Ruin Me - The Vampire Diaries

By MarinaAzevedo5

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Sasha Gilbert is Jeremy Gilbert's twin sister and Elena Gilbert's little sister. She is the type of person th... More

Season One
Season 2
Season 3


965 17 0
By MarinaAzevedo5

The Vampire Diaries

S1 Ep21

Sasha was sitting at a table with Matt and Tyler. They were in the same group for the Founder's Day float. It was awkward, to say the least. The two friends weren't talking to each other and kept throwing jabs at each other. At least Ric was the teacher working with them. 

"These are the specs for the History department's Founder's Day float", Mr. Saltzman says handing a sheet to everyone around the table. He was acting weird, seemed like he was on edge and he kept throwing glances at Sasha. "We'll recreate the battle of Willow Creek. Tyler'll head up the design". 

Sasha turns to her friend to congratulate him, but he just looks angrily at Mr.Saltzman. 

"By who?", Tyler asks.

"By me. I've seen your designs", Ric says with a finality to it. 

"I'm not really into the whole- ", Tyler starts arguing.

"Pick your team. Be creative. And don't screw up.", Ric tells him. Sasha laughs under her breath at her friend, earning her a glare from Tyler. 

"You want to help me out with this?", Tyler asks Matt.

"No not really", Matt replies. 

"What about you?", Tyler asks Sasha with pleading eyes. 

Before Sasha could reply Mr. Saltzman came behind her, "Could I talk to you for a few minutes it's important". When Sasha looks behind her she sees Elena and Stefan walking to Ric's classroom. 

"Yeah of course", she answers. Turning back around to Tyler, "Sorry. Maybe later". Sasha gets up and walks with Ric to his classroom. 

The four of them were inside the room waiting on Damon to come in. 

"Thank you for coming Damon", Alaric says when he finally comes in. 

Damon looks around the room and sees everyone's grim faces. "What's with all the furrowed brows", he asks.

"I saw Isobel last night", Alaric confesses. 

"Isobel's here? In town?", Damon is just as shocked and confused as everyone else in the room. Sasha had been when Ric told her. She couldn't understand why this woman who had been hiding from everyone, suddenly decided to appear now. Isobel had not once cared about Eelen in the 17 years she's been alive. 

"Did you ask about Uncle John? Are they working together?", Damon asks.

"No", Alaric tells him. 

"No, they're not?".

"No I didn't ask", Ric tells him. 

"What about the invention", Damon keeps up the questioning.

"I don't know".

"What about the tomb vampires".

"I didn't ask", Alaric confesses. 

"Did words escape you?", Damon asks angrily.

"Damon stop", Sasha says seeing the look in Mr. Saltzman's eyes.

"I was distracted by my dead vampire wife to ask any questions", Alaric defends himself. 

 "What does she want?", Damon asks.

"She wants to see me, Damon", Elena says. Sasha feels bad for her sister. The sadness in her eyes is clear.

"Mr. Saltzman is supposed to arrange a meeting", Sasha clarifies.

"But we don't know why", Stefan adds.

"You don't have to see her if you don't want to", Damon tells Elena.

"Actually she threatened to go on a killing spree if Elena doesn't meet with her", Ric states. Sasha hated what Isobel was doing to her sister. Elena deserved more than a mother who doesn't care and is only using her. 

"Oh. I take it that's not ok with you?", Damon asks sarcastically, at least Sasha hopes so.

"I wanna do it", Elena tells him, "I wanna meet her. If I don't I know I'll regret it". Sasha looked at her older sister with a smile. Sasha knew meeting her real mother wouldn't be easy for Elena, but that didn't stop her from doing it. She just hoped her sister didn't end up hurt. 


Sasha wanted to have gone to the Grill with Stefan and Elena, but they had all agreed that it would be for the better if Isobel didn't feel cornered. Sasha also understood that she wouldn't be much use if Isobel did try to harm her sister. What use was she in any situation whatsoever? It worried her because there is nothing that Sasha wants more than to protect her family but if something really bad happened to them what use would she be? Hopefully, Stefan could handle Isobel and keep Elena safe. 

Sasha made her way to the school since she had promised Tyler to help him with the float. It wasn't something she particularly liked but it would keep her mind off things. 

"Oh so you do acknowledge your promises?", Tyler joked when he saw her making her way towards the float. 

Sasha flipped him off. "I'm here aren't I? So stop complaining".

Tyler rolled his eyes laughing and kept on working on the float. "You can help me get this part straight, I've been trying for like the past 15 minutes and can't get it to stay". 

The two started to work together. It was weird to think that just a few days ago the pair were nothing more than friends with benefits, maybe a bit more benefits than friends. The two worked so well together, almost like they could read each other's thoughts. Sasha was happy that they had decided to stay friends and not keep hooking up. She looked up at him to ask him something, but notices he is staring at Matt who was across the field working on some heavy lifting.

"You two still haven't made up?", Sasha asks. Tyler nods no, avoiding her gaze, and keeps on working. "He's alone Ty. His mom split and he's alone. He needs his friends now more than ever", Sasha wanted the two boys to go back to being best friends, but she understood Matt's side. 

"Yeah well tell him that", Tyler told her. 

"Tell who what?", Charlotte says interrupting the two. 

"Matt", Sasha filled in the blank for her friend. 

"Oh right. You were an ass to him, good luck getting him to forgive you", Charlotte tells Tyler while walking towards her best friend. 

"Thanks for throwing me under the bus like that", Tyler tells Sasha but she just shrugs her shoulders. 

"Forget it Tyler, you might have her wrapped around your finger for now but she's still my best friend first", Charlotte told him. 

"I can see why Matt doesn't like you as more than a friend", Tyler hits back. He was starting to get angry at the younger girl's commentary. 

"That's enough", Sasha says stopping both of them from insulting each other anymore. She looked back at Charlotte who looked unfazed, but Sasha knew her friend better than that, and Charlotte was hiding her hurt away. Sasha turned around to hit Tyler with the death glare. 

"I'm sorry. I didn't mean that", Tyler timidly tells Charlotte. He was scared of what Sasha would do to him for hurting her best friend but also he felt bad. He didn't mean to say that about Charlotte, it was just his anger talking. His anger had been talking a lot for him recently.

"It's whatever", Charlotte tells him, shrugging her shoulders. "You should go talk to him. He needs a friend right now". Tyler looks at where Matt is, maybe Charlotte was right. Tyler gets up and walks towards him. 

The two girls watch as the guys talk. "You ok?", Sasha asks Charlotte.

"Peachy", Charlotte replies sounding a bit more sarcastic than she intended. The Gilberts girl reaches out holding her friend's hand tightly. Both girls don't say a word as they see Matt walk away from Tyler with an angry face. 

"He's still mad", Tyler tells them once he gets back.

"Yeah, no shit. You made out with his mom and then beat him to a pulp. If it were me I'd never talk to you again", Charlotte comments. 

Before Sasha can intervene once again, she gets a text message from Bonnie telling Sasha to meet her in the chemistry lab. "I'd love to keep refereeing you two, but I have to go help Bonnie with something", Sahsa looks at the two with an apologetic face before turning around and walking towards the labs. Halfway there Sasha bumps into Elena.

"Did Bonnie text you too?", Elena asks her younger sister. If Bonnie had called both of them something must be really wrong. 

"Yeah.", Sasha answers, "Wait. How was the meeting?". Sasha was referring to the Isobel meeting.

"I don't want to talk about it", Elena told her, getting upset all over again. Sasha looked at her sister with concern, but she knew better than to badger her right now. They finally reach the chemistry lab and go inside.  

"Hey, thanks for meeting me", Bonnie tells them, "I wanted you guys to see this".

"Is that Emily's spellbook?", Sasha asks curiously. 

Bonnie nods her head. "I've been going through it since Grams died. Check this out", Bonnie points to the open page of the book. On the yellowed page of the grimoire is a drawing of the vampire compass.

"That's the vampire compass", Elena says.

"Yeah. According to Emily, Johnathon never actually succeeded in inventing anything. Emily secretly spelled them all with magic.", Bonnie explained. "Compass. Rings", she flipped some pages and showed some more drawings, this time of the daylight rings. She flipped over another page showing the device Damon had gotten from Pearl. The one Isobel was now looking for. "The mystery device you told me about", Bonnie says. 

"Yeah, that's it", Elena tells her.

"Well Damon only has part of it, but that's it", Sasha adds. 

"Emily pledged her loyalty to Katherine. But she couldn't stand by and watch innocent people get killed. This was the only way she could think of to help. To let Jonathon believe he'd actually invented those devices.", Bonnie explained.

"Does it say what it does?", Sasha asks getting scared at Bonnie's calm tone of voice. 

"Are you sure this is what Isobel wants?", Bonnie asks them.

"Yeah, I'm sure. Why?", Elena says worriedly.

"This is a weapon. Against vampires.", Bonnie tells them. 

Elena and Sahsa look at each other with worried faces. 


Elena and Sasha walk out of the lab quickly in search of Stefan. They had to tell them about the device. The preparations for the fair outside were in full swing and it was hard to find him. Before they make much headway, a voice stops them. 

"Sasha. Elena.", Jeremy calls out walking towards them.

"Hey", Sasha smiles at him. She missed her brother a lot. 

"Hey, have you seen Stefan? We can't find him", Elena asks him.

"No, not lately. Listen, do you guys have a second?", Jeremy asks them. 

"Yeah, of course, Jeremy", Sasha tells him smiling.

"It's about Anna. I've left her all these messages and she hasn't gotten back to me yet. Not even a text message.". Jeremy looks concerned. Both girls stop walking. Elena hates the idea of Anna with her brother. Sasha wasn't the biggest fan of Anna, but he made her brother happy so who was she to judge him for that. 

"Anna? I didn't know that you two were still friends", Elena says. 

"We're more than friends", Jeremy replies. Suddenly things click for Sasha, that mus be the girl Lottie told her had been kissing Jeremy in front of the school. "Look something could be seriously wrong. So if you know anything, tell me". 

"Sorry Jer, I haven't talked to her", Sasha says, genuinely upset she couldn't be of more help. She could see how worried he was. 

"Are you lying to me right now?", Jeremy asks her surprising Sasha.

"Jer, don't talk like that", Elena scolds him. 

"Don't play mother Elena. It's what she does, it's what you both do. You lie. You lie about everything.", Jeremy says angrily. Both girls are taken aback by his hostility. "I know what Anna is and I know that you both know. So tell me do you have any idea where she is?". 

Sasha was shocked that he knew, but it made sense. It explained why he had been acting so distant. Sasha could see that hate in his eyes and she hated that her betrayal was the cause for it.

"No. I don't know where she is", Elena replies truthfully. Jeremy starts walking away but Sasha runs after him. 

"Jer! Wait!", she didn't care that they had to tell Stefan about the device, her first priority was her brother. She finally caught up with him. Sasha grabbed his arm to pull him back but Jeremy just shook it off.

"What Sasha? Whatever excuse you're going to give me please save it. Nothing you tell me is going to fix this", he says angrily.

And Jeremy was right. No matter what Sasha told him at the end of the day she still lied to her brother and there was no forgiving that. "I'm sorry Jer", was all Sasha could say. Jeremy could see the regret in her eyes but it still wasn't enough for him so he walked away. Sasha watched him go, understanding that he needed some space and she'd try again later. But before her thoughts could keep running a loud noise followed by a scream interrupted her. Sasha turned around frantically trying to determine the source of the sound. That's when she sees Matt lying on the ground with a trailer on top of his arm. Sasha sprinted to him and joined Tyler and some other guys trying to lift it up. The trailer was extremely heavy and they couldn't get it far enough off the ground for Matt to dislodge his arm. Sasha was giving it all her strength when Stefan showed up and almost instantly they lifted the trailer off the ground. Matt got his arm out from under it and laid on the ground. Sasha crouched down near him checking if he was alright. How does this happen to someone? Caroline and Charlotte come running to check on Matt as well. 

"Caroline, call an ambulance", Stefan tells her. He starts checking if Matt is ok but both him and Sasha get distracted by Elena shouting Jeremy's name. Sasha immediately gets up and starts looking around for her brother, her heart going a mile a minute. 

"This can not be happening", Sasha thought. 


Sasha, Stefan, Bonnie, and Elena were in a classroom. Sasha was pacing around nervously. Her brother had just been kidnapped and there was nothing she could do about it. Isobel wanted the device but the device was with Damon and he'd never hand it over like that. Especially since it supposedly hurt vampires. 

"Where is the device now?", Bonnie asks.

"Damon has it. He's gonna be difficult to reason with", Stefan states.

"Then we'll go to him.", Elena started before something Isobel had told her came to mind. "Sasha will ask him". Sasha stops her pacing to look at her older sister like she's crazy.

"Are you insane? Why would me asking him change his mind?", Sasha asks dumbfounded. 

Stefan looked between Sasha and Elena not understanding why Elena was saying that. "He's just not gonna hand it over. Especially if it's harmful to vampires.", Stefan says. 

Before Elena can argue Sasha has an idea. "Well what if it wasn't dangerous?", she turns to Bonnie smiling. 

At the Salvatore house, the foursome is trying to convince Damon to hand over the device. 

"Absolutely not", Damon is angry that they're even asking.

"Hear me out", Elena tries arguing. 

Damon doesn't even let Elena get far before interrupting her. "I'm not going to give the device to Isobel so she can give it to John and he can turn and kill me. I like being a living dead person". 

"But it will be useless. Bonnie can take away its power..", Elena tells him desperately.

"I don't trust her", Damon says. 

"I can remove the original spell.", Bonnie tries to persuade him.

"John and Isobel will never have to know", Elena says.

"No. No. I'll get Jeremy my own way", Damon refuses to let John and Isobel win like this. 

"Really?", Stefan asks skeptically, "Because Isobel is a vampire, and Jeremy can die as soon as you walk through those doors."

"Are you up for this? No offense but you're no Emily Bennett. Emily knew what she was doing.", Damon taunts Bonnie. 

"I've been practicing", Bonnie assures him. 

"It's not piano lessons honey". 

Bonnie gets up from where she was standing and walks angrily towards him. "What's your favorite book?". 

Damon rolls his eyes, "What?".

"Name a book. Any book", Bonnie asks again. 

"Name a book ... How about "Call of the wild", Jack London." Bonnie turns around and looks at a bookshelf concentrating on it. After a few seconds, a book comes flying out from the shelf and flies directly into Damon's hand. 

Damon looks at the book in his hand, "Jack London. Nice parlor trick".

"Enough!", Sasha calls out startling everyone. She had listened to everyone try and persuade him and she was done with it. Her brother had been kidnapped by a crazy-ass vampire who had threatened to kill him. Standing around arguing was just wasting time they didn't have. Sasha turns to Damon and walks towards him. "This is Jeremy we are talking about. I'm not going to let anything happen to him. So just please give us the device so we can save him". 

Damon looks down at Sasha. Her eyes that usually shine with happiness are scared. He wants to help her, but the fear of dying scares him more. 

"I don't trust you. I tried to kill you", Damon turns to Bonnie.

"You're right. You can't trust me", Bonnie counters.

Sasha sighs in annoyance. "But you can trust me", Sasha tells him, trying to get through to him. There has to be some part of him that cared. Damon looked at her and gave in. Reaching into his pocket he hands over the device. "Thank you", Sasha tells him before he walks away. 

Bonnie got all her ingredients ready for the spell and in no time she was ready to start performing it. The other four sat stood around her waiting. Sasha was nervous, she wanted her brother back safe and sound more than anything, but she also didn't want Damon nor Stefan to get hurt by this device. Bonnie starts working on the spell. The lights start flickering and the flames on the candles and the fireplace grow. 

"Done", Bonnie states.

"Great. Now what?", Damon asks.

Now we give it to Isobel", Elena says. But something felt off to Sasha. A device to harm all vampires would have to be a big spell. And the spell to counter it was that simple. Something wasn't right and Sasha knew it.


The plan was simple. The boys and Sasha would accompany Elena to the town square where she was set to meet Isobel to exchange the device for Jeremy. Sasha was supposed to hang back with the boys while Elena went to do the exchange since she was supposed to meet Isobel alone. It was a quiet dark night and even though it was cold Sasha was running on adrenaline. The fear of losing her brother was too much for her, she had to think good things only. But having her sister go to meet up with a crazy vampire wasn't helping her. Sasha wanted to go with her sister to keep her safe. 

"Don't worry, if she's ever in danger we'll step in", Stefan's voice startled the girl from her thoughts. He reached out to hold her hand and she shyly smiled up at him. Sasha was too far away to hear the conversation but after a while, Stefan told her to walk towards Elena. So the trio walked in behind Isobel. Now Sasha was close enough to hear what they were saying. 

"For God's sake, call home", Isobel says, "Call home and ask to speak to Jeremy". Elena took out her phone and dialed. Sasha looked at her sister intently trying to gather some clues from her body language that her brother was safe at home. 

"Jeremy! Are you ok?", Sasha hears Elena say into the phone. She releases a breath she didn't realize she had been holding. 

"You were never gonna hurt him", Elena states out loud.

"No, I was gonna kill him", Isobel admits. "Don't look for any redeeming qualities in me. I don't have any". 

"How did you know Damon was going to give the device to Sasha?", Elena asks. Sasha feels taken aback at being brought into the conversation. This situation didn't concern her and when had Elena and Isobel discussed her and Damon? 

"Because he's in love with her", Isobel states like it's the most obvious thing in the world. Sasha is shocked. Isobel had to be playing at something, there's no way what she said is true. Sasha looks up at Damon but he won't meet her eyes. She looks over at Stefan but he has a face of resignation leaving her even more confused. 

Elena hands over the device. "Thank you."

"For what?", Isobell asks her. 

"For being such a monumental disappointment. It keeps the memory of my real mother completely intact", Elena tells her.

"Goodbye, Elena. But don't fret about Damon his feelings for you are growing and then you'll be doomed, just like Katherine.", Isobel leaves with her two lackeys. Sasha doesn't know how to feel about what Isobel said. Did Damon really love her? Because if he did she was there waiting for him to notice her. But what about the things about Elena? Sasha didn't want to fall for a guy if he had feelings for someone else. Even worse if that person was her own sister. With her wandering mind, Sasha didn't notice that her sister was upset, but Stefan had and he went over to console her. Sasha was left alone next to Damon looking at the perfect couple in front of them. And for the first time since meeting the boy next to her, she felt alone. Yes, he was next to her but he might as well be a million miles away. He'd never be hers and she'd just have to deal with it. The last thing she wanted was a broken heart. 


The last thing Sasha wanted was to go back home, but she didn't really have a choice on the matter. Going up the stairs she was dreading running into Jeremy. He must hate her and with reason. She passed by her brother's room and saw that the door was open. 

"Hey", Sasha says shyly. Jeremy looked over at her and ignored her. "I just wanted to know if you're ok", she tries again. 

"I'm fine Sasha. Just leave", Jeremy says angrily.

"I didn't want you to find out this way", Sasha didn't want to leave knowing her brother hated her. "I told Elena to tell you the whole truth. But you don't understand you were so upset the night that Vicki died, it broke us to see you like that. And this whole situation, it's complicated I didn't want to see you get hurt. Neither of us wanted to see that. Please I'm sorry".

"Yeah save the pity party for yourself I read about it all in Elena's diary", Jeremy retorts.

"That's how you found out? You read Elena's journal?", Sasha was shocked at this.

"Don't even try to scold me about invading her privacy, you both stole my memories!", Jeremy shouted back.

Sasha didn't know how to respond to that. "I'm sorry ok. Just know that if I could go back in time and change it I would.".

"Just leave.", Jeremy tells her not meeting her eyes. Sasha sighs and walks over to her own room defeated. Tears threatened to spill from her eyes, but she waited until she was behind closed doors before falling against the door crying, trying to hold back her sobs. Sasha didn't want anyone to know she was hurting. 

S1 Ep22

Tonight was finally the day of the Founder's parade. Sasha couldn't be more excited she was done with all this founder's stuff. Ever since the Founder's events started it seemed like everything that could've gone wrong went wrong. Sasha was walking the fair with Charlotte. The two of them hadn't volunteered to dress up for one o the floats and they weren't part of the Founder's court so they had gone to the fair earlier to try and have fun tonight. 

The two were walking around looking at the preparations for the parade. The entire town had turned up for this since they prided themselves so much on these Founder's events. The streets were filled with people setting up booths for tonight's fair and students setting up their floats with teachers. The floats would consist of different scenes from Mystic Falls history and then the founder's court float. Although Sasha wasn't keen on the parade, the fair wasn't the worst thing. Charlotte was trying to animate her best friend but had had no luck yet. 

"C'mon Sasha. What's up with you?", Charlotte asks starting to get worried. 

"Nothing. I'm fine", Sasha lies badly. She wants to tell Charlotte about it but if Sasha did, she'd also have to tell her best friend about the supernatural. Something Sasha couldn't do. But then again, not telling her brother about it had only made things worse. 

"You're a terrible liar. You can trust me, you know that", Charlotte felt like since this school year had started, Sasha had been acting differently and wasn't being fully honest with her. The two had had this conversation before and Sasha had assured her that the reason why she couldn't talk about it was because it wasn't her secret to tell. But now Charlotte could see that this secret, whatever it was, was emotionally affecting her. 

Sasha let the warm breeze clear away her thoughts. She knew she should tell Charlotte about everything that was happening, but Sasha had promised Stefan. "I withheld something from Jeremy. He found out about and now he's mad at me and won't speak to me", Sasha confesses. She knew this wasn't the full truth but it was better than nothing. 

Charlotte pondered on her friend's words while they kept walking. "Well, why didn't you tell him the truth?".

"Elena asked me not to tell him, which is a dumb excuse not to. But she did it to protect him. And, you know, I agreed with her. I did believe that by keeping this from him it was the safest thing for him, but now I'm not so sure", Sasha says. And it was the truth. At first, she was adamant about Elena telling her family, at least an adult. But as things progressed and Sasha realized how dangerous being near the supernatural was she agreed with her older sister. But what if one of the friends was kidnapped by a vampire, like Jeremy was last night, and they didn't know how to protect themselves against vampires? That would be on Sasha's shoulders.

Charlotte stopped walking and looked her friend in the eyes. "You know I'm a firm believer in telling people the truth, I think more harm can come from lying than anything else. But you were coming from a place where you wanted to protect Jeremy, you weren't doing it maliciously. So I can see both sides". Charlotte also knew she had never told Matt the truth about her feelings from him and so she didn't have the highest moral ground to walk on. "In the end, you lied and Jeremy found out about it. The only thing you can do now is give him space until he can forgive you. He's your brother, he can't stay mad at you forever.".

"You really underestimate Jeremy's ability to hold a grudge", Sasha says half laughing half-serious. Before Charlotte can comment she spots Elena wearing a ball gown. "Look!", she exclaims pointing, "Elena looks so pretty". 

Sasha follows Charlotte's finger and sees her older sister standing near the floats. Elena is wearing a very pretty ball gown, from the time of the Founders. Her normally straight hair was in a half up half down hairstyle and curled to perfection. She looked like a princess. She looked exactly like Katherine. Sasha had only ever seen a small picture of the vampire girl in Stefan's belongings, and it was uncanny how similar the two were. Yes, they were supposed to be doppelgangers of each other and so were supposed to be identical. But there was always something about the two that Sasha could distinguish. But today Elena looked eerily similar to Katherine. But then a certain jet black hair caught her eye. A few feet in front of her stood Damon and Stefan looking at Elena. Stefan was looking at her with love in his eyes, which was to be expected but the way Damon was looking at her made Sasha's stomach twist. The words Isobel had said last night came back to her. 

"Let's just go", Sasha says dragging Charlotte along not wanting to look at that scene anymore. 

"Uh, ok". Charlotte let herself be led by her best friend, but it didn't escape Charlotte that as soon as Damon came into view Sasha's mood instantly changed.


The sun had quickly set leaving the town of Mystic Falls in darkness. The day that had been warm and sunny had now turned to a chilly night. The parade had been as boring as Sasha had assumed it was going to be. Standing in the sun with a crowd of people around her watching as the floats passed by at a snail pace. Was she a bit jealous that her older sister looked exactly like her crush's ex that he was madly in love with? Maybe. But did Sasha let that affect her mood even the tinniest? Yes. Sasha hated that this was affecting her, she had always thought that she would be better than this. But apparently not.

"Hey Sasha, wait!", a voice called out. Sasha turned around seeing Tyler, still in his battle clothing, running up towards her. She had left Charlotte to go look for her sister but hadn't been able to find her. 

"Hey. The float looked really good", Sasha smiles at him but he doesn't smile back. "Everything ok?".

"Matt still won't talk to me", Tyer confesses.

Sasha sighed a bit and looked up at her friend. "You know what you did to him was pretty bad. No actually it was terrible. It's not something someone can forgive just like that. Just be there for him but give him space until he's ready". Sasha realized how Charlotte had told her the same exact thing earlier. "Hey, have you seen Jeremy anywhere?".

"Yeah, I saw him at the Grill. You ok?", Tyler asks finding her behavior odd. 

Sasha smiled at him. "Yeah. I just need to go find my brother. I'll see you later". Sasha hugged him before making her way to the Grill to talk to her brother. The cold air beat against her face while she walked through the crowded streets. But in no time she was inside the Grill. It was as full as the streets outside, but it was mostly people her own age all hanging out. Sasha gets on her tiptoes trying to spot her brother above the crowd but has no such luck. She starts walking deeper into the restaurant but her path is suddenly blocked by none other than Damon. Sasha looks up into his blue eyes and feels her heart skip a beat. 

"Why weren't you all dressed up in a ball gown?", Damon asks her.

"I wasn't part of the founder's court", Sasha replies with a frown since it was a pretty obvious answer. 

"That's good. The period look would not suit you. You look prettier like this", he says smirking.

Sasha looks at him confused, "Is that supposed to be a compliment?".

"Yes. A compliment of the highest order Sasha.". His smirk just grows. 

Sasha tries to hide her blush and how his smirk makes her flustered. Sasha looks back up at his eyes and his stare unnerved her. "Stop that".

"Stop what?", Damon asks batting his eyelashes feigning innocence. 

Sasha rolls her eyes. "You know what. That thing you do with your eyes".

"What thing?". He again tries feigning innocence but does the exact eye thing Sasha accused him of doing.

"That thing", she points, "Where you try to undress me with your eyes". 

"So you don't like it when I do it?", Damon takes a step closer to her. Sasha can smell his cologne that smelt of mint and bad decisions. Sasha tried to keep a straight face, but she couldn't contain her smile. 

"You're terrible", Sasha says shaking her head smiling. But out of the corner of her eye, she spots Jeremy eating at a table alone and the reason why Sasha had come to the Grill in the first place came back. Sending Damon an apologetic smile she tells him, "I need to go talk to Jeremy. See you later". 

Jeremy was sitting at a table alone, eating some fries. He didn't notice her walking towards him until Sasha was right in front of him. When they finally. make eye contact, Sasha starts talking. "I know you think we can't move past this but I need to try and fix this. You're my brother and I love you. I made a stupid decision and I'm so sorry. But you can't stay mad at me forever. Just tell me what I can do to fix this.". Sasha stood there hopefully waiting for an answer. 

"You can go to hell Sasha", Jeremy says before getting up and walking away. Sasha wasn't expecting that answer. She couldn't believe he hated her like that. Standing alone in the middle of the Grill she tried not to let the tears spill from her eyes. 


Charlotte and Sasha were at the Grill eating and hanging out. Both girls weren't in the mood to attend the ceremony in the town square, so they were hiding out at the Grill. Sasha was still upset about what happened with her brother and Charlotte had a front-row seat to Caroline and Matt being all lovey-dovey with each other. So neither of the girls was in a good mood. 

"Do you ever think about leaving?", Charlotte suddenly asks.

"Leaving Mystic Falls?", Sasha asks confused.

"Yeah. I don't know. Sometimes I just feel like this town is too small. It gets claustrophobic sometimes. I never experienced life outside of this town".

Sasha thinks over the situation. "Yeah. I do. All the time. I love this town, it's my home. But sometimes I just wish I could pack everything up and go discover a new place", Sasha smiled just thinking about the idea. She had never left Mystic Falls, much less the state. So it had always been a dream of hers to travel. 

Charlotte, who a few seconds ago had been upset, was now smiling brightly. "I have an idea. How about me make a pact?".

"I'm intrigued", Sasha says. "A pact about what?".

"As soon as we graduate we leave this town and explore the world. Just the two of us", Charlotte held up her pinky finger.

Sasha smiled just at the thought of discovering a new place with her best friend. "I love that.". She also held up her pinky finger shaking it with Charlotte's. "As soon as we graduate. We're out of here". The two girls smiled at each other before being interrupted by Charlotte's phone ringing.

"It's my mom", Charlotte explained before stepping away from the table to answer it. Sasha started playing with her straw when she noticed Mayor Lockwood talking to Tyler. She noticed it because he was talking aggressively to Tyler. Matt and Caroline stepped in making the situation even weirder. Sasha started feeling like something wasn't right. She sat there and watched as Matt, Tyler, and Caroline left the Grill in a hurry. "Weird", she said to herself.

After a few seconds, Charlotte returned to the table. But Sasha noticed her worried gaze. "My mom told me I had to go home. She sounded pretty freaked out. She also said you should go home".

"Is everything ok?", Sasha asks worriedly.

"I don't know she was very vague. But my dad is outside. Do you want a ride?", Charlotte starts getting her things.

"I have to find Elena. We were supposed to leave together", Sasha also got her things and started texting her sister. 

"Stay safe", Charlotte hugged her friend before leaving out the front door. Sasha could see how rattled Charlotte was after the phone call. But why was her mother so adamant about them leaving now before the ceremony? That was extremely unlike her mother who loved Founder's events just as much as the other Founding family members. But Sasha was kind of done with today so she went in search of her sister outside. The air was cold outside and Sasha was glad she had brought a jacket with her. The town square was buzzing with people and it was hard to navigate through the crowd. Sasha was just blindly zig-zagging through the crowd when a hand grabs her arm and pulls her to the side. She bumps into a solid chest and looking up she sees it's Damon. 

"Jesus you scared me", Sasha straightens up but Damon grabs both her arms with urgency.

"Look the tomb vampires are here", he says quickly.

"What? Hadn't they left? That's what pearl had said", Sasha interrupts him. 

"Well, they didn't get very far. Look you have to get Elena and your brother and get the hell out of here ok? Go to your house and stay inside", Damon tells her. Sasha nods her head and goes in search of her siblings. She was so worried about them that Sasha left too quickly to hear Damon ask her to be safe. 

The crowd was buzzing with electricity and Sasha could barely make her way through it. As the seconds passed by she got more and more worried she hadn't spotted them. But after a bit, Sasha does spot a familiar face. 

"Ric!", Sasha calls out running towards him. "The tomb vampires are here and I can't find Elena nor Jeremy", she rushes out.

"I know Damon told me. We need to get out of here now", Ric says. The two start searching for Elena and Jeremy. The fireworks start going off which meant that they dimmed the lights in the town's center making their job harder. They were trying to get through the crowd when the man in front of Sasha fell to the ground holding his head in agony. 

"Are you ok?", Sasha asks worriedly crouching down to try and check if the man was ok, but Ric holds her back. She looks up at him confused when two officers show up and inject the man with something before carrying him away. Sasha started looking around seeing more people on the ground. And that's when everything clicked. They were rounding up the vampires. She looks at Ric and they start running. When they break through the crowd Sasha finally spots her sister. She's crouched down near Stefan who's also on the ground. 

"Get up", Alaric tells Stefan as soon as they reach him. The three of them help carry Stefan to the backdoor of the Grill. 

"He just dropped", Elena explains. 

"Yeah he's not the only one", Sasha informs her, "Cops are grabbing everyone who's going down and injecting them with what I assume is vervain". 

"What?", Elena asks worriedly.

"Yeah. They're rounding up the vampires", Sasha says. 

They sit there waiting until Stefan feels better.

"Are you ok?", Sasha asks him.

"Yeah. It was like needles piercing my skull. But then it just stopped", Stefan explains. 

"We saw at least 5 vampires go down", Alaric tells Stefan and Elena. "They're taking them to your family's old building". 

"It's the Gilbert device", Stefan says, "It has to be".

"But how did he get it to work?", Elena asks. "Bonnie unspelled it".

"Maybe she didn't", Ric says. And Sasha is reminded of how easy it looked to unspell the device. She had felt like was something was off. 

"She did. We saw he do it", Elena says firmly.

"No, no. He's right. Think about it", Stefan states. "We asked Bonnie to deactivate a device that could protect people from vampires". 

"So we could protect you", Elena argues.

"And Damon. Vampires", Stefan says. "Where's Damon?".

"I don't know. He told me to go home and I didn't see him again", Sasha tells him. She turns to Ric. "Can you get my brother? Take him home". 

"Of course", he tells her.

Ric went to look for Jeremy and Elena, Stefan, and Sasha went to the Gilbert's old Family building in search of Damon. Standing outside the building was Uncle John. Sasha ran up to him leaving the other two behind her. 

"Where's Damon?", she asked breathlessly. John turned around with a sinister smile. 

"With the rest of them.", he looks at Stefan, "Where he should be. It's over for Damon". 

"You're crazy", Sasha doesn't want to even imagine a possibility where Damon dies.

"Why? Because I'm doing what should've been done 145 years ago. This is the right thing", John tells them. He notices Stefan looking towards the building. "Go ahead. You won't make it out. You'd be saving me the trouble from killing you myself". 

"You guys know the building well", Stefan is talking to the girls. "Is there another entrance?". 

"Utility door. There's one around the side", Elena points towards it. Stefan walks towards it with the girls following him. But John stops Elena from going much further. Sasha and Stefan run towards the utility door. They reach the door and Stefan gets ready to use his vampire strength to open it. 

"Hey! You can't go in there", Bonnie's voice stops them. "The fire will kill you both". 

"He's my brother, Bonnie", Stefan goes inside and so does Sasha before Bonnie gets a chance to stop here. Inside the building the heat is insufferable. There's smoke clinging to the ceiling and it's hard to breathe. Sasha can hear screams coming from the basement. They reach the door and Stefan tries to open it but the door handle burns him. Sasha pulls her sleeve over her hand and opens the door for him. The sight before her is terrifying. The stairs are covered with flames and the building is collapsing on the vampires downstairs. There's no way either of them can pass through the flames. Like a miracle sent from above the flames die down and there's a clear path through the stairs. Stefan doesn't even give her the chance to argue before he speeds downstairs to grab Damon. In no time Stefan comes back up supporting Damon. Sasha helps him bring Damon outside. He was causing a lot, but overall he looked fine. Sasha was just thankful they had made it out of there alive. 


After having made it out of that death trap alive they had gone to the Grill. Ric had brought Jeremy home safe and sound. And Damon had left to do god knows what. Elena was getting some of her things, which left Sasha alone with Stefan.

They were just sitting in silence when Stefan spoke up. "You could've died today. You shouldn't risk your life like that".

Sasha looked at him. "Neither should you". 

"I'm a vampire Sasha, you're not. You can't go into these situations blindly".

"It was Damon", Sasha says quietly.

Stefan looked at her with sad eyes. "He's just going to end up hurting you".

"I don't know what you're talking about", Sasha played with a loose string from her jacket not wanting to talk about this.

"I'm talking about him breaking your heart. He's not a good person.", Stefan tells her. 

Sasha looks up at him with sad eyes. "You risked your life for him". 

Stefan laughs a self-deprecating laugh. "Yeah well don't look at me for a role model".

Sasha studied his reaction. Maybe Isobel's comments hadn't only affected her. "She loves you. You know that right? She's crazy about you and she'd never change that for anyone else".

This time it's Stefan not meeting her eyes. Sasha teaches across the table holding his hand. "She's not Katherine". 

Stefan looks at her eyes, "And you deserve better than Damon". They sit like that, each thinking about what the other had said before Elena comes up and interrupts them. 

"Hey Sasha, do you mind going by the school and picking up my things? I'll meet you back at home. You can take my car and Stefan can take me".

Sasha looked at her and smiled, "Yeah sure. Where did you leave your stuff?".


Sasha was going up the stairs of their porch with an annoyed expression. She was on the phone with her sister. "Yeah someone definitely took your stuff. I looked for it all over the school.". And indeed she had. But it was like someone had just left with Elena's stuff, which was pretty weird because who would want her dress from the Founder's court.

"Ok", Elena said through the phone, "Just check on Jeremy and then meet us at the hospital ok?".

"Yeah, sure", Sasha hung up the phone and opened the door. "Jeremy? Are you up?", she called up the stairs. The house was eerily quiet as if no one was there. Suddenly a crashing noise startles Sasha. She looks in the direction the sound came from. The kitchen. Was someone else home? Sasha slowly approaches it.


chapter word count: 7638


Hey guys! I finally updated again. Sorry for going MIA once more. I legit procrastinated writing this chapter so much. I would edit videos for TikTok and make the graphics for like Season 4 when I haven't even gotten there yet. But it's here so yey. And if you want to go check out my TikTok account it's the name of my fanfic. You can go check out my shit edits. 

Season 1 is officially done and I couldn't be more excited. I think the story really gets going now during season 2 because it's kind of when Elijah and then later one Klaus come to town and when Sasha and Damon's relationship grow. I hope you guys are liking the story so far because I'm loving writing it. Please comment because I like want to hear your opinions and how I could make this story better for you guys. Well it's getting pretty late here and I want to update the S2 graphics, so see you in the next season. Thank you so much <3.

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