink in. "We'll be okay." I laugh cupping her face. I kiss her lips on last time.

"Please tell me something that'll make me feel better." She says holding my neck. "It's time to go, Ochako." Mrs. Uraraka calls.

"You are mine." I chuckle kissing her forehead.

She giggles and smiles back. She kisses me one last time on the lips and takes her luggage. "And you are mine." She comments as she follows her sister on the train.

I wave to them all. "Bye, Midoryia!" Aimi says waving and smiling brightly.

"Goodbye." I shout smiling and waving. I watch as the door closes and it starts moving.

I see Ochako's face in the window as she smiles and waves. I wave back.

See you later.

Words: 2987
Thank you so much for everything guys. I love you so much and thank you for being patient with the last chapter. I do plan on making another book about it. I'll back a little spoiler about it soon. I hope you enjoyed reading this Fanfic as much as I loved writing it. Thank you for all the love and support. Happy Valentine's Day.

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